The Dragon Continued To Make Contact With Me For A Long Time Using The NT News And Other Media.
Oddly, and at first, The Dragon didn't seem to know what to do next. It seemed as if he simply waited upon me, observing how I would think, or react and then he would reply and counter-react. My mind was receptive, to ongoing telepathic intrusion and I was under the focused scrutiny of his ever watchful eye. They all seemed to hear my thoughts and sometimes, when it suited their purposes, I was allowed to hear their thoughts in return. At other times, The Dragon would simply place a thought in my mind, and then follow it up with something to represent it in the physical world, moments later. So then it appeared that I would think something and he would reply almost instantly. It still amazed me, how they had the ability to utilise time, space and matter, at least to a limited extent, in conjunction with my consciousness. I was fully involved in this process, but I was an awe-struck infant in comparison to them.
One thing was certain, that after this, my life could never be the same again. Even so, I was still alive, the sun was shining and I wondered what the day would bring. When I left the unit in the morning and as I drove along Bagot Road towards Darwin, a white van passed me to my left. It was one of those hippie vans with flowers hand painted all over it. On the rear of the van, in large capital letters were the words:

Representation Of The Van That Had Jesus Is Coming Painted On It.
"Yes!" I said out loud, for all to hear, in every dimension, and I even laughed lightly, in spite of everything. "Yes, ... that's right! ... Jesus is coming!" The Dragon was quick to respond, with an approaching road sign, that appeared within seconds:

Representation of The Traffic Sign Used By The Dragon To Counteract The Message Expect Delays.
I shook my head, that's outrageous. Only the slightest doubt was able to penetrate. The Dragon didn't seem to give a damn about insulting and blaspheming Jesus. He didn't seem to care less, how many times I told him to leave in Jesus's name. Yet, I knew how Mackenzie & Co. had backed off, the night where I cried out to Jesus and I believed that they were being held off now, while The Dragon maintained contact, even if I was too busy fighting them off in my mind, in order to acknowledge this.
One thing that I was very quickly learning, was that there was certainly no new age force of universal love and a myriad of light beings coming to the rescue, in order to reassure me, that everything was holy and that I was a co-creator alongside God, being perfectly in control of my own destiny. Nor was it a good option, to simply do anything that I wanted to do, so long as it didn't hurt anyone else. The reality was, that I was wedged inbetween two immense and superior opposing powers of darkness and light, operating outside of my body and within my psyche, as invading forces.
But it was only the force of light that was for my life. The other desired my complete destruction. Both sides were Biblical and adhered to certain laws and principals, so anything outside of that, was a deception from Satan himself. My life had suddenly and dramatically narrowed down, to a single moment in time, where a decision had to be made, from my position of being jammed inbetween two opposing forces. So much for creating my own reality! As a human being, I was both extremely limited in physical form with my body disabled, frail and dying and in my spiritual form, where I was given two options, eternal life or eternal damnation. If anything, I was only given this choice by God, of whether to follow Jesus or The Dragon. If it had been up to The Dragon, I would not have been afforded the privilege, of even being allowed to make a decision. Being in league with both Jesus Christ and The Dragon and with little time to think or act, I found myself doing anything necessary in order to live.
Listen To My Voice - Gary Numan |