Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
Livestock, South Of Monte Vista, Colorado, USA.
"... A motorist chased an "orange light" and returned to the site two days later and found what he described as "a mutilated cow.""
[p442, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
"The rancher was out counting heads when he discovered a missing cow in a gully where it had apparently had fallen into the nine-foot-deep wash. The animal was estimated to have died several days earlier ... The cow was missing its tongue from deep in the throat,all the hide and hair had been removed from the lower jaw ..." |
[p327, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
Something truly terrible that was beyond human comprehension, happened to the four remaining hikers, Nikolai Thibeaux - Brignolles, Alexander Kolevatov, Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina, who waited in the snow den that they had made, close to the ravine. I believe were the last to be murdered, in the group of nine hikers and they were the last to be found, almost three months after their deaths, beneath the ice thaw, in a flowing stream, at the bottom of a shallow ravine. The condition that the bodies were found in changed everything. The pilots who were part of the search and rescue operation, did not want to accept the four recovered bodies onto the plane, and chief investigator, Lev Ivanov, was given his firm orders, from Russian high ranking officials, which he reluctantly complied with, closing the investigation down with the words that offered little comfort to grieving loved ones. Those words were that "The cause of death was an unknown compelling force which the hikers were unable to overcome." Lev Ivanov earnt a promotion in the process.
Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina had injuries in common. Both appeared to have suffered from 'force of impact wounds' and both were subjected to inhuman injuries so often observed in cattle [and human] mutilation cases, where hideous wounds are inflicted upon people and livestock, by so called UFOs and manifesting entities, who are associated with them, such as 'Bigfoot', dwarves, slender men in silver opace suits, with the presence of military helicopters [some real] and [but mainly simulated or fake], that hover around the area, before an after a mutilation takes place. I believe that the mutilation injuries inflicted upon the remaining two hikers, occurred due to the malice and impatience of the fallen angel [demonic power], that they had survived death by hypothermia and soon it would be dawn. As if the injuries that had been inflicted upon the other hikers weren't bad enough, Semyon Zolotaryov and Lyudmila Dubinina's injuries, would have to be the worst.
Lyudmila Dubinina
Nose Flattened [Broken], Broken Ribs, Eyes, Tongue & Floor Of Mouth Missing/ Human Mutilation Injuries

On May 9, 1959 an autopsy was performed on the body of Lyudmila Dubinina, by the regional bureau forensic pathologist Boris Alekseevich Vozrozhdenny in the presence of criminal prosecutor of the regional prosecutor's office, Lev Ivanov and criminal expert Churkina G.A. Some of these injuries are as follows:
"The soft tissue in the area of the supraorbital ridges, on the bridge of the nose, the eye sockets and left temporal-zygomaic area are all absent, exposing the facial skull bones.
The eye sockets are glaring, the eyeballs are absent."
"The nasal cartlidge is flattened"
"There is an absence of the soft tissue from the upper lip on the right with thinning of its edges, exposing the alveolar edge of the upper jaw and teeth."
"The tongue in the oral cavity is absent."
"The diaphragm [or mylohyoid muscle], of the mouth and tongue are absent. The upper edge of the subligual bone is barred."
"When palpating the neck, there is an extraordinary mobility of the thyrohyal and thyroid cartilages."
"In the external and anterior surface of the left thigh in the middle third there is diffuse bruising of bluish-purple colour of 10 x 5xm with deep skin haemorrhage."
"There is noted an extraordinary mobility of the ribs."
"In the area of the left temporal bone there is a soft tissue defect sized 4cm x 4cm with the bottom of the defect exposing the temporal bone."
Internal near heart. "In the area of the left ventricle there is an irregularly oval-shaped haemorrhage sized 4 x 4cm with diffuse suffusion of the right ventricle muscle."
"The diaphragm [or mylohyoid muscle], of the mouth and tongue are absent. The upper edge of the subligual bone is barred."
"After the removal of the oiergan complex from the thoracic and abdominal cavity, the multiple bilateral fracture of the ribs was found on the right II, III, IV, V on the mid-clavicular and mid-axillary line; on the left there is a fracture of II, III, IV, V, VI, VII ribs on the mid-clavicular line. In the place of the rib fractures there are diffuse haemorrhages into intercostal muscles."
"In the area of the manubrium of the sternum on the right there is diffuse haemorrhaging."
"I think that the death of Ms. Dubinina was caused by massive haemorrhaging into the right ventricle, multiple bilateral rib fractures and internal bleeding into the thoracic cavity. The said damage was probably caused by an impact of great force, causing severe closed lethal trauma to the chest of Ms. Dubinina. The trauma was caused during life and is the result of high force impact with subsequent fall, throw or bruise to the chest of Ms. Dubinina."
"The death of Ms. Dubinina is through violence."
[The Dytalov Pass Post Mortem, Edited by Svetlana Oss, 15 January, 2017]
Cow, Southeast of Questa, New Mexico, USA.
May 3rd, 1998.
"[The cow] which had been dead for about a day ... was missing its eye and its tongue and suffered massive hemorrhaging..." |
[p405, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
Lyudmila's Tongue
"According to Henrietta Churkin, a forensic pathologist present at the autopsy: 'When it was discovered that Dubinina had no tongue, we wondered even more. I asked Boris [Vozrozhdenny]: "Where could [the tongue] go?" He shrugged his shoulders. It seemed to me he was depressed and even scared."
[P201, Don't Go There, Svetlana Oss, Self Published, Lexington, KY, USA, 2016]

Lyudmila, Semyon, Alexander Kolevatov and Nikolai Brignolles Sustained Obvious Human Mutilation Injuries.
It wasn't only Lyudmila's tongue that had been removed. It was the floor of her mouth as well. The autopsy report stated, that the diaphram of the mouth [that being her Mylohyoid muscle] and tongue, were both absent. In typical cattle mutilation cases, the tongue is said to be removed or extracted, deep from within the throat, using some kind of heat ray or lazer beam, that cuts with precision. Teodora Hadjiyska, the narrator of The Dyatlov Pass website, states that, "The medical records simply that "the tongue is missing". Vozrozhdenny describes missing hypoglossal muscle as well as muscles of the floor of the mouth."
[The Dyatlov Pass website, http://dyatlov-pass.com/ Bdeath# Dubinina]
What Is The Mylohyoid Muscle?
The mylohyoid muscle is flat and triangular, and is situated immediately superior to the anterior belly of the digastric muscle. It is a pharyngeal muscle (derived from the first pharyngeal arch) and classified as one of the suprahyoid muscles. Together, the paired mylohyoid muscles form a muscular floor for the oral cavity of the mouth.[3]

The floor of the oral cavity proper is formed mainly by three structures:
1- A muscular diaphragm, which fills the U-shaped gap between the left and right sides of the body of the mandible and is composed of the paired mylohyoid muscles.
2- Two cord-like geniohyoid muscles above the diaphragm, which run from the mandible in front to the hyoid bone behind.
3- The tongue, which is superior to the geniohyoid muscles.
[Oral Cavity - The divisions and Boundaries - SlideShare: https://www.slideshare.net/OHupdates/oral-cavity-the-divisions-and-boundaries]
So Who Else Has Their Tongue Removed?

Wild Animals Are Unackowledged Mutilation Victims, Of Demonic Powers, On Killing Spree, In Wilderness Areas.
In so called UFO-related human and cattle mutilations, commited by fallen angels [demonic powers], the bodies of people and animals [livestock, wildlife and companion animals] are mutilated with precision. The kinds of mutilations are as follows: In FBI records from 1975, mutilations of the eye occurred in 14 percent of cases, mutilation of the tongue in 33 percent of cases, mutilation of the genitals in 74 percent of cases, and mutilation of the rectum in 48 percent of cases. According to a later survey taken by the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), mutilation of the eye occurred in 59 percent of cases, mutilation of the tongue in 42 percent of cases, the genitals in 85 percent of cases, and the rectum in 76 percent of cases."
[RICHPLANET TV: http://www.richplanet.net/detail.php?dbindex=29]
Cow, Cave Springs, Arkansas, USA.
August 15th, 1978.
"... a calf was discovered missing both eyes and its tongue." |
[pp218-19, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]
2200 Pound Bull, Saddle Lake Indian Resrve, Alberta, Canada.
October 12th, 2001.
" ... the tongue was excised from deep within the throat ..." |
[p433, Stalking The Herd: Unraveling The Cattle Mutilation Mystery, Christopher O'Brien, Adventures Unlimited Press, USA, 2014]

Farmed Animals Are The Tragic Victims, Of Both Human Slaughterhouses and Demonic Mutilations.
The removal of the lips and/or tongue deeply cut out from the throat.
"And the tongues had both been taken - cleanly, via perfectly straight incisions, far back in the throat."
[The shocking truth behind the 10,000 animal mutilations in America’s heartland, by Ben Mezrich: http://nypost.com/2016/09/05/the-shocking-truth-behind-the-10000-animal-mutilations-in-americas-heartland/]
"The typical cattle mutilation has shown repeatedly, huge oval shaped incisions around the jaw bone and in most cases the exposed jaw is completely removed, and the tongue removed from a precise incision deep in the throat."
[Cattle Mutilations: http://www.crystalinks.com/animal_mutilation.html]
"10 Mar 1975 - Whiteface, Texas: In an area where UFOs had been reported for weeks in early 1975, police found a mutilated young calf that rancher Darwood Marshall had found lying within a 30-feet circle of flattened crops. The animal's neck was grotesquely twisted so that it pointed toward the sky, its tongue had been violently removed."
Brutal Texas Cattle Mutilations Examined In At Least 10 Counties: Texas UFO Museum & Research Library:http://roswellbooks.com/museum/?page_id=537]
Humans & Animals Mutilated by Fallen Angels [Demonic Powers] While They Are Fully Conscious
1] Lyudmila Dubinina, Ural Mountains, Russia
"Lyudmila Dubinina (20)mentioned that the stomach contained about 100 grams of coagulated blood. It is used by some as an indication that the heart was beating and the blood was flowing when her tongue [and floor of her mouth] was removed. The cause of death is stated as hemorrhage into right atrium of the heart, multiple fractured ribs and internal bleeding."
[The Dyatlov Pass Incident website: http://dyatlovpass.com/death#Dubinina]

Victims Of Human Mutilation Lyudmila Dubinina, Semyon Zolotaryov And Joaquim Sebastião Gonçalves.
2] Joaquim Sebastião Gonçalves, Guarapiranga Reservoir, Brazil
The 'Vital Reaction' Of Living Victims
"The reference to "vital reaction" means that the wound was inflicted upon a live body, not over a dead one. This information is repeated in other parts of the report, for example: "8) The left and the right armpit areas exhibit a circular discontinuity [round hole], with 4 centimeters of diameter, with regular borders and hollowing of soft parts, with signs of vital reaction". "21) Absence of organs In the pelvis and abdominal cavity due to the removal of all viscera, with signs of tearing and vital reaction". The most evident indication of vital reaction are the blue-black haematomas (formed by the effusion of blood under the skin) that can be clearly seen as a mask over the eyes, around the ears, under the chin, as a rectangle around the hole near the right armpit ... The possibility that such a horrible butchery has been inflicted upon a live victim, possibly paralyzed, brings up to the mind the story related by Linda Moulton Howe about a mutilated bull found in 1981, in Colorado, with dried traces of exudation that trickled down along the muzzle from both its removed eyes, in such a way that only could have occurred if it were standing up, meaning that whoever excised its eyes, removed its tongue, the sexual parts and the rectum, did all that with the animal still alive, paralyzed and standing over its own legs. ... And now, we have the official register of a human person submitted to the same kind of treatment while still alive. Would it be possible that he was conscious during the mutilation? The sobering answer, given by the autopsy, is a resounding yes! "INTERNAL EXAMINATION: ...after opening the cranial cavity using Griessinger technique we found: 17) unimpaired skullcap; 18) cerebral edema". In a case like that, the presence of cerebral edema without direct traumatic origin is a strong characteristic of an agonizing death. In confirmation, the autopsy CONCLUSION explicitly states as causa mortis (cause of the death): "...acute haemorhage in multiple traumatisms. There is a component of causa mortis by vagus stimulation" [implying cardio-respiratory arrest caused by extreme pain]. "The victim shows injuries with vital reaction characteristics, i.e., there is the component "torture". The suggested modus operandi is: incisions in soft parts and natural orifices using sucking devices".
[HUMAN MUTILATIONS: The Guarapiranga CASE In Brazil: http://www.reocities.com/aliengrip/Mutilations/Guarapiranga2-En.htm]
Victims of human mutilation Lyudmila Dubinina, Semyon Zolotaryov and Joaquim Sebastião Gonçalves, all died from massive haemorrhaging and I believe that all three people were mutilated, while they were fully conscious by fallen angels/ demonic powers and that certain factions of the Soviet government and military were fully aware, of who was responsible for these atrocities. Lev Ivanov finally confessed to knowing, when he deemed it safe enough to do so, but others who were curious, such as the pilot Gennadiy Patrushev and assistant in the investigation, Sergey Misharin, were murdered by the human 'powers' that be, while under the ongoing influence and instruction, of the demonic 'powers' that rule the earth, under their commander in chief, who is Satan, described by Jesus Christ, as the god of this world. Human and animal lives are regularly and covertly sacrificed, to territorial fallen angels/ demonic powers, posing as fake pagan gods, in exchange for technological advancements, that they teach to sinful human beings without the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, in order for them to destroy each other, thus ensuring their eternal destruction in Hell.

Search And Rescue, Mount Kholat Syakhl [Dead Mountain], The Northern Ural Mountain Ranges, Russia, 1959.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |