The Dragon Had Refered To Me As A Maverick in Edinburgh. He Now Continued On This Theme.
Diabolical Attack
The physical attack began shortly after I said good-bye to my guides. As it had while I was in Edinburgh, the ground felt like it had begun to shake again. I looked online to see if there was an earth tremor, or maybe it was a jet flying overhead, but it was just the sensation of everything shaking. Then at other times my midriff would be shaking. This went on day and night. Reading The Bible would stop it, but then it would start again. This wasn't so distressing in itself. It was that I knew what and who was doing it and the sensation of having a foreign intelligence enter the body, in order to gently shake it, sometimes for hours on end, while attempting to access and influence my thinking, was distressing and time consuming, since all my focus was on trying to counteract the invasion, that felt so foreign, so as not to be human.
Instead, it was more along the lines of swarming insects, or a contagious virus with a malignant intelligence, a predatory consciousness. When I left the unit, a vehicle, advertising milk, drove by me in the traffic, with 'Shake It Up' painted on the side.

A Representation of The Logo That Was On The Side Of The Vehicle That Drove Past, After The Dragon Had Been Physically Shaking Me Up. But I Was About To Get Out Of Disney World Forever.
The Dragon's continuing attack on my body was minor, compared to what he and 'his mates' were attempting to achieve, by attacking my mind and soul. Yet when all the attacks were placed in conjunction with each other, it made the physical attacks more scary than they really were. Of themselves, they were more unpleasant, than life threatening. While The Dragon continued to claim me as his, he was not allowed to take my life. So, even though I was in no real physical danger of being murdered, it was the predatory and malevolent consciousness behind the attacks, that caused a terror inside me and the fact that The Dragon, still appeared to exert some kind of control over my mind, through this behaviour. The emails were also mediocre and he appeared to be limited as to what he could do even there, which was a relief to me.
Again, it wasn't the emails or even the synchronicities themselves, but the watchful intelligence behind them, that still seemed to mesmerise me. I wanted to know more about him, but this was a case, in which my curiosity might actually kill me, rather than the cat! The Dragon had said, GO [to Heaven] THEN, BUT YOU WILL GO TORN.
Human beings were allowing themselves to be badly ripped off, since everything in this world came with a hidden price tag. The Dragon never offered me anything without an ulterior motive lurking behind it somewhere. Throughout my life, he had pretended to reveal himself to me and then quickly withdraw from me in alternating cycles, in an attempt to draw me slowly and continually towards him. This way, he could always claim, before The Father, that I had made the decision, or the choice to come to him. It was the only 'legal' way, for him to claim ownership over me. I had allowed myself to be led away from Jesus, through a combination of deception and seduction. But the fact that The Dragon couldn't just do whatever he liked, took some of my fear away and allowed me to begin to exercise my own will once again.
At first I fought him off in all the wrong ways. I walked around the unit at Progress Drive, shaking my shaman's rattle, while reciting 'The Lord's Prayer'. This had the affect of allowing the demons to enter the unit, using my new age books as a doormat, on which to wipe their unclean spirits. Then there came the feeling, like some kind of insects were crawling all over my body, including down into my bra and underpants. It reminded me of the time that I had rescued a pelican and had been covered in huge black biting bird lice, as they scrambled from the body of the dying bird onto their new host. The car plate then said [ITCHY], while in my mind The Dragon lined up his thoughts with it sayng, "Itchy?" I then placed a cross around my neck for extra protection, but Mackenzie & Co. began into stick pins in my neck, wherever the chain of the cross rested, so that there immediately followed a burning sensation, until I removed the cross, realising that while it had worked in The Exorcist, it wasn't going to work here. I was immediately mocked in another email:

The Dragon Dictated My Perceptions Of My Surroundings. I Only Ever Saw What He Wanted Me To See.
The Dragon had not appreciated me attempting to exorcise him, using the name of Jesus. Under his tutorship and instruction, I had been kept well away from The Bible. But his use of Biblical terminology, had come fairly soon after I had received a copy of The Bible, from the women at The Faith Centre. The Dragon had spitefully told me that I was 'UNSEALED'. He called me 'Zechariah Of The Couch' to correspond with another of his emails, after I had lay down on the lounge, to rest with my CFIDS.

Text Extracted And Repasted From A Brief Email Sent By The Dragon As A Form Of Mediumship.
I found out that 'Zechariah', was considered to be a minor prophet of The Old Testament, who was murdered between the sanctuary and the alter. I worried over this. But The Dragon was being sardonic, in refering to me as such, since I knew nothing of The Bible or it's prophecies. But the real message, seemed to be about the return to God, after some kind of generational curse, or a separation from God. They were again using a Biblical reference, to describe me, in a condescending way.

A Painting Of The Old Testament Prophet Zacharius [Zechariah] By Italian Artist Michelangelo.
It is written: "In the eighth month, in the second year of Darius, came the word of the Lord unto Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo the prophet, saying, 2 The Lord hath been sore displeased with your fathers. 3 Therefore say thou unto them, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Turn ye unto me, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will turn unto you, saith the Lord of hosts. 4 Be ye not as your fathers, unto whom the former prophets have cried, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Turn ye now from your evil ways, and from your evil doings: but they did not hear, nor hearken unto me, saith the Lord. 5 Your fathers, where are they? and the prophets, do they live for ever? 6 But my words and my statutes, which I commanded my servants the prophets, did they not take hold of your fathers? and they returned and said, Like as the Lord of hosts thought to do unto us, according to our ways, and according to our doings, so hath he dealt with us." [Zechariah 1, The Holy Bible, KJV]. I had long suspected that my family had some kind of spiritual curse placed on them and now, through The Holy Spirit, I saw that The Dragon was actually refering to it. My Father wanted an end to this curse and to his displeasure of my ancestors, and so did I.
That night, I ate some left over rice and vegetables and became very ill. I was then told by The Dragon, that I had been poisoned. Then the photographer who I had been conversing with online, who had emailed me the image of Apollo chasing Daphne, send me an unexpected email, to tell me he had just been in hospital for four days with the worst case of 'food poisoning' that he had ever been through. The Dragon then slandered me, telling me I was "DEAD ON THE VINE". I asked Pastor Sue, who was one of the Pastors at Kim's church, "What does 'dead on the vine' mean?" Telling her, that it was what 'the demons' had said that I was. She had laughed in a serious way, and in her pronounced English accent she answered, while nodding her head, "Oh, that's pretty bad." I didn't understand what I had been involved in, was really so bad, as to warrant this description. Even more baffling to me, was why he would hate me so intensely and without apparent cause. I hadn't done anything to him.
The Dragon had also sent me a message, that that I ought to ... 'Wise Up And Get Branded'. This had sparked a flash of rage somewhere inside me, where I resented my own powerlessness in the situation. But it was a flame that failed to ignite due to a lack of oxygen. It only flickered briefly, before it was gone again. Over the next several weeks, the attacks came thick and strong and it was so bad that I usually sleep in the afternoon, so that I could stay up all night reading The Bible, only going to sleep at dawn. I had no idea of when any of this was going to end. I was managing to sell some stuff on Ebay for my company, go to the gym and I kept all my appointments. I was also still searching for a place for Cody and the cows in the Darwin rural area, which was proving to be a challange. Aside from that, this situation was taking up all my time. I was too shocked and exhausted to question anything. All I could do was keep reading The Bible and keep telling them to leave in the name of Jesus. There were many nights, when I was too tired to keep my eyes open any longer, to read more scripture, so I prayed to God and Jesus to look after me, as I fell asleep holding The Bible to my chest and simply hoping for the best.
My Mate's Wife
Through the use of synchronicity, The Dragon consistently demanded that I interact with him again. My guides were long gone by now, since there never had been any 'guides'. My only 'guide' was him. Most disturbing, was that he still held fast to the idea that I was married to him. While he said that I had been 'easily seduced', he also claimed that 'the introductions had taken a little long'. He seemed to be claiming whatever he felt like, in order to create fear in me or to get an emotional response:

The Dragon Had The Ability To Instantly 'Message Me' Anywhere I Went Or Whatever I Did.
And when I did not respond he boasted and mocked and taunted me relentlessly:

What Was He Talking About? I Hadn't Realised That I Was Getting Married To Anyone.
At first I thought that this must be The Dragon mimicking Mackenzie speaking, about winning me away from him, in yet another fit of feigned jealously and rage. But it appeared as if I was somehow meant to be married to Jesus and that now The Dragon was boasting about winning me over to him. Again, this made me angry, but I loved Jesus and I wanted to belong to him, not The Dragon. I just didn't understand the terms/laws or how to apply this to my situation. It was only over a period of many months, that I found out that 'the church' was considered to be 'The Bride of Christ' and so this had put things into perspective for me, that being, that a spiritual marriage is very different from a marriage in our reality. While I had wanted The Dragon to materialise, in order to end the mystery, I would have had to leave my physical body to be with him in his dimension, which, as I had now learnt, was Hell.

An Image From The Movie Dracula Directed By Francis Ford Coppola And A Host Of Demons in 2000. |