Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
In the next section, I will examine the injuries, of the three hikers, who attempted to return to the tent and who were found dead on the slopes of Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], using The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem, Edited by Svetlana Oss, 15 January, 2017, in conjunction with images and text extracted from the 'official' Dyatlov Pass website powered by Teodora Hadjiyska. This group comprises of: Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova and Igor Dyatlov. The injuries of these hikers were similar, with varying degrees of applied intensity, inflicted, not to kill outright, but in order to stun and/ or exhaust the victims, so that it would appear, as if they had all died of hypothermia, as they attempted to make their way, 1.5km back to the tent.

These Three Hikers, Appear To Have Suffer Similar Injuries, To "Bigfoot" Attack & Missing 411 Victims.
These are the three hikers who attempted to climb back up the mountain, in order to secure their supplies from the tent and the four hikers, who chose to stay behind and make a shelter [snow den], by the ravine. I am going to be looking at the autopsy reports of the seven remaining Dyalov Pass hikers, that reveal that the following injuries as received by the hikers, either resulting directly and/ or indirectly in their deaths on February 2nd, 1959 in the Ural Mountains, Russia. The injuries include; skull trauma involving blunt instrument and/ or object, broken ribs from squeezing, crushing, pushing down onto, or explosive force, dropping, smashing or hurling, leading to organ damage, injuries sustained by fighting as in hand to hand combat, mutilation and radiation burns. All of these injuries, either resulted in the deaths of the nine hikers, or dramatically contributed to their deaths, via hypothermia.
Of the seven out of nine hikers, who also had sustained skull injuries, from physical assault, I would like to point out, that their injuries did appear to involve a focused intensity, as in someone who knows how to knock another person out, using a weapon, on a specific area of the head or skull. and they are location specific, as if being struck by an object, such as a club, [baton] or stone with a shaped, sharp or narrow edge, because the wound is small, intense, focused on the side of the head, as if someone took a hard swing at them. Regional Bureau Forensic Pathologist, Boris Alekseevich Vozrozhdenny, who coducted the autopsy reports, described this as a blunt instrument or object. There is also soft tissue damage on all victims, except for Tibo [Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles], where the force of impact was simply greater.
Brief Summary Of Events

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
It was only after witnessing the deaths of comrades Yuri Doroshenko and Yuri Krivoni, that three members of the team, made a desperate attempt to return to the tent. They were attacked and perished in that attempt. Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova and Igor Dyatlov, attempted to scale the mountain, in order to secure supplies from the tent needed for survival. They were met and obstructed on the way, by an assailant, that they fought briefly, receiving injuries to the face, skull, head, forearms and hands. The injuries that these three sustained, were from fighting, blocking and punching, with closed fists. They were hit them with a blunt instrument, very likely a club or tree branch, by their injuries on their hands, faces and heads. Zinaida Kolmogorova recieved a forceful blow, to the side of her body.
During the fight that ensued on the side of the mountain, with hits to the face and head, it didn't take long for Dyatlov to collapse in the snow. Igor Dyatlov was the least adequately dressed, out of the three hikers who attempted to return to the tent, having no shoes, gloves, head overing or outerwear. He was on prescription medication [Streptocide], an antibiotic, used to stop bacterial infection, I believe, taken for possible tetanus, for a hand wound, caused by the rusty nails, at North 2 Settlement. These factors in and of themselves, would have contributed to his collapse in in the snow. Zinaida Kolmogorova was also more appropriately dressed than Igor Dyatlov. But she is a female and while bravely fighting for her life, with her fists, she was taken down with a hard directed blow, to the right side of her body, as she turned away from the assailant. This did not kill her outright, and she was able to continue to crawl in the darkness, towards the tent for awhile longer, until, she too, sucuumb to hypothermia, as a result of her injuries, within metres of their supplies.
Rustem Slobodin was better dressed and proved a more determined fighter, which led to him being smashed in the skull, with a blunt instrument. He hit the ground and died in that position, within the hour, breathing his body heat, into the melted ice.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
Rustem Slobodin
Skull Injury - Fracture To Both Sides Of Skull/ Soft Tissue Damage - Fighting Injuries On Face & Hands

On March 8, 1959 an autopsy was performed on the body of Rustem Slobdoin by the regional bureau forensic pathologist Boris Alekseevich Vozrozhdenny and the city medical examiner of Severouralsk Ivan Ivanovich Laptev in the presence of the prosecutor of Sverdlovsk region, Mr. N.L. Klinov and criminal prosecutor of the regional prosecutor's office, Lev Ivanov. Some of these injuries are as follows:
"There is a trail of caked blood coming from the opening of the nose."
"There is a bone fracture from the left temporal bone along the direction of the upper forward area of the lobular bone with dehiscence of 0.1cm and a length of up to 5cm. The fracture is 1.5cm from the sagittal suture. In addition to this, there is a discrepancy in the joint temporal suture on the left and right/ post mortem."
"The fracture on the left frontal lobe bone could have occurred during a fall by Slobodon or the impact of the head on a hard object such as rocks, ice etc. A blunt object caused the above-mentioned trauma. When this happened it would have caused Slobodin to become stunned and allowed for this rapid freezing."
"The injuries found on Slobodin's body in the form of abraisions, scrapes and graze wounds were caused by a blunt object, as a result of a fall or injury on rocks, ice, etc.
"Taking account of these injuries, in the first hour after they happened Slobodin was able to move and crawl.
"Slobodin's death was violent and accidental."
[The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem, Edited by Svetlana Oss, 15 January, 2017]
Common Causes Of Temporal Bone Fractures
"Temporal bone trauma is usually the result of blunt head injury and patients commonly suffer from multiple other body injuries. Motor vehicle accidents are the most common cause, with falls and gunshot wounds contributing to a lesser extent." [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3052678/]
"Temporal bone fractures can occur after severe blunt trauma to the head."[Temporal Bone Fractures - Injuries; Poisoning - MSD Manual http: www.msdmanuals.com]
However, Rustem Slobodin DID NOT suffer from other multiple body injuries, since the force of impact, was focused on his skull and therefore, did not affect the rest of his body. His body was not the target. He was deliberately hit in both sides of the head, with a blunt instrument/ weapon, with the smashing impact, of a car accident.
It is interesting, also, to note, that considering the major injuries suffered by Rustem Slobodin, he was found face down, in an area that later turned out to be a place of water catchment. Was the perpetrator hoping to somehow conceal his injuries, as the snow melted and his body began to decompose?
So Does "Bigfoot" Know How To Fight?

"Oct.1891/ Nr the Tittabawassee River, MI/ George w. Frost & W.W. Vivian/ 7-ft Bigfoot killed bulldog with one blow."
[Source: (see ch.1)/ Colfax, WA, commoner 6 Nov. 1891, quot. STAAU pp.199-200. Published by The Bigfoot Casebook: Chronological List of Bigfoot Sightings 1818-1980, Janet and Colin Bord, New York: Granada Publishing, 1982]
"Aug. 1939 or 1940/ Headwaters of Silver Creek, Harrison Lake, BC/ Burns Yeomans & another prospector/ Saw 4 or 5 Bigfeet wrestling "
[Source: (see ch.3)/ Int.JG c.1965, quot. STAAU pp.60-3. Published by The Bigfoot Casebook: Chronological List of Bigfoot Sightings 1818-1980, Janet and Colin Bord, New York: Granada Publishing, 1982]
"13 Aug. 1965/ Nr Monroe, mi/ Christine Van Acker & mother Mrs. Ruth Owens/ Black 7-ft Bigfoot reached into car and gave Christine a black eye."
[Source: (see/ ch.5)/ True Magazine June 1966; STAAU p.201; Curt Southerly, 'Case History of a UFO Flap,' Official UFO Dec. 1976, p.59'; Strange Life Sourcebook (compiled by William Corliss, 1976) vol.B1 p.21; BAOTC pp.105-6; TSF p.40.) Published by The Bigfoot Casebook: Chronological List of Bigfoot Sightings 1818-1980, Janet and Colin Bord, New York: Granada Publishing, 1982]
"He took another step towards me and I took another step back and so then I turned, I turned and I ran at that point and ... when I turned and started to run, he was maybe twelve feet from me but I took one step and he was already on me. He wasn't touchin' me. He was directly behind me as if trying to ...not at that point push me but to get me to go towards the road. I'm 'trying to move as fast as I can you know, I'm a disable vet, I'm trying to get to the road. I get to he road and as soon as I put my right foot on the gravel on the road, I had my backpack on, he hit me between my shoulder blades and my backpack and I'm flying and landed all the way on the other side of the road. The road is probably about ten feet wide."
[**MILITARY VET Comes FORWARD** "Bigfoot HIT ME and I FLEW ACROSS the ROAD!" Sasquatch Encounters: 49, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUoyA1N0mqI]
"Every once in a while [when listening to BF podcasts] you'll hear about someone who has been trained in evasion by the military in forest and jungle settings and they say that, the few times I've heard of those kinds of people who have had encounters with Bigfoot, they say that the Bigfoot are doing the exact same movement, the exact same tactics."
[Sasquatch All over the World Part 2, (Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 73) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWvrub2wsxA]
A Cryptid Who Understood A Knife And Fight/ Combat Move

A retired special forces operative, whose call sign is "Hondo", had an experience with a manifesting demonic entity, cryptid "Dogman", in September, 2016, near the Appalachian Trail: "The smell of wet dog really hit strong and literally out of nowhere, this thing came at me. The first time it came, it stopped as soon as I drew my knife and looked down and I swear ... it knew exactly what a knife was. I rolled up on the balls of my feet to get a good stance, where I could move ... its the first thing they teach us in special forces when it comes to knife fighting ... As soon as I drew by Bolo knife ... it backed up on two legs, it stayed in the shadows and it just let out a growl, that felt like it was going through my soul. I've never heard anything like that before in my life and I felt like I was just surrounded by pure evil. It scared me bad ... I believe this thing came out to kill me ... But the intelligence of this thing, which is absolutely off the charts ... Hell, it would try to come in and out flank me. I'd be looking in one direction and you couldn't really hear it until it come out and charged me again. This thing charged me on and off through the night ... After a few times of it charging, it knew that I wasn't gonna be easy prey ... it kind of like hung back in the thicket and some huge rock formations ... you'd see it now and then go and sit on top of that and look and it did this , I would say, for at least a couple of hours. It would move in. It would move to the side and try to come at me again. The closest it got was maybe 15-20 metres, way too close for me ... I went through this, for at least three or four hours. It didn't charge constantly. It would sit back and wait for fifteen or twenty minutes or longer, to see if I would kind of lapse in my posture. That way, it could get in and take advantage of me, either falling asleep or kinda getting in that trance mode where you're just so physically and mentally wore out and I believe that's what it was trying to do, which tells me that these things are highly intelligent, ... extremely dangerous ... " ["Hondo" then left the forest, just on dawn and felt that the creature had left] He continues "... Those were the longest five miles I ever walked in my life. ... I was just waiting for this thing to come out on me and wind up being a 411 case. By the grace of God, I finally got out of there and came back home." and in regards to the creatures understanding of knife fighting, he adds, "Even though I had a knife, it knew what that knife was. It knew I could do damage. It was still wanting to come in ... the first time it charged it was coming in on all fours, I mean, it was haulin' the mail. When I got on the balls of my feet and I drew my knife out and I braced myself for impact, it stopped, I mean, it skidded to a halt and stood up on its hind legs, more agile than any animal I've ever seen ... this thing, it knew exactly what that knife was, ... because it took a real good long look at that knife and then you can see the shift in its eyes, where it looked into my face. [Dogman Encounters Episode 130, Dogman Encounters Radio, Vic Cundiff, 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDQqIalE3HI&t=4s]
Punching In The Face & Broken Ribs

"I mention to my friend, look there's an elk leg in the tree. Somebody must have been successful and you know, maybe just messing around and threw an elk leg in the tree and it was like, probably from the knee joint down. So I was looking at it. We got it down and I looked at the hoof and I was like "What?! That's not an elk hoof. That's a horse hoof.' and I thought like, what the Hell is a horse hoof doing in a tree? ... I went down that trail [mentioned] just to check it out and I noticed a horse carcass. This horse carcass was on the trail. It's head was facing north and it was laying on its right side so that its legs were facing west. ... It seemed to me like something had dragged it uphill from wherever it was killed but also I noticed that on the ribs that were to the left side, the left side of its ribs, it had like a hole. The best way I could describe it, was like a hole punched into it ... [he describes it like someone hitting a wall and making a hole in the wall] ... that's how I would envision something making a hole in the ribs of that animal, but it was clean. All the ribs were broken, like broken cleanly all the way through and there was probably about a six to eight inch diameter hole in the ribs ... whatever had done this had dragged it up and lodged its rear legs in the middle of a stump that was on the trail. Now the stump was probably ten to twelve inches in diameter and about two feet high ...it seemed to me like something dragging this horse uphill and then the legs wedged around this stump ... I inspected that horse carcass and it was filly intact right down to the bone. I mean fully intact. There hadn't been any scavengers like coyotes, or predator animals, taking any part of it ... I've come across dead elk and their scattered all over the place, deer bones scattered all over the place. This thing was so fully intact it's um and that was just so strange to me, because nothing survives that long, being intact, in the forest. The host responds, "It's interesting too, the punching ... there was an old encounter, or someone I had on the show, I was thinking of this when you were telling that, where they had talked about finding a grizzly bear that looked like it had been punched in the face and its whole skull had been smashed in and it looked like a fist mark had smashed and killed the bear and smashed it in ... " [Sasquatch Chronicles 2017 // The Big Thicket Saga, Bigfoot Hotspot Radio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMli3kNWvb0]
Note the description of the hole as being 'clean'. This "Bigfoot" is a supernatural entity/ creature and so when it punches or hits someone from behind, it punches, hits and hurls as a force, or what Lev Ivanov described as an "unknown compelling force." The fallen angel in its light orb/ plasma ball form, cuts through skin with heat, akin to precision cutting with a scalpel or lazer. Whereas the partial demonic manifestion, into a "Bigfoot" creature, is able to cleanly punch. I speculate, that the more physical, the fallen angel [power] becomes, the more the punch will be that of a physical creature, possessing great strength. It is one of the same consciousness, but the techniques will vary, depending on the nature of the manifestation, which will be used, to harm human beings and animals. "Bigfoot" does not use a lazer. The plasma ball/ light orb/ UFO, does not punch with a fist. But both pick up and throw stones and radiation and mutilations are present, in regards to either manifestation.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |