The Dyatlov Pass Hikers, Suffered Similar Injuries, To "Bigfoot" & "UFO" Attack & Missing 411 Victims.
In this series of articles, I am going to examine the injuries [mainly external, with some details of the internal injuries], received by the nine Dyatlov Pass hikers; Yuri Krivonischenko, Yuri Doroshenko, Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova, Igor Dyatlov, Semyon Zolotaryov, Lyudmila Dubinina, Alexander Kolevatov, Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles, that contributed to and/ or directly resulted in their deaths, on 2nd February, 1959, on the slopes of Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], in the northern Ural Mountain Ranges in Russia. My focus will continue to be on the supernatural aspect of the injuries, that were caused from a physical demonic manifestation of fallen angels, [or powers] in light orb/ plasma ball form ie; "UFOs" and/ or the manifestation, in the form of a cryptid ie; "Bigfoot" with the ability to materialise and dematerialise. I'm going to compare the injuries of the Dyatlov hikers, with the injuries received by other people, who gave eyewitness testimony against "Bigfoot" manifestation and so called "UFO" light orb encounters, of fallen angels [powers], in light orb/ plasma ball form, including the David Paulides Missing 411 cases, with mention of the infamous The Mackenzie Poltergeist, who is a resident demon [knight, power] of Greyfriars Kirkayrd in Edinburgh, Scotland. I'm going to make obvious connections/ similarities as to what happened to these people, in regards to some of the documented encounters, attacks and injuries, in order to have people understand, that it is all the same perpetrator, that being, fallen angels and/ or demons, that appear to be able to assume, some degree of physical form and abilities, that are then used to harm human beings physically, in this dimension.
The General Nature Of The Injuries
In regards to the injuries received by the hikers and after having studied the autopsy reports, there appear to be two sets of injuries/ with four sub categories for each set, that contributed to and/ or caused, the deaths of all nine hikers. I've placed these injuries under the headings of 'Natural Causes' and 'Supernatural Causes.'

The Dyatlov Hiking Group Erected The Tent, Suspended On A Rope Tied To Nearby Trees, Inside The Treeline.
1. GENERAL INJURIES: hiking and camping. This would include minor scratches and abrasions to exposeed skin, such as the hands. For example, the injuries that some of the group received, on their hands from rusty nails, when looking for firewood at North-2 settlement, frost bite, particularly to exposed extremities such as the fingers, toes, nose, ears, lips etc.
2. INJURY BY ACCIDENT: This might include twisted ankle, a knee injury sustained by Alexander Kolevatov that Zinaida Kolmogorova was wrapping, in their final photo at the campsite, injuries such as scratches, cuts and abrasions, caused by climbing, hanging onto and/ or falling from the cedar tree, while attempting to break off branches, in order to start a fire, or by being burned by being too close to the fire.
3. FATAL ACCIDENT: Hypothermia, freezing, exposure, falling down [from height onto hard surface, suck as rocks, ice etc.]
4. CHANGES TO BODY POST MORTEM: Post mortem changes, to the physical structure of the body over time, interference [post mortem] by small animal scavangers, as in passing by and taking a nibble on exposed extremities, such as the tips of the nose, ears and lips, changes caused by immersion in running or still water.

Fallen Angel and/ or Higher Level Demon, Manifesting In Light Orb Form And In "Bigfoot" Cryptid Form.
1. MINOR IMPACT/ TRAUMA INJURIES: Injuries caused by demonic "Bigfoot" manifestation, including blows to face - abraisons, lesions, scratches, cuts to skin.
2. MAJOR IMPACT/ TRAUMA INJURIES: Skull trauma involving blunt object/ instrument, trauma injuries to skull and neck, including soft tissue damage and bone fractures, being hit with an object such as club, rock or tree branch, Injuries to skull [with no soft tissue damage] from being smashed, hurled, thrown down and/ or dropped with great force. Injuries caused by 'explosive force' of impact, or the squeezing, crushing of the chest cavity, causing bone fractures/ breakage to ribs, internal organ damage and resulting in death.
3. HUMAN MUTILATION INJURIES: Injuries caused by fallen angel/ demonic "UFO - Light/Plasma Orbs" - human mutilation, removal of eyes, tongue, floor of mouth, teeth and area surrounding eyes and lips. May involve precision and/ or 'lazer' cutting.
4. LIGHT ORB/ UFO INJURIES: Injuries caused by fallen angel/ demonic "UFO - Light/Plasma Orbs" Radiation burns and/ or surface burns to skin, both exposed and beneath clothing.
The Nine Dyatlov Hikers Fought For Their Lives

The Dyatlov Group At 41st District, With Some Soldiers, Women And Dog, Taken By Yuri Krivonischenko.
One of the first things, that I would like to say about the Dyatlov group, now that I know more about the nature of their injuries, is that they should have all survived the expedition and the experience, even after having been frightened out of the tent. It is important to remember that the tent [and life saving supplies] was only 1.5km [or less] away, from where the experienced hikers were that night, at any given point.
These nine young adults [all but Semyon Zolotaryov], were recent student graduates, from The Univertsity of Ural Polytechnical Institute, a higher education institute in Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russian Federation. They were intelligent, athletic, organised, physically fit, capable, well prepared, responsible, experienced hikers, who knew the realities regarding the dangers their environment. Furthermore, that the group included two two military personnel, Igor Dyatlov and Semyon Zolotaryov.
The fact is, that they were suprised, pursued and attacked, whereupon they each fought for their lives and that the deaths of at least seven of them, where caused by being physically attacked and injured. The autopsy report clearly states, that the deaths were caused by "violence" [attack] and "accident" [hypothermia] and dying occurred a result of the combination of their injuries and/or hypothermia]. It was not the environment that killed them on its own. If they had not been herded down the slope of the mountain and had not suffered from obvious injuries, then all nine hikers would have been alive, with the ones that were least dressed [Yuri Krivonischenko, Yuri Doroshenko and Igor Dyatlov], suffering from some exposure and frost bite.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
These nine hikers, who perished within 6-8 hours, of leaving their tent, that was only 1.5km away, were under a leader, who was considered as thoughtful [sensible] in his approach. They had torches. Alexander Kolevatov was carrying a box of matches. Semyon Zolotaryov had a compass. At least one of the group must have been carrying a knife, or implement capable of cutting small branches, that were found around the cedar tree. This was a group of experienced hikers, traversing a treacherous terrain, who were confronted with something completely unexpected, that took their interest enough, in order for them to stand around taking photographs of it, outside the tent, in a blizzard, at minus thirty degrees celcius, at night, that then took them by suprise, in a negative and terrifying way, causing them, to flee the tent and the area around the tent, in order to make their way down the slope of a mountain side, moving away, from their only means of survival, in total darkness, during a blizzard.

Fallen Angels, Manifesting In Light Orb/ Plasma Ball Form, Seek To Distract And Mesmerise Humans.
It would appear that the group were confronted by a wilderness predator, known for stalking people on hiking trails and/ or harrassing people in their tents at campsites and who is capable of hitting, squeezing, crushing, throwing and smashing with tremendous force and who was physical enough, in order for three of them [Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova and Igor Dyatlov] on the mountainside, to fight back, using their fists, where they were overcome and perished. It would appear that the group was also confronted with an aerial predator, who was able to single out individual targets [Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina] and to hit them with with accuracy and precision, taking out their organs such as eyes, tongue and the floor of the mouth and to affect with radiation. The fallen angel in both light orb/ plasma ball form and manifesting as a physical cryptid [in a celestial body], is capable of all of these things, as many UFO and 'Bigfoot' eyewitness accounts will affirm.

Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova, Igor Dyatlov Sustained Injuries, That Suggested They Were In A Fight.
These nine hikers fought for their lives, from the sudden slashng of their way out of tent, to the organised walk to the treeline, to the frantic cutting and stomping down, of tree branches for firewood, to the desperate fight for life by the dwindling fire, to the courageuos attempt, to go back into the danger zone, in order to secure supplies for the remainder of the group, to the digging out of a large ice shelter, to Semyon Zolotaryov's final attempt, to write down what he experienced/ or what he knew to be true, before dying of his injuries. These were young people full of hopes, energy and intelligence, who, at that age, obviously felt, that they had everything to live for and who were overcome by both a supernatural predator, still unknown to a deceived world [today] and this to me, is what makes this incident, such a poingant tragedy.
"And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness."
[John 1:5-19, The Holy Bible, KJV].

Mount Kholat Syakhl, Where Only 1.5km Of Snow, Lay Between The Hikers And Life Saving Supplies In The Tent.
So What Killed The Nine Hikers?
The coroners verdict? ... It was death, by 'violent accident' and/ or by 'violence'. Yuri Krivonischenko and Yuri Doroshenko, who were the least well dressed, died of hypothermia, while being assisted by the other members, in a frantic and desperate, but sadly, unsuccessful attempt, to build and sustain a dwindling insufficient fire, beneath a cedar tree on the edge of the forest. Something [or someone] clearly prevented them, from returning to the tent and they are culpable for their deaths.
Zinaida Kolmogorova died of hypothermia, as a result of her injuries. Igor Dyatlov died of hypothermia, as a result of his injuries, Rustem Slobodin died of hypothermia, as a result of his injuries. Slobodin was said to be stunned, with blows to the skull, rendering him unable to continue. His breath into the ice, indicates that he was still breathing when he fell, that being, on the slopes of Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain]. All three 'mountain climbers' sustained injuries compatible with fighting, as in blocking and receiving blows to the face/ head and punching with fists closed, as in a serious fist fight and with their attacker, who was welding a blunt object/ or instrument and who may have knocked, thrown or smashed them, onto rocks and ice.
I speculate that The perpetrator [fallen angel/ demonic manifestation in 'Bigfoot' form], deliberately stunned and exhausted the three hikers, who attempted to climb the mountain, so that it would look like they died of hypothermia. The injuries were inflicted in a calculated way, in order to speed up this process, significantly. The perpetrators knew that Rustem Slobodin, was the most likely to reach the tent, so they hit him harder, so as to deliberately stun him, which the forensic pathologist, Boris Alekseevich Vozrozhdenny estimated, allowed him to live an hour longer. The cleverly inflicted injuries, in a way that would suit the abilities, of each individual, so that they would die of hypothermia, which is what they intended from the outset.
Alexander Kolevatov died of hypothermia, as a result of his injuries. [violence]. He was hit so hard, that his neck was described as being deformed [ie; fractured, or broken]. Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolle died of his injuries [violence]. Nikolai was knocked out, with a massive blow to the skull, where rock met him or he met rock, rendering him unable to continue. He would have died where he fell unconscious. Semyon Zolotaryov died as a result of his injuries [violence]. Lyudmila Dubinina died of her injuries [violence]. Nikolai, Semyon and Lyudmila did not die of hypothermia.
The four hikers that were murdered by the snow den, were hurled into a ravine, with the perpetrator, depending on a combination of snow and melting snow, to wash away any evidence of violence, particularly the mutilation of Semyon and Lyudmila.

Fallen Angels In Orb Form Mount Otorten Oct 2015 And The Dramatised Version On Steven Greer's Book Cover.
Modus Operandi
The autopsy report states that five hikers [Yuri Krivonischenko, Yuri Doroshenko, Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova and Igor Dyatlov] died 6-8 hours after their last meal. This means that they all died around the same time, with a 2 hour difference. While their injuries had obvious similarities, they were also different, which indicates that whoever pursued them, waited for at least 6 hours and then destroyed those who looked like their were going to survive, fairly quickly, so that they all died, at around the same time. I speculate that the fallen angels waited to see if the group would perish by the campfire. When they didn't and the two groups took definitve action and split up, in order to achieve their aim of; 1. securing life saving supplies and 2. holding a base camp in a snow den, then it was time to act.
I do not believe that these fallen angels, refered to as 'powers' in The Holy Bible, intended to kill the group, in the way that they did, particularly when they finally resorted to human mutilation, in their light orb/ plasma ball form. They wanted the group die of hypothermia, so that it looked, as if they had died, of natural causes.
This did not occur and it was a desperate and violent ritualised kill, indicating that Satan's fallen minions, don't always get it right. They prefer to act with timing and precision. The Dyatlov Pass Incident, was little more than ritualised blood bath, a brutal mess of a massacre, with bodies smashed, crushed, burnt and mutilated, strewn all over the mountainside and thrown into a shallow ravine, like rag dolls.
When the group did not all die of hypothermia, as they had anticipated, due to seven remaining members of the group, 1. attempting to get back to the tent [Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova, Igor Dyatlov] and 2. building a snow den [Semyon Zolotaryov, Lyudmila Dubinina, Alexander Kolevatov, Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles], more drastic action had to be taken, in order to ensure the group's demise that night.
Afterall, they were now a witness to and had photographed the mesmerising display, of the powers [fallen angels], in their light orb/ plasma ball form, upon approach. They all '9' hikers had to be offered ritualistically, as originally planned, but now the unforseen had occurred, the urgency to finish the job and to finish it swiftly, became even more of a priority, for the 'pagan gods', the Biblical adversary of humankind.

This method of attack, used by the fallen angels, who were involved in the Dyatlov Pass incident, relies on deception: to select victims through bloodlines, who have no knowledge or incorrect understanding of the spiritual, to distract [gain their interest and attention] and to mesmerise, to take by suprise, to disorientate, to herd, to terrorise, and/ or to abduct and restrain, so that the targeted individual[s] become lost and succumb to the elements, [under the power of the elementals, who are fallen angels], fall over, or are hurled off cliffs and/ or die of injuries resulting from violence and/ or accident. These methods are used throughout the David Paulides Missing 411 cases, particularly in the cases of children. Rarely, will a child be fatally injured, with evidence of foul play. There is no need for the fallen angel [power], manifesting in its 'light orb' or 'Bigfoot' form, to kill infants or children outright, when all they have to do, is to hide them from searchers, or prevent the disorientated child, from wandering into an area, where help will be available. The perpetrators understand, that the undressed/ or naked infant, will die of exposure, soon enough.
Fallen angels [powers and principalities], also have the ability manipulate the weather, affect navigational, battery operated and electronic equipment [on planes, ships, radar, car engines, mobile phones, compasses, cameras etc] to influence animals [such as sniffer dogs], potential rescuers and to spread false propaganda, through writers, photographers, artists, researchers, through the media. They understand the human mind, emotions and physiology. As the fallen angel, whom I was involved with, once told me, I have been studying human psychology, for a very long time. They desire to be worshipped as God, while they steal, kill and destroy.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |