This Response Wasn't What God Had In Mind, When It Came To Fighting Satan Via Spiritual Warfare.
A Multiple System Under Seige
The Dragon had described 'Christianity' as my 'New Job' maintaining that they were all bad, all part of the one 'mafia', it's just that God Almighty was more powerful than they were. Thst they were in dfact, the underdogs. The slandering of God was to become relentless over the following years. But for now, I knew who was trying to hurt me and who was protecting me and I had been struggling out of my situation in the best way that I knew how, doing everything that I could to survive the spiritual onslaught, of those who appeared hated me for no reason.
“But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.” [John 15:25, The Holy Bible, KJV] Once the hidden inner protectors from our multiple system of consciousness came out, things fired up. However, it wasn't exactly what God had in mind, when it came to thwarting the continuing attacks of the enemy. In hindsight, there was nothing actually being done to me directly, that would have threatened my life in any way, but a combination of my lack of faith in God or Jesus to protect me, my lack of Biblical knowledge, my lack of understanding in regards to the power of prayer and my ability to perceive things in the spirit, made for an ongoing intense and shocking experience, triggering our protectors.

It Was Important For The Dragon, That My 'Focus', Remained On Him And Not Jesus.
Everything I knew to be true had been tuned upon its head ... Add to this and my self reliance and programming when under threat and the whatever the adversary had made me into, now backfired and was turned on them, as I alternated between selves who were helpless and afraid, to fearless robotic assasin selves, who were programmed to protect them. On top of this, many of the selves had loyalties to 'diamons' [demons] as friends, pets, companions and these demons were embedded amongst the selves in a very complex situation of programming within the psyche.
While the demons inside were unable to possess the psyche, they could be channelled and they could certainly influence and trigger other selves and could also emerge through selves [acting as trance mediums] very briefly, saying a word or two, or giving a look, before vanishing again. My consciousness was a shifting kaleidoscope of emerging and retreating selves, responding to the external environment in rapid succession, depending on who was triggered and for what reason. So we had a combination of selves, who were going to use the name of 'Jesus' as a weapon, or a magical word of power, if they deemed it necessary, in order to fight Mackenzie and The Dragon. That was about as far as Christianity had gotten with them, while the weaker selves, still faithless allowed this to happen, that is, until God stepped in.

Two More Emails Sent To Me By The Dragon, To My Email Address, From Another Computer, With No Dates.

First Signs Of Exhaustion
In so far as God was concerned, I was still fighting too hard. I would not allow the angels that God has assigned to me, to help guide me out of my situation. It was hard to stop fighting on my own terms, but in the end, I simply became very, very tired.

I Had Thoughts Of Just Giving Up, As The First Signs Of Real Exhaustion, Began To Take Effect.
Once crying and pleading to my guardian angel [a holy angel of God], "I don't wasn't him in my life, please take him away ..." I did not want to say JESUS anymore and read The Bible. I just wanted to be left alone and so I sulked and fell asleep. I was suprised to find that nothing happened to me during the night and it was a sleep of deep peace. Oddly, the message the next day was SUCCESS. It felt as if whatever was happening to me, was being orchestrated behind the scenes. But I was in such a state of shock and exhaustion, that I simply responded, to whatever happened next, knowing that the name of JESUS, was a kind of buffer, between myself and them.

I Immediately Noticed The Word Life Guard On The Car Parked Outside The Aralia Street Units.
Upon arriving back at the unit one day, I immediately noticed a car with the word 'LIFEGUARD' parked outside the complex on the street. I knew that this was no accident. Just before I had gone to Scotland, I asked what I now know to be a holy angel of God, if he was a guide? A vehicle had pulled in front of me with the word [GUARD], on the personalised number plate. I had laughed lightly, dismissing the response, "No, no, no ... I don't need a guard?! ... I haven't got any enemies."

As I Passed Behind The Car On My Way To The Front Door I Saw The Word SAVING & LIFEGUARD.
That same evening, I had gone to a Christian meeting, to hear what they had to say, where, to my suprise, they had tried to throw oil on me. They talked about how God hated mediums and something about 'powers and principalities'. All I could think of, when I left, is how 'negative' Christians appeared to be about everything. I did not see the world like that at all. As I drove along Racecourse Road, on my way to drop a Christian off at her accommodation in the city, I came up behind a black panel van, with a huge sticker right across the bottom of its back window. The words said: 'ENEMIES ARE EVERYWHERE' Huh? ... What?!, I thought, suprised that 'my guides', would support their [that being, the Christians] way of seeing, rather than my own.

The Moment I Read The Two Words, It Was As If They Were Being Shouted At Me Telepathically.
I remembered back to that time, as I read the two words SAVING and LIFEGUARD. It was as if they were being shouted at me telepathically. I was being told that there was a guard [a holy angel of God] sent to fight for me and to protect me in the spirit. Soon after noticing these words, I turned on the local Christian radio station and there immediately came a sermon, where the preacher compared the struggling Christian, to someone who was drowning in an ocean, whereupon he advised the listener, to stop fighting and to let God do his job. So I was to stop floundering in the waves and to let the lifeguard [the holy angel] that God had sent, do his job.

Allowing God To Fight For Me
I was again shocked and delighted with the contact and the timing that seemed to be done with ease, by those sent to save me. I hadn't been away that my fighting was hindering God's holy angels from doing their job and that God insisted on me placing my trust in him, before he would allow them to help me out of my situation. To my way of thinking, the revelation was this, that there were obviously 'spiritual rules' to follow and that I had to play by those rules, in order to have any good come out of the situation. At first, God's holy angels used the same means of 'synchronicity' or [signs], in order to get my attention focused on them, since it had to be my choice.

At First, God's Holy Angels Used Synchronicity As A Means Of Communication, To Get My Attention.
After I had fought myself into exhaustion. Even if sleep meant death, I was simply unable to remain awake any longer. Even in this exhausted state there was still the demonic rage somewhere within me. I thought of Mackenzie and Co. and I just thought I don't care. I was too tired to care. While I sensed that my ministering and fighting angels were there, I had no faith at this stage that a benevolent God was somewhere in the background overseeing this process. The new age force of 'love' that I called God, was still far far away. A spark of rage within me at God's angels allowing this to happen, followed by signs of resignation, I don't care. It could all go to Hell. And deeper still, where I thought that no one could hear me, there was the hope, like a the ghost of a child calling from within a deep well, with night's many eyed old shadows creeping down along the stones, I sighed, I must sleep. Save me.
How blessed are we, that our Father, God Almighty, was able to see down into the deepest wells of humankind. Afterall, He had created the wells, along with the human beings that fell into them. Jesus waited by every well known to man and many wells came with warning signs, but some of us fell anyway. God does allow his angels to be involved in rescue missions every second of the day and He does provide a way out. At this stage, I still did not have the awareness of the rope that He threw down to me, in order for me to pull myself out. But I did sleep, and while I had very little faith, that He would protect me and did not think to pray, ... I just hoped that he would. That night I slept in the deep well of myself. And every demon from the pits of Hell was held back. I was to learn, that God knew how much I could endure and had stopped the onslaught before I gave up, as he gently guiided me towards my first steps in having faith in Him and in trusting in His ability to take care of me. It was to be a long and bloody battle. I had to stop fighting in order to let him save me.

A Lesson In Faith: I Had To Stop Fighting, In Order To Let God's Holy Angels, Fight On My Behalf. |