The Bodies Of Yuri Krivonischenko and Yuri Doroshenko, Found By The Cedar Tree And Remains Of The Fire.
One can hardly imagine, what it must have been like, to be one moment be sitting amongst your hiking companions in a tent, sharing dried crackers and cocoa, smiling over the observations from the day, that were to be recorded in the very first edition of The Evening Otorten, a satiric news sheet, designed on the evening of 1st February, by a creative thinker in the group and in the next moment, to be breaking out of a tent, to suddenly find oneself, in a below freezing blizzard, wandering down a slope, with no skis and without shoes, in pitch dark, the burning cold stinging every party of ones exposed skin. Then, within a short period of time, to be frantically fighting for your very life, in front of ones hiking companions. What must Zinaida have felt, as she saw, who was very likely, the first love her life, desperately trying to stay alert and awake and failing in the attempt? And then, Igor Dyatlov, as the group leader, taking clothing, from the lifeless bodies, of their dead companions, who were under his knowledge and expertise, knowing full well, that with the cold now settling in, on his half dressed body and the first creeping feelings of hypothermic exhaustion, lulling him into a sense of complacency, that if he didn't act soon, he was very likely the next on the list to die. The fire was abandoned. One can only have great sympathy, with a sense of sorrow in the spirit, for the situation that befell these nine hikers, who had expected to reach Mount Otorten within a day or so.
The Dyatlov Pass website states that ... "The first two bodies of (Doroshenko and Krivonischenko) that were found from the Dyatlov Pass incident showed an expected pattern of death. They froze to death. Their clothes were removed by their friends. It might sound bad, but this is the reality of Siberia. If you can't keep yourself warm, you will die quickly. One of the most common myths that surround these deaths is a theory of so-called "paradoxical undressing". This theory ignores the fact that the bodies were undressed after they died and it was done by other members with a help of a knife in some cases. Different articles of clothing were simply cut from the dead bodies or taken off and used by other members of the group. The skiers clearly showed logical will to live. There was no state of panic and there were no illogical actions. Bodies were carefully and respectfully laid side by side and their possessions were divided among the survivors."
[The Dyatlov Pass website, http://dyatlov-pass.com/death#Krivonischenko]
Yuri Doroshenko
Tree Climbing, Falling And Hypothermia

Yuri Doroshenko Was The Tallest Member Of The Hiking Group Being 180cm [5ft 9 n] Tall.
On March 4, 1959 an autopsy was performed on the body of Yuri Doroshenko by the regional bureau forensic pathologist Boris Alekseevich Vozrozhdenny and the city medical examiner of Severouralsk Ivan Ivanovich Laptev in the presence of the prosecutor of Sverdlovsk region, Mr. N.L. Klinov and criminal prosecutor of the regional prosecutor's office, Lev Ivanov. Some of these injuries are as follows:
"On the right arm, in the middle third, there are two 2 x 1.5cm irregular-shaped brown red parchment-like abrasions without haemorrhages in the adjacent tissue. In the area of these abrasions, two linear incisions are made."
"On the inner left forearm, between the middle third and the lower third, there is a 0.6cm x 0.5cm irregular shaped oval skin wound. The edges of the wound are slightly pressed down and covered with clotted blood. An incision was made around this wound ..."
"External examination showed damage, such as multiple abraisons and skin wounds caused by a blunt object that could occur as the result of falling or bruising against stones, ice, and other objects. The injuries mentioned above occured while alive, during the agonal state and after death. The injuries mentioned above can be described as slight injuries without damage to health."
"The death was violent and accidental."
[The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem, Edited by Svetlana Oss, 15 January, 2017]
"What you're talking about with the CEDAR TREES, we know, or least, we think we know, from our own experiences and findings that, if there are CEDAR thickets available, that's a good place to find them."
[Bigfoot Pulls Man Underwater! Bigfoot Outlaw Radio Ep30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC7nPZFS_6w]
So Did 'Bigfoot' Put The Squeeze On Yuri Doreshenko? ...
The bruising and abrasions beneath Doroshenko's armpits, were more than likely caused by himself, when climbing through and holding on to the cedar tree branches, while trying to break off the larger limbs for the fire. This may have been done, by standing on a strong limb, holding onto another limb and stomping on the branch, out from and beneath his feet, while hanging on by his armpit. |
"Bigfoot" Puts The Squeeze On Steve Austin, In An Episode Of The 1970s Series; The Six Million Dollar Man.
The Dyatlov Pass website states that, "... The foamy grey fluid that was found on the right cheek of the deceased started the speculations that before death someone or something [KGB?], was pressing on his chest cavity. [The Dyatlov Pass website, http://dyatlov-pass.com/death#Doroshenko] However, pulmonary edema can also be cause by hypothermia, in accordance with the autopsy report: "Hypothermia affects all of your body functions. Blood flow to your muscles and tissues decreases. This can damage your blood vessels and lead to muscle and tissue death. You may develop pneumonia or pulmonary edema. Heart, liver, and kidney functions may slow or stop." [Allina Health, https://www.allinahealth.org/mdex/ND7586G.HTM] In this instance, I believe that the pulmonary edema, that Yuri Doroshenko suffered, was due to his death by hypothermia, rather than any kind of pressure to his chest.
Oval Wounds And Linear Incisions Around Wounds
At first glance, the linear incisions do not appear to make much sense. Firstly, the coroner recorded that there were two 'linear incisions' made beside two small abraisons on the right arm. Why would Yuri Doroshenko make them? Surely an cutaneous injury from a jagged tree branch would cause a jagged injury, not a linear incision and yet in their being two of them, they do seem to match the abraisions. But if they were made by the tree branches, then they would have been tears with a jagged edge, not a linear incision, as made with a scalpel, or straight edged knife.

Applying Pressure To A Tree Branch, In Various Ways, Will Allow You To See Which Way It Breaks.
Vozrozhdenny states that the linear incisions, were 'made' rather than 'caused', which suggests that something, or somone has created them, rather than them being caused by an accident. Even more perplexing, is that another incision, has been made around a small, irregular-shaped, oval skin wound, of only 0.6cm x 0.5cm. Was Doroshenko trying to keep himself awake and therefore alive, by cutting himself, as in self mutilation or self inflicted injuries? And if so, what did he use to make these wounds and why didn't he just cut his forearms? Why he would he cut borders around his own wounds, that is, unless he desired to draw attenton to them, for some reason ...
I note that the wound on Yuri Doreshenko's arm, as stated by Vozrozhdenny, in the autopsy report, was small and oval and that a male human mutilation victim from Brazil, has similar oval wounds on his arms, also being with 'slightly pressed down edges'. Furthermore, that there were also oval shaped wounds on the head, of Lyudmila Dubinina, "In the area of the left temporal bone there is a soft tissue defect sized 4cm x 4cm with the bottom of the defect exposing the temporal bone." and inside the body, Internal near heart. "In the area of the left ventricle there is an irregularLy oval-shaped haemorrhage sized 4 x 4cm with diffuse suffusion of the right ventricle muscle." [The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem, Edited by Svetlana Oss, 15 January, 2017] who I believe, was hit by a beam, from a fallen angel in light orb/ plasma ball form, removing facial skin, eyes, tongue and the floor of her mouth.

Fallen Angel In Light Orb/ Plasma Ball Form, Lazer Precision Cutting, Human Mutilation Victim From Brazil.
In regards to the markings placed on the bodies after death, that appear linear or of geometrical shapes [outlines] etc, there is evidence, that fallen angels [in plasma ball/ light orb form], cut with precision and that they have been known to do this cutting, after the target victim [as in cattle mutilations] was already dead. "On July 7, 1987, a dead steer was discovered near Hereford, Texas and the animal was inspected by a deputy sheriff who stated: "The animal died of blackleg, but the incisions were inflicted after death ..." [p218-19, Stalking The Herd, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014] They have also been known to create and/ or cut out, triangular shapes into the hides of cattle and other animals that they have mutilated.’ "The dead pigs had been typically mutilated, but also had unusual triangular marks on their bodies (similar marks had been seen on mutilated horses in the 1970s)." [p368, Stalking The Herd, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014] "This is getting too weird, ... When I dragged the second cow up to my bone pile, the first one I lost last month in November was laying there missing a perfect 10 x 10 x 10 [inch] triangle of hide off its side. Somone would have to had cut that triangle out but who would go up there and do that?" [p378, Stalking The Herd, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014] There are nearly always wounds that appear to have been performed with a lazer or a scalpel. "A lion will drag its kill. A coyote will rip and tear flesh. These were perfect cuts - like with a lazer or with a scalpel." [p447, Stalking The Herd, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014] So could the fallen angel in light orb/ plasma ball form, have done a bit more graffiti [ie; 'sacred' geometry, crop circle making etc], to the lifeless body of Yuri Doreshenko, on its way out of the area?
The 'Sacred' Geometry Of The Mackenzie Poltergeist
The infamous Mackenzie poltergiest, who is a demon [knight], who referes to himself as 'Mackenzie Knight', has been known to cut shapes into his victims skin. Here are few quotes, from eyewitness accounts of people, after they have visited The Black Mausoleum, in Greyfriars Kirkyard in Edinburgh, Scotland: "When I returned to my motel room that same night, I found a burn mark on my shoulder in a geometrically clean and distinctive pattern of two thin rectangles. [p3]" "I later discovered a bruise of an unusual shape (like a misshapen letter U) on my right inner thigh, about 3 inches in diameter. [p19]" [Source: Eyewitness Accounts of Mackenzie Poltergeist 'Attacks', Compiled by Jan Henderson, City Of The Dead Tours, 2002-2010]

View From The Cedar Tree In 2012, Where The Larger Branches, Had Been Broken Off, By The Hikers in 1959.
I maintain that the injuries that were received by the first two hikers to die, being Yuri Krivonischenko and Yuri Doroshenko, can be explained as 'natural injuries', sustained while climbing the cedar tree, in order to break off branches, to build a bigger fire. They were a result of paniced tree climbing, holding on to the branches and trunk of the cedar tree, the knocking down of smaller branches, by snapping off using hands and/ or arms [under elbow] and by stomping and/ or kicking etc. while holding onto other branches and the trunk, where human skin and pieces of clothing, were apparently was found embedded in the bark. "... climbing on the cedar, snapped off its boughs by the weight of their bodies, hanging and jumping on them, skinning their limbs to the meat and leaving traces of blood on the bark." [p74, Dyatlov Pass Keeps Its Secret, Irina and Vlad Lobatchev, Amanda Bosworth, Parallel World Books, 2013.] Rustem Slobodin, most likely up in the cedar as well, also made use of a small knife, that was later found in the pockets, "In Rustem's pockets there was a small knife on a long rope." [p76, Dyatlov Pass Keeps Its Secret, Irina and Vlad Lobatchev, Amanda Bosworth, Parallel World Books, 2013.]
Furthermore, that the deaths of Yuri Krivonischenko and Yuri Doroshenko, who had the least amount of clothing, were caused by hypothermia, after they fled the tent and were [prevented from/ or chose not to return.] They were scared away from the supplies that were necessary for survival and obviously felt that they were unable to return to the tent, which was only 1.5km away. I speculate that they were prevented from returning and that if they had attempted to do so, then, they would have been attacked on the side of the mountain, in the same way that Igor Dyatlov, Rustem Slobdoin and Zinaida Kolmogorova had been attacked. The injuries, of both Yuri Krivonischenko and Yuri Doroshenko, were considerd by Forensic Pathologist Boris Vozrozhdenny, to be minor and non-life threatening. But whoever, or whatever, was back there, on that mountain, at the tent site, was considered life threatening, by these two men, in so far that they chose to die, trying to keep a small fire going, rather than walking 1.5km back to the tent. They believed, that there was no chance in survival, when confronted with whatever had frightened them, back at the tent and that there was a reasonable chance of survival, by remaining away from the threat and by building a fire and then a snow den, at least for remainder of the night.
No one expected violence and death. Otherwise, the group would not have made the decision, to stay where they were. I personally think, that all nine hikers, intended go wait it out for the night, just inside the treeline, at the base of the mountain, until daylight, where they could at least see what was going on and where they hoped, that the present danger, that had assailed them in the tent site, would have moved on. Therefore, the group remained as close as they could, to their supplies [especially their shoes, outerwear and skis] in the tent, thereby choosing to focus on the tent, rather than the cache, while remaining out of the wind, just inside the treeline. Dyatlov's group did the right thing, in order to ensure their survival, under pressure and stress, after having been suprised, by a frightening and unexpected situation.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |