Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
Tibo [Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles] was one of the four hikers, who were brutally attacked and murdered by the snow shelter. Nikolai was smashed in the head, so that, as Vozrozhdenny states, he would have been unconscious, but could have shown signs of life for 2-3 hours, during which time, it was anticipated that he would die of hypothermia. But perhaps he had been hit a little bit too hard, since it was deemed that he died as a result of 'violence' and not from hypothermia as planned. To vary the injuries, Alexander Kolevatov was hit in the nose and given a deformed [broken] neck. But with the remaining two hikers, Lyudmila Dubinina and Semyon Zolotaryov, the 'powers' in what would appear to be, a momentary loss of self control, decided just to finish them off, by brutally attacking them by the snow den [shelter], so that Lyudmila, would have survived 10-20 minutes and Semyon, a bit longer than that. As Vozrozhdenny [pathologist] states, they were well trained, physically fit and strong.
Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles
Skull Fracture - Forceful Impact

On May 9, 1959 an autopsy was performed on the body of Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles by the regional bureau forensic pathologist Boris Alekseevich Vozrozhdenny in the presence of criminal prosecutor of the regional prosecutor's office, Lev Ivanov and criminal expert Churkina G.A. Some of these injuries are as follows:
"On the upper left jaw there is a defect in the soft tissue, which has an irregular oval shape with a size of 3 x 4cm with drawn out convoluted borders exposing the alveolar [the jaw ridge containing the tooth sockets] edge of the upper ?? ..."
"There is an indication of haemorrhaging from the right temple into the right temporal muscle with diffuse saturation. ???? dissection of the right temporal muscle determined that there was a depressed fracture in the right temporal bregmatic area on an area measuring 9 x 7cm with a bone defect on the temporal lobe measuring 3 x 3.5 x 2 cm.This section of bone is sunken into the cranial cavity and is located on the dura matter ... in the middle cranial pit a multi splintered fracture on the right temporal lobe was discovered with the diffusion of the cracked bone to the anterior cranial fossa and the supraorbital region of the frontal bone. A second crack runs along the ??? surface of the sella turcica in the area of the pterygoid processes, venturing into the interior of the underlying bone, then processing to the middle cranial ?? to the left with the seperation of the bone from 0.1cm to 0.4cm. The dura matter membrane is accordingly the site of the sharp fracture of the ??? with the hyperaemia of the brain matter from the right hemisphere of the brain ???? ... On the whole, the length of the crack in the area of the ?? of the base of the skull is 17cm. In addition, there is an asymmetry of the ??? compression fracture in the given area."
It is my opinion that his death was the result of a closed comminuted pressure fracture in the area of the base and the vault of the cranium with a prolific amount of bleeding under the meninges and the brain matter while under low temperature. The above mentioned extensive comminuted fracture of the base and the vault of the cranium are of in vivo origin and are the result of a great force with the subsequent falling, hurling and concussion of Mr. Tibeaux-Brignolle."
"The death of Tibeaux-Brignolle was a result of violence."
[The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem, Edited by Svetlana Oss, 15 January, 2017]
Smashing Explosive Force Like A Car Accident
Excerpt from the interrogation of forensic expert of the Regional Forensic Investigation Bureau Boris Vozrozhdenny led by Junior Counselor of Justice and Criminal Prosecutor of Sverdlovsk region, Lev Ivanov, on May 28, 1959: Vozrozhdenny, who undertook the autopsy,desribed the hrad injuries of Tibo as ... "The extensive, depressed, multi-splintered (broken fornix and base of the skull) fracture could be the result of an impact of an automobile moving at high speed. This kind of trauma could have occurred if Tibo had been thrown and fallen and hit his head against rocks, ice, etc., by a gust of strong wind. ["Doctors concluded that the force needed to cause such damage would have had to been extremely high. One of the investigating doctors, Dr. Boris Vozrozhdenny, compared the injuries to a car wreck victim."
[Source: Robert V Reich, An American Nationalist, 2011, https://amnationalistcouncil.wordpress.com/2011/11/21/the-dyatlov-pass-mystery-solved/]
The 1979 Minnesota UFO Sighting - Explosive Force

Here is a description of fallen angel, or power, as they are refered to in The Holy Bible, in light orb/ plasma form, coming at a man in a motor vehicle at great force, both striking his car and damaging both of his eyes. The fallen angel in light orb/ plasma form, is capable, of doing the same kind of damage, as described here:
"... The next thing Johnson knew, the light was shooting directly toward him, moving so fast that its passage seemed almost instantaneous. The last thing he heard was the sound of breaking glass. At 2:19 A.M. a weak voice crackled over the radio in the sheriff's dispatcher's office at Warren, Minnesota. It was Johnson, who had just regained consciousness. His car had skidded sideways and now was stretched at an angle across the northbound lane, its front tilting toward the ditch. Asked what happened, Johnson could only reply, "I don't know. Something just hit my car."
Officers who arrived on the scene found the car had sustained strange damage, including a seriously cracked windshield, a bent antenna, smashed lights, and other damage. Both the car clock and Johnson's wrist watch were running 14 minutes slow, though both had been keeping correct time until the UFO incident. Johnson's eyes hurt badly as if, an examining physician declared, from 'welding burns' ..."
Allan Hendry of the Center for UFO Studies along with experts from Ford and Honeywell conducted an extensive investigation. Their conclusion: The windshield damage was caused by stones apparently carried in the wake of the unknown object. The Honeywell expert thought the bent antenna probably resulted from a "high-velocity air blast superimposed on the air movement over the fast-moving car."[The 1979 Minnesota UFO Sighting, http://science.howstuffworks.com/space/aliens-ufos/1979-minnesota-ufo.htm]
Sasquatch Chronicles 2017 // I Thought I Was Going To Die/ Bigfoot Hotspot Radio

In a similar testimony, a male guest, who appeared on Bigfoot Hotspot Radio, was attacked by "Bigfoot", compared the force of this impact, to being in a car crash:
"... This thing came from behind me pretty much. I think what it did, it took a swipe at my head or my neck. but if I hadn't slipped the way that I did, it would have connected pretty good. What it ended up doing was catching my pack instead and you know, like I said, it picked me up, like, like a rag doll and ah, the left side of my face and head went into this tree and it kinda bounced off and I ah, landed on my belly ...the first thing you think is like, damn, what just happened to me, you know. I'm laying on my stomach and the last thing ... first of all I'm just really, I'm in pain. ... my entire, my face, my head, my whole body is just wracked with pain, I mean, ... the wind was really knocked outa me, bad, I kinda felt like um, if anybody has been in a like ah, you know, any kind of, you know, sustantial car [accident?], it was a kinda feeling like that, you know, you're just kinda feel like you're in a daze ..."
[Sasquatch Chronicles 2017 // I Thought I Was Going To Die/ Bigfoot Hotspot Radio] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8hTGtuIemA]
Being Thrown Down With Great Speed Or Strength

The following is a transcript, of an official interrogation of medical doctor B.A. Vozrojdenny, by L.N. Ivanov, about injuries of Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle:
Ivanov: "What could have caused injuries that Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle suffered?"
Vozrojdenny: "He could have been thrown down from a height of a grown man. He might have slipped and fell. However very deep fracture of the skull base suggests that his injuries are similar to a victim that was dropped with a great speed and strength from a quickly moving car."
Ivanov: "Could we assume that he was hit by a rock that was held by another man?"
Vozrojdenny: "In this case we would see damaged soft tissue and we don't see that on the body."
Ivanov: How long could Tibo have lived after the trauma. Could he have moved on his own, talked, etc.?
Vozrojdenny: After this trauma, Tibo would have had a severe concussion; that is, he would have been in an unconscious state. Moving him would have been difficult and, close to the end, movement would not have been possible. I believe he would not have been able to move even if he had been helped. He could only have been carried or dragged. He could have shown signs of life for 2-3 hours.
A number of hikers in the Dyatlov group, were said to have 'high impact' injuries, that could have been caused by a car accident, being dropped from a fast moving car onto the road, or the shock weave of a bomb, or explosion. This may be applicable to Nikolai Thibeaux - Brignolles, but it is not applicable to the other members, as previously stated, since their wounds were specific [rather than generalised] and did involve soft tissue damage. Nikolay was not hit by a man, but by a manifesting creature/ as a physical force, who is more powerful [supernaturally powerful] than a man. Here are examples of a fallen angel [demonic power], manifesting as "Bigfoot", throwing, dropping and/ or smashing things down, including animals and people.
So Does "Bigfoot" Smash Or Throw Things Down?

"Bigfoot" About To Throw Steve Austin Down, In An Episode Of The 1970s Series; The Six Million Dollar Man.
The followig reports have been extracted from The Bigfoot Casebook: Chronological List of Bigfoot Sightings 1818-1980, Janet and Colin Bord, New York: Granada Publishing, 1982] and Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014].
"1899/ Headwaters of South Sixes River, OR/ Prospectors named Robbins 8r Benson/ Saw 61/ 2-ft, yellow-furred 'devil' push camp gear off cliff; ..."
[Source: Article by Dale Vincent, 1947, noted TSF p.5.] Published by The Bigfoot Casebook: Chronological List of Bigfoot Sightings 1818-1980, Janet and Colin Bord, New York: Granada Publishing, 1982]
"7 Nov. 1969/ Lake Worth, TX/ Charles Buchanan/ Thrown to ground, while; sleeping in [pick-up], by Bigfoot."
[Source: (see ch.6)/ STAAU p.186, COTOE P.53. Published by The Bigfoot Casebook: Chronological List of Bigfoot Sightings 1818-1980, Janet and Colin Bord, New York: Granada Publishing, 1982]
"29 Aug. 1970/ Wilsonville, OR/ Young woman/ Bigfoot picked up witness as she climbed through fence and threw her back over the fence."
[Source: (see ch.6)/ INT. jg, noted STAAU pp.340-1 & TSF P.54. Published by The Bigfoot Casebook: Chronological List of Bigfoot Sightings 1818-1980, Janet and Colin Bord, New York: Granada Publishing, 1982]
"Up to 14 dogs had been skinned within a year [1982] and their carcasses tossed over the back fence at the Yakima County Humane Society animal shelter." |
[p327, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
"Oct. 1975/ Giles County, TN/ Farmer/ Watched Bigfoot in barn kill calf by throwing it on ground."
[Source: Article by Don Worley in Argosy UFO July 1977, noted STAAU p.221-2. Published by The Bigfoot Casebook: Chronological List of Bigfoot Sightings 1818-1980, Janet and Colin Bord, New York: Granada Publishing, 1982]
"Nov. 1975/ Citrus County, FL/ Seven young men including John Sohl [18]. All saw 3 Bigfeet near their campfire. Sohl was later tossed by one when he tried to photograoh it."
[Source:(see ch.7)/ BAOTC pp.167-68.Published by The Bigfoot Casebook: Chronological List of Bigfoot Sightings 1818-1980, Janet and Colin Bord, New York: Granada Publishing, 1982]
"Aug. 1977/ Stilwell, OK/ Brian Jones, two Richie boys/ ... outside Jones met foul-smelling, 8-ft Bigfoot which lifted him off the ground, dropped him and ran off when others appeared."
[Source: Witness int. Bigfoot Research Society Members, see their Bigfoot Bulletin 2, 3, 4, 6. Published by The Bigfoot Casebook: Chronological List of Bigfoot Sightings 1818-1980, Janet and Colin Bord, New York: Granada Publishing, 1982]
300 Pound, Four Month Old Angus/ Hereford Cross Heifer.
Seward County, Nebraska, USA.
Sept 7th, 1979. |
"... The autopsy report showed that the animal's skull had been fractured."
[p259, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
Prized Red [Seed] Bull
The Vigil Ranch, Costilla County, USA.
Dec 14th, 1993. |
"He then led me over to the scrub willow thicket, just to the east of the animal. "Look at this." He pointed to the broken branches with bits of red hair sticking to the tips. "It looks like they crashed him into the bushes here," he concluded."
[p379, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
Newborn Calf
Skinwalker Ranch, Utah, USA.
Mar 10th, 1997. |
"My immediate impression was that an enormous force had ripped the [calf] apart. One of the leg bones was lying ten feet away, having been yanked fee of the knee joint. Even with a young calf the brute force necessary to rip a femur off a knee joint and snap a tendon suggested something very powerful..."
[p402, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
"The back legs may be twisted together or broken, as Bigfoot swings [the deer] against a tree."
[Source: Bigfoot Killed My Hog! Bigfoot Outlaw Radio Ep29], https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NtjE4TQffM&t=237s
"Some animals are dropped or placed from great heights, leaving internal skeletal compound fractures which cannot be explained unless the predator or scavenger is a “Fricken” T-Rex!"
[Cattle Mutilations; It’s always been about the blood! By Chuck Zukowski, March 4, 2016, http://www.ufonut.com/8008-2/]

There Were Four Photos Taken Of Tibo, Prior To His Murder, With Him Laying Down, As If He Had Fallen Down.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |