A Muslim Man Amer Berro With A Supernatural Testimony Featured On Randy Kay Ministries.
This is an excellent testimony about spiritual gangstalking and warfare between two opposing powers, over a Muslim man named Amer Berro. As a Muslim, Amer was a spiritual man who was very serious about his committment to God. Nevertheless, he is supernaturally rescued out of the Muslim belief system constructed by Satan and his fallen minions and is supported and guided into God's truth through Jesus Christ.
As soon as Amer Berro cried out for a sign, the fallen angel/demonic power who currently claimed ownership over him stepped in and immediately set up a situation with the moon in order to influence the thinking of Amer Berro, who was in a vulnerable spiritual state at that moment. This influence over Amer Berro's thinking was not of God. Allah is the moon god. In this moment, as described in his testimony on Randy Kay Ministries, Amer Berro and his wife were being unknowingly influenced by a fallen angel/demonic power, who also then proceeds to utilise a person close by, for the explicit purpose of leading them into focusing on the moon and also making them believe, to an extent, that an astronomical event had occurred just for them.
The fallen angel/demonic power understood that Amer Berro was in an open, receptiive and vulnerable state of mind and I believe the gangstalking started, because the fallen angel/demonic power was about to lose his spiritual trophy.
God Almighty may have used the experiences of the road signage regarding the cross and the figure of Jesus Christ, except for the light in the sky. When Amer Berro's wife stopped driving the car and turned it around, so that he could go back in order to photograph the light in the sky, then God put the light out. God does not desire his children to be led to ambiguous lights in the sky, by fallen angels/demonic powers.
My experience is that God and his holy angels will use worldly signs and and symbols in situations of spiritual warring or emergency, where they know that to do so, will lead the deceived and perishing person, whom they are warring over, to make a decision that will save their lives. Amer Berro was terrified, confused, emotionally overwhelmed and crying out in earnest desperation and prayer for 'signs'. God answered Amero's prayers and provided him with what he needed at the time and this was ordained for a specific purpose, that was then, of course, achieved.
God will synchronise events when it suits His purposes. While God is not of the world, He created the world and He owns the world, so that He can utilise whatever He likes, when He likes and as He pleases. God is never wrong and since He is all knowing and eternal, then He knows what is required and He knows the outcome.
The following excerpts of Amer Berro's testimony with accompanying photos, that was aired on Randy Kay Ministries YouTube channel, show how spiritual gangstalking was utilised by God and/or holy angels of God, in order to lead Amer Berro to Jesus Christ. This occurs as a combination of synchronised events that are manifested in the physical, accompanied by influences over the conscious thinking of the targeted individual, that occur simultaneously, in order to make contact with and/or directly influence the targeted individual. This can occur over an extend period of time.
Christian Song
Amera Berro writes; "... I turned the TV on, honest to God, it's a Christian song, they're playing a Christian song and it's about, 'if you're heavy ladened and burdened come and, leave it all to Jesus' and I shut it off. I'm like man there's no way, and she [his wife] is freaking out too, honest to God ..."
Blue Moon

"... At this hotel they have bon fires, so 'I gotta get fresh air babe, I got to get my mind right. I got to get my mind clear', like I dunno what's going on with me. I really don't. Something's not right. I don't feel right. Something's not right, like tingling all over, 'okay, let's go.' So we're sitting at a bon fire and I'm facing the balcony of this hotel and this lady comes out on a balcony. She's smoking a cigarette and she's like "Oh my God! Look guys! Look behind you!" So I looked behind me and honest to God, the moon, the moon was right here like, it looked like it was 3D. It was three rings.
It was the first time in eight hundred years, it's called 'the blue moon' that it happened that night and honest to God, my heart said, "It's for you and my wife's like, "I think that's for you." At the same time, I'm like Oh my gosh, I'm freakin out.
I'm like 'babe, my heart just told me the same thing," like man, I can't, I can't do this, I gotta try and go to sleep. We were supposed to check out that morning. But I was so scared, because if you lose your religion you're going straight to Hell, ain't no question about it, you know what I'm saying, that's one sin God does not forgive you for making partners with[out] him or not being a Muslim, you know and that was so terrifying and I didn't sleep all night ..."
The Cross

"... and we checked out out of the room and my wife had to drive because I couldn't stop crying. I cried from Tennessee to Michigan. Nine hour drive I cried non-stop. I could not stop crying and I'm crying and while I'm crying and she was driving, I'm praying, I'm saying, 'Please God, please, if I did the right thing please just show me a sign. You know I have OCD. You know [some proof], please, please' and honest to God, this is what, this is why nobody can ever argue with me, because I have proof of every single thing that happened to me. I took pictures of everything, anything that ever happens to me, pictues and I have proof right here. As soon as I looked up Randy, I seen a fifty foot cross on the freeway. Swear to God. .. I got my own album called "Jesus Proof." ... this was the cross right here ... you see that? ... "
The Statue

" ... So we were driving and I'm still crying right, we got into Cincinnati and I'd been back and forth a couple of times I'd never seen these things before. So I'm still crying and I'm asking for another sign okay and when I seen this sign I didn't have enough time to get my camera out and so my wife had to make a turn to go back, I gotta do this. So we drove look at this, [he holds up his mobile phone with a statue of Jesus on it], look at that. This is all on the same day ..."
Car Bumper Sticker No.1

"... So when I got back to Michigan, I had to go to the ATM machine ... so as we pull in the driveway and I'm still crying and asking for another sign, okay, and the car in front of me at the ATM machine, look at that bumper sticker, 'Jesus came into the world to save sinners'. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, okay, ..."
[Note: 38.47. The word ENVOY [vehicle brand] beneath the car bumper sticker No.1, is used to identify God's holy angel sent to minister and to protect Amer Berro, who was still a muslim at the time. In the Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary when applied to The Holy Bible' an 'Envoy' means; "1. (n.) One dispatched upon an errand or mission; a messenger; esp., a person deputed by a sovereign or a government to negotiate a treaty, or transact other business, with a foreign sovereign or government; a minister accredited to a foreign government ..." When fallen angels/demonic powers do this kind of thing it is called spiritual gangstalking. But God's holy angels do it better. I experienced this when they went to war over me.]
Light In The Sky

" ... then, a couple of days go by and I'm driving and I get off the Exit where my business is and I ask, 'Please God tell me you're still with me, please tell me you're still with me.' When I feel that love I love that feeling. It's like the best high you can ever imagine, like the euphoric feeling of the love, okay, so it was a cloudy day, okay, look at this light in the sky, Randy, okay, so listen, you see those wires right there, when I seen that I pulled over right away because I wanted to get another picture without the electric wires and it was gone. It was gone instantly. Gone..."
Car Bumper Sticker No.2

" ... So then, my uncle, you know my cousins, cause they always call me to try and get me back, you know, So my uncle's arguing with me, trying to debate with me on the phone, so he's talking to me on the phone and I look at the car in front of me. I'm like, 'Hold on, whatever you're saying, I'll stop right now. I'm gonna send you a picture. You're not gonna believe what was in front of me.' Just to show you cause I called him, [he holds up his phone showing a car sticker] Jesus Loves You. That's what I told him. I go, "Uncle, Jesus loves you. The car in front of me, that's a sign for you my friend. You know, it's amazing. Every time, every time, every time, like, I got so much, I could go on for hours and hours to tell you things that would blow your mind ..."
There are two spiritual "powers" fighting for Amer Berro's attention or focus, but they must do so under God's rules. Amer Berro must ultimately make his own decision. It is the fallen angels/demonic powers of the air who are usually involved in spiritual gangstalking. But in this case, a holy angel, an envoy from God, was sent to claim what rightfully belongs to Jesus Christ. So you may have opposing spiritual influences competing with each other. In which case, how are we to know the difference? Well, it is risky to ask for and to rely on "signs and wonders". "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders," [2 Thessalonians 2:9, The Holy Bible, KJV] and "For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect." [Mark 13:22, The Holy Bible, KJV] Fallen angels/demonic powers are able to utilise energy in order to physically create "lying signs and wonders" and are easily able to place thoughts inside people's minds, that they then believe are their own.
Neither does God approve of graven images [idols] such as statues of Jesus Christ. However in this case, it may have been viewed as a form of spiritual emergency and therefore, with God Almighty's explicit permission, His holy angel intervened, thereby influencing Amer Berro to notice [focus] on "signs", as part of a perfected synchronisation, involving what Amer Berro is thinking, that was supported by what he was actually experiencing in the physical world. This perfect synchronisation of events is captured in the verse; "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." [Romans 8:28, The Holy Bible, KJV] Sometimes it is necessary for God to intervene supernaturally in a person's life in order to save them. God knows exactly when and how and who will benefit from this. "Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe." [John 4:48, The Holy Bible, KJV] Paul the Apostle also experienced a very dramatic conversion that involved an unexpected visionary experience, where he heard from Jesus Christ directly, after which he was caused to lose his sight [his sight of the world] for a period of time. Paul was established in the world and obviously nothing but a direct supernatural intervention by God Almighty, would have shocked him into the acceptance of a higher reality and to accept and then promote, that which he had previously sought to oppose and to destroy.

The Conversion Of Saint Paul By Nicolas Bernard Lepicie, 1767.
While Amer Berro was rescued out of the Muslim cult through direct supernatural intervention, I came out of the New Age cult and experienced a similar spiritual emergency. Like Amer Berro, I was totally overwhelmed on so many levels, that I cried for weeks and months following my supernatural rescue. I was involved with a fallen angel/demonic power since early childhood. I refer to him as The Dragon. He presented as both a serpent/dragon and later, as a cherubim. God allowed me to be totally deceived by him and as such, I had no idea of who I was involved with, or what was going on, until God sent His holy angels to rescue me out of the situation.
It was a terrifying and permanantly life changing experience and finding my way out of the darkness, under divine intervention and assistance, has been a continuing and gradual process, due to my deep spiritual involvement with the creature [The Dragon]. I have nothing against any of God's creation, but I despise evil of this world and I am against Satan and his fallen minions and everything that they stand for.
The spiritual emergency that I experienced, involved two opposing forces that were were warring for my focus and the influencing of my consciousness, whereupon I would be lead to make my own decision. I was in shock, terrified and confused.
Soon after I had accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour and was in safe hands, I told to 'HOLD FAST' and reassured that I was under the 'TOTAL CARE' of holy angels of God, the "signs and wonders" dramatically decreased and I was instructed and taught how to block the synchronistic occurrences, as well as to not look for them and not to desire them. At first the holy angel that was sent to minister to me was accompanied by others, as there was a bit of a spiritual battle going on. Then they left and he remained with me. "The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them." [Psalms 34:7, The Holy Bible, KJV] The Holy Spirit had always been a friend of mine, but I had certainly grieved him on and off over the years, especially during what was eventually described by my ministering angel, who is a holy angel of God, as "a major trangression". As God, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit came to make their abode in me, they influenced me, with the holy angel of God acting more like a guide and protector, as well as his close proximity making him a witness to my prayers, as well as my murmurings and mutterings to Almighty God.

"I thought it good to shew the signs and wonders that the high God hath wrought toward me." [Daniel 4:2, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |