The Gates To The Covenanters' Prison, Now Remained Securely Locked, For Reason Of Public Safety.
My First Contact With Mackenzie
I could not wait for the tour that evening. So I went on another day tour, with Black Hart Tours, to beneath the South Bridge vaults. It was run by a red headed Scotsman, in a long black cape, called Ian. His partner kissed him goodbye, as the tour began. Then he walked straight up to me, looking down at my hands. He commented, "Nice rings." He was refering to a pair of large blue amber rings, that I had purchased at a market stall, run by Two Skies Design, in the Royal Mile. Then, after collecting the last tickets, from the small group of waiting people, he came up behind me saying, "You. I want to talk to you. You're a medium aren't you." It was like he was suddenly overtaken by some force of personality, putting me off balance. My curiosity grew.
The tour began at St Giles Cathedral, in The Royal Mile, where Ian delighted in telling the onlookers, exactly what kind of torture had occured to innocent people, in the Edinburgh Royal Mile and how bloody and brutal, the history of this place, had actually been. He wanted them to know the truth. While in the vaults, he talked about how the spirits who lived there, left him small gifts, but that he had hardened his heart towards their perpetual pleadings. I could never do that to them, I thought.
Afterwards, we walked and spoke a little while, exchanging interactions, that we had shared with the spirits. If I was a medium, as he had recognised me to be, then he was definitely a lot more experienced than me, working both as a tour guide, in The Black Mausoleum Shop, on Candlemaker Row and doing psychic readings at a local pub. |
The Streets Of Edinburgh Had A Dark History, With Many People Having Been Tortured In Public.
After the tour was over, I went on my own to Greyfriars Kirkyard. Greyfriars Kirkyard is most well known for the story of Greyfriars Bobby, a small Skye terrier, who remained loyal to his owner, after his owner had died. I was unaware of any history surrounding this place, but I had purchased a book, written by Scottish author Jan Hendersen, titled; The Mackenzie Poltergeist: The Ghost That Haunted Itself. This particular poltergeist, was unlike any others I had read about. It had physically attacked over 200 people, a few of whose personal accounts, were in the book.
As my curiosity grew, I felt more and more compelled, to go directly to the famous cemetery, on my own, before the tour started. As I wandered throughout the city, I felt 'wild' and 'alive', like all my senses, had kicked into overdrive. There was no one that I had to be answerable to. I went where my senses led me. However, I never attended funerals or visited cemeteries. I never felt comfortable. I never liked them. But in the case of this cemetery, I could hardly wait to get there. I had to get there.

I Was Totally Fascinated, By Whatever It Was, That Appeared To Be Drawing Me To Itself, Inside The Kirkyard.
Immediately, upon entering the front gate, of Greyfriars Kirkyard, I proceeded to walk along the inner path. My left arm lifted, as I pointed towards the tombstones, to my far left. Yes, it's over there, I thought. But I did not walk over there. Instead, I kept going along the path I was on. The intensity of the place was simply incredible. As I walked, I felt my energy being drained. It was like it started at the crown of my head and was sucked down through my entire body, then out of my feet and into the ground. I seemed to be walking slower, again, as in the hotel room, as if some force was dragging me down into the earth. At the same time, I felt driven to go further.
Greyfriars Kirkyard: Driven To Go Further
I noticed a few people having lunch, amongst the grass and the old grave stones. I saw a young man with his dog. He was laying flat on his face, over a very old grave. He was laying right to top of the plot, as if he was connecting his own body, to the body laying deep beneath. Does he know what he's doing? Why would he be doing that? After looking at a few more graves, I found myself on a path in the cemetery, that was perpendicular, to the one I had been walking along. I thought to myself, where is it? Then I heard another thought, answer right back. It was a commanding, cynical hiss of a reply, You know where it is. Yes, I thought, You're right. I do know.

I Looked Through Gates To The Covenanters' Prison, Inside Greyfriars Kirkyard, In Hopes Of A Sign.
I tried to think, where this might have come from, for it was like I knew this voice, but that it was not my own. This was an angry and malevolent mind, that felt both watchful and focused. It felt like a man, but one who was everywhere at the same time. And so, with daylight as my companion, I slowly proceeded to walk the path, towards the locked gateway, to what would turn out to be The Covenanters' Prison.
Several things happened along the path, to the old Covenanters' Prison. The first, was that I came across was a piece of paper, with some writing on it. I knew that this was for me to read. It said something along the lines of, 'Ginger and Mint are good for nausea and digestion.' It was a health pamphlet. I loved ginger and mint and I had actually used them for that purpose. I smiled. The next 'sign' was to be found to my right, as viewed from the path, on a crumpled bottle of some kind. On the bottle was the word 'OMEGA'. I felt a twinge of fear. Omega, I thought, the end. The very end.
I looked around me for a moment, wondering, if this might actually be a warning of some kind, or whether it was simply describing the energy of the place. It felt highly intelligent and far from friendly, but that did not deter me. The next sign, was found closer to the gate of the prison. It was a crumpled cigarette packet, with two words, clearly showing on their own. They were ... 'DIE YOUNGER'. God, I thought. That feels like a threat. I went to the gate and peered in and to my right I saw the Covenanters' Prison sign. It felt like one place/ or world, overlaying another one. Right, so this is it. I thought so. |
I Really Had No Great Interest In Cemeteries or Funerals, Prefering To Avoid Them.
I stood there for a few moments and then a small group of people arrived, who were obviously on a day tour to the cemetery. As I watched them approach the gate and attempted to listen in, I experienced the thought, that was disconnected from the emotion, of an outright hatred for them. THE FOOLS! I DESPISE THEM!, followed by vague profanities, in words that did not register in my consciousness. These weren't the exact words, but they are how I would interpret this force, that seemed to enter my mind. It was like he wanted to hurt them very badly, but was unable to do so. I felt like there was a mind inside my own, yowling in frustration. I thought, that's him again. Then I felt myself in sympathy, with the deep pain behind this enmity.
It felt like a man, but one who was very very angry. God, he hates tourists. He really hates them. They left and I noticed two grey pigeons, up on the wall of a tomb to my right, just outside the prison gate. Suddenly, it was as if the two pigeons stopped simultaneously to stare at me, as if frozen to the spot. They were both staring and they were as still as statues. That is odd, I thought. This whole place is charged. Next, they were gone. They were now both on the grass in the Covenanters' Prison. And in the movement of those birds, it seemed as if no time had lapsed, between them moving from their position on the wall, where they were staring into my eyes, to feeding on the lawn outside the tombs, further away and in total ignorance of my presence. It was weird. Obviously something very strange was going on here ...
Black Hart Tours: The Mackenzie Poltergeist
I left the cemetery and walked back down to The Royal Mile. I dropped into Starbucks, where I was able to order a coffee with soy milk. Then I made myself comfortable on a corner lounge upstairs, where I continued to read Jan Henderson's book, The Mackenzie Poltergeist. During this time, I learnt that a young Reverend, Colin Grant, a minister, had died of a heart attack, not long after attempting to exorcise the 'spirits' of The Prison. I could not put the book down. Later that evening, I met up with the small tour group, outside the Greyfriars Kirkyard gates, producing my complimentary pass. Once the tour guide knew that I was a medium, she seemed very pleased to have me on the tour, because "With a medium present", she said, "You never know what could happen." There were around 12 other people in group. Before the tour started, the tour guide asked us to draw a card, from a pack of cards that she held. She would not let us know why, but said that it was an experiment.
I bet I get the card, I thought. As it turns out, she pulled out an Ace of Spades and no one had the card. I then produced it from my pocket. "I knew it," I said. "I knew that I'd get that card." I was the one who had to go into one of the tombs first. If I was okay, then the rest of the group would follow me in. I felt like I had been set up. First there was the free ticket and now the 'winning' card. But I dismissed that idea.
As we made our way through the cemetery, the tour guide stopped at intervals, to tell the group a bit more about the history of the place. I was suprised to hear, that there were thousands of people buried beneath the ground and that gardeners removed bones, as they resurfaced. There was also a very sad story, about the Covenanters' Prison, how the last 300 covenanters, had been sold into slavery, and that ship they were being transported on had sunk, killing them all. I had this awful feeling, that the death of the last of the covenanters at sea, had been no accident. |
My Card Was Drawn, Which Meant That I Would Be The First Person, To Enter The Tomb.
I also sensed a woman in a long grey skirt, who moved through the cemetery. It was like I could hear her thoughts, and that she was locked into her own misery, as she drifted, No sympathy. There is just no sympathy. This occurred over and over again. I told the tour guide, whereupon she confirmed that other psychics had picked up on this. We agreed that it was either over a deceased male partner, or a deceased child.
Then came the involuntary and intelligent malignant male thought, that I had heard in Greyfriars, earlier that day, straight over the top of my own thinking. Ah, the little shaman. It's back. I'd never heard of myself refered to as an 'it' before. As we walked by an open tomb, the guide picked up some newspaper and stuffed it in between the concrete borders. "Wait a moment," I said, "I have to read what's on that ..." She stepped back. As I looked down, I saw the following headline, 'Just Like Your Ex.' Right, I thought, So George Mackenzie, must have been both a lawyer and an intelligent psychopath. It appeared that he was being held responsible, for the death of around 20,000 people, with The Covenanters' Prison, being referred to as the world's first concentration camp, so, perhaps he was some kind of Nazi as well.

A Number Of Orbs, Appeared To Move Along Beside The Tour Group, As It Began To Drizzle Rain.
As we approached the Covenanters' Prison, several of my child selves came forward, and I felt my shamanic selves Raven and Marla, both enter my body. My left arm lifted to the sky, as a sea gull flew the full length of that arm into the setting sun. Then my right arm lifted into the sky, as a second sea gull flew the length of that arm. As I allowed two of my spirit mother's to take control of the body, I thought, whatever is going to happen here ... it's big, but I am protected through them. It was at that point that the gate of the Covenanters' Prison was unlocked and we all walked through, into the darkness of the past, closely followed by dozens of orbs.
As agreed, I was the first to go into the large square tomb with the pebbled floor. I walked straight into it and nothing happened. Feeling a bit silly, I indicated that it was safe for the rest of the group to enter the tomb behind me. The place obviously had a reputation, as everyone on the tour seemed to be taking the entire experience very seriously. I was still light headed and was unable to fathom the energy of the place. I felt that there was an awareness that was all encompassing and it was unfriendly, as if there had been great and unforgiveable suffering. But mainly there was an acute sense of dread and that something very bad and scary was present.
Inside the tomb itself, I felt the air turn icy cold, when it should have been getting warmer, with the amount of people inside. I felt my feet and legs grow cold, as if something was creeping up the back of them and then it was creeping through my hair. I also felt light-headed, as though I wanted to give in to it, to faint. I thought, no wonder people fall over. There is some energy in this place, trying to topple me. But I remained upright. My guides are too strong, to allow me to fall down, I thought. I felt my way along the back wall of the tomb, groping in the dark. I felt warm and cold spots, but nothing more. |
There Was An Acute Sense Of Dread And That Something Very Bad And Scary Was Present.
Later, the tour guide said she had been half holding her breath, while talking to the other people on the tour, because she could see me, at the back of the group, moving closer and closer, to where the greatest 'activity' occurred, inside the tomb. Nothing happened, aside from a couple of people feeling their hair being touched, or being whispered to. I looked down on the ground and noticed a number of small stones. They were just like the ones I (my inner children), liked to collect and I felt a strong urge, Go on, pick them up. They're for you. followed by, Do not touch them.
After visiting this tomb we made our way out of the Covenanters' Prison and along another path to George Mackenzie's tomb. It was known as The Black Mausoleum.
Right, I thought, this tomb is what I picked up on earlier in the day. I was suprised when the tour guide did not unlock the entrance of his tomb, since I thought we might be all going in, to investigate, as part of the tour. Instead, she said that she wasn't going in there and neither was anyone else, because it was now deemed too unsafe to do so. Not suprisingly, no one in the group was about to argue the point and with that the tour was concluded, whereupon, the guide and the group continued on slowly down the path, towards the shop and the front gate, leaving me behind. Left to my own devices and still extremely curious, I moved closer towards the entrance, to get a better look inside. It was George Mackenzie's tomb. |
I Photographed A Number Of Spirit Orbs, Outside The Locked Door, To George Mackenzie's Tomb.
Mackenzie's Tomb: Bridge To The Black Knight
I had not noticed, that the tour had indeed concluded and the guide had gone. Left behind on our own as a system, we now stood at the doorway of the tomb, peering into the darkness. Time seemed to stop, as I became mesmerised and drawn towards whatever was inside. Would I go in, or wouldn't I? There was something about the darkness in there, an awareness. I understood why the tour guide had not unbolted the padlock and let us in, but she said that too many people had been hurt and that she would never go in there. I do not know for how long I stood there, but I knew that I had become frozen to the spot, and despite by fears, I could feel myself being drawn in. I craned my neck to try and see further down the staircase, where the well known Scottish lawyer and Lord Advocate, George Mackenzie, was said to be buried.
A number of childlike selves, from my multiple system of consciousness, peered into the spiritual darkness of the tomb. Then I heard a huge thundering thought, that seemed to push all my own thoughts aside, bellow the words, GET DOWN HERE NOW. I stepped back from the doorway, looking down the dark path, between the rows of tombs and headstones, to where the tour group was disappearing, in the distance. Knowing that I could still see them, I looked through the wrought iron doorway, into the darkness of tomb once more. Then I heard the same thing again, GET DOWN HERE NOW. With that, I quickly rushed off down the path, to join the remainder of the straggling tourists. A few of them were in the Black Hart Tours 'The Creepy Wee Shop', near the entrance to Greyfriars Kirkyard, buying stuff and talking with the tour guide. |
A Number Of Selves, From My Multiple System Of Consciousness, Peered Into The Tomb.
While I was talking with the guide, a woman who had been on the tour, came in through the door with her digital camera saying, "Look at this. I took four photos in the doorway of George Mackenzie's tomb and none of them have turned out." The guide just grinned, seeming to recognise the situation immediately. "Aye, it's not uncommon," she said. "Well, look at this," said the woman. "They're all black." Not givng up that easily, she and her girlfriend decided to go back up into the dark, to take a few more shots. Ten minutes later they returned. "Hey, we got some photos. Take a look at these." Two of the four photos had not turned out. The second photo lit up the inside of the tomb and the third photo, had something very strange in it.

Inside The Tomb Of George Mackenzie [The Black Mausoleum].
Up above the plaque inside the tomb, I saw what looked to me like a black mist suspended in the air, with a number of black misty tendrils hanging down. "Oh my God," I said, "Give it here!" I was handed the camera for a closer look. "Oh my God. That looks like a huge spider." I handed her the camera back, shaking my head and with a sick feeling inside my stomach. So about ten feet away from my head, as we had looked into the dark tomb on our own, was this big black fog, lurking in the darkness, intelligent, with its tendrils hanging down. I then knew, that coming to Greyfriar's Kirkyard, twice in the same day, had not been such a good idea afterall.

In The Photo, Hanging Above The Tomb Plaque, Was A Big Black Fog, With Tendrils Hanging Down.
"I Am Never Going Back There Again, Ever"
It was only after seeing the woman's photo, of the giant black form, that the panic set in. I had this awful feeling, that something gigantic and malevolent had 'noticed' me. I felt that my life had now been placed in danger, by something completely 'alien' to my experience, that I did not comprehend. I turned to the tour guide, as the fear gripped me (Daniel suddenly came out), so that I said wide eyed, "No matter what happens from this experience, I will never hate anyone. I cannot hate. I can only love." The tour guide agreed, "I don't think you'd be capable of hating anyone." Then, feeling suddenly self conscious and embarrassed, I was sure that she'd met all types on these tours. With that, I left the cemetery quickly. I was trying not to run.
With Daniel co-conscious, I walked down the street and began to pray, "Please, God help me, I will never go back there again. God, help me." I arrived at the bridge and boarded the bus that would take me back out to The Thrums Hotel. As the bus began to move, a large lit up crucifix shone through the window onto my face. I prayed, "Thank you, God. Thank you." As the bus moved further away from Edinburgh's Royal Mile and Greyfriars Kirkyard, I began to think about what I had just experienced, in relation to the lawyer George Mackenzie, and I wondered if the two were actually related afterall. Just then, the bus jerked to a halt, and as I looked over my right shoulder, out into the darkness of the night, I saw a shop front lit up in huge lettering: MACKENZIE KNIGHT. Right, so it is Mackenzie, then. Mackenzie Knight.
With that, I said good-bye to the haunted city of Edinburgh and blocked all further thoughts of having gone there from my mind. Instead, I focused on catching the train back to London, in order to attend The Arthur Findlay College. Little did I know, that my brief interaction, with the so called 'Mackenzie Poltergeist', was far from over.
[UPDATE 2013: I was shown the following Bible passage through an online testimony: "The Throne in Heaven: After this I looked, and, behold, a door [was] opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard [was] as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, [COME UP HERE] and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.” [Revelation 4:1, The Holy Bible, KJV]. Then I was directed back to my own testimony, where I was shown that this was in direct contrast to what Mackenzie had said, in Greyfriars Kirkyard in 2009, which was GET DOWN HERE.]

Whatever Was Inside The Black Mausoleum, Was Completely Outside Of My Experience And My Ability To Cope. |