Scene Of The Pyramid Capstone Being Blown Apart In The Movie X-Men.
Without God Almighty, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, the ruling families of the world are under the direct influence and guidance of fallen angels/demonic powers and they, in turn, rule over a deceived and perishing population who blame them, when they are under those exact same influences themselves. The leaders of this cursed planet have been chosen and put into place by Satan and his fallen minions, but this is all being overseen and ultimately orchestrated by God, which means no matter how bad it gets in the short term, the evil and subsequent cursing of this world that is bound to linear time, and that had a definite and tragic beginning, will shortly come to an abrupt and final end, because in eternal time, a loving, just and holy God reigns supreme. The christian overcomes the evil world, because s/he does not become entangled in the demonic snares and works of the flesh such as sedition.
The true follower of Jesus Christ is a spiritual soldier who is at war with a spiritual adversary. S/he is instructed to discern the nature of the world, that is at emnity with God, while being equip through obediance to God's Word, to engage in spiritual combat. My aim is to reveal the symbology of Satan's fallen minions and to examine how/why these specific symbols are perpetuated in a deceived and perishing world.
The Worldly Hierarchies Of Deception
God's Word as it is written in The Holy Bible says that; "the love of money is the root of all evil", therefore, since Satan has been been evil from the beginning, it is perhaps fitting, that he had his children insert a symbolic representation of him, as the all-seeing eye, onto American currency. While the demonically inspired Iranians refer to America as 'The Great Satan', more accurate wording might be, a country under the attack of Satan and his deceived followers, the freemasons and illuminati, to name a couple. But there are many ways to worship Satan and his fallen minions.
This diagram is of the Egyptian societal pyramid shows worldly ordering under Satan, who is the god of this world. Satan selects his kings and queens through bloodlines. Their ability to follow his orders and to offer ongoing physical and spiritual blood sacrifice and to venerate and worship him, through architecture, holds the power structure in place under the sacrificial mountain pyramid. For pagans of the ancient world, it was about worshipping the fallen angels/demonic powers who posed as little gods and favours received in exchange for horrific acts of ritualised sacrifice.
While Satan and his fallen angels/demonic powers are responsible for setting up royalty and governments, they do not believe in a worldly hierarchy. Satan sees all humankind as beneath him, so no matter what worldly status or title he has afforded them, the god of this world, also refered to as a "prince" in The Holy Bible, shares his temporary title with no one. In 'Revelations' he empowers the antichrist to mark his children, who are in fact, trophies for Hell and there is no distinguishing between any of them. "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:"[Revelation 13:16, The Holy Bible, KJV]. The human cattle are being led to the slaughter by Satan's fallen minions and they will be branded by the same mark.
This diagram is of the Aztec societal pyramid shows worldly ordering under Satan, who is the god of this world. Satan selects his kings and queens through bloodlines. Their ability to follow his orders and to offer ongoing physical and spiritual blood sacrifice and to venerate and worship him, through architecture, holds the power structure in place under the sacrificial mountain pyramid. For pagans of the ancient world, it was about worshipping the fallen angels/demonic powers who posed as little gods and favours received in exchange for horrific acts of ritualised sacrifice.
The royalty of the rigged market economy are the world bankers, corporations, media, governments, judiciary and selected families that make up the 'illuminated' ones, who are ensnared by worldly trappings that come at an awful cost. They fail to understand that Satan and his fallen minions are busily fattening them up, weakening them spiritually and driving them further and further away from the God of eternal salvation. They are selected and bred like prized bulls, who are utilised accordingly, until they too are taken off to market, once their usefulness expires. They are considered as cattle by a malevolent spiritual being, who shares his title with no one.
This is an artist's interpretation of well known and 'celebrated' people, who are in so called "positions of power", paying homeage to their god, Satan, by murdering a baby in an act of ritual blood sacrifce. The reality is far more grueome than this depiction, often involving acts of torture, pedophilia, mutilation, necrophilia and cannabilsm. The more sacrificial rituals they participate in, the more power and priviledges Satan and his fallen minions will bestow upon them. If you are not under the kingship of Jesus Christ, then you belong to the same unholy club, as the satanic paedophiles.
This diagram is of the English societal pyramid shows worldly ordering under Satan, who is the god of this world. Satan selects his kings and queens through bloodlines. Their ability to follow his orders and to offer ongoing physical and spiritual blood sacrifice and to venerate and worship him, through architecture, holds the power structure in place under the sacrificial mountain pyramid. For pagans of the ancient world, it was about worshipping the fallen angels/demonic powers who posed as little gods and favours received in exchange for horrific acts of ritualised sacrifice.
Those who have aligned themselves with Satan for power, recognition, wealth and other special priviledges, believe that they are special, that they are in control and that somehow, during their very brief time on this earth, in a failing and fragile physical body, that they are somehow in charge of their own lives and futures. They believe many lies about themselves, when in fact, they are deceived and perishing.
This diagram encapsulates both the capitalist and communist societal pyramid under the worldly ordering of Satan, who is the "god of this world". Satan selects his kings, queens and world rulers through bloodlines. Their ability to follow his orders and to offer ongoing physical and spiritual blood sacrifice and to venerate and worship him, holds the power structure in place, under the sacrificial mountain pyramid. It's all about worshipping the fallen angels/demonic powers who pose as "little gods" and favours received in exchange for regular horrific acts of ritualised blood sacrifice.
These deceived world leaders and delegates think they they control the sphere of power, planning the destruction of selected cultures and populations through war, famine and pestilences, but in reality, they are also trapped within the same sacrifical pyramid of death, since Satan and his fallen angels/demonic powers share their power with no one. The only people who exist outside eternal judgment and the second death under God's divine wrath, are the true followers of Jesus Christ.
This diagram encapsulates both the capitalist and communist societal pyramid under the worldly ordering of Satan, who is the "god of this world". Satan selects his kings, queens and world rulers through bloodlines. Their ability to follow his orders and to offer ongoing physical and spiritual blood sacrifice and to venerate and worship him, holds the power structure in place, under the sacrificial mountain pyramid. It's all about worshipping the fallen angels/demonic powers who pose as "little gods" and favours received in exchange for regular horrific acts of ritualised blood sacrifice.
This artist's illustration on the cover of a book by H.P. Lovecraft titled; Omnibus 2 Dagon and Other Macabre Tales, is a realistic physical depiction of how Satan and his fallen angels/demonic powers oversee the structure of the sacrifical pyramid, with themselves as the scary and monstrous rulers of all human death and destruction.
This is a deception. It is the Lord Jesus Christ who holds the keys to Death and Hell.
This diagram is of the satanic masonic pyramid encapsulates a religious and secret societal ordering under Satan, who is the god of this world. Satan selects his 'free' masons through bloodlines, ungodly trials and initiation ceremonies, their ability to follow his orders by the offering of ongoing physical and spiritual blood sacrifice and their ability to venerate and worship him, through architecture, that is symbolic of holding this satanic power structure in place, under the sacrificial mountain pyramid.
Satan's fallen angels/demoinc powers who are refered to as powers, principalities, thrones and dominions in The Holy Bible, deceive human beings by influencing them into creating a myriad of secret societies, false religions, cults, and other spiritual power structures, that are the "doctrines of demons", knowing that human life is short and at the end of their brief lives, judgment and damnation awaits those who are without Jesus Christ. The earth is a sacrificial platform of deceived and perishing human beings, that has been overseen by Satan and his fallen angels/demonic powers for thousands of years. The sacrificial mountain pyramid is a physical representation of worldly hierarchies, that have been put in place by Satan and his fallen angels/demonic powers and are overseen by these same spiritual powers.
This diagram encapsulates both the capitalist and communist societal pyramid under the worldly ordering of Satan, who is the "god of this world". Satan selects his kings, queens and world rulers through bloodlines. Their ability to follow his orders and to offer ongoing physical and spiritual blood sacrifice and to venerate and worship him, holds the power structure in place, under the sacrificial mountain pyramid. It's all about worshipping the fallen angels/demonic powers who pose as "little gods" and favours received, in exchange for regular horrific acts of ritualised blood sacrifice.
Theorists attempt to work out Satan's hierarchical structures, in order to tell people what they believe is the truth and from a worldly perspective of the deceived, there is some truth to it. However, the structures that have been put into place are a worldly illusion, a prison constructed by spiritual powers. These powers believe that all human beings are their prisoners and possessions. The fallen angel/demonic power, [The Dragon], who I was involved with, had refered to me as his "pet doll."
We exist in a worldwide prison that is under the influence of Satan and his fallen angels/demonic powers, where we are considered inmates in a spiritual matrix of deception, under the symbol of the sacrificial mountain pyramid, designed by Satan and his fallen ones. There is only one way out, one true path to eternal salvation and liberty and that is through Jesus Christ. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,” [Luke 4:18, The Holy Bible, KJV]. This world is an altar of blood sacrifice and the high priests are Satan's children, paving the path of deception to the false christ, who is the antichrist, whereupon a majority of human beings will submit to him, the ultimate puppet, selected, empowered and moved into position by Satan himself.
This diagram confuses fallen angels/demonic powers with 'extra terrestrials'. There are many humanists and 'truthers' who attempt to alert their fellow human beings to the various forms in which the satanic sacrificial pyramid might be structured. These sincere warnings remain as vague theories at best, that go largely unheaded by the general population. Without God's Word, they become Satan's 'controlled opposition'.
The fallen angel/demonic power that I was involved with, who I refer to as The Dragon, once told me; "We're all about engineering." Having developed a 'New Age' mindset, I thought that this was about the creation of physical realities, [known as hyper realities], since he had also deceived me into believing that we were all co-creators with God, who created our own realites. I now realise that this was refering to societal engineering, that relies on spiritual manipulation and deception, where the world is a prison, overseen by Satan and his fallen minions, a sacrifcial altar for the physical and spiritual destruction of human beings. The Christian stands apart and aside from this engineering.
“Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:”[Ephesians 2:2, The Holy Bible, KJV]. The true follower of Jesus Christ is a spiritual soldier who exists aside and apart from this system of spiritual deception and demonic illusion.
This artist's illustration depicts a fallen angel/demonic power personified, as a shadowy half formed spiritual being, with the head of the sacrifical pyramid and "the eye", that is not so "all-seeing" afterall, but who is, instead, limited to form as his spirit becomes physically manifest. The figure holds a sword, but not in the way that the follower of Jesus Christ does. The Christian soldier holds the spiritual sword of God's Word, ready to strike down evil. God's Word is described as a two edged sword. "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."[Hebrews 4:12, The Holy Bible, KJV]. Satan is bleeding from the fingers, because he is unable to weld God's Word without being subjected to injury.
The All Seeing Eye Is The Prince Of Decay
This artist's illustration provides a realistic depiction of the sacrificial pyramid, where Satan and his fallen angels/demonic powers preside at the top of a hierarchy, while all of humanity is murderously sacrificed beneath their spiritual deception.
While Jesus lives with his children in glorified bodies in the kingdom of heaven, Satan's only choice, at least for a short time and in knowing his time is short as the 'god' of this world, is to maliciously gloat over those who have perished, under his worldly reign and myraid deceptions. For a short time, Satan reigns as the king of bones, that are scattered across the dying earth, but all will be extinguished in the end, since only God's Word will remain. “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” [Matthew 24:35, The Holy Bible, KJV].
An artist's illustration of Satan looking down over the mess that he has created on the earth. Satan and his fallen angels/demonic powers are created beings, with limited ability to deceive and murder and a limited time in which to lead as many human beings as possible to damnation. It is God Almighty who creates and destroys. It is God Almighty who forms the light and who creates darkness. It is God Almighty who creates peace and evil. “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” [Isaiah 45:7, The Holy Bible, KJV]. Satan is the the temporary prince of carrion and decay, of the physical realm that exists for a moment and is gone forever after that, by the hand of God.
God's Word instructs us to; “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.[Romans 13.1, The Holy Bible, KJV]. “Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.” [Romans 13.7, The Holy Bible, KJV].
No 'tribute' is due to Satan's evil world leaders, the liars, deceivers, rapists and murderers, who ritually sexually abuse and murder children and consume their flesh. Payng tribute to evil leaders condones their actions. The safest way to act in accordance with God's will, in regards to evil leaders is to pray for their salvation and that they cease from harming children and animals, who cannot defend themelves. “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." [1 Timothy 2:1–4, The Holy Bible, KJV]. Pray for the babies, children and animals who are raped, tortured, murdered, consumed and ritually sacrificed. Pray that God sends His holy angels to intervene on their behalf.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |