The Road To Recovery, Leading To Eva Valley, Where I Was Placed Under The Custody, Of Jesus Christ.
Holding Fast During High Drama
Every interaction and/ or transaction went wrong, as people were influenced, or affected by The Dragon and in his fallen angels, in one way or another, or at least in having their own demons to contend with. It can end up becoming an unpleasant and complex situation, when one becomes entangled with the world. For me, it was like slowly and methodically, untangling myself from a mass of fishing line, with a dark and jagged hook, at every twist and turn. At the time, I had no idea, that I was escaping from an old prison, that The Dragon had refered to as 'human society', but that Jesus refered to as 'the world'. The more that the truth was revealed, thoughout The Bible, the more the situation, appeared to me, as one big mess, filled with vile, unethical people. Thankfully, God had placed a couple of rescuers in amongst the mess and as was always the way with Him, it was those, whom one would least expect, that at least, attempted to do the right thing, but even the actions of those people, came at a monetary price. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" [Romans 3:23, The Holy Bible, KJV] In not understanding what "sin" was, I had lived my entre life, bewildered and repelled by the behaviours of others and unaware my own behaviour and actions against God.

Arial View Of The Ex-Mango Farm, When It Used To Be In Operation, Eva Valley, Northern Territory, Australia.
Wolf In The Office
While I was on the phone to the company's conveyancer, Kristin, she suddenly called out to her co-workers, "Hey, did you hear that?!" I heard them agreeing, in shocked tones, in the background. I immediately asked Kristin what had happened. She replied that they had heard a huge ... 'wolf growl', that had reverberated throughout the office. Once the 'wolf' had growled, through Kristen's office, it appeared that things began to change there, to the degree that they took a turn for the worst, [at least towards me] and so I was unable to call her again. The other agent, who was acting for the owner of the property, that I had given to the church, named Judy Blore, finally realised the situation that I was in and began to be more helpful, along with the company's agent, Annabelle. She said "Now I understand what has been going on ... you haven't actually got a conveyancer."
She was right. Kristin had billed me top dollar and had taken off on a 'holiday', without letting me know, half way through the deal, thereby leaving the contract in the hands of some nasty and incompentent office staff. In the past, Kristin had invited me to lunch, on a few occasions, in order to hear all about my supernatural experiences. We had then arranged to go on a 'shaman course' at Alice Springs together. But once I was given a copy of The Bible, I cancelled the course. I said to Kristin, that the truth, that was being revealed to me, in the pages of The Bible was far more exciting, that a 'shaman course' and that I could no longer participate in something like that, knowing who and what was behind it. I then bought her a copy of The Bible, after which she told me, that she already had one, but that she had never bothered to read it, telling me that she went to a female friend of hers, who was a great and wise spiritual teacher, for that kind of knowledge and advice.

I Had A Few Things In Common, With The Woman Of Apocalypse, Depicted In This Painting.
Christianity was nothing like I thought it was, nothing like the media and movies portrayed it as, nothing like history suggested it was and nothing like the churches taught it as. For a start The Bible was fully supernatural. I was suprised to find out that true 'born again' Christians, nearly always had a direct experience with Jesus Christ, God or holy angels of God, that had changed their lives instantly. So when Kristin asked me if I was still going to the "Shaman Conference" in central Australia, I answered, "Why would I? I am going to stay where I am and read The Bible. It's the most exciting book I have ever read." Why? Because at each turn of the page, God spoke directly to me and each word that was spoken by Jesus Christ, I knew to be the truth. It was like I had always known him intimately. I just knew, that what was written, was true. No one had to tell me. It was inside me somewhere. Then I looked back to the guides [devils], in my life, who had excited me, with their lies and provoked me, into tickling the ears of others. Needless to say, while I still cared about Kristin, once I knew the truth, I never heard back from her again.
Untangling Myself From The Mess
In real estate everything had to be timed down to the day, otherwise there were penalties and fees to pay. Not only was I focused on getting my cows and Cody back from Edgar's Mission, but I was selling the company's 2 units and buying a rural property for the church, that the church had now given back?! It was all moving too fast, for me to have much control over it. Aside from Kristin vanishing, no one at the church was speaking to me. On top of that, I had a removalist in Darwin, refuse to load the stuff from the unit, into their truck, because I had failed to defrost the fridge. They stormed off and left me with no way of getting a unit full of furniture and boxes, to the newly purchased place in Batchelor, that I had just sold on behalf of the company. The removalist's wife then turned up at the door, wanting the money anyway and when I didn't give it to her, she stepped towards me and hissed like a snake. Three people had died at the church, one per month, for the time, that I had been there. Then a previous landlord, now with the infamous Boscani Residential, who I had had previous negative dealing with and who had evicted me, the moment they had gotten control of the unit, on 91 Progress Drive, that I had been rentng for three years, without a problem, was threatening to sue the company, if I didn't pay [from memory] $2,000.00 plus, for the cleaning of the unit, after I had already cleaned it. There had also been the bigger problem of trying to get the owner of the newly purchased property in Batchelor, that the church had now given back, to move out, by the settlement date. Her agent, Judy Blore, ended up having to help her pack, to get her out on time. I asked God to get rid of the ex-landlord and told her to REPENT via email. So after making a few more legal threats, she just seemed to disappear. If only it were that simple, for everyone that The Dragon sent after me, to do me harm. As for Pam Ahern and her friends motivations, in being cruel to the cows and Cody and in refusing to give them back to me, it all came down to the love of money. And finally, we had a buyer refusing to sign off on contract, until I had repainted a section of wall, behind the crates and boxes, of the unit I was staying in. The company's estate agent, Annabelle Miles, who stuck by me, finally conceeded, that it was the weirdest transaction, that she'd been through, in her entire career.

There Had Always Been Something About 'The World' And Myself, That Was Extremely Incompatible.
On top of it all, was the demonic attack. I didn't know how long, I could keep this up. Annabelle said, "you haven't broken down yet and we're almost there." I drove through Parap thinking, what should I do? I was answerd by my ministering angels, in a tired kind of [HOLD FAST]. Again, I just needed that bit of reassurance. All of the above events, were to be significant, since I would never entangle myself in the world, to that extent, ever again. My mother had long since warned me, that the more people you are involved with, the worse it is. While I wasn't perfect, I very much related directly to, the simple and powerful life, of Jesus and his followers, in The Bible. It did not occur to me, until alot later on, what they all actually went through, in a world, that had sold out to Satan, [a fallen cherubim]. While in the past, I always had to ring my mother, to have her explain what motivated people, to behave in the way they did, I was slowly to come out of that state of bewilderment, that The Dragon had placed me under, as The Bible, which is God's Word, explained everything that I needed to know, about fallen humanity and why we all, in being outside of Gods's will under a curse, behaved like we did.
Rosco To The Rescue
Finally a local handyman, Rosco, said he would help me move to Eva Valley and so I agreed to pay him, what I would have paid the removalist. He and a mate, with scraggily, shoulder length, blonde hair and wearing rubber thongs, turned up. They hired a huge truck, coming to the rescue, for $2,500.00 cash. Everyone wanted cash payments in The Northern Territory. We packed up the truck and the 4WD in the morning. We then all drove down the Stuart Highway to Batchelor, with me following the removal truck, driven by Rosco and his mate. Inside the 4WD with me, were Banjo, Pushkin [safely returned fom Edgar's Mission] and Princess [Sarah from the RSPCA]. This was to be a fifteen hour day. The Dragon harrassed me on the way out, as a MACK truck pulled up right beside my car, so that the word MACK sat squarely, inside the frame of my car window, glaring down at me. There were eagles everywhere, so that along that stretch of road, it seemed, like there was one continuous sky, with one continuous eagle, within that sky. The only stop was at half way there, at Noonamah Roadhouse. There were no dramas on the way, but it was a 120km drive out of Darwin, turning out to be a long day, for all involved.
Arriving At The Property
Once we arrived at the property, I noted that the valley itself, was covered by lush, bright green grass, all the way to the mountain range, with rich and fertile pasture, for the cows and Cody. Rosco and his friend, unloaded the truck and I pitched in. I helped to unload all the boxes alongside them. Everything was dumped in the old house and stone cottage, as we waded through knee high grass.

It had been a long day, longer than expected. We were all exhausted. It had also been a dull day, with intermitent smatterings of rain, through the salmon gum and cycad scrub. This cooler, wetter weather, had made the loading and unloading easier. Both men took a drink of tank water, before leaving to take the truck back.

The Valley Was Covered In Lush Green Grass. It Was The Perfect Pasture For The Cows & Cody.
So it was, that I arrived with Banjo, Pushkin and Princess, at a small stone cottage, set amongst lush green wet season grass, that seemed to be miles from anywhere. Apparently, it was an ex-mango farm. I was so tired, that I didn't even bother to check out my surroundings. I went inside the stone cottage closing the door behind me. I fed the animals amongst the boxes and then I collapsed on an old mattress, with no thought of anything, still not really understanding, what was going on, or what I was doing out here ... I fell into a deep and dreamless sleep, with my boots still on. I was completely alone. That night was Christmas Eve, Dec 24th in 2009.

I Had No Idea, What I Was Doing Out On The Property, After The Church, Had Given It Back To The Company. |