I Had Been Programmed [Brainwashed/ Conditioned] To Have Sympathy With Fallen Angels Throughout My Life By Being Lead To Pictures Such As This One.
The Way They Work
Despite everything that was going on, it was back to business as usual regarding my court case, involving getting my animals back from Edgar's Mission. I had to call Trevor to let him know I was back, since he was working on my case as my lawyer.
Pam Ahern, the owner Edgar's Mission Animal Sanctuary, had given my ten black angus cows and my horse Cody, away to her friends. Pam had agreed to have my animals as part of her 'sanctuary' for life, with me covering all expenses for their food and veterinary needs. Her friends were now mistreating Cody and the cows, as well as refusing to give them back to me. Pam still had my cat Pushkin, locked in a cage with alot of other cats, spitefully holding on to him, even though she didn't want him. I had serious concerns for Pushkin's welfare. Amidst the ongoing nightmare for myself and my animals, there came a small break through, when Pam's nasty 'volunteer' lawyer, [another self proclaimed animal rights advocate], had agreed to let me have my cat Pushkin back, if I paid for the flight to Darwin. I was having trouble keeping Trevor focused on the case. Midway through the call, Trevor's needle dropped onto a broken LP, created within a backroom of his mind many years before, where he got onto his favourite subject of 'The Jews.' I had been battling him for years on this, always hoping he would come out of it. I did not understand where his fixation on jewish people was coming from. But Kim from The Faith Centre did. Not even knowing who 'The Jews' really were, I said to her, "Out of all the people in he the world he picks on jewish people." Kim laughed lightly saying, "Well, that fits doesn't it ..." In an instant, I knew that there was something 'spiritual', rather than just 'cultural', behind his fixation. ... I'd never looked at it from that angle before.
This time, as I listened to Trevor rant and rave down the phone about the holocaust not existing and Mother Teresa being a serial killer etc, I started to feel something awful happening inside me. In the past, I had heard him out, believing that he would eventually come out of it. But this night, I felt that to listen was doing me damage.
It got so bad, that I had to hang up and feeling like something awful had been done to me, like I had been violated. Whatever was coming over me was not coming from him, but I had listened for so long, that I was now too tired to read The Bible out aloud, before I went to sleep that night. Also, I was not experienced enough in my faith, to ask God to look after me while I slept, so I just collapsed into an exhausted heap and while I was apprehensive, I kind of just hoped for the best. Unfortunately, at this early stage of my release from their grasp, this was not good enough and that night, my soul fell under the power of The Dragon, where no dream ever came true.

The Dragon In His True Form. He Was A Spirit. My Physical Body Irrelevant. My Mind Engulfed By His Own.
The Dragon in his true form was a spirit. Once asleep, I was 'grabbed' and all my dreaming was blocked. It was like I could not dream as my mind was engulfed by his own. Then I experienced a moving image of something sexual ocurring inside a car. But I struggled against this, since it was not my own image. It was parasidical, like my mind was constricted and compacted, so that I was trapped within it, and so that everything I might have dreamt, or thought about, was no longer possible. He had completely encapsulated me. My soul was examined by them and my every thought, was either nullified or forcibly restricted, while being observed at the same time.
It felt like my consciousness was made into a ball and held by something greater and more powerful that myself. My mind was being held captive by a greater mind. It was the mind an extremely powerful and malevolent predator. I struggled to wake up and it felt as if I only woke up, because they let me go ... So I woke up exhausted. It was as though I has struggled for hours, but my dreams were erased, my memories non-existent. I felt like I had been assaulted in the spirit. It was a violation of the spirit.
The Destroyer Of Dreams
It felt like I had been sexually violated. Yet it was far worse than even that, because at least then, you could escape the physical and psychological pain, by withdrawing into your own mind. Here there was no escape, not even for a multiple system, for they simply saw everything. An email from The Dragon Co. arrived on my computer at 7:52AM: 'Welcome my god friend'. This was followed by a website, that I 'accidentally' came across moments later, with the words: YOUR STATUS WILL HOLD YOU HIGHER UP IN OUR WORLD. Having never cared for 'status' of any kind, this had a limited affect on me. Alongside this, was an image of a fish bowl and I quickly realised that this is what had happened. It was like one of those cartoons, where a fish was held captive within bowl by a giant cat, who peered in, that swam around and around, failing to find an ocean. The body was irrelevant. It was mind invasion.

It was my consciousness that he had imprisoned. It felt as if he held all that I was, inside of his own mind. I was a fish swimming around in a bowl, while being watched by them. I couldn't get out. I was unable to think on my own and all my thoughts were observed by them. They placed me inside of Satan's Matrix, where I learnt what it was really all about, that being, a manipulation of our consciousness by their own. Here they were peering into my mind. Yet they gave away nothing about themselves. All I felt was trapped within their thought dungeons. I swam around and around the same fish bowl of limited dream imagery. They could pull out a thought from my past and insert it into my dream and they did this once, before I was able to wake up.

[Update 2016: I Was Still Blaming Mackenzie [A Demon] For Emails Sent By The Dragon [A Fallen Angel]].

More Email From The Dragon: Welcome My God Friend & Welcome To Our Brotherhood.
I left the computer and sat in the covers, holding the scrunched up throwover to my chest. I felt utterly violated, as if my very spirit had been probed and raped. It was more than physical rape or mental abuse. It was about my very survival in a setting of eternity. Was he ever going to give up and what had they meant by 'my status'?
Surely, it wasn't about me being a poet. I smiled to myself. But no. I felt two things here. Firstly, that 'my status' as they refered to it as being, actually meant that I was owned by Jesus Christ. They were referring to my status as a Christian, who would enter their eternal world under God. And when they had said that 'my status', would hold me 'higher up' in their world, what they really meant was, ... if we ever get our hands on you as a Christian in our world, you will be tortured in our hands to such a degree, that you'll wish you had never existed in the first place. The mere thought of this was sobering indeed. This world was run by spirits, just like The Bible said.
On The Way To Church
On the way to the church, I felt like I had somehow failed to escape 'him' and that I was never going to get away. I was immediately contacted by holy angels of God. They seemed concerned, regarding what had happened to me during the night. They reassured me, that it was only a temporary set back. During the service at The Faith Centre, Pastor Steve talked of not allowing the enemy to distract us or 'reposition' Jesus within our lives. As usual, it only affirmed and shed yet more light, on what I already knew to be true. I knew that I was in a very vulnerable position and that I had to do exactly what I was told to do by God's angels, who were guiding me back into the shelter of Christ. I did not ask for this reassurance from them, and nor did I think that I needed it, having now partially distanced myself from the night before.
In regards to Trevor's situation, I was in no position to listen to him, save him or do anything else, aside from attending to my own situation and that of my animals. I had barely got a hold of the life rope, that had been thrown to me, by God Almighty.
I could not allow Jesus to be dislodged or repositioned, by exposing myself to anything negative and/ or demonic. It was like an alcoholic taking the first drink again. This lead my mind back into the dark woods of the occult. It was hard enough with my eyes opening and feeling that I was backed against a wall, that had been erected between Jesus Christ and myself. The last thing I needed to do, was to start following crumbs of the occult and new age back into a wood filled with the demonic. I can say that this was one of the times, that I remember walking into the church, haggard and concerned and feeling like I had been dirtied. But by Sunday evening, having attended two services, I felt that I could leave any violation behind.
On the way home from the morning service, I thought about everything, as if it had happened to somebody else. Then a number of white cars pulled in front of me and beside me and a personalised car plate appeared directly before me with the word [CONFUZED] on it. Holy angels of God were telling me that I was confused. In fact, I was so confused, that I never would have recognised that I was confused, without them having pointed it out to me. But now that they had, I could see that I was indeed, 'spiritually' confused. Before this, everything I had been involved in through the new age movement, had seemed like the right way to go, in being a pathway to the truth. The next car had the word [WALL] printed on the plate and this allowed me to think more about the wall that had beem erected between Jesus and myself.

The Pentacostal Church Or The Kingdom Of Darkness? It Was My Choice. |