The Moment That I Opened The Bible And Began To Read Through 'John', I Knew That It Was The Truth.
The moment that I opened The Bible and began to read through 'John', I intrinsically knew that it was the truth. I understood what Jesus was saying instantly. However, it would be a long time, before I was able to change my new age mindset. It was not just a matter of opening up the pages of The Bible, I had been given, reconnecting with the Jesus I had lost as a child and accepting him as my Lord and Saviour. I was deeply involved in the new age movement and all ideas and philosophies had been solidly embedded into my own mind, layer upon layer, over a period of many years.
I had never read The Bible and I while I had high expectations of Christians, I had never trusted them, perceiving them as being too judgmental and accusing them of seeing everything as evil. I could never understand, why they chose to live in this fear-based reality, but, if that was their thing, then so be it. God loved them. God loved everybody. It was only after the demons that pursued me and the angels who came to save me, began communication in Biblical terms, that the first faint tide of awareness, swept across the stones on my desolate shore, as my reality begin to collapse like a sand castle. Of course, it took me a long time to recognise this. All I could see, ... was that this new unwanted reality, was now impinging upon my own.

In The New Age Movement We Created Our Own Reality. My Reality Had Nothing To Do With The Bible.
In the new age movement we created our own reality. My reality had nothing to do with The Bible. A friend, Bruce Duensing, whom I had been corresponding with via email for some time, had not approved of my sudden change of heart, saying that he never saw the answer in Christianity or the occult, seeing the truth as aside and apart from both. To him, Jesus had been teaching people a bias and unfair way, in which to judge the physical world. Afterall, the physical world was not our enemy. Or was it? I looked up the word 'occult' online and was suprised to find out, that it described everything I had been involved in. I had always thought that the 'occult', had something to do with Satanism, which I had always been strongly against.
So I had never bothered with it, believing all Satanists to be immature [morons], for sacrificing animals and going against God. I wrote Bruce Duensing another email, which made it clear that I was in no mood for theorising on consciousness, as we had often done in the past, or for any kind of 'hocus pocus', especially since my family were coming under the same unseen threat. My mother in Sydney, who had just been knocked over in the driveway, while all the streetlights went off over her head and my aunty Karen in Brisbane, had reported something, that she said felt like a cat, jumping across her in her bed in the early hours of the morning. It appeared like things were getting serious. I was afraid that my lack of understanding, regarding these beings, would only get me into more trouble, if I didn't do something, in order to understand what was going on. I wrote the following words to Bruce Duensing in an email:

"My Guiding Spirits Who Remain Nameless" Turned Out To Be Holy Angels Sent By God.
I rang my mother to voice this concern, saying to her, "Something weird it going on here. These angels and demons, they all believe in The Bible, and it appears as if I have been caught up in some kind of 'Biblical reality. '" I was still looking for a new age solution to the problem, when the first pinprick of truth, began to rupture my carefully constructed bubble of reality. Of course, I did not see it like that. I was suprised that they all continuously refered to everything in Biblical terms, when that was not my reality at all. But I figured out very early on, that if these two forces were operating in a Biblical reality and that if, I wanted to survive the situation, that I best, for want of a better phrase, 'do as the Romans do' and adopt this reality as well.
Waking Up The Sleep Walker From The Kingdom Of Sin
I had remained asleep under an enchantment darker than a fairy tale, as the inky black fog of his mind permeated my own. It crept upon me from earliest infancy onwards, powerfully and unrelenting. By the time I sensed that I may be in some kind of danger, my life on earth was more than half over, and I was unable to wake up entirely. Under deep water, I only ever received glimpses of the surface, of a life never lived. The Dragon and I had slept together, we were the dream of each other.

I Had Been Sleep Walking In A World Constructed By The Dragon. I Was "Half Awake In A Fake Empire".
In September, 2009, I woke up in the darkest spiritual place imaginable, with no exact idea, how I had even come to be there. It was as though, I had been living in a dream, and now, through the light of God shining onto everything, all the layers of darkness began to drop away, showing me where I really was, what I had been doing with my life and who I was in a relationship with. The ministering angel(s) showed me a car plate [WALL] and it felt like I had woken up on the outside of a wall, that bordered a holy city. Jesus was on the other side of that wall. Where I had awoken, there were huge and intelligent beings plunging and plummeting towards me. It felt like a sky filled with screeching reptilian teradactyls, whose claws jabbed at me, as I backed up against a wall, that I had helped to build between Christ and myself.

The Dragon Refer To Me As 'Unclaimed', Speaking About Me, As If I Was Little More Than Property.
Dead In The Water ...
The Dragon appeared to have an obsession with me drowning in water. Once the enchantment started, I was already dead in the water. Again, the appropriate image to describe my entombed life, was found amongst the image files on my own computer, collected, compiled and stored, as if part of me had already known, the seriousness of the situation. This same image, was later affirmed by Pastor Steve, at The Faith Centre in Darwin, who had preached about Christians becoming leaders and purposefully following God, least they become ... dead in the water. |
Before God sent his ministering and fighting angels to save me. I had entered into a creeping darkness, both captivating and hypnotic. I was kept alive, while I was slowly killed inside by channeling, the occult, fake guides, and the false light of Satan's new age. I wanted the truth, but it finally the darkness that lured and captivated me. If anything, I had willingly entered into a great slumber, a waking dream, where my life was no longer my own and all the while, I was both afraid of and hopelessly attracted, to whatever it was, that was overtaking my mind. It was operating on every subtle and complex level, that one could imagine. These beings, they knew my life, my family, my ancestry, my fears, my thoughts ... everything. But still I fought against this parasidical invasion. It was like finding oneself in quick sand and attempting to maneuver one's way sensibly out of it, only to find that weeks had passed, weeks that turned into years and that one was deeper in still, struggling to remain afloat.
The Dragon refered to me as an unclaimed package. But I was not his property. I was not half human and half angel hybrid. I was not destined to be with him through a corrupted bloodline. He was not taking me to Hell with him. His words of; when you die, then I'm the boss, would never come true. I wanted out of his power forever. "PLEASE HELP ME, JESUS," I whispered, still feeling that the situation was hopeless.

The Name Elle Was Given To Us [Daniel & Eve] In 2005 By The Dragon. He Then Led Us To This Image. |