Artistic Representation Of A Demonic Power, In Orb Form, Shooting A Lazer Beam Into The Mountain Landscape.
In this article, I will continue to present scenarios, where fallen angels/ demonic powers, in light orb form, attack and injure both human beings and animals, using lazer beam precision cutting. I will also make comparisons between the Dyatlov Pass Incident and other cases, involving UFO sightings and abductions, animal mutilations, the burning of tree trunks and branches, and the callous disregarding and body stacking [or dumping] of the victims, once these murders have been committed.
Location: Spain. July 21, 1975.
Farmer Emiliano Velasco Buez encounter with a UFO.
- felt and saw a beam of light that apparently struck him and his tractor drilling a perfectly round hole on the rearview mirror of the |
tractor. Years later after suffering from numerous ailments that only began after the encounter he died.
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]
1975 - The Travis Walton Abduction
- blue beam of light emitted from UFO
- faint warmth radiating onto my face. Then, abruptly, it shot vertically into the sky, creating a strong breeze.
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]

Artistic Representation Of Mannikin In Suit Being Hit By Lazer Beams [Unknown Gallery].
1976 Stanford Kentucky Alien Abduction.
-They were suffering from burns on areas of exposed skin.
- A beam of blue-white light immersed the car's interior.
- A farmer who owned the property also verified the sighting and saw |
a low-flying object shoot down a beam to the ground near the automobile.
About.com -> The Best UFO Case Files.
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]
The Disappearance Of Lisa Hlupinoy In Ural Mountains, Russia

Demonic Powers Abducted Lisa Hlupinoy, Most Likely Leading Her Away, So That She Died of Hypothermia.
Date: August 16 2009
Location: Verkhnyaya Salda, Urals, Russia
Time: Evening
Summary: Ufologists in the Ural region [Sverdlovsk forests] have been called in to assist with the disappearance of an 11-year old girl, Lisa Hlupinoy, three months ago after conventional investigations failed to solve the case. Investigators with the Ural UFO group have noted that it is likely that a UFO abducted the girl, Lisa Hlupinoy. The tragic saga began on August 16 when Lisa and three boys of the same age left their homes to wander through nearby woods. At some point they all got lost. After three days the boys were found however, Lisa was not with them; after a period she assumed dead and police started suspecting murder at the hands of her companions. The boys vehemently denied the charge. No trace of Lisa’s body has been found as of yet. At some point the police called in the services of Ufologists and a local psychic. The Ufologists helping with the case noted that UFO sightings are very common in the area. There is also a missile testing range nearby which tends to attract extraterrestrial visitors, they claim. They boys who were treated in a hospital after they were found and have since recovered have claimed that something paranormal happened to Lisa: alleging they were followed by white beams of light that they think “took Lisa”. According to the Ufology experts involved these are classic signs of alien abduction. [Source: http://www.allnewsweb.com/page9399891.php]
[Think AboutIt – REAL UFO & Alien Sightings by Date & Location, https://www.thinkaboutitdocs.com/2009-august-ufo-alien-sightings/]

Various Photos/ Drawings Of The Fallen Angels/ Demonic Powers That Attacked And Murdered People In Brazil.
In 1977, the Brazilian island of Colares was visited by flying objects of an unknown nature. Nearly all kinds of UFOs were seen; some big, some small, saucer shaped, cigar shaped, luminous or not. They arrived from the North every day, from the sky and also sometimes from underwater, and it lasted for months.
Regularly, some Island inhabitants were targeted by the objects, sending strange rays to them, and many were badly hurt, with two reported dead. The Army intervenes, the press follows. 35 people were hurt by the strange rays, and many fled from the Island.
1977 Colares Islands UFOs
- The beam was about 7 or 8 centimeters in diameter and white in color.
- The beam felt hot, almost as hot as a cigarette burn. |
Patient Symptoms:
- All of them had suffered lesions to the face or the thoratic area.
The lesions looking like radiation injuries began with intense reddening of the skin in the affected area. Later the hair would fall out and the skin would turn black.
- There was no pain only slight warmth.
- Small puncture marks in the skin
- anemia, weakness
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]
Here I compare two photographs, of the fallen angels/ demonic powers, in light orb/ plasma ball form, that attacked people in Brazil during 1977 and the Dyatlov Pass student hikers, in Russia during 1959, in order to show the similarities between them:

Photos Taken Of Demonic Powers In Brazil And By Dyatlov Hikers Are Strikingly Similar.
In regards to the attacks, perpetuated in Brazil during 1977, "... The events mainly concentrated on the city of Colares, about 2,000 inhabitants, on Colares Island, which is in the region of Pará, the delta of the Amazon river on the northeastern coast of Brazil. But the whole region was visited by the same phenomenon. Which has brought many ufologists to visit the city.
Beginning in August of 1977, in the island of Colares, a strange phenomenon began to occur, that the Brazilian call Chupa-chupa.
Strange luminous objects appeared over the few towns of the region. These objects were often projecting thin rays, seemingly of light, directed at the people.
By November 1977 doctor Wellaide Cecim Carvalho, the physician in charge of the health unit on Colares Island, took care of to some 35 people claiming to have been touched by the strange light.
She took blood samples, and concluded that the victims suffered from generalized hyperthermia, superficial chronic headache, burnings, intense heat, nauseas, tremors in the body, giddiness, asthenia and presented very small orifices in the skin where they were hit by the rays.
She wrote: "All of them had suffered lesions to the face or the thoracic area." The lesions, looking like radiation injuries, "began with intense reddening of the skin in the affected area. Later the hair would fall out and the skin would turn black. There was no pain, only a slight warmth. One also noticed small puncture marks in the skin. The victims were men and women of varying ages, without any pattern."
In describing their experiences with these light beams, most victims claimed that "They were immediately immobilized, as if a heavy weight pushed against their chest. The beam was about [seven or eight centimetres] in diameter and white in colour. It never hunted for them but hit them suddenly.
"When they tried to scream, no sound would come out, but their eyes remained open. The beam felt hot, 'almost as hot as a cigarette burn,' barely tolerable. "After a few minutes the column of light would slowly retract and disappear." Most symptoms usually disappeared after seven days."
[Brazilian Island of Colares - UFO Encounters of 1977, https://www.ufocasebook.com/colares1977.html]
We have seen in the past, especially in Brazil, many cases where Human beings have been attacked by UFOs and their occupants. This is an undeniable reality that many researchers do not want to face. The Fenomeno Chupa-Chupa or "Suck-Suck" phenomenon which occurred in the Amazon and northeastern part of the country in the '70s and '80s produced hundreds of injured people and ultimately some fatalities. These mostly impoverished people were usually attacked by small probes (3-6 inches in diameter), probably unmanned, little UFOs which emitted strong, burning beams of light. Many of the victims suffered not only burns but a significant loss of blood (thus the "suck-suck" appellation) during their encounters. Some, such as Luiz Fernandes Barroso, suffered appreciable mental as well as physical incapacitation.
[Brazillian Human Mutilation By Aliens, http://www.newsnfo.co.uk/pages/Informant%20News%20-%20Content.htm]
One of the reports describes a yellow to red object flying at low altitude and without noise. Suddenly, it emitted a long bluish light beam hitting the victim on the lumbar region. This part of the body became numb. The victim also complained of paralyzing, muscular pain, and others for several days. Another story talks about a flying object of more or less 100 meters in size described by a Colares local. He said the object emitted strong light beams against the city.
[Colares, Brazil UFO Invasion 1977 "Operation Saucer", https://ufo-blogg.blogspot.com/2012/04/colares-brazil-ufo-invasion-1977.html ]
Yes, these were outright attacks on humans who were hit by laser-like beams with severe negative effects on the physical body. It again shows that whatever alien group who was doing this had a complete disregards for humans, and they knew that they could this with impunity. People were unable to defend themselves against these attacks. This was well documented by UFO investigators, but also extremely well investigated and documented by the Brazilian military. The events mainly concentrated on the city of Colares, about 2000 inhabitants, on Colares Island, which is in the region of Pará, the delta of the Amazon river on the north-eastern coast of Brazil. But the whole region was visited by the same phenomenon. Bright objects, in many shapes and sizes, were flying over the Marajó Bay region at low altitude, just above the trees, and firing strong light beams at people. The beams left strange burn marks and tiny holes on the skin [like Lymilla and dorenshrnk], usually on the upper chest area. Women were hit on their breasts.
[4. Human Mutilations, https://cosmicktraveler.wordpress.com/the-extraterrestrial-presence-on-earth/why-the-aliens-are-not-our-best-friends/4-human-mutilations/]

Four Photos From Colares Island Brazil UFO Flap In 1977 [Operação Prato/Operation Plate), QUFOSR, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC2a7vXhuBk]
Here I provide several examples of fallen angels/ demonic powers using lazer precision cutting during cattle mutilation cases, documented by reseacher and author, Christopher O'Brien, in his book titled; Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery published in 2014. The attacks remain the same throughout the decades and centuries, because we have the same demonic entities, utilising the same sources of power and energy, in order to permit their atrocities upon both human beings and animals, destined to be born, suffer and die, on a planet currently ruled by them, under their leader Satan, on world cursed by God because of sin. Jesus Christ provided the only way out of this temporary prison and as I have often pleaded to God, in regards to this situation, that we find ourselves in ... "Father, it's a blood bath down here!" And the poor old animals and unborn children, who have no voice of their own, are at the bottom pile, in the killing fields.
"We had irrefutable evidence that the EBES [Extra-terrestrial Biological Entity], were landing on farms ... In many cases the eyes or throats were removed in a type of surgery in which the demarcations line was |
almost microscopically thin and the surrounding tissue showed that the incision had superheated and then blackened as it cooled."
[p75, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
One of the animals exhibited two bare patches of hide as though the hair had been burned out or torn out. Thirteen people observed a UFO (in addition to the "beam") from two different areas of Prince George that same night." |
[p216, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
"Another strange report was filed from a ranch near the remote British Columbia town of Prince George in April 1978. The case was reported after a beam of light allegedly descended on a barn containing six horses. Three horses on one side of the barn were apparently unaffected, but the |
other three were badly frightened. One was struck momentarily unconscious; one kicked both hind legs thrp/ough the side of its stall and one horse charged wildly around the barn ás though scared to death.' One of the animals exhibited two bare patches of hide as though the hair had been burned out or torn out. Thirteen people observed a UFO (in addition to the beam) from two different areas of Prince George that same night."
[p215-216, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
Here I provide examples of fallen angels/ demonic powers, using lazer precision cutting and burning branches and trees, documented by reseacher and author, Christopher O'Brien, in his book titled; Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery published in 2014. The demonic powers did the same thing in the Ural Mountains, Russia, when attacking and murdering the Dyatlov Pass student hikers, as witnessed and recorded by official Soviet investigaror, Lev Ivanov, during the search and rescue mission, when he and E. P. Maslennikov, examined the scene.

Testimony 7:
“When E. P. Maslennikov and I examined the scene in May, we found that some young pine trees at the edge of the forest had burn marks, but those marks did not have a concentric form or some other pattern. There was no epicenter. This once again confirmed that heated beams of a strong, but completely unknown, at least to us, energy, were directing their firepower toward specific objects (in this case, people), acting selectively.”
[by Dimitry Romashkohttp://dyatlov.looo.ch/en/p/the-enigma-of-the-fireballs and http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?33864-The-Dyatlov-Pass-Incident/page3]
"He went in search of them and found both cows looking "like they were dead for years, and charred to the bone." Nearby were some willow trees with a few branches that were facing the cattle that had also been burned and charred."
[p207, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
"The grove of trees where the horse was found appeared normal, however, the tree under which the horse lay appeared to be "both bent and severely twisted. The damage mostly occurring about four feet off the ground." About 25 feet away to the east another tree appeared |
blackened, as if burnt on one side, starting "about four feet from the ground and extending four feet up the trunk." Linda Howe (who investigated the scene on May 23rd with David Perkins) also noted that the tops of this tree appeared blackened and scorched."
[p285, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
"... He said rocks in the pod-holes were crushed, treetops burned, and many birs found dead."
[p337, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
" ... It looked like the hide had been burned pretty severely on it. The cow was laying in a little grassy area that was like too rocky to plow around out in a grain field. But it was laying on the only grass ... it looked barbecued, like it caught on fire."
[p430, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
Where Tree Branches Were Burnt & Broken Off ...
Atmanaki witness testimony: ”Most of the dry branches up to 5m were broken. Beside this, the side of the tree facing the slope and the tent was completely cleared of branches. These were not dry; they were young and were not used. Some of them were just lying on the ground, and the others were hanging on the lower branches of the cedar. It looked as if someone had created a viewing hide facing the site from where they came.”
[Teodora Hadjiyska, Death, The Dyatlov Pass website, https://dyatlovpass.com/death]
"Back on Tenerfie, on a ranch at Puerto de la Cruz, a few banana trees were found broken, reportedly as though something had damaged them from the air."
[p242, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
"Several noteworthy elements were found at the scene [of a mutilated horse] ... About 25 feet away to the east another tree appeared blackened, as if burnt on one side, starting 'about for feet from the ground and extending four feet up the trunk.' Linda Howe [who |
investigated the scene on May 23rd with David Perkins also noted that the tops of this tree appeared blackened and scorched. None of the other 50 or so trees nearby appear to have been impacted in this manner ... On May 30, 1980, Howe and investigator Richard Sigismond took radiation readings with a Geioger counter and they claimed to have found no unsual readings directly on the horse, but detected higher than normal radiation levels on the blackened, scorched-appearing tree some eight feet from the horse. Detectives also picked up elevated levels at the tree and noted that a branch, similar to a dowser's rod, was found near the horse stripped of bark, and smaller branches lay strewn around the stripped branch."
[p285, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
"Fresh branches, up to sixty feet off the ground, appeared to have been sheared off nearby trees,... "
[p392, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]

Bodies Of Alexander Kolevatov, Semyon Zolotariov & Nikolay Brignolle Fallen/ Dumped Into Ravine, While Alive.
"Cult expert and University of Alberta professor Bill Meilen ... feels that all the evidence extant regarding mutilations "points to biopsies being performed by beigs using a means of flight 'beyond our comprehension.' ... The discovery of fractures in many of the animals consistent with injuries caused by being dropped from a height of at least ten feet." |
[p267, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
When fallen angels/ demonic powers have mutilated human beings and animals, they will leave the bodies disgarded in a pile, in an area where they are able to rapidly decompose, with less likelihood of being discovered. The bodies of the sheep on an Australian farm [The Yowie Chronicles - YouTube] and the bodies of the Dyatlov Pass hikers, were picked up, dumped and/ or thrown into a river bed and/ or ravine with a thawing sream, so that a combination of physical decomposition and running water, would wash away any evidence of mutilation, before the bodies were found. It also minimises the search area, of the demonic power, as sheep strewn all over the property, the farmers would have become suspicious more quickly. This also shows the demonic power's contempt for God's fallen creation, in the form of both human beings and animals, by disregarding and dumping the bodies on top of each another, in the same way, that one would disregard a truckload of trash, at a dumpster.

Demonic Powers Mutilate A Sheep, With The Characteristic Lazer Cut Oval Incision, In Piegras Negras, Mexico.
"I estimate that there would have been probably about ten to twelve dead sheep carcasses all piled in this same area, all at various stages of decomposition. The ones that had been there, for the least amount of time, were the one that were the closest to the creek. Now the unusual thing about these carcasses was the necks had been snapped. Something had actually got their head and snapped their neck and one of the spines of one of the sheep there had actually had sections of the spine missing ... and then as you moved up the creek bed or bank of this particular creek, there'd be another three or four carcasses, slightly more decomposed, the skulls obviously more apparent and then as you went up a little bit further, there was even another clump of about four or five different carcasses even more decomposed, pretty much, almost like a collection of skulls ... [trying to figure out of wild dogs did it] ... If they were wild dogs, then why did they drag these things and all pile them in the same spot at different times? And also, how did such a small dog drag such a large sheep up onto the river bank to that height? Say, we're talking about you would have had to pull these sheep from a vertical height of about 6 feet to 7 feet. That's the first level of sheep, right up to maybe ten to twelve feet of vertical height and also probably and overall distance of you know about five to eight metres, they would have had to drag these things up there. .. the only other possibility, is that some human being was going down there, on a semi regular basis and maybe doing some sort of SATANIC RITUAL or something [laughs] I don't know. It was pretty freaky. It was a really grisly chilling sort of sight. It's funny. It was like they were stacked. The carcasses that has been there the longest were higher up the bank and they were actually right up under ... tucked right up underneath this lantana ... It was almost as if whatever was bringing those bodies there was dong it on a regular basis and over a period of time."
[Bigfoot Encounter EP:27 There were DEAD Lamb's EVERYWHERE!!! Yowie Encounter! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oaip9SMsEwk]
"The rancher was out counting heads when he discovered a missing cow in a gully where it had apparently fallen into the nine-foot-deep wash."
[p327, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
" ... In one of the May [2013] cases at Miller's ranch, Zukowski said he picked up high radiation readings around a carcass found beside a tree. Above the carcass, Zukowski said, he found broken limbs in the tree, which leads him to think the animal was dropped from above, "I had some |
unusual radiation readings in a field at Tom Miller's place, and you could see where branches were broken where the carcass was found," he said."
[p451, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]

The evidence from both the Dyatlov Pass Incident autopsy reports and eye witness testimonies, would indicate, that at least four out of the nine murdered hikers in the Dyatlov group, they being; Yuri Doroshenko, Semyon Zolotaryov, Lyudmila Dubinina and Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles, suffered from wounds and deaths, strikingly similar to those which occur in UFO abductions and cattle mutilations. They included the precision like removal of facial skin eyes and tongue and the small foused incisions that are oval in shape, to the heart ventrical of Lyudmila Dubinina and the arms of Yuri Doreshenko. A military accident such as a failed missile launch or a rocket falling out of the sky, does not cause these types of injuries, that indicate, that the students were specifically targeted, rather than the victims of an overall accident.
Based upon the evidence presented and detailed cross referencing, of The Dyatlov Pass Incident, to many other cases of a similar nature, I can only deduce, that this entire affair, is little more than another human mutilation case, perpetuated on the hikers by fallen angels/ demonic powers, in light orb/ plasma and/ or fireball form, as verified by multiple witnesses at the time. This incident, or more accurately, mass murder, has been made more extraordinary, by the fact, that nearly all human mutilation cases, are quickly covered up by the government and military, around the world: bodies removed, witnesses murdered, identities erased, in order to protect the industrial military complex and the exploration, knowledge and utilisation of technology, imparted to the world's elite, by fallen angels/ demonic powers, in exchange for physical blood sacrifice, of both humans and animals, including the sellng of their own souls to Satan and Hell, under deadly deception, that not even the highest level Satanists and human world rulers, have as yet, fully comprehended.
"It wasn't the soviets who were going after our cattle ... It was the EBE's [Author's note: EBE is an abbreviation of Extra-terrestrial Biological Entity - a term reportedly used within U.S. Intelligence circkes to describe alien beings] ... Corso goes on to suggest that these laser-like wounds and the |
recovery of a laser-like device from the Roswell crash may have resulted in secret military funding for the development of the laser by Bell Labs and Hughes Aircraft. The term laser-like incision will crop up throughout the rest of Stalking The Herd."
[p75-76, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
Note: In his book Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, author Christopher O'Brien, notes that Corso is Lieutenant-Colonel Philip J. Corso (who served in President Eisenhower's Natioal Security Council staff, the Operations Coordination Board, and claimed that he was Chief of the U.S. Army Staff's foreign technology division).
The Russian military and government were involved in a cover up of a supernatural incident, rather than an accident. After the deaths, the mansi simply came across some of the hiker's bodies, turned a couple over, in order to identify them, and then moved on, without a word to anyone and who can blame them? The answer to this mystery, that is currently being perpetuated by fallen angels/ demonic powers, through decieved agents of propaganda, is very likely to be explained, in the missing photos from various cameras, that we found, with film either destroyed and or confiscated by the authorities at the time and more importantly, in Semyon Zolatorov's diary, as he lay dying amongst the others, where they had been dumped into the ravine, that was pulled from his dead hand and confiscated by Georgy Ortyukov, the Army Colonel in charge of logistics and helicopter support at the time.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |