The Light Displays In Trance Nightclubs, Mimic The Lazer Beams, Used During UFO Abduction Experiences.
Fallen angels/ demonic powers are involved in the murder of countless animals, both domesticated and wild, mutilating animals, while they are still alive, by the manipulation of electro magnetic microwave radiation, in the form of heat waves and/ or lazer beams, where they are able to focus in on individual targets, in order to perform swift and merciless precision cutting. They are also doing this to human beings, but due to the military and government cover up, involving silencing via contract and murder, that is occuring world wide, very few cases ever come into the knowledge of the general public. National parks, wilderness areas, isolated rural farms, Indian reservations [USA] and miltary facilities are the prefered operating places for demonic powers, in their cryptid and/ or light orb/ plasma ball forms.
The fallen angel/ demonic power, is an interdimensional spirit [or consciousness], originally created by God, that utilises pre-existing energy, also created by God, in the natural environment, in order to achieve various forms of physical manifestation, from light orbs and fire, or plasma balls, through to apparitions and/ or cryptids, such as various types of 'Bigfoot'. They appear to be able to do this, through their knowledge and manipulation of organic matter, chemistry, psychics, particularly invloving EMMR [Electromagntic Magnetic Microwave Radiation] and a process refered to as IONIZATION. The Electro Magentic Radiation is utilised by the demonic powers and is created into a form, where they can physically manifest, such as when they appear in light orb/ plasma ball form and that they can then heat, burn and precision lazer cut with, as can be read about in encylopedias, scientific journals and papers. Furthermore, that they can manipulate the flow of atomic and subatomic particles and of waves, such as those that characterize heat rays, light rays, and X rays.
Animals Are Mutilated In Hideous Ways While Fully Conscious ...

Demonic Powers Are Responsible For Animal Mutilations, That Are Mistakenly Attributed To UFOs & Bigfoot.
Why do the fallen angels/ demonic powers perpetuate these atrocities on animals and human beings? The short and simple answer, is that they are full of malice, towards all life on this earth, that God has created. They also require worship in the form of blood sacrifice. They cling to their idea of being little pagan gods, ruling over natural landscapes and territories, and will operate around mountains, as part of nature and pyramid structures, built by human beings. They require worship from human beings in the form of blood sacrifice, in exchange for knowledge given to the military, which is why many animal mutilations occur in the physical locality of military bases and weapons testing areas. These demonic powers, [refered to as 'powers' and principalities' in The Holy Bible, can morph into various shapes, from creatures through to aircraft, such as passenger planes and military helicopters, so that the experiencer will blame the military directly, rather than demonic powers, who are posing as ETs [extra terrestrials]. Certain sections of the goverment and military, are aware of the issues, but chose, mistakenly or intentionally, to refer to the fallen angels/ demonic powers, who are spirits utilising energy, to EBES [Extra-terrestrial Biological Entities]. They are deceived. In this article, I will compare the injuries that were inflicted on the Dyatlov Pass hikers, with those inflicted on the victims of cattle and human mutilation and UFO abuctions and/ or encounters.

Demonic Powers Are Spirits, Who Use Their Knowledge Of Physics & Chemistry, In Order To Create Energy.
The comparisons that I am making, between the injuries inflicted on the Dyatlov Pass victims, include, holes created by lazer beams, removal of organs, precision cutting, burns from heatwaves, radiation burns, burn marks on trees, the stacking of bodies into piles, when discarded and the presence of radiation on both the bodies, clothing and in the surrounding area. In order to bring to light these comparisons, I will simply display various pieces of information from the Dyatlov Pass Incident, including eyewitness testimonies and autopsy reports, as well as corresponding cases of cattle mutilation, human mutilation, UFOs [fallen angels/ demonc powers] attacking people, where the manifestation of creatures/ or cryptids, may also be involved.
In this section, I will be covering the injuries and atrocities perpetuated on human beings and animals, when fallen angels/ demonic powers, are operating in their light orb/ plasma ball or fire ball forms. I have grouped the comparisons into two main areas, that being: holes made by lazer beams and radiation burns. However, there will be some overlap of the methods utilised, within each category. It is important to understand, that it is the same beings who are perpetuating these atrocities, that being, fallen angels/ demonc spirits, as described, as it is written, in The Holy Bible.
The autopsy reports of the Dyatlov Pass group of hikers, who were murdered in the Ural Mountains in Russia, during February, 1959, bear a close resemblance to human and animal mutilation cases, radiation burns received from close encounters with a UFO, and injuries received from a UFO/ light orb or plasma ball, emitting a lazer beam, capable of focused intensity and rapid precision cutting. The hikers were meant to die of 'natural causes', so the wounds are not as pronounced. The injuries that I am about to refer to, appear to have been largely overlooked, by many who are reaearching into the incident. These are the small oval wounds received by Yuri Doreshenko and Lyudmila Dubinina. I will take a closer look at these wounds here.

Yuri Doreshenko Suffered From Similar Wounds To A Victim of UFO [Demonic] Animal/ Human Mutilation Cases.
Oval Wounds And Linear Incisions Around Wounds
In the Dyatlov Pass Incident autopsy reports, the coroner, Vozrozhdenny, recorded that there were two 'linear incisions' made beside two small abrasions on the right arm of Yuri Doroshenko. When I first read this I asked myself, why would Yuri Doroshenko make these linear incisions? The incisions did not seem to match an injury caused by a tree branch, that Doreshenko was climbing, when attempting to knock down wood [larger branches] for the fire, since a cutaneous injury from a broken tree branch, would cause a jagged injury, not a linear incision, as would be made with a scalpel, or straight edged knife. Furthermore, it was recorded that another incision, was made around a small, irregular-shaped, oval skin wound, of only 0.6cm x 0.5cm. I believe that Yuri Doreshenko had been by a lazer/ light beam and that he made marks, or cut borders, around his own wounds, in order to draw attention to them, or perhaps that, in case of his death, attention would be draw to them. He was, if you like, highlighting the physical evidence, of the strange attack.
Furthermore, I note that the wound on Yuri Doreshenko's arm, as stated by coroner, Vozrozhdenny, was small and oval and that a male human mutilation victim from Brazil, has similar oval wounds on his arms, also being with 'slightly pressed down edges'. Such injuries have also been reported as 'small puncture marks', regularly reported by witnesses, who believe that a 'Bigfoot', has attacked and killed their animals, whether they be a farmed animal, or a domestic pet, such as a cat or dog.

Fallen Angel/Demonic Power In Light Orb/ Plasma Ball Form, Lazer Precision Cutting, Human Mutilation Victim From Brazil.
In regards to the markings placed on the bodies after death, that appear linear or of geometrical shapes [outlines] etc, there is evidence, that fallen angels [in plasma ball/ light orb form], cut with precision and that they have been known to do this cutting, after the target victim, such as in cattle mutilations, were already dead.
"On July 7, 1987, a dead steer was discovered near Hereford, Texas and the animal was inspected by a deputy sheriff who stated: "The animal died of blackleg, but the incisions were inflicted after death ..." |
[p218-19, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
The following photo is of an injury created by a fallen angel/ demonic power, who attacked a woman, during the repeated and prolonged visitations by demonic powers, in light orb/ plasma ball form, that occured in Brazil, resulting in widespread human injury and some deaths. Note the puncture marks on her flesh that are often described a being on their animals are a so called 'Bigfoot' attack.

Demonic Power In Light Orb/ Plasma Ball Form, Lazer Precision Cutting, Woman With Puncture Marks From Brazil.
"A lion will drag its kill. A coyote will rip and tear flesh. These were perfect cuts - like with a lazer or with a scalpel." [Note: There are nearly always wounds appearing to have been performed with a lazer/ scalpel.] |
[p447, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]

Lyudmila Dubinina Suffered From Similar Wounds To A Victim of UFO [Demonic] Animal/ Human Mutilation Cases.
Lyudmila Dubinina died from massive heart failure, but the autopsy report indicates that Lyudmila received a very specific oval shaped wound to the left heart ventricle.
"In the area of the left ventricle there is an irregularly oval-shaped haemorrhage sized 4 x 4cm with diffuse suffusion of the right ventricle muscle."
[The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem,Edited by Svetlana Oss, 15 January, 2017]
"The left ventricle is one of four chambers of the heart. It is located in the bottom left portion of the heart below the left atrium, separated by the mitral valve. ... The left ventricle is the thickest of the heart's chambers and is responsible for pumping oxygenated blood to tissues all over the body."
[Mar 24, 2015, Left Ventricle Function, Definition & Anatomy | Body Maps - Healthline https://www.healthline.com/human-body-maps/left-ventricle]
The demonic power that hit Lyudmilla in the heart, knew exactly what it was doing. This was a focused attack, designed to cause complete and massive heart failure.
"Generally, heart failure begins with the left side, specifically the left ventricle — your heart's main pumping chamber."
[Dec 23, 2017, Heart failure - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heart-failure/symptoms.../syc-20373142]
This is what Lyudmilla died from. She died from massive heart failure. These same sized oval shaped wounds, were also found, on the head of Lyudmila Dubinina:
"In the area of the left temporal bone there is a soft tissue defect [once again], sized 4cm x 4cm with the bottom of the defect exposing the temporal bone." [The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem, Edited by Svetlana Oss, 15 January, 2017]
I deduce that the light or lazer beam, from the demonic power, was accurately and deliberately aimed at a specific human target, that being Lyudmila Dubinina, followed by the calculated assault on a specific section of an internal organ, in this case the left ventricle of her heart, in order to cause heart failure and death. Not only did the perpetrators target individual hikers, as was dedicated by Lev Ivanov, when he and E. P. Maslennikov, witnessed burn marks on the nearby trees, but in this case, the demonic powers targeted specific parts, of the victim's body, in order to cause injury and/ or death. Furthermore, that both a number of membrs of the Dyatlov hiking group, were hit by a lazer beam, from a demonic power, in light orb/ plasma ball form, that at least in Lyudmila's case, was responsible for the precision cutting and removal of her facial skin, eyes, tongue and the floor of her mouth.
The following photo is of a wild fox, attacked by a fallen angel/ demonic power, with some kind of laser beam, that created an oval shaped hole in the foxes forehead.

Fallen Angels/ Demonic Powers, Tortured/ Killed A Red Fox, Shown With An Irregular Oval Hole To The Forehead.
"The farmer whose sheep had been killed arranged for a private autopsy of one of the bodies, which was carried out at a university department of veterinary studies. The report stated that a one inch hole had been made in the lamb's skull, through which the brain and the spinal cord had been |
expertly removed. There was, according to the 40 page pathology report, a high level of radiation in the animal's body, and the DNA structure of the blood was abnormal."
[p388, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
A missile launch explosion, such as the one pictured below, does not account for the injuries/ wounds, that were inflicted upon the Dyatlov hikers, with an intelligent and focused intensity, which include lazer cutting, organ removal and blows to the skull.

A Missile Launch Eruption Blast Or Explosion, Does Not Cause The Kinds Of Injuries, Found On The Hikers.
The following reports are from the National Investigations Committee On Arial Phenomenon: Category 3: Electromagnetic Effects, showing where fallen angels/ demonic powers, manipluate electrons to strike at cars with lazer/ light beams:
Report - November 22, 1968 8:10 p.m.; Albany, Ga. Glowing yellow-white oval ahead of car, light beam struck car; color changed to orange-red as object flew away. Project Blue Book files, National Archives, same as Nov. 23, Newton, Ga.; U.F.O Investigator, IV-9, p. 8. (E,R,L) car.
[National Investigations Committee On Arial Phenomenon: Category 3: Electromagnetic Effects: http://www.nicap.org/cat3-1964on.htm]
I will mention here, that when a fallen angel/ demonic power, changes his sphere from white, to an orange or red color, it means that he is in the mood for war. This war is against humanity. The demonic powers that attacked the Dyatlov hikers, were described by several witnesss, as being glowing spheres, pulsating orbs and fireballs.
Report - October 17, 1975 12:30 a.m. Helena, Montana. Object with flashing green lights flew over truck, hovered over road ahead, shone light beam toward truck. MUFON UFO Journal, October 1990, p. 20, 22 (E,L) cement truck.
[National Investigations Committee On Arial Phenomenon: Category 3: Electromagnetic Effects: http://www.nicap.org/cat3-1964on.htm]
Report - May 22, 1973 3:00 a.m. Itajobi, Brazil. Oval object hovering overhead, blue light beam shone onto car, heat felt. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 21, No. 3-4; see Rodeghier, 1981, p. 57 (E,R) car.
[National Investigations Committee On Arial Phenomenon: Category 3: Electromagnetic Effects: http://www.nicap.org/cat3-1964on.htm]
Report - September 17, 1978 8:15 p.m. Torrita di Siena, Italy. Orange domed disc ahead of car illuminated area, light beams humanoid encounter, physical traces. See Section XII (E,L) car.
[National Investigations Committee On Arial Phenomenon: Category 3: Electromagnetic Effects: http://www.nicap.org/cat3-1964on.htm]

Frankie Goes To Hollywood [Pop Star] Incites Fans To Invite Demonic Powers To Assault/ Mutilate Them.
"The kinds of cuts on the cadaver are what we have come to expect in UFO-related animal mutilation cases. Of primary interest is their precision. The "surgery" (or butchery, if you will) was done with agility and care and probably with speed. The lack of profuse bleeding suggests the use of a laser-like instrument producing acute heat, thus cauterizing almost immediately the edge of the wounds. This is a speculation on my part, however, although there are numerous precedents. Many of the cases studied by Dr John Altshuler in the United States exhibit this kind of high heat, rapid surgery. Whether it would still be possible to test fragments of the flesh from the victim's wound areas is doubtful. Suffice it to say the wounds appear to be exact replicas of cases studied by Dr. Altshuler, Tom Adams, Bob Pratt, Ted Oliphant, Linda Howe, Colman VonKeviczky and myself.
[HUMAN MUTILATIONS THE GUARAPIRANGA CASE IN BRAZIL, http://reocities.com/aliengrip/Mutilations/Guarapiranga-En.htm]
A fireball terrorised church goers. In 1663 - August 15th, Saturday. As the people of the village Robozero (in the Bolozero district, Russia) were in church they heard a loud noise in the sky and many people left the church to see what was up. One of them was the farmer Levka Pedorov who told the stort to the monastery monk, who documentetd it in script. In midday a "great ball of fire" descended from the south in a clear blue sky over Robozero and moved across the church to the near lake.

The "ball" was 45 meters in diameter and two beams of "fire" were shooting out from the front and then, after it went from the south to the west (500 metres from Pedorov), it "dissapeared". Only to re-apear an hour later over the same lake. And there it stayed for an hour and a half. A company of fishermen in a boat on the lake a mile away from Pedorov were sorely burnt by the light of the "ball", which lit up the lake to it's bottom 9 meters deep, while the fish fled to the banks. Pedorov described the water as if "covered with rust under the glow ..." The fallen angels/ demonic powers want to annihilate humanity, but God keeps them on a restrainer, so that there are lines of behaviour, that they cannot cross, without explicit permission from God. The demonic power may very well be entitled to his human trophies, both in the flesh and in the spirit, however, he will have to seek permission before God.
1951 Korea
Craft hit soldier with light beam after fired upon by M-1 rifle.
- Some form of ray
- Emitted in pulses, waves |
- Visually see only when aimed directly at.
- Weakness
- Dysentery
- High white blood cell count
- Weight loss.
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]
- 1954 La Porte, Indiana
UFOs emitting beams of light toward ground. |
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]
- 1957 Melom, Indiana.
Irom worker stood under UFO. Treated at hospital for burns.
Beams projected down |
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]
- 1960 The Red Bluff Case. Red Bluff, California
Light beam from UFO |
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]
- 1963 Carson City, Nevada
UFO hovering emmitting beam. |
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]
1967 The Stefan Michalak UFO Case
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, loss of weight. Severe whole body (exposure to) radiation with x - or gamma rays.
- Radiation burns abdomen area |
- Skin infections, hive like areas w/ impetiginous centers and generalized uticaria
- Weak, dizzy, swelling of joints
- Landing trace showed radiation
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]
Demonic Power Attacks & Injures Denise Bishop from Plymouth, UK

Fallen Angel/ Demonic Power Strikes Denise Bishop On The Hand With 'Green Beam' In Plymouth, UK.
"This case concerns Denise Bishop from Plymouth who was returning home around 11:15 pm on Sept 10th 1981. She got out of a taxicab and approached the backdoor of her home where she noticed some lights in the sky behind.
As she got to the door her view became clearer and she could now see a massive UFO (her estimate was about 125 ft wide), the shape of the body of a crab, hovering silently above the houses. This is how Denise described her experience.
The object was unlit, and a dark metallic grey, but coming from underneath it and shining down on the rooftops beneath it were six or seven broad shafts of light. These were lovely pastel shades of pink and purple, and there was also white. I saw all this in an instant, and I was terrified. I hurriedly reached for the door, but as I put my hand on the handle, from the unlit side of the craft a lime green coloured pencil beam of light came down and hit the back of my hand. As soon as it touched my hand I couldn’t move but was stopped dead in my tracks. The beam stayed on my hand for at least thirty seconds, in which time I could only stand and watch the UFO. I was very frightened, although the UFO was a fantastic sight to see.
Bishop describes the green beam was like a rod of light that switched off. She opened the back door and says the whole incident was as if a film had been stopped and then continued as she continued with the movement before she felt frozen. She rushed indoors and as she did so the UFO rose in the sky and moved out of sight."
[UFO Mystery: UK UFO Cases : Burnt By A UFO Laser Beam – Sept 1981, http://www.ufo-mystery.co.uk/ukcases/80sburnt.php]
More than three months after a green beam from a UFO struck Denise Bishop, the burn on her hand could still be seen.
[UFO Burns By The Editors of Publications International, Ltd.: http://science.howstuffworks.com/space/aliens-ufos/ufo-burn.htm]

Fallen Angel/ Demonic Power Causes Injury To Woman's Hand During The UFO Cash Landrum Incident, USA.
Location: Peru
Date: July 20, 1975.
A large disc shaped object descended and came to rest on the ground near three boys that were playing in a nearby field. |
Curious they approached the object and noticed two short figures standing next to it. One of the boys attempted to get nearer to the object but he suddenly went unconscious. The two short beings signaled the other two boys to retrieve their fallen friend, which they did.
The child was supposedly taken to a local hospital where he died suffering from third degree burns. On the site an area of scorched brush was found.
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |