"Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders," [2 Thessalonians 2:9, The Holy Bible, KJV].

Stan Gordon is a paranormal researcher who has investigated thousands of UFO and Bigfoot reports in Pennsylvannia in the USA. He has monitored worldwide UFO [and Bigfoot] reports on a regular basis and has examined information received from many researches and investigates from around the globe. Stan Gordon is the author of Silent Invasion The Pennsylvannia UFO-Bigfoot Casebook.
In his book Stan Gordon writes, "As reports of creature sightings and UFO encounters came to our attention, my research associates and I noticed some interesting details. It appeared that in some instances, UFO sighting activity reported in some locations seemed to coincide with the appearance of the hairy giants. As we continued to monitor the ongoing activity, we noticed that insome cases, a UFO sighting would be reported in a certain area, then within hours to days later, a creature sighting would also be reported in that same general area. We also saw that in some cases, a UFO would be observed minutes before, or minutes after, a creature encounter in the same vicinity." [p304, Silent Invasion The Pennsylvannia UFO-Bigfoot Casebook, Stan Gordon, Edited by Roger Marsh, Self Published, 2010]
"During my many years of research into these mysterious events, I have been involved with the investigation of hundreds of Bigfoot encounters and thousands of UFO observations reported from across the woods, valleys, and mountains of Pennsylvania ...
... We saw much evidence of other wildlife that frequented those locations, but no conclusive physical proof thst would support the reality that Bigfoot creatures also inhabited the area. No bodies, no bones ...
... The hairy bipeds seen here in the Keystone state were in many cases physically comparable in many respects to those Bigfoot creatures reported around the country ad some other parts of the world ...
As reluctant as I am to say this, based on other nationwide reports that have come to my attention, of some of these creatures can disappear and have the ability to change physical form, then how can we be sure what we are dealing with? ...
... Looking back at the 1973-1974 incidents in connection with some of the creature reports. Many of those cases were investigated and documented soon after they occurred. If these events were true, then we must consider the possbility that some of these Bigfoot creatures appear to be even stranger than just an unknown physical flesh and blood animal. It may be that in regards to some of these creature encounters, we are dealing with a phenomenon that appears to be outside of current scientific verification. While we spent many hours of the day and night pursuing these incidents during the surge of reports in 1973-1974, and saw various physical evidence which supported some eyewitnes claims, no unknown creature bodies turned up, even after shooting incidents. There was just no definitive evidence recovered which would have answered the question as to what these creatures were. The information that we uncovered during the 1970s creature encounters suggests in some cases that we might be dealing with an entity that has a physical and non-physical component to its existence. For example; a Bigfoot observed from a short distance away appeared to be a solid physical animal, yet when shot at, sometimes just visibly vanished in front of the observers disbelieving eyes. And what about the UFO sightings that could not be explained? As we have discovered over the years, some of these objects range in size from inches in diameter (as observed at very close range), to hundreds of feet in length. Some of these objects appear to be solid, constructed craft, while others are just light sources. Some of them seem to be intelligently guided and controlled devices from the many first hand cases I have investigated. The question remains, however, what are these unknown aerial objects? ...
... Some of those I interviewed claim to have seen small non-human beigs as well ...
... Yet no actual spacecraft that originated from outside of the earth has surfaced for public scrutiny, and no remains of a Bigfoot have been found or have been identified scientifically ...
... In some Bigfoot cases, we have strange footprints, ground disturbances, off animal reactions, rotten smells, recordings of weird sounds, patterns of their activity, and an occasional photograph or video. There are UFO cases that have physical ground trace evidence, electromagnetic and animal disturbances, radar contacts, and video and photographic recordings. In the past years, I have investigated close UFO encounters where what appeared to be solid objects changed from one physical shape into another, or suddenly just vanished from sight ... Consider the cases of the vanishing Bigfoot encounters and incidents were footprints just mysteriously stopped. Could some of these UFOs be time or, for a better term, inter-dimensional travelers? Are some of the Bigfoot creatures actually beings from another reality that somehow, on occasion, are able to drop in on us? ... What is the horrific smell sometimes reported with the creature observations is a clue to these beings ability to appear and disappear, rather than an association with poor hygiene ...
... As time went on and we began to investigate the reports that came to our attention from the public concerning these unknown creature sightings, along with strange objects in the sky, and a variety of other paranormal events, it became apparent that there may well be more to the Bigfoot and UFO mystery than we had ever considered." [p311-318, Silent Invasion The Pennsylvannia UFO-Bigfoot Casebook, Stan Gordon, Edited by Roger Marsh, Self Published, 2010]

"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad." [Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |