Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
Here I enter into the area of evidence, intermingled with my own speculation, in that the leader of the group, Igor Dyatlov, was underdressed and exhausted, after a monumentous day, of packing up the camp, leaving excess items at the cache, repacking the gear, climbing over and above the pass onto Mount Kholat Syakhl, setting up camp for the night, then being shocked out of the tent, moving back down the slope towards the valley, then trying to keep a fire going and perhaps hurriedly assisting, in the building of a snow den. The fire had failed after awhile and with two of his companions now dead, Igor Dyatlov had the first symptoms, of what he knew to be hypothermia, settling on his body, like a low lying fog into a valley devoid of sun.
It had been a long time, since he had last slept. Much had happened during that time. To compound matters, he was on antibiotics for possible tetanus. Thoughts of the brief fight that had ensued between the three of them and of something that he had only ever imagined, may have existed. Nevertheless, he had to keep moving, towards the tent, hoping that Zinaida and Rustem had somehow made it, he would have been determined to keep struggling along that same route, in order to make up for the distance lost, after having been hit around the face and head and then dragged by his ankles through the snow, back towards the cedar tree, where he knew that the sleep of death awaited him, as it had with both Yuri Krivonischenko and Yuri Doroshenko. I see Igor Dyatlov's final breath, as a slow and reluctant release, of all his struggles, evaporating like mist in the ice of darkness and silence. He died face down, in a crawl and drag position, resting on his forearms, with his fingers curled in, as if trying to protect them from frostbite with his head, facing towards the direction of the tent.
Igor Dyatlov
Head Wound/ Fighting Injuries On Face & Hands

On March 4, 1959 an autopsy was performed on the body of Igor Dyatlov by the regional bureau forensic pathologist Boris Alekseevich Vozrozhdenny and the city medical examiner of Severouralsk Ivan Ivanovich Laptev in the presence of the prosecutor of Sverdlovsk region, Mr. N.L. Klinov and criminal prosecutor of the regional prosecutor's office, Lev Ivanov. Some of these injuries are as follows:
"The damage discovered ... during the external examination in the form of graze wounds, scratches and skin wounds were caused by a blunt tool and may have happened as the result of a fall and bruising by stone, ice etc."
"There are scratches of brown-red colour in the area of the left ankle joint, on the anterior lateral and on the posterior surfaces, of both ankles hollowed over the surface of the skin and also on the ??? skin, sized 1 x 0.5cm and up to 3 x 2.5cm with haemorrhaging into the underlying tissues. In the area of the scratches there is one laceration."
"The above mentioned injuries are light and not damaging to health."
"The cause of death is by violence/ accident."
[The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem, Edited by Svetlana Oss, 15 January, 2017]
Igor Dyatlov Possibly Dragged By The Ankles

The Injuries On Igor Dyatlov's Ankles Suggest That He May Have Been Dragged. Igor Dyatlov Was 5ft 7in Tall.
The autopsy report, as vague as it is, shows that Igor Dyatlov could have been gripped by the ankles, in the way that I am suggesting. This is how I came to my conclusion. I matched my own grip, with the number of lesions and the measurements of them. I add my own bold lettering, to the lines, of this section of the autopsy report, below:
There are scratches of brown-red colour in the area of the left ankle joint, on the anterior lateral [inside of ankle] [made by thumb gripping on] and on the posterior [outside of ankle] surfaces [made by 4 fingers curled around the ankle, gripping to pull, or drag the body, while on its back], of both ankles [because dragged with both hands] hollowed over the surface of the skin and also on the ??? skin, sized 1 x 0.5cm [small finger - pinkie] and up to 3 x 2.5cm [3 remaining fingers - index, middle and ring. ] with haemorrhaging into the underlying tissues [Nails have dug in when dragging, caused by the pressure of the grip]. In the area of the scratches there is one laceration [cause by thumb nail, with no measurement given to laceration, digging in and tearing through the flesh]. The Dyatlov Pass Post Mortem, translated by Svetlana Oss, Self Published/ Publisher Unknown, 2017]

So I began by looking at my own hands. Then I pictured Igor Dyatlov, laying in the ice, in front of me and how my hands would grip onto his ankles, if I was to drag him through the snow and ice, by gripping onto both of his ankles, with both of my hands.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
I soon realised that this would be impossible for me to do. He would be too heavy, especially taking into consideration, the resistance caused by the snow. Nevertheless, this would still give me, at least some indication, of the kind of grip required, to pull or drag him. The result shows that he could have been gripped in the following way:

I then needed to measure the nail and put that nail into a finger. I measured my own finger and made an image to scale. Then I measured the fingers of two well build men [my neighbour across the road and his friend!] who were both 6 foot 2 inches tall. I drew that to scale in comparison with my own nail measurements. I then drew the nail measurements of whoever/ or whatever, may have dragged Igor Dyatlov through the snow that night and here is the result: If you measure 2.5 cm for each nail, then you can estimate the size of the fingers, that dragged the body, below:

I have drawn the fingers to scale. But if you take the curvature of the actual nail edge, into consideration, the fingers of the assailant, would be larger again, that being, larger than is shown here. Based on this, I am estimating that the assailant that dragged Dyatlov through the snow, by his ankles, was between 7-8 feet tall, but more likely closer to 7 feet. This would also fit in, with the fact, that the three hikers, who had attempted to ascend the mountain slope, [Rustem Slobodin, Zinaida Kolmogorova and Igor Dyatlov], were able to injure their knuckles, because they felt that throwing punches, would thwart their attacker. If he was too tall, they would not have been jumping up trying to hit his chest. I believe that they were punching slightly upwards, towards jaw and chin and perhaps using their fists, to block blows.
When hiking, the most vulnerable parts of the foot are the toes and underneath the foot. Dyatlov had no injuries to these areas, so where he was walking or crawling, was not sharp and did not cut into his feet, only his ankles. Ankle injuries are common in dancers and military personnel and ankle sprains in bushwalkers, but not haemorrhaging and laceration into the ankles, as occurred in the case of Igor Dyatlov.
The injuries on Dyatlov's ankles are consistent with the grip of a large human like hands, with the thumb nail, digging into and haemorrhaging the anterior lateral [inside] and the four remaining nails, gripping into the posterior [outside] of the ankle. The injuries suggest that Dyatlov was on his back, while being dragged by the ankles. The injuries are similar on each ankle, indicating that he was gripped by two large hands, a left and a right hand, corresponding with his left and his right ankle.
The markings on Igor Dyatlov's ankles, indicate that the grip was over the top of the foot, with the thumb to the lateral anterior [inside] and fours fingers to posterior [outside], which indicates, that whoever or whatever, dragged Dyatlov unconscious [or dead] through the snow, gave no consideration to their strength in this scenario, that being, that they were strong enough to grip and grab Dyatlov's ankles, from the top and drag him, through ice and new soft snow, that was very likely to have had some depth to it, due to blizzard conditions. This would be hard for human being to do, by reaching over the top of his ankles, because if they could not grip hard enough, their hands would slide off, but that it would have to be someone bigger, with a human like grip and who was not wearing any gloves or mittens. This task, of dragging an unconscious or semi-conscious, full grown man, through the snow, was performed by someone, who was built like a human being, but larger and stronger.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
No Consideration Given To Strength
If a girl was laying on her back, on a muddy embankment and sliding into a river and you were close enough to grab onto both of her feet, your first action would be to secure her, in any way that you could, before she was lost from your grasp forever. There would be no consideration given to strength. As such, you would simply lunge forward, with each of your hands, gripping around each of her bare feet, your hands would come down over the tops of her ankles and at first contact, your thumb nail would dig into the anterior [inside] of her ankle and your four other fingers, would hook around the posterior [outside] of her ankle. As the pressure and intensity increased, you may increase the intensity of your grip [causing cutting/ scratching by fingers and thumb nail], while using the foot as a stopper for your hand, so that the feet of the girl, did not slip out of your grasp. Therefore, I am summising, that whoever, or whatever, gripped Igor Dyatlov, simply did this, by placing their hands, over the tops of this feet, because they were strong enough, to drag a full grown man, through the snow, with no consideration given to strength. They were strong.
Incidentally, I also asked the men whose fingers I measured, for a comparison, how they would drag someone [another man], through the snow, who was unconscious. They said that they would pick them up and throw them over their shoulders and I added or perhaps lift from under the arms from behind. When I told them, that I believed that this person has been dragged by his ankles, they both agreed, that whoever was doing the dragging, "didn't care less" about the welfare of this person.
Igor Dyatlov Turned Over After Death

Igor Dyatlov, Who Was The Leader Of The Hiking Group Was Five Feet And Seven Inches In Height [5ft 7in].
In the above photo, a small section of material from Igor Dyatlov's jacket, has been snagged by a branch. The way in which this material is caught on the branch, shows that the following may have occurred. That being, that Dyatlov was being dragged/ moved past the branches and placed in this position, beneath a thicket of small trees in the snow. So whoever dragged Dyatlov, stopped with the thicket at his feet, with his head, facing towards the direction of the tent. The assailant then placed him face down in the snow, leaving him to die in that position. Dyatlov was later turned over, from left to right, which resulted in him being on found on his back, with some of his clothing catching, on the small branches of the thicket. This would explain the awkard positioning of his arms, as a result of rigarmortis. Mansi hunters passing through the area, were very likely able to identify the two hikers who had perished by the fire, especially since Yuri Krivonischenko was on his back, facing up. Once they identified Igor Dyatlov and knew that there were at least three deaths, with the 'feeling', that something was not right, they would have moved on from the area, fearing that they may be held accountable for the deaths, by Russian authorities.
... Several Examples Of Bodies Being Dragged By The Ankles
I was about to place this piece online when a YouTube clip turned up in my 'Up Next' section. I clicked it to find a "creature", dragging the body of a bow hunter and deer on a channel called Crypto PTSD, that features a guest by the name of Coonbo Baker:

"Coonbo Baker: In the early 2000s we started hearing about something else that had happened up there [that is in LBL, Land Between The Lakes Recreation Area, Kentucky, USA], that there had been another death, possibly due to dogman ... First thing they noticed, his tent is torn to shreds, ... they start seeing evidence of a fight. There's blood on the ground. There's pieces of the guy's clothing. They find his bow lying about 75 feet from the tent, broken ... just snapped in half ... that's the handle area where you put your hand, where you hold the bow ... They found his quiver there and the quiver did not have any arrows missing out of it. They also determined that the guy had been in his sleeping bag and that whatever it was, came in there and tore through the tent and grabbed him, and dragged him, in his sleeping bag and dragged him out of the tent and pulled him out of the bag ... They found very distinct marks on the ground, where he had been dragged off, so that they started following it and they followed the drag line for over a mile and a half, ... and they come out on an abandoned field back in the woods and they find his body, laying there in the field ... and they found some of his clothes up in a tree ... some of the other incidental details that I heard matched right in with other things that I had learned about these creatures and some 'Bigfoot' type creatures in general ... I think the official story ... was that is was an unknown animal attack ... It was obvious that ... when the thing, picked him up, to drag him off, that he didn't pick him up and throw him over his shoulder ... he got his feet. He grabbed around the guy's ankles and he dragged the guy by his feet and his upper body, his body was dragging on the ground, okay, we have had several reports, eyewitness sightings of dogmen that are in that area, dragging off deer ... when I was questioning them, I said, "Was it totin' the deer over its shoulder? "No. No. It had it by the back legs dragging it ..." I took a report from a guy, he and his uncle or he and his dad, were fishing, up there near the canal and they saw one dragging a deer down the riverbank ..." [Dogman Encounter EP:35 EVIL Dogman KILLS FAMILY!! Government COVER-UP!!!, Crypto PTSD, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMsIwzcyMT4]Placement of bodies nd or objects belonging to the person often occurs on mountains, in crevices or at the base of cliffs [when lifted or thrown off them], in fields, in water, on slabs of stone, beneath thickets, bushes or tree roots and sometimes hung up on fences or in trees. The bodies of seven members, of the Dyatlov group, were found on a mountain, in water and at the base of a ravine.
When the tent was discovered by the rescue team, on the slopes of Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], a single ski pole, was found to be snapped in half, just like the bow in this encounter. While one of the group may have done this, in order to use it as a weapon, it is unlikely, that they would break a well needed ski pole, especially when a couple of members had hunting knives inside the tent. Could this be a show of power, a display of displeasure, from the demonic manifestion, saying, I will break your bows and skis? In the next section I will give examples of the dragging and/ or placement of both human and animal bodies, that occur when fallen angels manifest, in the form of light orbs/ plasma balls [UFOs] and/or as cryptid type creatures, with both 'manifestations' often occurring at the same time, or at different times, but with the same results. In otherewords, both 'light orbs' and 'Bigfoot' are involved in the dragging and placement of bodies, because they are one of the same living enitity.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |