One Can Only Speculate, On What The Fallen Angel [Demonic Power] Was Thinking, As It Left The Area.
"Did you see the orange light moving around in the sky a while ago? It was the kind that always shows up when there's a mutilation." Maybe they're watching you tonight." We had been too busy to see the light but, sure enough, later that night there were two mutilations a few miles away on a remote mountain slope." |
[p218, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
During a six-month period between 2011 and 2012, several prominent show horses suffered severe mutilations. Reports surfaced from all around the United Kingdom. Theories ranging from satanic rituals to top secret government testing arose. In Shrewsbury, a year previously in 2010, farmers even reported that they were witness to the attacks on their sheep. Strange objects would hover over their animals, sending a laser down to them below. In a particularly active period of mutilations, many reports of “strange orange lights” in the sky surfaced. One of these incidents took place in front of a team of investigators, whose report described the encounter as something akin to a “Star Wars battle!”
[Human Cattle Mutilation: The Grim And Chilling Claims: Wales A Recent Hot-Spot For Animal Mutilations https://www.ufoinsight.com/human-cattle-mutilation-claims/]
"Another case may have occurred ... near Jaraso, Colorado when a motorist chased an "orange light" and returned to the sight two days later and found what he described as a "mutilated cow." According to a small article in the Valley Courier.
[p442, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
In a 1990 symposium proceeding [Linda Moulden] Howe wrote: '... I found in so many eyewitness accounts of orange glowing objects the size of football fields hovering above pasturelands where mutilated animals were later found. Or beams of light observed shining down from 'silent helicopters' [these are fake helicopters] that lighted pastures 'brighter than daylight' and the next day mutilated animals were found. And eyewitness reports of strange craft and/or non-human creatures involved with animals."
"The Zulu's have talked for at least two centuries of 'the Red Sun that comes at night and takes away the tribe's cattle' ... A few minutes later the 'Red Sun' shoot upwards without noise or any rush of displaced air. Only a single sheep was missing."
[p77,Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2014]

The Fallen Angel [Demonic Power] Has The Ability To Utilise Consciousness And Energy In Order To Manifest.
The remaining three hikers, Alexander Kolevatov, Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina, were attacked by the demonic 'power', in its light orb/ plasma [fire] ball form, that involved typical cattle/ human mutilation injuries to all three hikers, including soft tissue being removed from around the eyes and/ or lips. All three remaining hikers were hit by an intense and focused force aimed at their necks, around the area of the thyroid cartiledge and that was also aimed at their faces, resulting on their nostrils being compressed and noses being flattened at the base, including evidence of a focus heat/ light beam that hit them in various parts of their bodies, in the form of oval puncture wounds with thinning edges. I will include photos of the hikers that reci4vd simar injuyries with correspding ext from the autopy reports from The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem, Edited by Svetlana Oss, in 2017.
Nikolai Brignolles, Alexander Kolevatov and Ludymila Dubinina
Received Soft Tissue Injuries Around The Jaw Area
In the following six photos, I am making a comparson between the cattle and human mutilation injuries, that involve the heated precision cutting, resulting in moving soft tissue from around the mouth and/or jaw of the victim by the fallen angel [demonic power], that people refer to as UFOs [Unidentified Flying Objects] or space aliens.

Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles
"On the upper left jaw there is a defect in the soft tissue, which has an irregular oval shape with a size of 3 x 4cm with drawn out convoluted borders exposing the alveolar [the jaw ridge containing the tooth sockets] edge of the upper ?? ..."
Alexander Kolevatov
There is a defect in the soft tissue in the area of the right cheek measuring 4 x 5.5cm of uneven oval form with pressed smooth drawn out margins. The bones of the lower jaw appear at the bottom of the defect of the soft tissue.
Lyudmila Dubinina
"There is an absence of the soft tissue from the upper lip on the right with thinning of its edges, exposing the alveolar edge [the jaw ridge containing the tooth sockets] of the upper jaw and teeth."
"The tongue in the oral cavity is absent."
"The diaphragm [or mylohyoid muscle], of the mouth and tongue are absent. The upper edge of the subligual bone is barred."
[The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem, Edited by Svetlana Oss, 15 January, 2017]
You will note that all three hikers were hit with the heat ray/ lazer beam/ precision cutting on the right sides of their faces. When fallen angels [demonic powers] mutilate cattle and humans, they have a preference for either taking out eyes, lips, ears from the right or the left side, of the victim's face. In this case, the 'demonic power', responsible for the mutilations/ murders, chose the left side of the face for Tibo and the right side of the face, for Alexander Kolevatov and Lyudmila Dubinina.
Alexander Kolevatov and Ludymila Dubinina
Were Forcefully Struck In The Thyroid Cartlidge [Neck]

Alexander Kolevatov
“The neck is long and thin and deformed in the area of the thyroid cartilage.”
Lyudmila Dubinina
"When palpating the neck, there is an extraordinary mobility of the thyrohyal and thyroid cartilages."
[The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem, Edited by Svetlana Oss, 15 January, 2017]
Laryngeal trauma such as thyroid cartilage fracture is usually the result of blunt trauma, e.g. a punch, or strangulation ... The fracture can be associated with significant oedema and resultant airway compromise. The presumend mechanism of unconsciousness in this patient was hypoxia. Jul 12, 2014. [Thyroid cartilage fracture Case contributed by Dr Jan Frank Gerstenmaier: https://radiopaedia.org/cases/thyroid-cartilage-fracture-2]
It is common for cattle that have been mutilated by fallen angels [demonic powers] to suffer from broken necks. Witnesses suggest that this injury is caused from being dropped from a great height. However, in regards to the two hikers, Alexander Kolevatov and Ludymila Dubinina, it would appear that this injury has a focused intensity, perhaps, as of being struck their by something ... a blunt tool, closed fist, heat or light beam, some kind of force, that is focused on a small and specific area.
Alexander Kolevatov, Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina
Received Soft Tissue Injuries Around The Eye Area

Alexander Kolevatov
"There are no eyebrows."
"The skin is missing in the area of the eye sockets and eyebrows, exposing the facial bone; the soft tissue around the edge of the exposed bone is limp, smooth and slightly raised."
Semyon Zolotaryov
"In the area of the brows and eye sockets there is a round-shaped soft tissue defect sized 7 x 6cm with thinned edges and bared facial skull bones."
"The eye sockets are glaring. The eyeballs are absent."
Lyudmila Dubinina
"The soft tissue in the area of the supraorbital ridges, on the bridge of the nose, the eye sockets and left temporal-zygomaic area are all absent, exposing the facial skull bones.
The eye sockets are glaring, the eyeballs are absent."
[The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem, Edited by Svetlana Oss, 15 January, 2017]
Human and cattle mutilations not only involve the removal of the eyes, but also the removal of the soft tissue surrounding the eyes or eye sockets. Often it is either the left or the right eye that is removed, but in some cases and in this case, involving their attack on Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina both eyes were removed. On Alexander Kolevatov, skin in the area of eye sockets and eyebrows was removed.
Alexander Kolevatov, Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina
Had Flattened [Broken] Noses

Alexander Kolevatov
"... the nose cartilage is soft when palpated and has unusual mobility. The base of the nose is flattened with the nostrils compressed."
Semyon Zolotaryov
"The nose is flattened at the base. The nasal orifices are constricted."
Lyudmila Dubinina
"The nasal cartlidge is flattened"
[The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem, Edited by Svetlana Oss, 15 January, 2017]
Note: In the same way that the thyroid cartlidge was damaged on these hikers, this would again suggest, the hikers being hit in the face, by a consciousness, that has an understanding of human anatomy, by an intense force, such as blunt trauma, that is aimed at an individual person [or target] and that is highly focused/ or area specific.
Yuri Doroshenko, Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles, Alexander Kolevatov, Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina
Received Oval Shaped Wounds, Reminiscent Of Human & Cattle Mutilation Cases
In the following eight photos, I am displsying the oval type wounds receieved by human mutilation victims inflicted by the fallen angel [demonic power], that people refer to as UFOs [Unidentified Flying Objects] or aliens, with the hikers that received similar wounds, as can be evidenced, in the autopsy reports, for each one of them.

Yuri Doroshenko
"On the right arm, in the middle third, there are two 2 x 1.5cm irregular-shaped brown red parchment-like abrasions without haemorrhages in the adjacent tissue. In the area of these abrasions, two linear incisions are made."
"On the inner left forearm, between the middle third and the lower third, there is a 0.6cm x 0.5cm irregular shaped oval skin wound. The edges of the wound are slightly pressed down and covered with clotted blood. An incision was made around this wound ..."
Nikolai Thibeaux - Brignolles
"On the upper left jaw there is a defect in the soft tissue, which has an irregular oval shape with a size of 3 x 4cm with drawn out convoluted borders exposing the alveolar [the jaw ridge containing the tooth sockets] edge of the upper ?? ..."
Alexander Kolevatov
There is a defect in the soft tissue in the area of the right cheek measuring 4 x 5.5cm of uneven oval form with pressed smooth drawn out margins. The bones of the lower jaw appear at the bottom of the defect of the soft tissue.
Semyon Zolotaryov
"In the area of the brows and eye sockets there is a round-shaped soft tissue defect sized 7 x 6cm with thinned edges and bared facial skull bones."
Lyudmila Dubinina
Internal near heart. "In the area of the left ventricle there is an irregularly oval-shaped haemorrhage sized 4 x 4cm with diffuse suffusion of the right ventricle muscle."
[The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem, Edited by Svetlana Oss, 15 January, 2017]
Note: There is something about Yuri Doroshenko, that doesn't quiet add up in my version of events. I am beginning to think, that he may have been attacked by the 'power', on his way down the mountain slope with the group, after they fled the tent. In being the largest and most well built man in the group, it may have tempted the fallen angel [demonic power], to give his inevitable death from hypothermia, a bit of a kick start, by hitting him in the body a few times, with its heat ray/ lazer beam. I believe that Yuri Doroshenko, may have then made the deliberate cuts, to the areas of these unusual wounds, in order to draw attention to them upon death. He wanted to leave some evidence behind, of what had occurred and these wounds, that were inflicted upon him, he did not want them forgotten. He wanted somebody to know, that something highly unusual had occurred and that his death, was no accident.
Or, did the fallen angel [demonic power] make precision scalpel cuts to Yuri Doreshenko after he had died of hypothermia? Since there are cases where fallen angels [demonic powers] have mutilated cows after they were already dead, using them as a kid of graffiti board and in the case mentioned in the following article, the 'powers' mutilated some dead people inside several morgues in the USA: "The following is from a report on the UFO Case Book website, showing that human mutilation cases (with all the characteristics of being done by aliens) do happen but are not made public for obvious reasons. Bill Knell of the Long Island Skywatch organization received an inquiry from an Asst. Medical Examiner from Westchester County. The Asst. ME wanted to know everything Knell could relate on humans that had been mutilated. When Knell pursued this, it turned out that 3 morgues ( 2 in New York, 1 in Connecticut ) had been "hit" in the middle of the night. Newly arrived human cadavers had been mutilated by removal of face, genitals, eyes, parts from the stomach, rectum, thyroids, etc. The morgues were immediately investigated by the police, but nothing could be placed on the employees. There were reduced staff at that time of night, and the events occurred in different areas. High strangeness indeed. According to the Asst. ME, the incidents were immediately concealed from the media and public. More than likely the reasons were that there was no explanation, nor were the incidents going to be solved in the near future. As an aside, there were also quite a few animal mutilations that were occurring in New York and Connecticut, and once again no solutions were forthcoming for these events. [4. Human Mutilations: http://www.soul-guidance.com/houseofthesun/ ET/et04human.html]
Two Sets Of Injuries: Two Manifestations
Bigfoot attacks, UFO attacks, cattle mutilations, human mutilations are all don by the same entity, that being a fallen angel [demonic power] that is physically manifesting in light orb [plasma ball] form, or cryptid [Bigfoot] form. It's the same perpetrator with slight differences on the assault techniques, depending on what form it takes. Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova and Igor Dyatlov and then Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles were attacked, by the demonic power, in its cryptid/ Bigfoot/ Yeti form. The remaining three hikers, Alexander Kolevatov, Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina, were attacked by the fallen angel [demonic power], in its light orb/ plasma [fire] ball form, that involved typical cattle/ human mutilation injuries to all three hikers. Of course, there may have been more than one involved. I am summising that Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles was the first to be attacked by the snow den, by being smashed in the skull by the demonic power in its cryptid/ 'Bigfoot' form and then his jaw cut, as it shape shifted back into its light orb/ plasma or fireball form, whereupon it attacked and/ or murdered the remaining three hikers, they being Alexander Kolevatov, Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina. All nine hikers [except for Yuri Doroshenko], had some kind of wound to the head area, as in fractured skulls, soft tissue damage, or bone being exposed.

"On January 31, 1993, a rancher in the Dawson Community led investigators to the carcass of a Black Angus cow. The animal's genitals and rectum had been cored out in one large incision that left a hole the size of coffee can. The animal's jaw had been completely stripped in an oval incision that encompassed The entire right side of the animal's face. The tongue was completely gone, cut deep down into the throat. and No.2. .. During the initial examination of the calf, six (6) tissue samples were taken from the animal and preserved in Mason jars. These tissue samples were sent to Dr.John Altschuler, formerly of the University of Colorado, who states that all six (6) tissue samples he examined from David McClendon's calf had been exposed to high heat, the tissue had been cooked."
[Cattle Mutilations: http://www.qsl.net/w5www/mutilation.html]
These nine hikers in the Dyatlov group, were never meant to be the victims of mutilation by a demonic power. Rather, I believe, they were meant to be scared away and then kept away from their tent and supplies, in being partially dresed and with missing shoes, wheree they would die of hypothermia, just like many of the Missing 411 victims do. The fallen angel [demonic power] had a couple of problems to resolve. That first being, that it was impossible to maintain mind control, over all nine people in the group at the same time and thr eibd being that the group split up and were good at surviving aad in assisting each other to survive, in that they appeared ro be involved in making all the right decisions under extremely stressful circumstances, therefore, they had to be attacked group by group and to be carefully disposeed of individually. Unlike the typical cattle and or human mutilation cases, no organs appear to have been removed, aside from Semyon Zolotaryov's eyes and Lyudmila's eyes, tongue and the floor of her mouth. While fallen angels [demonic powers] harbour a long standing malice towards all hmuan beings, who were created by God, in His own image, for the 'demonic power', to lose control, in the way that it did, is evidence of either a particular dislike for Semyon and Lyudmila, or a sudden explosion of psychopathic rage, as they, in being the last two hikers to remain aliive, were finally and brutally disposed of, in the very early hours, of February 2nd, 1959.
Humans & Animals Mutilated by Fallen Angels [Demonic Powers] While They Are Fully Conscious
"Lyudmila Dubinina (20)mentioned that the stomach contained about 100 grams of coagulated blood. It is used by some as an indication that the heart was beating and the blood was flowing when her tongue [and floor of her mouth] was removed. The cause of death is stated as hemorrhage into right atrium of the heart, multiple fractured ribs and internal bleeding."
[The 'Official' Dyatlov Pass website: ]
"The reference to "vital reaction" means that the wound was inflicted upon a live body, not over a dead one. This information is repeated in other parts of the report, for example: "8) The left and the right armpit areas exhibit a circular discontinuity [round hole], with 4 centimeters of diameter, with regular borders and hollowing of soft parts, with signs of vital reaction". "21) Absence of organs In the pelvis and abdominal cavity due to the removal of all viscera, with signs of tearing and vital reaction". The most evident indication of vital reaction are the blue-black haematomas (formed by the effusion of blood under the skin) that can be clearly seen as a mask over the eyes, around the ears, under the chin, as a rectangle around the hole near the right armpit ... The possibility that such a horrible butchery has been inflicted upon a live victim, possibly paralyzed, brings up to the mind the story related by Linda Moulton Howe about a mutilated bull found in 1981, in Colorado, with dried traces of exudation that trickled down along the muzzle from both its removed eyes, in such a way that only could have occurred if it were standing up, meaning that whoever excised its eyes, removed its tongue, the sexual parts and the rectum, did all that with the animal still alive, paralyzed and standing over its own legs. A very improbable and incredible thing, absolutely preposterous: who in this world would be inhuman enough to do that to a paralyzed, conscious animal? And now, we have the official register of a human person submitted to the same kind of treatment while still alive. Would it be possible that he was conscious during the mutilation? The sobering answer, given by the autopsy, is a resounding yes! "INTERNAL EXAMINATION: ...after opening the cranial cavity using Griessinger technique we found: 17) unimpaired skullcap; 18) cerebral edema". In a case like that, the presence of cerebral edema without direct traumatic origin is a strong characteristic of an agonizing death. In confirmation, the autopsy CONCLUSION explicitly states as causa mortis (cause of the death): "...acute haemorhage in multiple traumatisms. There is a component of causa mortis by vagus stimulation" [implying cardio-respiratory arrest caused by extreme pain]. "The victim shows injuries with vital reaction characteristics, i.e., there is the component "torture". The suggested modus operandi is: incisions in soft parts and natural orifices using sucking devices".
[HUMAN MUTILATIONS: THE the Guarapiranga CASE IN BRAZIL: http://www.reocities.com/aliengrip/Mutilations/Guarapiranga2-En.htm]
We didnt kill them we assistd them
Its All About Blood Sacrfice
I can answer that qustiion. Fallen angels [demonis powers] that operate ans run this planet and its humaninganitans the children of the devil or as Jesus refers tp them in [ ] the dead. Fallen abngels reqwuire blood savfrice for the provildges and advantages and eetrayoments that rhey have affoded humanity, under God's orginal cirse. They have turned put prison planet into Disney World and have given us the tecnholofy in ordr to memserise us while they assist us in destyroyting ourselvs. The have infkuebce humn beings tp mutilate human and animaks while fully cinbscoius in tjhe name oidf soceience [vain theririeas] and agrcilturte [cwrnal aortite] and csometivcs [vanity]. An8naks arew mutlatre ewvery day in intyensive agrictire, factiry farms, fur farms, fish farms, in hunting exoedstions for food ands for sport [enjotment ofd stalking and killing] inenterrtainmenr, in movies, circus ands zooz, in exepromytal labotatories thjey are ,iytlated and kept alive in the na,r of svciene. Pepple are abducted nd mutotlsted by seeriel killers iunmfer the gudance and instrucrion if Saytam, thr mltry restd wapns upj its own citxiegbds uinder he gudsnce sand indtrctoon og fsllen angels who hang out at the basus sand muitlate a wew cows oin tjhe agjoping sareas. TJEY MULATE PEOPLE IN WAT tims and in prosons of war, milions are mulyared by weapkndry and tenolofy disednedundrr rhe guidance and fesdignp fallen agelds [demond powrsl and those who sp4ak ourt die in fak sircides. Abortion linivs mutilate millons od baboes in the name of cobscence and hoyst lujw slaughterhosew by product they are added rto the food that we consime. HGpspitals ans vertearu hoosysals are glorifued sksughterhouses under Gids course and Satans hguyidane wge th virums arew offered ip on alters pt s;abs referd to as operating tablrs; They are mutilate in rekguious rtiald, voodoo, witchcraft. sovery. Tje ctholic shirch, the garghot who rides the beast suystem] mutilated milluons of Chrisrtians [ ] just as thew jerws under rhe sinyynogoe of satan midered the ptpjrtsinvliding their lord nf avoir Jrsys VChridt. This sustem uncer satan is a hmilato of human beings and animaks ansd the mutilatmnd are prerpetiasted by fallen anghrel smd demc powrs and human beings and are supported by a perishing populatin who cinbdone these atrcirtie inifnorance ands or weakness. sO ANY HUMAN BEING whp complains about human and animal mutilation, you my want yo tke a closet look ar your direct or idiect involwnent in it, befoew pointing tyhe finger solely at Satas fallen minions. WELCOME TO planet death. aS i AFNOSED IN MY HEART AND pleads with Fayher in mty sporit, father its a bloodnath down here.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |