This Photo, Taken Against A Background Of Snow, Appears To Be A Form Of Demonic Manifestation.
The Dyatlov Group Psychic Photography 4 - Spirit Mesh and/ or Ectoplasm
Valentin Yakimenko describes some of the physical manifestations, as resembling "the structure of woven mesh." The above example is very interesting, in that it appears to be suspended, above the landscape of snow, with a shadow being cast. The primary manifestation is oddly figurative and reminds me of when higher level demons manifest for mediums, during sittings and table turning sessions, in the form of ectoplasm. It includes a number of smaller manifestations, within its structure and two small bright orbs of light. There appears to be a partial physical manifestation [animal face?], in association with the small orb of light, to the right hand side of the photo. I include an enlargement, of this section of the photo [below], to the left:
I compare this enlarged section, of the 'spirit mesh' photo, with that of another demonic [fallen angelic] manifestation, that was photographed in the sky, with an aeroplane in the background. When in orb form, the fallen angels appear to be able to create three dimensional objects and/ or shapes, that can appear and disappear.

Above is an enlargement of a section of the 'mesh' photograph [centre]. It is part of the mesh [or mist] like substance, that appears to be suspended above the ground, casting shadows in the snow, that has been lit up by a torch, or a camera flash. It is clearly figurative [looks like a couple of people] and again, it reminds me of when higher level demons manifest for mediums, during sittings, in the form of ectoplasm.

Above is an enlargement of a section of the photograph [left of centre]. It is part of the mesh [or mist] like substance, that appears to be suspended above the ground, casting shadows in the snow, that has been lit up by a torch, or a camera flash.
This wispy mesh like structure can often be seen in spiritual or psychic photography and has been refered to as ectoplasm [pictured above], when produced in association with sittings or channeling of 'spirits' [demons], performed by mediums, who have been deceived into thinking, that they are actually contacting people who have died.
I compared the 'mesh'photo, with two more examples of 'spirit photography', that is more akin to 'mist' than 'mesh', but is still similar in structure and characteristic.
Here is a brief definition, of the physical effects, on the 'spirit' medium, when ectoplasm is involved: "They usually include a woman medium, who is forced into varying degrees of displeasure by an internal disturbance. She is often photographed vomiting, lactating, or otherwise excreting a mesh-like substance that is believed to be an unhealthy force. Although the photographs make the expelled material look real, there was no physical evidence of it. In fact, ectoplasms were so fascinating simply because they vividly documented something too fleeting or invisible for the human eye to see." [A Brief History of Optics/ Spirit Photography, Angela L MSSPI]
Shortly before their deaths, at least several of the hikers in the Dyatlov group, were engaged in 'spirit' photography, involving possible physical demonic manifestation on the slopes of Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain] and shortly before that, the photographing so called 'UFO's, that appeared as bright light orbs, in the night sky.
The Dyatlov Group Psychic Photography 5 - Shape Shifting Light Object

Valentin Yakimenko describes the third group of photos as being; "bright, crisp geometric objects of various shapes", such as can be seen, in the [above] photo.
Higher level demons often assume faces, depicting themselves figuratively, in order to capture the attention of human beings. Did this demonic spirit, shape shift into this shape, as it assumed a more three dimensional form, with two dark dots as eyes, on a mushroom shaped face, in order to attract the attention of the four hikers?

The light object was dull in these old photographs, using cameras from the late 1950s, at night, under harsh conditions, with no lighting. But in person, the shapes that the demonic spirits were shifting into, were very likely alot brighter, like this:

This image [above] of a fallen angel in light orb form, manifesting as a fake UFO, was taken from the video documentary, The Urzi UFO Case, a UFOTV production, telling the story of multiple 'UFO' sightings, photographed by Antonio Urzi near Milan, Italy.
The Dyatlov Group Psychic Photography 6 - Possible Yeti Manifestation
This next photo [below], looks like the higher level demonic entity, is assuming the shape of a 'Bigfoot', [Yeti, Menk, Skinwalker], in order to possibly attempt, to then physically manifest. I do not know what the size of this manifestation would be, but it appears to be taken at ground level, against a plain back drop of snow, that lights up, with the camera flash and remains dark, beyond the perimeter of the flash.

Of course, it may just be another fleeting shape, that the demonic entity shifts into, but I can't help but to compare it, with a couple of photos [below] taken by Sara Brown, who was involved in 'Bigfoot' research, before renewing her connection with Jesus Christ and finding out, what these entities were all about, as they went 'berserker', after failing to lure her, back into more research. These photos were taken with a thermal imaging camera, showing the heat and she titled them the Ridge Watcher, since the entity was apparently manifesting, on the side of a ridge.
The two photos taken by Sara Brown [above], who gives an informed and interesting interview, in regards to her 'Bigfoot' experiences, on Josh Peck's program, The Sharpening Report. What animal can manifest from thin air, only to vanish again?
The Dyatlov Group Psychic Photography 7 - Light Object Playing Fake UFO
In his analysis of the photos, Valentin Yakimenko speculates that these objects could be seen as rectangular, or with smoke or steam coming from them. He sees some of the objects as having "some similarity with an aircraft." However, in this case, his assumption is incorrect, since all the 'objects', are of a 'paranormal' nature and can be compared with what people usually equate with UFOs and/ or spirit photography.

Yakimenko notes that "This frame is the last on the film, but it was in the film is still a place for 2 frames. They filmed - too fast object flew over them and disappeared behind the spur gory. Etot? frame as the last frame of the first group, they showed us the last moments of unusual celestial phenomena." In otherwords, the phenomenon ceased, before the member, had used up the entire film, in order to photograph it.

The above image, is what at least four members, of the Dyatlov group witnessed and photographed, shortly before fleeing the tent, on the night of their murders/ deaths.

Whereas these images [above], are of a curved shape, as well as degraded versions, of that same shape, that show the presence of individual demonic spirit orbs, that work as a group, in order to create a shape, for the eyewitness to then photograph.
This collection of images, were taken from the video documentary, The Urzi UFO Case, a UFOTV production, that tells the story of multiple so called 'UFO' sightings, photographed by Antonio Urzi near Milan, Italy. The documentary provides a good example, of how fallen angels and/ or higher level demons, are using selected human beings, in order to spread their fake alien UFO propaganda. The Dyatlov group were not used for this purpose, having been prepared as a blood sacrifice. Therefore the footage was hidden by the authorities, rather than promoted by 'UFO' organisations.
This image [left] is of an alleged UFO in Stretford, Manchester in the UK filmed in 2010. They Streford fallen angels and/ or shape shifting higher level demonic entities, [posing as fake UFOs], were seen by dozens of residents and were described as a formation of orange lights, intensely bright orbs, the colour of the setting sun. I compare this manifestation, with both the Urzi case in Italy and the Dyatlov incident in Russia. Yakimenko speculates that "... Perhaps the difference in shape and size ... due to the fact that [as] the object approached, [it] became a different shooting angle. The segments A1 and A2 belong to different cameras." This may be the case, but the changing imagery, is due to the movement of the individual orbs and/ or the shape shifting/ energy utilising abilities of the fallen angel[s]/ higher level demons.
The Dyatlov Group Photographers
Valentin Yakimenko speculates on who took the photos and how many they took and also talks of the missing film, of the three group members Zolotaryov, Brignolles and Slobodin: "In his [my] article (A-1), I have shown, based on the examination of the report of the tent, that a camera with a frame "Photo 2", belonged Slobodina. I thought that other [Rustem] Slobodin, later left the tent and had time, to make only one frame (the next moment a luminous object disappeared behind the mountains)."

Yakimenko continues; "... Today, I think differently. I think [Rustem] Slobodin photographed not 1, but many frames celestial phenomena. The absence of 24 frames of the [Slobodin] film, and the absence of 9 frames of the film and 12 frames Zolotarev [and] Thibault film[s], gives reason to believe, that Slobodin, as Zolotarev and Thibault, photographed a significant and, most importantly, the final part of the unusual celestial phenomena. I think 24 frames Slobodina, are in the same place and the final stretches of the films [Semyon] Zolotarev and [Nikolai] Thibault [Brignolles].
The film is number 2 of the camera Slobodina, used by the investigator, to take pictures of bodies, in the morgue and was manifested [developed], most likely in mid-March. I think the investigator Ivanov in March this film saw footage of the heavenly phenomena, against the dark night sky (Zolotarev and Thibault have not yet been found, and their cameras with films). In March 1959, the investigator Ivanov traveled to Moscow. After arriving from Moscow's behavior changed dramatically. Today, I think, in Moscow, Ivanov explained - what is unusual celestial phenomenon and what is the reason for a hasty withdrawal dyatlovtsev of the tent. But talk about heard he could not." Lev Ivanov, was ordered by soviet officials, to close the case.
A Night Sky Of Unusual Celestial Phenomenon

The Marfa 'Lights', Texas, USA Appear To Be Similar, To The 'Lights', That Semyon Zolotaryov Photographed.
Valentin Yakimenko, who was a fellow student to the Dyatlov group and the member of the rescue team, comes to some well researched and I believe, largely accurate conclusions, in regards to what for members of the Dyatlov group were photographing on the night of their deaths/ murders close to Mount Kholat Syakhl:
1. Films dyatlovtsev showed us practically the whole process of unusual celestial phenomenon from beginning to end.
2. Determine a reasonable degree of accuracy the duration of the observed phenomenon - (1.5 - 2) minutes.
4. On 8 segments Dyatlovsky films revealed more than 25 luminous objects, the reality of which I have no doubt.
5. There is no doubt that the observed phenomenon is of anthropogenic origin, ie, associated with human activities. [I would have to disagree with this point only].
6. Increasing from frame to frame size luminous point, ... I think, speaks of luminous objects moving in their direction to the pass.
7. Founded the first, back in 2011, the 2 frames of the heavenly phenomena, in films and Krivonischenko [and] Slobodina, where luminous objects [were] much larger ... indicates that the object - it was quite close above them.
In not having knowledge or understanding the motivations, abilitites and existence of fallen angels and higher level demons, the only other conclusion that we can come to, is that the phenomenon is somehow directly associated with human beings, such as as in rockets, aircraft, missiles, military testing etc. However, the photographs are clearly 'paranormal' or 'supernatural' in nature, and thus I conclude that these non-human enitities and intelligences, were purposefully and maliciously involved, with mesmerising frightening, harrassing and finally murdering the group of hikers, after the photos were taken, however not as a result of the photos being taken, since the murders of the nine hikers [including other groups of nine, both before and after that incident] are overtly symbolic and/ or ritualistic, in nature and had been preplanned, long before these adventurers knew, that they were going to participate in a hike, an innocent adventure into the mountains, where their lives would be abruptly ended.
"Then something happened that he was really not expecting. Williams arrived home from town August 15th, at 8.45pm, and noticed a bright light off to the north. Checking to make sure he had his camera with him, he sat in his truck and watched the light carefully. It appeared to either |
get brighter, or to head south toward his location. The man took a series of sixteen still photos that show thw light as it apparently flew towards him. The final photo was taken shooting straight up at an "enormous boomerang craft" as it hovered above him ... "
[p392, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
Last minutes
Yakimenko concludes his very informative and interesting article, with a few lines, on what he believes, were the last moments of the group, before fled from the tent down the side of the mountain on the night of Feb 1, 1959. "After observing celestial phenomena dyatlovtsy returned to the tent. But not all - Zolotarev and Thibault were on "the street", away from the tent 20 meters, probably by natural needs. The tent [two] began to undress, animatedly discussing what they see. The last in the tent crawled Slobodin, put the camera near the entrance, [zasnegnul?] entrance of the tent, took off his boots one, the second did not have time. Before an incident, forcing them to flee the tent and half-naked to rush down to his death, was only a few minutes. P.S. The pictures of the night sky - it documents. This is not speculation, not all sorts of notions, in multiple versions, of events on the pass." If only people involved in theorising on the Dyatlov Pass incident, had looked a little a closer at the evidence, the only mystery to remain, would be the mystery of inquity.

Members Of The Dyatlov Group, Were Involved In 'Spirit' and/or 'UFO' Photography, Shortly Before Their Deaths. |