Coral Hull: Testimony: Mackenzie Knight: Diabolical: Predestination: Romeo and Juliet: A Set Up

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[UPDATE 2013: Once I had arrived in London, I was lead to this image. It was on an art card in the National Gallery, London. I thought that it looked interesting, so I purchased it along with a number of other art cards, bearing images, that seemed to mean something, or that took my interest at the time. I collected and catalogued thousands of images within my mind, later to be retrieved and considered, in regards to my own creative expression, as an artist. Talk about leaving things in plain sight, ... but how could I have known my own future, or the diabolic considerations of the mind behind it? I could only refer back to this image, once things had already ocurred, in an attempt to put the pieces together, most of which would never be found.

An Art Card From The National Gallery In London, Depicting The Death Of Romeo And Juilet Inside The Tomb, With The Same Shaped Plaque As George Mackenzie's Tomb In Edinburgh.

For behind the the lovesick couple, of the ill fated Romeo and Juliet, now shrouded in death, was exactly the same shape that was in George Mackenzie's tomb in Greyfriars Kirkyard, Edinburgh. I had been shown the tomb, where I would be allowed to take a series of photos of Mackenzie, before having ever been to Greyfriars. The Dragon and Mackenzie knew each other and this is why The Dragon had refered to Mackenzie, as one of my own. This entire thing had been a set up all along. I had been set up to be a living sacrifice to the one whom they worked for ... Apollo [Abaddon/Apollyon]. When I had arrived in Edinburgh, the two disc shaped wafers that had rolled along the ground and dropped open at my feet, had been an invitation to take communion with him. Was this was why the ground had stopped moving across the road from a church? In 2013, The Holy Spirit revealed to me, that I had been set up to go to Edinburgh, in order to be reunited with powerful ancestral spirits, connected to the Mackay Clan through Scottish Freemasonry, which would then legally allow them, more access to my life and soul.

Furthermore, the course that I had undertaken in Mediumship and Awareness at The Arthur Findlay College, had been set up in order to for serious access to begin. It was all about access, permission achieved underhandedly, through mind control and deception, since Sophie [a multiple self], had been programmed since very early infancy, to be a sacrifice to Apollo/yon.

Sophie was a shy defenceless self, buried deep within the programming of the multiple system, created and developed by The Dragon through the MK Ultra. It was all for God's viewing, this slow and progressive destruction. It was a worldly banner, to wave it in God's face, a temporary flag a false victory. It was designed to provoke a Heavely Father to wrath directed at us/ me.

Image Of The Death Of Romeo And Juilet Cut And Pasted Into A Photo George Mackenzie's Tomb, In Greyfriars Kirkyard, Edinburgh, In Order To Highlight The Similarities.

Did they think that God Almighty himself, knowing that I was to be a bride to His only begotten son, had not been watching the entire thing? If I had known what I was doing and who God was, I would have died of fear, long before this attempted murder had taken place. It was only through God's grace and not through anything I was or had done, that Jesus Christ came early into my life and the connection between us was established. The Holy Spirit had came early as well, a true friend unwavering in spirit and a comforter, since before the foundation of the world, and well before I even knew, what, or who he was. But still they tried and tested God and in my mind, they came close to victory. But I was wrong. It was simply another aspect of their insidious indoctrination. What a pity for The Dragon, that My Father is sovereign, thereby having claimed ownership of my spirit before him. When the demons said that I was, UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP, little did I know at the time, that my life was purchased at a price and this exchange, had occurred over 2000 years before, at Calvary. The Dragon and his kind had lost.

Romeo and Juliet 1968 - #1 Crush - Wake Up From 'The Romance'. It's All A Lie By Design.


This website is part of my personal testimony. It is guided by The Holy Spirit and written in Jesus' name.