Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
Out of the nine hikers, it was Zinada Kolmogorva, who came the closest to the tent, nestled close to the peak of Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], where she knew that she would secure extra clothes and supplies for herself, as well as for those waiting in the snow den. While better dressed than Igor, Zinada was not particularly well dressed. She was without shoes, exhausted, frostbitten and struggling in below zero cold. She would have been in shock, from what she had experienced. She was injured. She had witnessed the death of two companions and now Igor Dyatlov, who carried her photo in his pocket and Rustem Slobodin, friend to both, were laying face down, in the snow, some way behind her, on the barren slopes of elevation 1079.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
Zinaida was well liked and considered a "dynamo", of the Explorer's Club, that was the organisation, behind the various skiing expeditions, but on the barren icy slope, of a dark night, she perished alone, curling into a semi fetal position, perhaps, in order to somehow preserve herself, or protect the life, that had been given to her. She was found face down in snow, as if holding on, to the side of the mountain, it has been said, in order to 'maintain her position'. Injured, exhausted and crawling through the fallen snow, she had been hit in the side, by a weapon, similar to a 'baton' and then she died, as a result of violent accident and succumbing to hypothermia. Zinaida was cleverly stopped, from making it back to the tent. She perished, along with her hiking companions, Rustem Slobodin and Igor Dyatlov, in her attempt, to secure supplies.
Zinaida Kolmogorova
Body Injury - Blunt Instrument/ Fighting Injuries On Face & Hands
On March 4, 1959 an autopsy was performed on the body of Zinaida Kolmogorova by the regional bureau forensic pathologist Boris Alekseevich Vozrozhdenny and the city medical examiner of Severouralsk Ivan Ivanovich Laptev in the presence of the prosecutor of Sverdlovsk region, Mr. N.L. Klinov and criminal prosecutor of the regional prosecutor's office, Lev Ivanov. Some of these injuries are as follows:
"In the right temporomlor area is an irregularly formed ? x 5cm graze wound of dark red-brown colour ... On the upper eyelid of the left and right eyes there is a piece of grazed skin of dark red colour measuring 5 x 1cm and 0.5 x 0.5cm ... On the arch of the nose there is the same parchment abrasion with an area of 2 x 1cm. In the area of the zygomatic arch, cheeks and chin there are a number of abrasions of different forms and magnitudes under dry brown crust with sizes from 6 x 2cm to ? x 1cm and smaller."
"On the surface of the area of the lower back on the right side of the abdomen there is a graze wound of bright red colour in the form of a strip sized 26cm x 6cm."
[Note: It has been suggested by the narrator/ author of The Dyatlov Pass website [http://dyatlov-pass.com/death] that this mark/ bruise looks like it was made with a baton. But what about a club or a tree branch?]
"... the injuries found on Kolmogorova's corpse in the form of abraisons and skin wounds were caused by a blunt instrument and the result of a fall and injuries on rocks, ice and snow."
"The above mentioned injuries occurred while Kolmogorova was alive, in the agonal state and posthumously."
"The cause of death was violent and accidental."
[The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem, Edited by Svetlana Oss, 15 January, 2017]
"... While in the official report, reports no damage to the head region radiograms seems to differ with this assessment. Head of the search party Maslenikov sent a message to his superior comrade Sulman that stated that Kolmogorova did in fact suffer a traumatic injury to the head.
"Immediately. Soon after we descended we discovered four corpses of Dyatlov Zolotarev [who was actually Doreshenko] Krivanischenko Kolmogorov ... Nearest (to the tent) Kolmogorova has a broken head. Examination will continue tomorrow... Maslennikov." [Source: Sheet 146, Received by Temnikov,(February 27th, 1959), Published by Ermack Travel Guide: http://ermakvagus.com/ Europe/Russia/Cholat-%20Syachil/dyatlov_pass_incident_autopsy.html]
So Does "Bigfoot" Carry A Club?

"1860s/ Northern NV/ A large party/ Pursuers saw 'the object' carrying a club and a rabbit ..." [Source:(see ch.1/ New York Tribune report repr. Lansing, MI, Republican 4 Aug. 1870, located by Tim Church & quot. STAAU pp.39-40. Published by The Bigfoot Casebook: Chronological List of Bigfoot Sightings 1818-1980, Janet and Colin Bord, New York: Granada Publishing, 1982]
"Jan. 1894/ Nr Dover, NJ/ Bertha Heatig, Lizzie Guscott, Katie Griffin, Mike Dean, Bill Dean, William Mullen & others/ Bearded 6-ft 'wild man' with club seen in woods." [Source: (seech.1)/ New York Herald 9 Jan. 1984, p.12, located by Oary Mangiacopra. Published by The Bigfoot Casebook: Chronological List of Bigfoot Sightings 1818-1980, Janet and Colin Bord, New York: Granada Publishing, 1982]
"14 Jan. 1902/ Chesterfield, ID/ Several young people/ Skaters chased by 8-ft hairy creature with club." [Source: (see ch.2)/ Wilkesboro, NC, The Chronicle 5 Feb. 1902, quot. INFOJournal vol.V no.4 p.13. Published by The Bigfoot Casebook: Chronological List of Bigfoot Sightings 1818-1980, Janet and Colin Bord, New York: Granada Publishing, 1982]
"In Thompsons Flat, Oregon, a Bigfoot supposedly scared off the town's inhabitants back in the 1800s. One man stayed, and was later found dead, apparently having been bonked with a large rock." [Bigfoot Attacks! Does Bigfoot Ever Attack Humans? https://exemplore.com/cryptids/Bigfoot-Attack-Does-Bigfoot-Ever-Attack-People]
Mountain Giants With Weapons & Tusks

"I've heard of a lot of encounters with tools ... Host: Duke did talk about that. He talked about the mountain giants, using weapons and walking around with clubs ... I've even talked to people who have ... I taked to a guy in Alaska ... from his physical description, I'm pretty sure that he wasn't talking about sasquatch, because it was way too big and the physical features were different, but one of the things that he mentined, was that it was carrying a club and I asked him, I said "What do you mean it's carrying a club?" He said, "It was carying this huge club. It looked like, ah, we see a caveman carrying ... yes, but this was no cave man and he described it as being 18-19 feet tall, having tusks, the bottom canines sticking out, not really tusks but the bottom canines sticking out and he talked about it carrying a club, and I never heard about anything like that before, until Duke came on and talked about the mountain giants and how they would carry weapons and how they would know, I guess what we would call, I don't say caveman weapons, but kind of primal weapons, that they would carry ... I went back and thought about a guy in Alaska, that talked about this thing going up the side of a mountain." [Sasquatch Chronicles 2017: I Said We Should Shoot It]
Possible "Bigfoot" Weapons In Plumas County, California, USA

Locality: Lake Almanor, which is is a large reservoir in northwestern Plumas County, in northeastern California, USA.
Researcher: Carene
Witness: Forest Service Employee, Michael
Sighting Type: 1
Summary: 7ft long black hair female BF, Large posterior, 18 inch tracks seen, Posible wood tool found.
Sighting Text: CA PLUMAS 1996 TR93 4500FT 401510N 1210937W * Carene, Jan 17, 00. Weapons and clothing. In answer to your question regarding weapons, I have one report of a forest service employee sighting a Bigfoot creature in the general area of Lake Almanor in Calif. On the ground in the general area where the creature had walked was also found one large, heavy, approx. 2 ft. long sharpened piece of wood. It resembled a very large heavy spear. Not a spear for throwing, but rather one that would be used as a hand held weapon. Although this was the impression that the item gave, I immediately realized that it would take a very large hand to wield a weapon of this size. The item was so unusual, I picked it up and took it home with me. Several theories were discussed on the way home, one theory that was speculated upon was that the creature could have used the item to spear salmon. This item was later examined by an archaeologist. The condensed report was: The "spear" was made of the hardest wood in the entire area, and it had been sharpened and used at one time as a fence post. Obviously the item had been much longer at one time. It was common for this type of wood to be used for this purpose some years back, within the last 50 years. The puzzling element of the condition of the item was that it appeared to have been broken off in a semi twisted fashion. Examiner determined that it would have taken something approx. equal to the strength of a small tractor to do this, and to pull the item out of the ground. There was no evidence of machine, or other type of marks on the item. The item was, and still remains puzzling. Found at another times, and place: but examined at the same time as the 'spear' were 3 approx. 6" - 7" pieces of rock. These were found by myself in another area where there was report of Bigfoot sighting. Report: All rocks were blunt at one end and appeared sharpened at the other. At the blunt end, the rocks fit easily into my hand, only one was too large to fit well. One of the objects had been burned in a fire. The angles in which the rocks had been possibly sharpened was consistent in all 3 items. These items resembled a hand held weapon, or perhaps a scraping tool, such as used by native Indian tribes. When asked if the items were possibly "manufactured" the archaeologist replied that ancient cultures did not always 'make' weapons or tools, but were able to easily recognize something that could be used as one. These items remain of unknown origin, but do not appear to be naturally occurring artifacts. Carene's Response ... Do you have any pictures of the spear? No, but I still have the "spear", no problem to take a few. I also have one more artifact similar in length, it is much lighter and smaller in diameter, but is a sharper point. I know that this item does occur naturally in some type of evergreen trees, perhaps cedar. Still, it is a very interesting piece of wood, also found in an area with Sasquatch reports. Have a report of a sighting in which a Sasquatch was high in a pine tree, holding a very long piece of wood resembling a pole. Est. length was 6-7 ft. [The Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center Forums, http://mid-americanbigfoot.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=167&t=3984&start=130]
Zinaida Can Climb Mountains ...

Zinaida Kolmogorova [Zina] And Yuri Doroshenko [Yurkin], Climbing Together, On An Earlier Adventure.
These three experienced hikers, Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova and Igor Dyatlov, DID NOT just fell down in the snow, less than 1.5km from their supplies at the tent, because they tripped over. This photo of Zinaida Kolmogorova [Zina] and Yuri Doroshenko [Yurkin], show them climbing together, with other hikers, on an earlier adventure, on a much harder and higher slope, than that of Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain]. These three hikers were attacked, on the side of that mountain and the injuries that they received, to their skulls, heads, faces and knuckles [metacarpophalangeal joints], were inflicted in a calculated way, so as not to kill them outright, but in order that they would all die from hypthothermia, as a result of their injuries. Their deaths were made to look as natural as possible and it was only after the final four bodies of Alexander Kolevatov, Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles, Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina were discovered, that the 'official red tape', began to swiftly wrap up this incident, in a coffin shaped gift box, delivered to the angry grieving families and the suspicious public, courtesy of the Russian military and Russian government. In this world, under Satan and his fallen angels, posing as little pagan gods, there are no rewards, for telling the truth.

The Remains Of Yuri Doroshenko and Zinaida Kolmogorova, Are Buried In Mikhailovskoe Cemetery, 9 March, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |