Scene Of The Pyramid Capstone Being Blown Apart In X-Men.
La faraonica citta galleggiante dei Rothschild.
Artre Search and Technology.
Andrew Günsberg [Photographer] has placed himself in front of the "as above" symbol of the sacrificial [mountain] pyramid.
Andrew Günsberg [Photographer] has placed himself in front of the "as above" symbol of the sacrificial [mountain] pyramid.
Andrew Günsberg [Photographer] photographs the "as above" symbol of the sacrificial [mountain] pyramid.
Andrew Günsberg [Photographer] photographs himself wearing "so below" symbol of the sacrificial [mountain] pyramid.
Andrew Günsberg [Photographer] has placed himself next to the "as above" symbol of the sacrificial [mountain] pyramid.
Andrew Günsberg [Photographer] has placed himself in front of the "as above" symbol of the sacrificial [mountain] pyramid.
Andrew Günsberg [Photographer] has placed himself in front of the "as above" symbol of the sacrificial [mountain] pyramid. Andrew Gunsberg wears the shadowy spiritualised devils horns. The devil's horns are symbolic of the bull's horns of a fallen angel/demonic power. The "horns" are a representation of the bull's face of the four-faced cherumbin angel. The crowning of oneself with "the bull's horns" is, is an expressed acknowledgment of a shared mind with the fallen angel/demonic power, who sees this acknowledgment as a sign of worship from a sacrificial victim.
Andrew Günsberg [Photographer] has him photographed next to a fake Jesus character, who is making the "as above" sign of the sacrificial [mountain] pyramid.
Andrew Günsberg [Photographer] has placed himself inside of the "as above" symbol of the sacrificial [mountain] pyramid.
Juan Rulfo Parcutin et eglise de Parangaricutiro Mexique 1945-46.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |