The Dragon's Gift Was Unwanted By Me And Then My Gift Was Unwanted By The Church.
After I was instructed by Father [God Almighty] to go and purchase the property at Bachelor and then to give it to the church [The Faith Centre], The Dragon reacted by sending me a barrage of emails. In these email's, it appeared that the property that I was about to purchase and give away, was a gift from him to me and then when he sent me the email 'Give them the best gifts' his telepathy [thoughts] that he was projecting at me, were those of rejection and when he sent me the email 'they will love this gift from you', it was saradonic in tone. Then there were all these references to Christmas ... in September! I didn't know what he was up to at the time. I only did what Father told me to do, without asking why. For reason unbeknowns to me, my 'obediance' had made a strong impression on The Dragon.
The barrage of emails [the dates are irrelevant/ not accurate] sent to me by The Dragon, after purchasing the Batchelor property for the church, were as follows:

This Email Refers To Pastor Sue And The Stone Cottage That Was On The Property At Batchelor [Eva Valley].
As it turned out, the settlement date for the Batchelor property occurred on Christmas Eve. No matter what I tried to do at the time, it was bound to either settle on my own birthday, that being on 12th December 2009, or on the alleged birthday of Jesus Christ. With all the people involved, conveyancers, estate agents, church staff, buyers for the company's two units that had to be sold, in order to purchase the property in Batchelor, the seller/ owner of the property in Batchelor and the banks, I just sat back and watched the entire thing play out and sure enough The Dragon & Co. managed to perfectly orchestrate events, so that his gift for me [at least in his own mind and which was the property, meant for the church], finally settled on Christmas, as in affirming The Dragon's emails to me.
[Update 2016: I now believe that The Dragon was trying to claim some kind of ownership of both the property and myself, however, that was nullified, when I gave it back to God, by doing as he instructed and by giving it to the church. The $500,000.00 property remained an unwanted gift, from all involved. I didn't want the gift that The Dragon was giving me and the church did not want the gift that I gave to them. Talk about a hot potato! In hindsight, I can also see how fallen angels impact and affect the minds of unwary human beings, as part of their social engineering. The Dragon views this, as in moving people around on a chessboard.

He even pointed me to a random piece of graffiti along a pipeline, while driving down the Stuart Highway with the words: I MOVE YOU. It's all about mind control. The creepy thing is, that once I settled into the property, I could see a number of indictators, that it was actually meant to be a gift for me from The Dragon. The name of the large plant that bordered the doorway to his 'enchanted cottage', was called a Nightblooming Cereus or 'Queen of the Night.' It also matches a poem that The Dragon got me to write about him, when I was young, titled, 'The King of the Night'. It was in the guise of writing about a cat and ended with four short lines: "Man is a foe he must/ Constantly fight/ If he wishes to rule/ As king of the night.]

The Property At Batchelor [Eva Valley] Appeared To Jump From Person To Person Like A Hot Potato. |