The World Of The Faeries Grew Suddenly And Strangely Silent In Light Of God's Word.
These first moments of being touched by the kingdom of light, were like the rays of the natural sun, created and set into motion by an Almighty God, coming up over the horizon. I was still held captive within a castle of dreams, surrounded by a deep inky moat and bordered by a labyrinth, in a forest of delusion created by The Dragon. But the light of God was upon the foilage, and upon the pane of the window and upon the hours of isolation, under an enchantment and nothing would ever be the same again. The slow coming of the Lord and Saviour into my life, had the darkness diminishing and thawing out like ice. The Holy Spirit was slow in his approach, which allowed me to slowly wake, to see where I had gone, who I was and what I had become and this was a very painful and terrifying awakening, inside a program called 'the world'.
In my journal I wrote the following: "... It's my 2nd night of reading The Bible. I began to feel him again. 3pm I got up and did what the Pentacostals told me and opened to John and just began reading. When they read to me at the church, the Jinn [Update 2014: I was still refering to demons as jinn at this stage] in line with my PK [Update 2014: what I had thought was psychokinesis], had already been interfering with a number of things, causing electrical surges. I was unable to understand The Bible, the words came out jumbled, but they gave me one anyway, and I was told by one lady to, 'open it anytime day or night' and to 'start reading John' and to simply 'read it over and over again.'
In the early hours, say an hour ago, I felt myself begin to struggle inside my own mind once again, the feeling of a great lurking predator, that was not of my consciousness, and was not of this world, he was only to come here to eat the bird, I woke to feel him lurking, I began to recite The Lord's Prayer over and over, but swapped to saying, "God loves me. God loves me." But the darkness was powerful and shining and predatory and somewhere inside, I was still thinking that it both loved me and that it did not exist.
I really did mean well with the article on embracing the shadow man, but I did this on my own authority. Now I need to do things on Jesus's authority. I am so close to death, real death, soul abduction ... but it is not to a place of the faeries, for the faeries inside me have all gone silent. They have run for their lives and this caused him [The Dragon] to write, 'Please send me the system', and to play the song with the lyrics, 'you must run away, run away, hiding in your little worlds,'...
There is this point close to the omega, where all go silent, the elementals, the faery, the daimon [demon], the angel and the faces of all the people you know, are see briefly in the darkness, and while they are still alive and breathing, there is an inevitability in the eyes. But they have all gone silent. This is the moment of the eclipse, ..."
Fully Human - Not Hybrid

Demonically Enhanced, I Was Programmed To Believe That I Was Not Fully Human.
One of the first things I was made to realise, as I read through The Bible, that I had been given, was that I was human and that it was okay to be human. I am human. Under the long term mind control of The Dragon, I was gradually made to believe, that I was not fully human, perhaps, even more than human. That I was a hybrid, half angel, of strange blood. One of the first things I learnt, from reading through The New Testament, was that I was fully human. I spoke it aloud, "I am a human being."
I was not one of them. God created me as human. He loved me as human. I would enter His kingdom as human. Human life and human death. Us created in His image. In regards to The Dragon and his claim over my life, I cannot say, that I had never longed for him, but I could say, that I no longer belonged to him. The Dragon left me to his minions, who described me as being, 'UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP' in mid 2010. [Update 2017: Almost seven years later, I was to find out that human beings were owned and that fallen angels/ demons, would claim rights to ownership, over human beings, before God. "For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." [1 Corinthians 6:20, The Holy Bible, KJV].

Emails From The Dragon, Sent To Addresses That No Longer Existed, Or Had Never Been Placed Onto My PC.
But there was a voice that I heard, that was over and above the rest. This voice was gentle and powerful. He described me as a dove who had flown far away from him, out into the darkness. This had me trembling and weeping. For I knew that it was not one of my guides and that it was not an angel. I did not know who was speaking and I did not think to ask. All I did was listen. I focused on what he was conveying to me and in trying to understand, what had happened to me and where my life had gone. It was a voice of deep concern, but with a gentle tenderness overriding all sadness.

I Was Shown More Images Of A Bird, But This Time A Dove, Who Had Flown Far From Home.
I could not escape the thought, of how far from Jesus I had wandered. I continued to read The Bible, carrying it from room to room, as The Dragon's great dark lingering presence, came mauling and threatening over the top of the building I was sheltering in. Come as he may, he was not allowed to destroy me. The 'hybrid' idea was from demonic influence within the psyche. They wanted to make me like them. While I thought that Jesus was an amazing man, The Dragon had told me that Jesus was half human and half angel and I had believed him. It was part of my new age thinking. He had also told me, that I was a hybrid and that when I got to heaven, I would become like him, an angel. He used to joke with me that he was training me for 'Angel University', in Heaven. He told me that he was an intermediary between Heaven and Earth, since God, while he could be personal, was actually an expansive impersonal force of universal love. So The Dragon was the one I had to go through, in order to get to God. I should have been afraid but I really wasn't. I just tried my best to cope.
In my journal I wrote the following: "... But in being human, during this time, it is The Bible in my hands that I turn to, and even in reading the words with no understanding, and in not being a christian, somehow I am sustained. The small bird that flew into the darkness, is grounded in faith. I do not understand how this can happen, but these words, spoken out loud, are the words that are saving my life. No other book would have worked, which is why my guides [2014: I was still using this terminology to describe The Dragon and his demons as well as God's Holy angels], have sent me to this and have placed this book in my hands at this time, and the wonderful revelation is this ... That even when I am not a christian, in saying that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, begins to warm the room, and the vice grip is just a bit released upon my consciousness. As I read, icy cold pin pricks to my body, pains to the head ..."
Blood Sacrifice
I was sitting at my desk in front of the pc when I was asked, How far are you prepared to go? [meaning ... for Jesus]. I immediately knew what was being asked, although the second half, are you prepared to die for him?, was less overt. My response was heartfelt and without hestitation, yes, I am prepared to die for him. This question had come from holy angels of God and it was not asked, because they desired to know the answer, but because God had instructed them to ask me, in order that He could teach me about my thinking. This was to occur over a year later.
While the communication was telepathic, The Dragon was also aware of my reply, since he was to make his own assertion, in regards as to what was to occur, as a result of the choices that God had afforded me, while in the physical. The Dragon, in being exremely jealous and possessive, was furious, that I would be prepared to die for Jesus, when I had been programmed to die for him. His response was swift and had startled me, You can choose to die for me, or you can choose to die for him. Either way, you are going to be sacrificed. The Dragon had taken the opportunity to plant more of his poison inside me, which only served to scare some and infuriate others, all within our multiple system of consciousness, originally created by him.

The Dragon Knew That I Had Underlying Unresolved Issues, That Ran Deep, When It Came To Blood Sacrifice.
The Way To Back To God Through Jesus Christ
Only days after I had first started reading through John, in The New Testament, I said to the holy angels telepathically, I love Jesus, but can't I just go direct to God by myself? Afterall, I had loved both God and Jesus for years before this. No, they replied, you have to go through Jesus. I didn't understand why I should have to do this, but I loved Jesus and I loved God, so I wasn't arguing. From what I could gather at the time, it had something to do with Jesus being human, in that I could relate to him, like I had to go through him, like he was a bridge to God ... The holy angels had told me, that I had to 'go through' Jesus, in order to 'get to' God. I was amazed ...

While I Loved Jesus, Had No Idea, Why I Would Have To Go Through Jesus, In Order To Get To God.
The most frightening part for me, was waking up in the dark forest I had wandered into, because I too was still plugged into the same matrix as the rest of society. The only difference was that a very powerful pervert [Update 2014: The Dragon], had managed to lure me into a make believe world, with a bag of lollies, that I somehow never got to taste, but oh my, they looked good from a distance. I was freaked out by how much he knew about me, it seemed as if I couldn't hide anything from him and that he could access my mind at whim. It was time to shatter the darkness ...
How had I gotten here and how long had I been living like this? I examined my surroundings, as the dark cloak that I had been given to comfort myself with, dropped from my shoulders. My entire life had been a lie. It was an existence dedicated to The Dragon. I could hardly believe it. I wanted out, but still my life was somehow his, like his minions still had a hold over me. Worst of all, it was like he had a hold over me. I had been programmed since early infancy to a demonic reality. I had grown to love my abuser, but now I wanted out of this ancient serpent's life.
Shatter Me Featuring Lizzy Hale - Lindsey Stirling [Marionette - MK Ultra 'Doll' Programming] |