Demonic Powers Have The Ability To Target Objects With Fire, Plasma and Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation.
In this article, I will continue to present scenarios, where fallen angels/ demonic powers, in light orb form, attack and injure both human beings and animals, using EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation]. I will also make comparisons between the Dyatlov Pass Incident and cases, involving so called UFO sightings and abductions, animal mutilations, that also involve the burning, heat waves and the surroundings or environments, that are contaminated with radiation, as a result of these attacks.
Did you know that witnesses have reported damaged property and even personal injury after UFO sightings? Take a look at these stories of dangerous UFOs:
#1. There is well documented *evidence* of radiation injury type symptoms from a close encounter with a UFO.
#2. There are a good number of cases describing heat coming from a UFO. Leaving behind *evidence* such as burn injuries, sunburn exposed skin, landing traces.
1954 Schirmeck, France
Motorist felt heat from UFO on road.
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]
- 1957 Sno Vicente, Brazil
Sentries recieved burns as UFO approached and hoverd.
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]
- 1957 The James Stokes Case. Orogrande, N.M.
Felt a wave of heat and later his face appeared sunburned.
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]
- 1957 The Merom Indiana Incident.
UFO hovering, recieve mild skin burns. Irom worker stood under UFO. Treated at hospital for burns.
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]
Demonic Power Attacks Soldiers At Army Base, Fort Itaipu, Brazil.

This map and accompanying pictures depict the startling UFO incident at Fort Itaipu, Brazil. Intercontinental U.F.O. Galactic Spacecraft Research and Analytic Network Archives.
During the great sighting outbreak of early November 1957, a number of close encounters had a disturbing consequence: burns and related injuries to witnesses. One of the most dramatic occurrences took place at an army base at Itaipu along Brazil's Atlantic coast. At 2 A.M. on November 4 two guards saw a luminous orange disc coming in over the ocean at a low altitude and an alarming rate of speed. As it passed above the soldiers, the disc came to an instant stop.
The two witnesses suddenly felt a wave of heat and a horrifying sensation as if they had burst into flame. Their screams brought other soldiers stumbling out of their barracks just in time to see the UFO streak away. At that moment the fort's entire electrical system failed. Amid great secrecy the two men were rushed to a military hospital and treated during the next few weeks for first-and second-degree burns to ten percent of their bodies.
But there were other burn cases as well. In the afternoon of the same day as the Itaipu incident, the engines of several cars along a rural highway near Orogrande, New Mexico, ceased to function as an egg-shaped object maneuvered close by. A witness who stood particularly close to it contracted a "sunburn." In the early morning hours of November 6, outside Merom, Indiana, a hovering UFO, which bathed his farm in light, also seriously burned René Gilham's face. He ended up spending two days in the hospital.
[UFO Burns, by the Editors of Publications International, Ltd., HowStuffWorks, https://science.howstuffworks.com/space/aliens-ufos/ufo-burn.htm]
- 1958 Loch Roven Dam, M.D.
Brightly luminous UFO, skin reddening, obtained medical attention.
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]
- 1958 Pan De Azucar, Uruguay
Felt strong heat, aerial encounter with top shaped UFO.
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]
- 1958 Baltimore, Maryland
Felt heat from UFO
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]
•The 1965 Valensole UFO Encounter
Interestingly enough after reading The Encyclopedia Of Extraterrestrial Encounters (google it) you start to see a pattern in CE3 (close encounter) cases. |
Radiation Injuries.
This can give a clue as to the type of propulsion system the ET craft is using.
The question is what type of radiation is causing the injuries?
(ER) Electromagnetic Radiation or
(IR) Ionizing Radiation.
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]

Photo Of Stephen Michalak WITH Grid Pattern Burnt Onto His Chest From Demonic Power In 1960.
1967 The Stefan Michalak UFO Case [aka •The Falcon Lake Incident]
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, loss of weight. Severe whole body (exposure to) radiation with x - or gamma rays.
- Radiation burns abdomen area |
- Skin infections, hive like areas w/ impetiginous centers and generalized uticaria
- weak, dizzy, swelling of joints
- Landing trace showed radiation
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]
Stephen Michalak was searching for minerals along Falcon Lake, 80 miles east of Winnipeg, Manitoba, on May 20, 1967, when he heard the cackling of geese. Looking up into the early-afternoon sky, he saw two glowing oval-shaped objects on a steep, swift descent. One abruptly stopped its downward flight while the other continued, landing on a flat rock outcropping 160 feet away.
Michalak carefully approached the strange craft, which looked like a bowl with a dome on top. Forty feet wide and 15 feet high, it emitted a humming sound and a sulphur stench. On the bottom half, just below the rim of the bowl, was a doorlike opening from which muffled voices emanated. "They sounded like humans," he reported. "I was able to make out two distinct voices, one with a higher pitch than the
Thinking he was dealing with a terrestrial craft, he addressed the speakers in several languages, asking if he could help. He got no answer. He poked his head through the opening into the interior, seeing only a "maze of lights." At that moment three panel doors slid across and sealed the opening. As Michalak stepped back, he touched the vehicle's exterior: It was so hot that it burned his gloves.
Suddenly, the object rose, expelling hot air through a gridlike vent and causing Michalak's shirt to erupt into flames. An attack of nausea overtook him.
When doctors examined Michalak in a Winnipeg hospital a few hours later, they noted a dramatic burn pattern all across his chest-exactly like the grid Michalak had described on the UFO's underside. Michalak's health problems continued and brought him to Minnesota's Mayo Clinic the next year. Investigations by official and civilian bodies uncovered no evidence of a UFO hoax. As late as 1975 a member of the Canadian Parliament complained that the government had not released its findings.
[The Falcon Lake Incident: http://science.howstuffworks.com/space/aliens-ufos/falcon-lake-incident.htm]

Fallen Angel/ Demonic Power, Utilising His Knowledge Of Physics & Chemistry, In Order To Manipulate Energy.
•The 1979 Minnesota UFO Sighting
The next thing Johnson knew, the light was shooting directly toward him, moving so fast that its passage seemed almost instantaneous. The last thing he heard was the sound of breaking glass. At 2:19 A.M. a weak voice crackled over the radio in the sheriff's dispatcher's office at Warren, Minnesota. It was Johnson, who had just regained consciousness. His car had skidded sideways and now was stretched at an angle across the northbound lane, its front tilting toward the ditch. Asked what happened, Johnson could only reply, "I don't know. Something just hit my car."
Officers who arrived on the scene found the car had sustained strange damage, including a seriously cracked windshield, a bent antenna, smashed lights, and other damage. Both the car clock and Johnson's wrist watch were running 14 minutes slow, though both had been keeping correct time until the UFO incident. Johnson's eyes hurt badly as if, an examining physician declared, from "welding burns."
Allan Hendry of The Center for UFO Studies along with experts from Ford and Honeywell conducted an extensive investigation. Their conclusion: The windshield damage was caused by stones apparently carried in the wake of the unknown object. The Honeywell expert thought the bent antenna probably resulted from a "high-velocity air blast superimposed on the air movement over the fast-moving car."
[The 1979 Minnesota UFO Sighting: http://science.howstuffworks.com/space/aliens-ufos/1979-minnesota-ufo.htm]

Fallen Angel/ Demonic Power, Utilising His Knowledge Of Physics & Chemistry, In Order To Manipulate Energy.
•The 1980 Dayton, Texas UFO Sighting
When Ken DeFoor was with the helicopter division of the Houston Police Department in late December 1980, there was a report of a UFO near the city of Dayton.
"This was a widely publicized UFO sighting," said Ken, who now lives near Dayton in the community of Kenefick. "We received several calls in Houston as to whether or not we had helicopters up that night because 23 helicopters were seen escorting a UFO over Dayton. We did not have any helicopters in the air that night.
"It was Dec. 29, 1980. They've never been able to identify the UFO that was there. When I retired from the Houston Police Department I became chief of the Dayton Police Department. One of the officers who spotted this UFO was still on the force, so we talked extensively about the sighting. The History Channel was here recently and did a report on our UFO."
Numerous accounts of the Dayton UFO sighting are on the Internet and television. It has been mentioned in books and magazines. They indicate that the witnesses were on a two-lane road at about 9 p.m. when they saw some light above the trees. They at first thought it was an airplane, and then the light became brighter as it got closer. They said the light came from a huge object shaped like a diamond and hovered at treetop level. It was silver and emitted a constant beeping sound. Blue lights ringed the center and red and orange flames shot out of the bottom, flaring outward, creating the effect of a large cone. The resulting heat was strong enough to make the car's body painful to touch. The object seemed to bounce up and down a few times, then ascended over the treetops. That's where the witnesses say military helicopters surrounded the UFO and flew away with it. The incident reportedly lasted about 20 minutes.
Later, military authorities returned to the scene, but refused to talk to anyone who had seen the strange craft. The military denied having any helicopters chasing a UFO.
"The people who were closest to the UFO received radiation burns," said Ken. "The night they saw the UFO they became ill with blisters, their faces swelled and their hair fell out. When they went to the doctor the next day, the doctor said they had radiation burns."
[TALKIN' TEXAS: Dayton was scene of alleged UFO sighting: http://www.mrt.com/columnists/article/TALKIN-TEXAS-Dayton-was-scene-of-alleged-UFO-7512681.php: UFO Burns by the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.]
While driving through the southern tip of the east Texas piney woods, north of Houston, Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum, and Vickie's seven-year-old grandson Colby came upon a huge diamond-shaped object just above the trees and 130 feet away. Cash hit the brakes, and she and the elder Landrum stepped outside.

Fallen Angel/ Demonic Power, Utilising His Knowledge Of Physics & Chemistry, In Order To Manipulate Energy.
Immediately, they noticed intense heat. Their faces felt as if they were burning. When Vickie reentered the car and touched the dashboard to steady herself, she left a handprint.
Blasting fire and heat, the UFO slowly ascended. Suddenly, numerous helicopters -- 23 in all -- appeared from all directions, positioning themselves near the strange craft. By this time the witnesses were back in the car and watching the spectacle from their moving vehicle. (Other motorists saw the object and the helicopters from different, more distant locations.) Eventually, the flying objects were lost to view. Unfortunately, the episode was only beginning.
Back home the three fell sick, Cash most severely. She suffered blisters, nausea, headaches, diarrhea, loss of hair, and reddening of the eyes. On January 3, unable to walk and nearly unconscious, she was admitted to a Houston hospital. Vickie and Colby were experiencing the same symptoms, though less severely.
The witnesses' health problems continue to this day. In September 1991 Cash's personal physician, Dr. Brian McClelland, told the Houston Post that her condition was a "textbook case" of radiation poisoning, comparable to being "three to five miles from the epicenter of Hiroshima." For years the three have pursued their case through the courts, seeking answers and redress, but official agencies deny any knowledge of the incident-even though the helicopters have been identified as twin-rotor Boeing CH-47 Chinooks, used by both the Army and the Marines.
[The Cash-Landrum UFO Incident, http://science.howstuffworks.com/space/aliens-ufos/cash-landrum-ufo-incident.htm]
[Note: This incident occurred only one day after the Rendlesham Forest Incident occurred in the UK.]

The Christian's Battle Is Not Against Flesh & Blood, But Against Powers & Spiritual Wickness In High Places.
*The 1980 Cash Landrum UFO Incident
Immense diamond-shaped craft in distress:
- At regular intervals it would shoot down reddish-orange flames.
- Beeping sound as the craft spit out its fiery downspout. |
- steady rouring sound.
- object with it's bright lights illuminating area.
- became hot inside and outside of witness vehicle. "the door handle was so hot she could hardly open the front door"
- object dissipated UFO floated downwards, flames blasted out again object rose same distance emitting significant heat
Cash-Landrum injuries:
- blistered head and neck.
- Eyes swollen shut, burning sensation.
- Nausea, diarrhea.
- Comma symptoms
- Treated as burn victim in hospital
- loss patches of skin, hair
- Numb scalp
- Sunburn skin feeling
- Treated for radiation poisoning.
- Condition listed by doctors as life threatening.
- weight loss
- skin sores and later skin cancer
Examined by radiologist
- Secondary damage to ionizing radiation
- Infrared or ultraviolet component.
[CE3 Reports and Radiation Injuries: https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/627597]

Pray Against Demonic Powers, Responsible For Animal Mutilations, Such As These Sheep, In Paracuaro, Mexico.
Here again, I will provide a number of examples, of cattle and animal mutilation cases, involving fallen angels/ demonic powers, that show evidence of radiation contamination, documented by reseacher and author, Christopher O'Brien, in his book titled; Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, 2014.
"Several noteworthy elements were fond at the scene [of a mutilated horse] ... About 25 feet away to the east another tree appeared blackened, as if burnt on one side, starting 'about for feet from the ground and extending four feet up the trunk.' Linda Howe [who |
investigated the scene on May 23rd with Davod Perkins also noted that the tops of this tree appeared blackened and scorched. None of the other 50 or so trees nearby appear to have been impacted in this manner ... On May 30, 1980, Howe and investigator Richard Sigismond took radiation readings with a Geioger counter and they claimed to have found no unsual readings directly on the hrse, but detected higher than normal radiation levels on the blackened, scorched-appearing tree some eight feet from the horse. Detectives also picked up elevated levels at the tree and noted that a branch, similr to a dowser's rod, was found near the horse stripped of bark, and smaller branches lay strewn around the stripped branch."
[p285, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
"They noted abnorally high radiation readings from just around the carcass and extending out to about 10 feet. The highest reading however, was detected on the cow's mutilated lower jaw. Plus, prints of a large shoe or a very flat-heeled boot were found in the sand near the animal's |
head, according to livestock inspector Miller ..."
[p327, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
"When Dzuris dragged the cow away from the site a few days later, all the hair came off on the underside of the animal as it was pulled along." |
[p332, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
"Evidence of high heat was found around the incision areas." |
[p379, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
"Test results derived from preliminary forensic testing indicated cooked hemoglobin and cauterization of the incisions ... Cutting the animal open, Valario was startled to find that the meat looked like it had been boiled, or cooked in a microwave. It was grey and flaky." |
[p381, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]

Pray Against Demonic Powers, Responsible For Animal Mutilations Such As This Cow, In Colorado, USA.
"Abnormally high radiation levels have been detected near the dead animals when they are found. Sightings of UFOs and strange, unmarked, black helicopters coincide with most cattle mutilation cases ... The incisions examined on the animals exhibit a precise surgical cutting. In many of the cases there has been evidence of extremely high heat at the tissue excisions. The absence of physical evidence adds to the mystery at the majority of mutilation sites. Though many animals have been found in soft pasture land, and in many cases mud, there have been no footprints, tracks, or marks found anywhere near the mutilated animals ... organs removed, tongue cut deep into the throat and removed. Individual eyes and ears or sometimes both have been excised. The jaw stripped to the bone in a large oval cut and all tissue cut clean. Rectums are cored out, almost like a stovepipe had been inserted and all the tissue and muscle has been pulled out ...
Throughout all the cases, cattle farmers and their neighbours reported seeing or hearing helicopters in the vicinity either before or shortly after mutilated cattle were discovered.
All of this has been accomplished on these thousands of animals with no evidence of blood present at the incision in some cases the entire blood supply of the animal had been drained, yet without cardio-vascular collapse."
[Cattle Mutilations, http://www.qsl.net/w5www/mutilation.html]
"I did careful miscroscopic exams on the tissue cut from the belly. It was not a cut, not a lazer burn. No cell was destroyed. It (the incision) was separated between the cells, cell for cell. No cell was disrupted in the mutilator's cut. There is nothing that I know of that could do such a |
thing." She explained that there is a natural cohesion among these tissue cells, and that an incision would normally cut through the cells, such as was evident in the sheriff's and Hoeppner's incisions. Incredibly, then, the cells along what was the mutilstor's "incision" were separated along their boundaries - not really an ordinary "incision" at all - and according to Iona Hoeppner: "I don't think mankind has the ability to do what was done.""
[p297, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
I will leave you to think about the prefered use of energy, employed by fallen angels/ demonic powers, that is harmful to all life on earth. That energy comes in te form of EMMR [Electro Magnetic Microwave Radiation]. The quote from the article is as follows: "Radiation, flow of atomic and subatomic particles and of waves, such as those that characterize heat rays, light rays, and X rays. All matter is constantly bombarded with radiation of both types from cosmic and terrestrial sources. This article delineates the properties and behaviour of radiation and the matter with which it interacts and describes how energy is transferred from radiation to its surroundings. Considerable attention is devoted to the consequences of such an energy transfer to living matter, including the normal effects on many life processes (e.g., photosynthesis in plants and vision in animals) and the abnormal or injurious effects that result from the exposure of organisms to unusual types of radiation or to increased amounts of the radiations commonly encountered in nature."
[Radiation physics, Written By: Asokendu Mozumder, Joseph Silverman, Cornelius A. Tobias, Milton Burton, Myron Luntz and Arthur Canfield Upton, https://www.britannica.com/science/radiation]
The fallen angel/ demonic power, is a spirit [consciousness] that utilises pre-existing energy created by God, in the physical environment, through an advanced knowledge of physics and chemistry, in order to affect and manipulate human consciousness and to achieve various forms of physical manifestation. This may be a process that is achieved through IONIZATION. They are not the 'fairy lights' that you have dreamt about. Don't follow them out onto the moors. Never go hunting for a supernatural manifestation, with a curious mind or a firearm. They don't bleed. Do not approach a UFO, in order to touch it, or befriend its occupants, who may or may not exist, in our dimension. Do not invite spirit orbs, or deceased friends or relatives, into your apartment, thinking that they will comfort you, or teach you the ways of the dead.
Do not attempt to call balls of plasma, or fireballs, down fom the sky. Do not open up portals to other dimensions, with your flawed nature and demon inspired technology. Do not reach out to them, or attempt to communicate with them, aside from taking authority, if you are a Christian and rebuking them, in the name of Jesus Christ. While you dream of new age guardian angels, while you dream of spiritually advanced aliens, with a politically correct eco message for humankind, while you dream of mysterious forests filled with fairy lights to make your worldly fantasies come true, they are wide awake, scheming and salivating, over your physical destruction and your eternal damnation, under the divine judgement and wrath, of an Almighty God, far outside, of the only protection, afforded to humanity, which is that of Jesus Christ and him crucified. It's time to wake up from the dream of death.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |