"Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders," [2 Thessalonians 2:9, The Holy Bible, KJV].

"Reflecting the explicit warnings given to Todd Standing by an indigenous Elder, hunter Ron Morehead was informed by a local Miwok Elder that Sasquatch is accompanied by small luminous objects: A 95-year-old Miwok, who is known among his tribal council as 'Grandpa', told me that in Yosemite Valley not so long ago, but before his people were driven out, "Bigfoot was known as Oyana Ha'te, and although Oyana Ha'te traveled in the dark, he always had a lantern, or a brightness behind him." The simple words of Native Elders convey profound truths, perhaps unrecognized by Morehead, in this case clearly identifying the presence of luminous objects that "always" follow these nocturnal creatures. Ancient Miwok cultural knowledge linking Sasquatch with luminous aerial phenomena, labeled today as UFO activity, is based on regional co-habitation with the North American giants for several millennia, and eyewitness accounts from thousands of highly skilled tribal trackers perfectly attuned to the forest. When indigenous trackers observed Sasquatch, they were also keenly aware of a trailing luminosity! The shocking massacre that occurred when dire warnings had been ignored attests to the extreme methods of Sasquatch abduction, execution and intimidation that have repeatedly scarred the collective memory of North America's indigenous tribes. References to the "Noseless One" were likely misunderstood in 1924, yet consistent contemporary descriptions of extraterrestrial visitors leave no doubt: Native Elders identified a close relationship between the Sasquatch and beings known as the alien 'Grays', telepathic androids from the Reticulum system who co-pilot vimana plasma ships. [See 'Lightwater' (2010) pp. 33-40.] A great number of eyewitness accounts of aerial abductions by the android Grays include astounding descriptions of advanced technologies enabling levitation, instantaneous teleportation and invisibility --technologies that also contribute to the extreme elusiveness of Sasquatch."
[Infrasound Resonance in Sylvanic Valley, British Columbia:]

"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad." [Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |