Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
In the next section, I am going to examine the injuries, of the four hikers, who were found in the ravine by the snow den, using The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem, Edited by Svetlana Oss, 15 January, 2017, in conjunction with images and text, extracted from the 'official' Dyatlov Pass website, powered by Teodora Hadjiyska. The injuries received by this group of hikers, whose bodies were found next to each other, were the most extreme and once discovered, they changed the course of the investigation, into a government and military cover up, that was to see the area closed off to the public [tourists and outsiders] for the next four years. These hikers were: Alexander Kolevatov, Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles, Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina.

These Four Hikers, Appear To Have Suffer Similar Injuries, To "Bigfoot" Attack & "UFO" Mutilation Victims.
Brief Summary Of Events
The snow shelter [or snow den], was very likely being built, either while the fire still smouldered on, or shortly after the deaths, of the first two hikers, Yuri Doroshenko and Yuri Krivonischenko, under the instruction of ex-military member, Semyon Zolotaryov and unlike the fire, this did not fail. Keith McCloskey notes in his book, Journey To Dyatlov Pass: An Explaination Of The Mystery that, the shelter was actually quite close to the cedar tree, to the extent where the hikers could have easily spoken to one another, "... when we came to where the bodies of Luda, Thibo, Zolotarev and Kolevatov were found, I was amazed to see that they were at a far lesser distance from the cedar tree than 70 metres [230ft). I estimated the distance to be no greater than around 20 metres (66ft), if that... What this showed was that the group (excluding Zina, Igor Dyatlov and Rustem who appeared to be making their way back to the tent) were much closer than I first thought which would make much more sense from a safety point of view."
[p51, Journey To Dyatlov Pass: An Explaination Of The Mystery, Keith McCloskey, 2016] This would indicate that the entire group remained and worked together, on both the snow shelter and the fire.
During this time, Alexander Kolevatov, who was found with a box of soggy matches in his pockets, may have went to and fro, between the fire and the snow shelter. The snow shelter was cut out of the ice and did not fail to keep the hikers sheltered from the blistering wind. Furthermore, the tent, holding all the necessary provision and supplies, to ensure their survival, was only 1.5km away. The hikers could have easily made it back to the tent, rather putting all their efforts into building a fire and a snow den, on the edge of the forest, but there was obviously something preventing them from doing so. The hikers perceived the situation as life threatening enough, in order to risk their lives and suffer death, by not returning to the tent that night.
The assailant, however, did not anticipate the fight for life, that would ensue from the remaining seven remaining hikers. Therefore, they were met for these efforts at survival, with an ever increasing amount of violence. The fallen angel and/ or demon, was physically manifesting, in both light orb and cryptid form. It would have pReefred a clean kill, where the nine hikers simply fled from the tent and were too afraid to return, dying of hypothermia in the snow, on the sacrificial mountainside platform, alongside Yuri Doroshenko and Yuri Krivonischenko. It did not anticipate the fight for life, that occurred on the slopea of the mountain, when the group made a decision to split up. The fact that the four remaining hikers, who were alot better dressed, now sheltered together in a snow den, meant that more drastic action had to be taken.
The injuries discovered on the ravine four, including Alexander Kolevatov, Nikolai Thibeaux - Brignolles, Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina, during the official autopsy, conducted by regional bureau forensic pathologist Boris Alekseevich Vozrozhdenny, were the most severe of all the injuries sustsined by the nine hikers. They involved classic human [cattle] mutilation, such as missing eyes, lips, tongue and floor of mouth, fractured ribs, fractured skull and broken, or flattened noses and there was the presence radiation. All of the injuries sustained by the remaining four hikers, who were found in the ravine, are compatiable with injuries caused by fallen angels, in light orb/ plasma ball [UFO] form, or when they physically manifest [in their cryptid/ creature form of 'Bigfoot'] and involved the placement of the bodies in frozen creek bed. Let's explore these injuries, starting with Alexander Kolevatov:
The Ravine 4 - Alexander Kolevatov
Broken Nose, Deformed [Broken] Neck, Head Wound

On May 9, 1959 an autopsy was performed on the body of Alexander Kolevatov by the regional bureau forensic pathologist Boris Alekseevich Vozrozhdenny in the presence of criminal prosecutor of the regional prosecutor's office, Lev Ivanov and criminal expert Churkina G.A. Some of these injuries are as follows:
"There are no eyebrows."
"The skin is missing in the area of the eye sockets and eyebrows, exposing the facial bone; the soft tissue around the edge of the exposed bone is limp, smooth and slightly raised."
"... the nose cartilage is soft when palpated and has unusual mobility. The base of the nose is flattened with the nostrils compressed."
There is a defect in the soft tissue in the area of the right cheek measuring 4 x 5.5cm of uneven oval form with pressed smooth drawn out margins. The bones of the lower jaw appear at the bottom of the defect of the soft tissue.
"There is a wound of undetermined shape measuring 3 x 1.5 x 0.5cm behind the right ear in the area of the mastoid process that penetrates into the mastoid process.”
“The neck is long and thin and deformed in the area of the thyroid cartilage.”
"Based on examination of the corpse of Kolevatov, I think that his death was the result of low temperature."
“The cause of death of Kolevatov was through violence.”
[The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem, Edited by Svetlana Oss, 15 January, 2017]
So was it violence or low temperature, that caused the death of Alexander Kolevatov? It was both. The cause of his death was through violence, that resulted in his death from hypothermia. In regards to the wound behind Kolevatov's ear, it may have been a sign of skin breakage from the bruising associated with Battle's Sign or he was hit from behind by someone/thing, who understood human antonomy/ killing techniques.
Causes of Battle’s Sign
Excerpt: "... Battle’s sign is primarily caused by a type of serious head injury called a basilar skull fracture, or basal fracture. This type of fracture occurs at the base of your skull. Fractures to the base of your skull can occur behind your ears or nasal cavity, as well as near part of your spine. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, it’s the most serious and most common type of skull fracture. The danger is from associated injuries to the brain, spinal cord, and blood vessels that run through the skull to feed the brain.
Any injury severe enough to fracture the skull could put these other structures at risk. Skull fractures often occur as the result of a serious injury, fall, or accident. These might include: car accidents, sports-related injuries, head injuries from not wearing a helmet (such as when bike riding, falls, whiplash and abuse. If you’ve had a recent head injury, broken nose, or broken cheekbone, a bruise behind the ear might be related to this condition. Unlike typical bruises that form from a direct injury, Battle’s sign isn’t caused from an injury at that location ..."
[What Is a Battle Sign? Heathline Newsletter

So being hit in the face, resulting in s broken nose and neck, may have caused the Battle Sign wound, behind Alexander Kolevatov's neck. An example of this being the ContraCoupe [Couple] injury, where one injury cresting another, through force of impact. This is illustrated in above diagram, where the brain moves after being hit with baton, to create two sets of injuries from the one strike. Kolevatov was hit in the nose and neck and while this may have created the wound behind his neck, but the focused intensity, seems to suggest that he was struck from behind, with a blunt instrument or tool. It was concluded that he died of hypothermia, which would have been as a result of his injuries, rather than from the injuries themselves. If Alexander Kolevatov had not sustained the injuries, I do not believe that he would be dead.
In case of the nine hikers, however, the intention was for each of them to die, of seemingly of natural causes, of hypothermia and so the force of impact, was dealt out in a controlled manner. It was only once the fallen angel [demonic power], appeared to lose momentary control, that two of the group members, Semyon Zolotaryo and Lyudmila Dubinina, were mutilated and that was the first mistake, in this messy affair. The second mistake, was when the nervous examiners, in front of witnesses, recorded the missing eyes, tongue and floor muscle of Ludymila's mouth, since human mutilation cases, are normally swiftly covered up, by the authorities.
Deformed [Broken Necks] In Missing 411 & Cattle Mutilation Cases

Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, By Author And Researcher, Chris OBrien, 2014.
In many of the Missing 411 cases, documented by author and researcher, David Paulides, that remain "unexplained", the bodies of adults who go missing in National Parks and/ or wilderness areas, are often not found, which either means, that the remains are still out there, somewhere beyond the original search area perimeters, or that they have been found and removed by the authorities, when their injuries are deemed to be too controversial. There have been a number of eye witness accounts, of so the called "Bigfoot" creatures, breaking the necks of human beings, some fake, littered across YouTube. There are also cases, where a fallen angel [demonic power], manifesting on light orb and/ or cryptid form, breaks the necks of animals that it mutilates, that have been meticulously documented in Christopher O'Brien's book, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, published by Adventures Unlimited Press in the USA. I list cases from these two authors below:
Edward Gerke
Missing 11th June, 1918, Tomah, WI, USA.
Age at disappearance: Unknown.
Mr. Gerke was a farmer, who was found around midday, by his family, dead in a ditch in a pasture, on his newly purchased property, after he left early in the morning, in order to go and do some chores. Paulides writes, "They ... thought some of his clothes had been burned." followed by "Tomah Police ... were completely baffled about how Edward's neck was broken, or how he got sand in his mouth."
[p29-30, Missing 411: Eastern United States, David Paulides, Create Space independent Publishing Platform, 2011]
Six month old Charolais-cross bull.
Near Toefield, USA.
"The carcass was apparently bruised on the neck and shoulder, leading officials to sumise that the animal had suffered a broken neck." |
[p260, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
Six month old steer [late 1970s]
Logan County, Colorado, USA.
"The jugular vein had been punctured in two places, the neck was broken."
[p239, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
"Opened the front door and there laid one of my dogs. Something had, I mean, it looked like somebody had took a razorblade and sliced this dog up. [He finds the other dog, the mother of the dog down in the gorge nearby to the house] ... the only marks I found on that dog, were some puncture wounds in her stomach about three inches apart and about as big as a pencil, each puncture wound and that was the only marks that were on that dog ... there was no blood come out of it. She never had a spot of blood on her."
[Sasquatch Chronicles 2017 // EP: 367 Is This Thing Something More? Bigfoot Hotspot Radio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLyUXkW7BoE]
Fourteen month old horse
Gomez Ranch, Dulce, New Mexico, USA.
"The neck and jaw bone appeared to have been broken."
[p307, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
Fifteen ponies
near Dartmoor, UK.
"One theory is that the ponies died of red worm - but that does not explain the broken necks and legs." |
[p210, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
"I estimate that there would have been probably about ten to twelve dead sheep carcasses all piled in this same area, all at various stages of decomposition. The ones that had been there, for the least amount of time, were the one that were the closest to the creek. Now the unusual thing about these carcasses was the necks had been snapped. Something had actually got their head and snapped their neck and one of the spines of one of the sheep there had actually had sections of the spine missing. So whether they were actually taken out or not, I'm not sure and then as you moved up the creek bed or bank of this particular creek, there'd be another three or four carcasses, slightly more decomposed, the skulls obviously more apparent and then as you went up a little bit further, there was even another clump of about four or five different carcasses even more decomposed, pretty much, almost like a collection of skulls ... [trying to figure out of wild dogs did it] ... If they were wild dogs, then why did they drag these things and all pile them in the same spot at different times? And also, how did such a small dog drag such a large sheep up onto the river bank to that height? Say, we're talking about you would have had to pull these sheep from a vertical height of about 6 feet to 7 feet. That's the first level of sheep, right up to maybe ten to twelve feet of vertical height and also probably and overall distance of you know about five to eight metres, they would have had to drag these things up there. .. the only other possibility, is that some human being was going down there, on a semi regular basis and maybe doing some sort of SATANIC RITUAL or something [laughs] I don't know. It was pretty freaky. It was a really grisly chilling sort of sight. It's funny. It was like they were stacked. The carcasses that has been there the longest were higher up the bank and they were actually right up under ... tucked right up underneath this lantana ... It was almost as if whatever was bringing those bodies there was dong it on a regular basis and over a period of time." [Bigfoot Encounter EP:27 There were DEAD Lamb's EVERYWHERE!!! Yowie Encounter! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oaip9SMsEwk]
While Alexander Kolevatov may have died of hypothermia, the cause of his death was by violence, ceated by a force of impact, that hit him both in his face, breaking his nose and deforming [or breaking] his neck, with a small wound to the back of his head. Without this attack, it is very likely that Alexander Kolevatov, alongside the other three hikers who remained in the snow den, that being, Nikolai Thibeaux - Brignolles, Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina, would have survived the night and simply returned back to the tent [which was only 1.5km away] and to their supplies the next morning, once it was daylight. With the entire group of nine hikers, having perished around 6-8 hours after they had last eaten, it would have only been a few more hours, to wait until sunrise, on the 2nd February, 1959. The fallen angel [demonic power], manifesting in both its light orb/ plasma ball form and its 'Bigfoot' cryptid form, made sure that this did not occur, dumping the four bodies into the ravine and placing Lyudmila Dubinina's body, on its knees, against a large stone, in a position of worship, where running water would wash away any evidence, of her face being mutilated, by a cunning predator, who knew both the natural environment, human biology and how to cover up/ or wash away evidence, at the scene of a crime.

The Hikers Were Thrown Into The Ravine, For A Creek To Wash Away, Evidence Of Mutilation And Radiation.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |