Scene Of The Pyramid Capstone Being Blown Apart In X-Men.
Nikolay Polissky
Twin Standing Stones dalesnidderdale and washburn Golling Lithridge
The spiritual "power" is above the pyramid. The fallen angel/demonic power is above the [sacrificial] mountain pyramid. This spiritual "power" requires human and animal blood sacrifice as a sign of worship. The fallen angel/demonic power utilises his knowledge of physics and chemistry, to create and energetic manifestation. The fallen angel/demonic power views the earth as a sacrificial altar, with the spirits of deceived and perishing humans as trophies, to be captivated and captured by them.
The spiritual "power" is encapsulates the pyramid. The fallen angel/demonic power encapsulates the [sacrificial] mountain pyramid. This spiritual "power" requires human and animal blood sacrifice as a sign of worship. The fallen angel/demonic power utilises his knowledge of physics and chemistry, to create and energetic manifestation. The fallen angel/demonic power views the earth as a sacrificial altar, with the spirits of deceived and perishing humans as trophies, to be captivated and captured by them.
Lesley-Anne Brandt [Actress] is making the "as above" sign of the sacrificial [mountain] pyramid.
When Lesley-Anne Brandt makes this sign with her fingers, it is a symbolic gesture.
She worships the fallen angel/demonic power, who has been assigned to her.
She worships the fallen angel/demonic power, as her god.
She worships the creature, rather than the creator.
She is below the fallen angel/demonic power in the spiritual hierarchy.
She is under the personal instruction of the fallen angel/demonic power.
This symbolic gesture is known as "The Prayer of Insincerity."
She is inspired [influenced/energised] by the fallen angel/demonic power.
She is a physical conduit to be utilised by the fallen angel/demonic power.
She has entered into a 'spiritual contract' with the fallen angel/demonic power.
She acknowledges the superiority [authority] of the fallen angel/demonic power.
She is the 'property' that is 'owned' by the fallen angel/demonic power.
She has been deceived by the fallen angel/demonic power.
She will live and die under the supervision of the fallen angel/demonic power.
She is a physical and spiritual sacrifice to the fallen angel/demonic power.
Note: Lesley-Anne Brandt wears the devil's horns with his fingers. When we make symbols in the earthly realm, we often do not consider that they might mean something completely different in the spirit realm. The devil's horns are the bull's horns of a fallen angel/demonic power. The "horns" are a representation of the bull's face of the four-faced cherumbin angel. The making of the sign of "the horns" with one's fingers, is symbollic of showing support for the fallen angel/demonic power, who sees this support as a sign of worship from a sacrificial victim.
Carla Delevingne [Actress] is making the "so below" sign of the sacrificial [mountain] pyramid.
When Carla Delevingne makes this sign with her fingers, it is a symbolic gesture.
She worships the fallen angel/demonic power, who has been assigned to her.
She worships the fallen angel/demonic power, as her god.
She worships the creature, rather than the creator.
She is below the fallen angel/demonic power in the spiritual hierarchy.
She is under the personal instruction of the fallen angel/demonic power.
She is in a "passive" and "receptive" position under the fallen angel/demonic power.
She is inspired [influenced/energised] by the fallen angel/demonic power.
She is a physical conduit to be utilised by the fallen angel/demonic power.
She has entered into a 'spiritual contract' with the fallen angel/demonic power.
She acknowledges the superiority [authority] of the fallen angel/demonic power.
She is the 'property' that is 'owned' by the fallen angel/demonic power.
She has been deceived by the fallen angel/demonic power.
She will live and die under the supervision of the fallen angel/demonic power.
She is a physical and spiritual sacrifice to the fallen angel/demonic power.
Note: When Carla Delevingne pokes out her tongue and contorts her facial features, she is involved with the dehumanisation/disfiguration of the human form, that God has created in His own image.
Bruce Spence [Actor] is making the "so below" sign of the sacrificial [mountain] pyramid.
When Bruce Spence makes this sign with his fingers, it is a symbolic gesture.
He worships the fallen angel/demonic power, who has been assigned to him.
He worships the fallen angel/demonic power, as his god.
He worships the creature, rather than the creator.
He is below the fallen angel/demonic power in the spiritual hierarchy.
He is under the personal instruction of the fallen angel/demonic power.
He is in a "passive" and "receptive" position under the fallen angel/demonic power.
He is inspired [influenced/energised] by the fallen angel/demonic power.
He is a physical conduit to be utilised by the fallen angel/demonic power.
He has entered into a 'spiritual contract' with the fallen angel/demonic power.
He acknowledges the superiority [authority] of the fallen angel/demonic power.
He is the 'property' that is 'owned' by the fallen angel/demonic power.
He has been deceived by the fallen angel/demonic power.
He will live and die under the supervision of the fallen angel/demonic power.
He is a physical and spiritual sacrifice to the fallen angel/demonic power.
Alfred Issac Middleton.
Alfred Issac Middleton.
Alfred Issac Middleton.
This female model from World Challange is making the "so below" sign of the sacrificial [mountain] pyramid.
William Schnoebelen [Religious Author] is making the "as above" "so below" sign of the sacrificial [mountain] pyramid.
When William Schnoebelen makes these signs with his fingers, it is a symbolic gesture.
He worships the fallen angel/demonic power, who has been assigned to him.
He worships the fallen angel/demonic power, as his god.
He worships the creature, rather than the creator.
He is below the fallen angel/demonic power in the spiritual hierarchy.
He is under the personal instruction of the fallen angel/demonic power.
He is inspired [influenced/energised] by the fallen angel/demonic power.
He is a physical conduit to be utilised by the fallen angel/demonic power.
He has entered into a 'spiritual contract' with the fallen angel/demonic power.
He acknowledges the superiority [authority] of the fallen angel/demonic power.
He is the 'property' that is 'owned' by the fallen angel/demonic power.
He has been deceived by the fallen angel/demonic power.
He will live and die under the supervision of the fallen angel/demonic power.
He is a physical and spiritual sacrifice to the fallen angel/demonic power.
Jordon Shanks [Friendly Jordies] has placed himself in front of the "as above" symbol of the sacrificial [mountain] pyramid.
An American patriot is using their fingers to make the "so below" sign of the sacrificial [mountain] pyramid.
Pyramid Peak Glenns Lake.
Scotland Stirling Old Kirkyard Covenenters Memorial
The Metropolitan Sepulchre 1829 Guildhall Library.
"For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad."
[Luke 8:17, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |