As The Train Pulled In, I Looked Out On The Gothic Twilight Of Edinburgh, "Oh My God. I Love This Place."
A Strange City of Psychic Intensity
I had originally gone to Edinburgh in Scotland, to visit The South Bridge Vaults, after seeing it on a television program, called Most Haunted. A year or so, after seeing this program, I had a dream, where I saw Daniel (one of the selves that I share the psyche with), being murdered by two shadow men. I had a clear vision of (Daniel), being buried beneath the ground in the vaults. Then, as the two shadow men moved away, he desperately called back to them from beneath the ground, "Who are you?" After this dream, I was determined to understand what was going on and why I would have such a dream. I had never been to my ancestral homeland, Scotland, and I had not read about the city of Edinburgh, before I arrived, so I had no idea what to expect.
The moment the train pulled into the station, I looked out on the gothic twilight of Edinburgh exclaiming, "Oh my God. I love this place." I was immediately captivated by the city and its psychic intensity. It was like the entire place, had a low tumultuous storm, building beneath its surface. Not long after I had left my hotel and walked down the road, the ground had begun to shake ... My first response, was to look around to see if there was an earth tremor. But no one else seemed to be responding to it. Right, I thought. It must have had to do with the train ride playing havoc with my inner ear. I kept walking, as the ground continued to shake and I stopped at intervals, a little unsteady in my head and to make sure that it wasn't actually happening to others. I became increasingly curious, as to what was actually causing it, having never experienced anything like it. |
As I Walked Along The City Streets, The Ground Beneath My Feet, Appeared To Be Shaking.
I found a local cafe that served vegan food and sat down to eat. I positioned myself, so I could take in the artwork of the cafe and look out the door. The ground was still shaking and then I felt the walls, tables and chairs begin to shake as well. I placed my hand on the wall, looking back at the person serving the meals. "Do you have some kind of generator in here?" I asked, "because, I can feel the walls shaking ..."
"No," she replied, "Not that I know of." I looked out the door thinking, that this was obviously some kind of 'psychic experience' that I was having, combined with fatigue and an inner ear problem. As I looked out the door, I noticed a church with a steeple across the street. Just for a moment, and as I begin to go into a trance state, I envisioned the church and the rest of the buildings floating away down the street. What is that? I thought. This entire place must have been flowing lava in the past.
The Ground Continues To Shake
Satisfied with this explaination for now, I completed my meal in a subdued mood. Then I left the cafe and began to walk back to The Thrums Hotel. All the while, as I walked down the street, the ground beneath my feel kept tremoring and shaking, and I would continue to stop at intervals, just to feel it, while standing still. I would also occasionally lose my footing and trip forward. Then the trembling suddenly stopped and when I looked across the road, I was standing parallel to an old church. I stood still for a few moments, wondering what this could mean and I guessed, that I was picking up on some underground energy, perhaps running water. But I didn't know ... My entire body had seemed to become like a 'dowsing rod', since being in the UK.
As I continued to walk, what appeared top be a little breeze, picked up in front of me, along the footpath and there, suddenly right in front of me, I saw two large white disc shaped wafers, rolling slowly out of a small driveway and then straight towards me. They were moving at exactly the same speed, while being an equal distance apart from each other, and only stopping, when they got to my own two feet, where they fell flat together. Wow, that's odd, I thought that they must have come out of restaurant. Then I looked up and across the road and I saw a sign [TAYLOR], followed by [LET'S PLAY]. Well, Taylor was one of the selves I shared the psyche with and whatever was behind those signs, it appeared to be slightly sexual in tone and also threatening, at the same time. |
I Began To Use My 'Mediumship', In Order To Read The Streets.
I kept walking, thinking to myself, this is the first time I've ever received negative message like that. All the messages from my guides were usually good. I wasn't afraid, since I was used to communication of this kind. I was a bit taken aback, but I didn't give it any more thought and instead, I went back to the hotel and decided to have an early night. As I lay in my bed, everytime I closed my eyes, I felt the bed tipping up sideways to my right, like I was going to fall onto the floor. A few of the girls I shared the psyche with, began to shriek, help, help, it's the Devil trying to tip us into Hell. "No, it's not," I spoke out loud. "It's just the affects of the seven hour train trip." But it kept occurring and as I fell asleep, I would reach down and pat the floor beside me several times, just to make sure, that everything remained level.
The next five days or so, were spent testing out my 'abilities', by going on various 'haunted' tours, several of which included the underground vaults of the South Bridge. During the tours, the reality of these areas began to shift and move around me somehow and I thought, this is really weird. It must have had something to do with the way that the place was structured, combined with my own mind playing tricks on me, in the half light.
I managed to pick up on a number of the 'spirit residents', that were later described by the tour guides. However, as I was soon to find out, with Edinburgh, one didn't need to go on a 'haunted tour', to experience the many 'spirits' of this city. |
Unseen Worlds, Appeared To Be Opening Up To Me, While I Was In A Trance State.
The Missing Children Call Out To Me
While walking along The Royal Mile, I saw a wrought iron fence outside a church 'ripple'. I was called out to by 'spirit children', as they used various signs and car number plates, telling me to save them, that they were trapped beneath the ground, locked in or burning, or to get other mediums to save them. I grew more and more concerned about them. The place was totally haunted and very sad. I had never imagined that such a place could exist. I was told to contact two mediums, who were patners, whom I had met through Black Hart Tours and to tell them to light candles and hold a festival, to bless the missing children throughout the city. I allowed myself to be lead by these various pleadings and callings, having great sympathy for them.
The 'spirits' of Edinburgh began to communicate, by leading me to various external signs and little gifts, such as flowers and meaningful things, that corresponded with what people had said, or that meant something to me personally. For example; when a historical tour guide had talked about nails, I was told to turn around at the next location and there they were on the ground behind me. I was given a bunch of flowers at another location. I was told to look down at a plaque in the grass, which had a Phantom Of The Opera type story printed on it. That was odd as well, since I had just seen the play in London and I had been deeply impacted by the story. Then I was led past a fence, with a poster of a child hanging on it, that had the words 'MISSING CHILD' on it. |
I Felt The Ghosts Of Children, Crying Out To Me, From Beneath The Royal Mile.
As you can see from this poster, there are no phone numbers to call, in order to report the discovery of this missing child. Therefore, the suggestion from the artist who created this piece, seemed to be, that this child belonged to no-one and that they would remain lost. This child bears a resemblance to Roswell and Timothy, two children with whom I share the psyche. There were nice gifts, but then suddenly the bank machine would be caught 'gobbling up' the flowers, I had just been lead to, so that I had to withdraw $10.00, to get them back out. I was tripping over alot and feeling light headed. I suffered from nausea and caught a flu and a very bad throat infection, that caused me to lose my voice for a week after leaving. The day before I left, I became very ill with a combination of extreme nausea and light headedness. I was that ill, that once I had been to the Post Office, I had to sit on a chair, with my head down, for about an hour, before being well enough, to stand up and leave.
Also, the moment I got into Edinburgh, my nine year old Sony Cyber Shot camera completely broke and it had never malfunctioned, since I first purchased it, almost a decade before. What a strange place, I thought. I was used to experiencing gentle communication, with my guides back in Australia, who had identified themselves as angelic beings and daimons. However this place seemed to have a split personality, where something good would happen and then it would suddenly turn nasty or bad.
Visiting The South Bridge Vaults
While in Edinburgh, I went on two tours of The South Bridge Vaults with Mercat Tours. One was a parapsychological investigation and the other was a historical ghost tour. Both were interesting for different reasons and attracted a variety of people. The vaults themselves were both intense and atmospheric and people seemed visibly frightened, as we descended into them. I felt one tiny icy prick to my thigh beneath my clothes. It felt like cross between a raindrop or a needle, but like it was wet.
There were obviously various 'ghosts' or 'spirits' throughout these vaults and this amazed me. I had never experienced anything like it before. But mainly I kept feeling, that I was being followed by a male, a malevolent psychopath or pervert, who stood in doorways and followed the group. "That's just "Boots"," the tour guide said. In the largest chamber, the tour guide said, someone had 'picked up', on some kind of 'entity', lurking up in the left corner, that had wings and who was non-human.
I noted this and in my mind, I saw something similar to a small dragon, or a gargoyle. Wow, I thought. I can sense some kind of other worldly being here. They're right. As I looked around the vault, it seemed as if the walls and floor were kind of moving, or shifting, as in appearing a little bit wavy. I thought, This is obviously the kind of place that for some reason or another creates an optical illusion of some kind.

I Was Fascinated, By The Dark And Intense Unseen Energy, That Moved Throughout The City Of Edinburgh.
A Free Pass To Black Hart Ghost Tours
It was my last day in Edinburgh and I was picking up some supplies at the local healthfood store, down from The Thrums Hotel, before catching the train back to London the next day, in order to attend The Arthur Findlay College. The lady at the counter and I got to talking about the place and the conversation led to me tell her of a series of supernatural incidents, I had experinced while there. I shook my head, still overwhelmned by the intensity of the experiences, "I only came to visit the South Bridge Vaults. I had no idea that the entire city was haunted." Just then, a woman whom had been listening at the far side of the shop, came over and asked, "Have you been to the Greyfriars Kirkyard?" "No," I repiled. "... I've never heard of it."
"Really? Well, if you haven't been there, then you are missing out in something amazing!" She looked into my eyes and said, "You are psychic, right?" "Yeah, I think I am." "Well," she said, scribbling down a few words onto a leaflet she was about to hand me, "you just hand this to the tour guide and tell them that you are going for free." "Really? Are you sure?" I asked. "Oh yes," she replied happily. "You almost missed out on the most haunted place in the whole of Edinburgh, run by the best tour company!" "Really, okay then," I laughed adding, "Thanks so much for this. I didn't expect a free ticket." I thanked her once again and left the healthfood shop, thinking what a fortunate 'coincidence' it was, that she happened to be there, at exactly the same time that I was and had overheard the conversation between myself and the woman who was serving me. We had been the only two customers in the store.
I looked down at the leaflet, a little stunned by the free ticket and read the words "The Mackenzie Poltergiest". Great, I had always been interested in poltergiests.

The Dragon Had Organised A 'VIP' Pass, To One Of The Most Haunted Places In The World. |