Creepy-One-Eyed-Long-Haired-Anti-Christ Mockery of Jesus Christ.
The synchronistic communication continued. During this time, I was to realise what an idiot I had been, going to an opening of Hell and telling a demon knight that God loved him and that all the demons of Hell were 'saints' in God's eyes. Not only that, but that I loved him as well and the worst thing was the bookmark I left him with the Mackenzie clan motto: 'I Shine Not Burn.' But again, it was like I had been set up and that whenever I did these things, that I was somehow not quite myself.
Deluded by Satan's new age universal force of love, I had preached his own doctrine back to his demons. The truth of the matter was, that tt was a false gospel, with no foundation, being preached by a person with no authority. Their response? It had infuriated them, to the extent where they wanted me dead. Mackenzie had 'lost his mind' in a murderous rage towards me, ever since the day I had placed my soul on display at one of Hell's gates in Greyfriars Kirkyard, Edinburgh, Scotland.
The 'Jesus Says Tell Them I Love Them' synchronicities and mediumship occurred as follows:

'HIDDEN VALLEY'. A sign in Casuarina [Update 2013: There are 2 male figures above the sign [representing the 2 demon knights from Edinburgh, Mack and Boots]. There is a bird of prey beneath it [representing The Dragon who would often pose as an eagle] Hidden Valley was refering to Eva Valley, where I was to relocate, several months later. When I took this photo, I had no idea that a place called Eva Valley existed, let alone that I would suddenly find myself living there?!]

The landcruiser parked at Harvey Norman with the usual [666] number plate close by. Wherever I parked there would be a [666] plate waiting for me.

'REPLAY THE SUFFERING'. This image was a direct reference to the Covenanters who suffered and died in Greyfriars Kirkyard. The facial expression on the man, is the exactly what I picked up on, when visiting the tombs. [Update 2013: I note the dark shadowy figure in human form in the background, that is meant to be Mackenzie - See below.] [Update 2016: The purpose of this was to make me afraid or to create a 'spirit of fear' in me. But God's Word states that, as Christians, we must experience otherwise. "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." [2 Timothy 1:7, The Holy Bible, KJV]
This is a close up of the shadowy figure on the DVD Cover in Harvey Norman and the shadowy figure of Mackenzie Knight in Greyfriars Kirkyard, Edinburgh, Scotland. Aside from the open legs, even the stance/ or shape is similar.

'What's in your rubbish could trash your credit rating.' 'Is Your Identity Protected?' 'Be Safe'. Being told to dump my 'trash', which refers to Mackenzie and Boots. It's a similar message to when The Dragon had refered to himself as Master and then I saw a 'Waste Master' garbage bin immediately following. I am being told to dump him. I was confused, as to who was telling me, to do what and to who?!

'Mathew.' 'Mathew.' 'Mathew.' 'Mathew.' This was followed by Mathew Street outside. I was being told to read Mathew in The Holy Bible, in regards to understanding more about demons. A ministering angel gave me this message, but few others here. It was about God's Word or truth, not personal contact.

On leaving Harvey Norman, I took a photo of this section of the store on the way out, because it was where my angels/ guides [2013: that was actually a fallen angel - The Dragon], flashed a brilliant white light, that had covered this entire ceiling several years before, when I asked them/ him to reveal themselves/ himself to me. I was tried of the ongoing mystery. I desired physical contact.

'[SO GOOD]' I got out in the carpark and saw the number plate with the words 'SO GOOD' on it. This occurred with a malicious and saracastic voice, that communicated with me telepathically, as I looked at the plate saying, You are sooo good.[Update 2015: This was the voice of The Dragon who was very sardonic.]

'WARNING'. I was being warned at a spiritual force [Mackenzie & Co.] were/ would be or had been enveloping my car while I was driving it, but that there was a protective covering over me. [Update 2013: I note the pyramid/ triangle symbol. I also note that I was still wearing the ring given to me by my guides [The Dragon] in the shape of an eye, which represents of the eye of Horus, or the all-seeing eye.]

'JESUS SAYS TELL THEM I LOVE THEM'. Malicious sarcastic tone. Relates back to Dvd cover with Greyfriars scene 'REPLAY THE SUFFERING'. Relates back to Greyfriars Kirkyard, where I told them that God loved them. They were paying me out for it.

'[999]' This used to mean 'Danger. ETS/ or Fallen Angels.' [Private vocabulary between myself and my guides/ aka The Dragon.]

'HIDDEN VALLEY'. Seen as driving out of Harvey Norman carpark. Second time seen and acknowledged. Unsure of meaning. [Update 2013: Again, this was refering to Eva Valley, where I was to relocate, several months later.]

'JEN'S TOXIC MAN - but I'm desperate.' They are paying me out in regards to my interaction with Mackenzie. It was said telepathically, in the same sarcastic tone, courtesy of The Dragon and his demonic orb army.

'MIRAGE'. It is a mirage.

I am in the carpark in Progress Drive and there is a cat with similar colouring to Pushkin, but with skin cancer having eaten off a large portion of its face. The cat scoots beneath a car with [888] on the number plate. Note: This used to mean 'Eternity.' [Private vocabulary between myself and my 'guides'/ aka The Dragon.]

In my journal I wrote the following: "... As I drove home from the church, I knew that there would be a cat, so I slowed down on the road. As I approached the the block of units in Progress Drive, a cat that was exactly the same colour as Pushkin, could be seen wandering around in the carpark. I called out, "Pushkin?!" Except for a couple of marks on legs and face, it was the spitting image of him. I followed the cat and began to get the feeling of being led again. I was stopped by a fence that the cat slid under to the next carpark. I looked over and saw a car with GH on the number plate. GH - GARY HULL. The next morning I woke up and a spam email had come in with SIN CITY as the the subject line. I immediately thought of Edinburgh. So, Darwin was SIGN CITY, whereas Edinburgh was SIN CITY? The email before that one had the subject line 'I Found You A Bride.' When importing images from my digital camera, it then stopped on a photo of blue stars. I was told that I was still a star, just a little bit blue ..."

[Update 2017: The above 'sign', in the hands of an 'inspired' local artist, gradually turned into a flaming lion.]

I photograph a locust at my feet.

In my journal I wrote the following: "... He [refering to The Dragon], got super angry about me photographing the grasshopper (locust) for some reason. He screamed that I had a 'sick mind', like I was some kind of pervert, for photographing a squashed locust. The next day he decapitated a large locust and stuck it in the centre of the car parked next to mine in the carpark. The locust was neatly sliced in half, so that the perfectly formed upper half of it's body gave the appearance of being stuck out of the car bonnet. Weird, I thought. I didn't get it. One thing I did note, was that he was volatile. Highly intelligent with rapid fluctuations in mood ..." [Update 2011: God's Word refers to locusts in conjunction with the angel, Apollyon. "And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power." [Revelation 9:3, The Holy Bible, KJV]

The string my guides used to play with on my step is in the shape of a figure 8 or an eternity symbol. |