The Dragon Used My Email To Fire An Insult At Mackenzie, But Really It Was Directed At Me.
Mackenzie and Co. were still going strong, but now so was I becoming stronger with The Bible in my hand and the knowledge of Jesus Christ in my heart. If there was one thing that brought an instant joy to my spirit during this time, it was the fact that Jesus was still alive. "He's still alive." I would say this out loud with tears in my eyes. There was such a sweet victory occurring inside me in knowing this. I had suffered intensely over his death as a child, having no idea that he was still so present. It was a joyful discovery. While I knew that he had been raised from the dead, he had disappeared soon after that, and while I knew that he was in Heaven, it too, had became a long way off, as I was gradually birthed into the new age by The Dragon.
Mackenzie & Co. seemed to arrive in the evening and from the timing, I deduced that they must be spending some of their time in Edinburgh, Scotland and some of it in Darwin, Australia, being active during the night hours at both places. One day they were they earlier in the morning, than as was their usual routine and there was big spirit fight in my loungeroom, as Mackenzie and Co. seemed to suddenly enter in a very forceful way, as if through a vortex, whereupon they attempted to assert their authority over their new territory. At this stage, I didn't know whether The Dragon was for them, or against them. All I knew, was that they were all against me. I was then shown the picture below to inform me of the situation, in case I hadn't got it.

Two Demon Knights Called Mackenzie & Boots On Their Way Over From Edinburgh.
Each afternoon, to herald their arrival, The Dragon would have "I Can Feel It Coming In The Air Tonight" by Phil Collins played on the local trance station. He did this by hypnotising the local DJ, so that at least, was no longer a mysterious synchronicity.
One day Mackenzie & Co. arrived a little earlier than usual and a fight broke out in my loungeroom. It appeared to be a fight between the demons that surrounded me in Darwin and the demons that were arriving from Scotland. But it was hard to tell ...
The spirit fight started with a very loud bang on the bench in the kitchen of the unit. I had insisted that my guides do this softly, in the past, to which they had complied. I thought, Looks like whoever was doing this, wasn't going to comply, or at least comply anymore. But it did feel like someone new, someone who should not be here, barging into my space, in order to assert his dominance. I remained seated at my desk in front of the computer, while out in the loungeroom, I could half see and half sense what seemed to me myriads if orbs colliding amongst each other, with small popping, spitting and hissing noises and little explosions of flashing light. This came more as a psychic impression, coupled with a slight materialisation of the event. I had known that there were orbs around for awhile, since when I had photographed a bag to sell on Ebay, the faint image of an orb had shown up in the photo. I didn't like these 'orbs' being around. I didn't want them in the unit. It felt like an infestation.

Faint Orb Appearing On Lower Section Of Computer Bag.
Still feeling overwhelmed by everything that was going on, I stood up in front of my pc facing the window and letting out a long sigh of weariness. At that moment I saw flashes of light before me and there manifested something very beautiful, in my bedroom, above the desk. About four feet in front of me, a large orb established its borders as it materialised for a moment, in gentle white flashes and I felt such love eminating from it, that I thought that the orb was a female, some kind of loving saint. I then heard the word, 'FATIMA' in my mind. Was this Mary, the mother of Jesus come to comfort me in my need? I replied telepathically, I love you. You are so beautiful. Thank you, whereupon she slowly faded from my sight. I assumed that Fatima must have been a saint of some kind. I would have to look that up online.

All Hell Was Breaking Loose. But Were Mackenzie and The Dragon In On This Together?
When I sat back down at my desk, the radio on top of the fridge, out in the kitchen, suddenly stopped playing music. Everything went totally quiet for several seconds. Then what sounded like a very loud computer generated voice came though the radio, repeating a single word over and over again, in rapid succession. It said:
over and over again. In dread and disbelief, I jumped up from the desk, walking straight out into the loungeroom, in order to confront whoever was there. There was no-one. I yelled at it, "In the name of Jesus Christ, get out of my loungeroom!" It stopped abruptly. Then, when I sat back down, the same voice started up again:
I stood up at my desk and marched back into the loungeroom, "IN THE NAME OF JESUS, GET OUT!" It stopped abruptly. This was the Christian radio station. I decided that it was better to turn the radio off altogether. So I did that. Then, when I sat back down, the music that had been playing on the radio station, started up inside my own ears, so that I could still hear it, until I said, "In the name of Jesus Christ, get out!" whereupon it stopped and did not start again. But it didn't end there ...

All Hell Was Breaking Loose. What Could I Do? But Keep Up My Demands, In The Name Of Jesus!
Mackenzie seemed to be childishly boasting, in an email with incorrect addresses and dates, sent to me, in front of The Dragon. These emails were for more than my eyes only. They required an audience. While I knew that The Dragon was a mimic, I felt sure that it would have been beneath him, to communicate in this way. He was far more sinister and disdainful in tone. Whoever it was, they were pleased that they had made it into the unit, or perhaps he was refering to the time, he thrashed me in my bed. Really, this was all totally out of hand and I knew that if I stopped to think about it, that I would go into deeper shock than I already was. It reminded me of Fantasia, where Mickey Mouse practised sorcery on some brooms and things had gotten scary, as the brooms began to multiply, carting buckets of water up and down stairs, on their own initiative and no longer obeying his orders. Perhaps my situation was somehow similar to that. But I wasn't dealing with broomsticks. These were persons, just not in the flesh. As to what they did look like, was anyone's guess.

Mackenzie Was A Knight [Fighting Demon], Whereas The Dragon Was A Duke, In Satan's Angelic Heirarchy.
Around this time, I began to experience hard cramping pains, that I had never felt before, throughout my body, particularly in the chest area, like something was squeezing all the muscles around my heart. It felt like they were trying to give me a heart attack. Immediately, I was to think of the young minister in Edinburgh, by the name of Colin Grant, who had died of a heart attack, after attempting an exorcism on Greyfriars Kirkyard. He was only thirty five years old and had died soon after. I thought, If he was a minister and they killed him, then what chance have I got?
The Dragon was quick to reply, in assuring me, We didn't kill him. We 'assisted him' in killing himself. It would be many months, before I was to find out, that Colin Grant was a spiritualist minister, not a Christian minister, which, of course, had tragically afforded him little protection. They then proceeded to try and tell me about Jan Henderson, the author of The Mackenzie Poltergeist. Again, this sounded like The Dragon speaking. He said that he: loved Jan Henderson, that he was like a 'brother' to him, but that he had not been very happy, about how he had been represented in his book, which is why he had found it necessary burn his place down, with The Dragon adding, that his sense of fashion, much like my own, had done little to contribute, to him becoming the successful author, that he might have been.
Again, this was so petty, it was unbelievable. I thought, This is just shit. I'm not listening to any more of it. I promptly pushed out any more information, regarding Jan Henderson, that they attempted to insert into my mind. I did not want to hear what they had to say. As for the ones who were trying to get into my body, these felt like writhing worms. It was just filthy, like blowfies attempting to permeate my skin, in order to enter my bloodstream. One night, feeling the cramps begin in my torso, I opened The Bible and plonked it onto my stomach saying outloud, "Here, read this:"

I Recommended The Holy Bible As Essential Reading For The Demons Who Attacked Me. |