Coral Hull: Testimony: Mackenzie Knight: Enchantment: My Last Day In Edinburgh: "I Shine Not Burn" [2]

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I was led to a drain cover filled with squares. 'MACKENZIE & MONCUR. EDINBURGH LONDON & GLASGOW.' Mackenzie told me that he had 'jurisdiction' over the cities of Edinburgh, London and Glasgow. It was a show of power. It was meant to impress and intimidate. He was also working with someone else. Was he refering to Boots? If so, it appeared that the one whom he worked with, had less 'authority' than him.

I was told to go slow when it came to working with angels. He wanted me to go faster, that is, to become more involved and as quick as I could.

There was two of them, Mackenzie & Moncur (Boots). Or he might have been refering to us in partnership again. I thought, that better not be me with him!

This was the opposite. It was about me working with carers. These were my angels.

'Are you worried about somone's drinking or drug use?' This was about the trip to the Scottish Highlands with Jamie George of Gothic Images Tours. Mackenzie was letting me know that he had been on the trip and that he had seen the entire thing. He liked to have himself represented as this white light, again, by having me use my camera flash, to mimic the light that had appeared in Greyfriars Kirkyard. ... It was him.

Typical Mackenzie Knight and how he chose to represent himself. Smug, confident, superior. He used images to place himself within the physical world. He was a spirit but he kept representing himself as having a body, when it was all about the mind. [Update 2016: This is actually The Dragon and not Mackenzie. Mackenzie Knight, 'the demon', was more emotional, compulsive and obviously deranged. Whereas The Dragon, a fallen cherubim angel, was smug, confident, superior and psychopathic. Not knowing that The Dragon existed, until many months later, when God actually chose to reveal it to me, I at first attributed everything to Mackenzie. The words that I have chosen to describe their differences here, are very limited, since these two non-human spirits, were/ remain well beyond my ability, to fully comprehend.]

'MAVERICK.' It was on a black car. He liked black. Was he telling me that he was a Maverick? Or was someone else telling me that he was? I did not know what the word meant. [Update 2010: He was actually refering to me a Maverick. Definition: An unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it. 2. One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter. adj. Being independent in thought and action or exhibiting such independence.] Mackenzie liked this very much but he was also using it to criticise.

This was reflecting what I had said to him in Greyfriars Kirkyard the night before.

This was about having visions while travelling.

'Chippendales.' More porn. Mackenzie seemed to have the wrong idea about me. He thought that I would like it, if he represented himself in a pornographic context. I found this both strange and disappointing. He was behaving like a sexual predator.

'PARTNERSHIP. CHARTERED SURVEYORS.' I was being surveyed or sized up somehow. [Update: 2011: Definition: A charter is the grant of authority or rights, stating that the granter formally recognizes the prerogative of the recipient to exercise the rights specified. It is implicit that the granter retains superiority (or sovereignty), and that the recipient admits a limited (or inferior) status within the relationship.] He was prosposing to enter into some kind of partnership with me.

'MITIE engineering services.' Mighty Engineering Services. They engineered reality. They created reality by the manipulation of consciousness and limited manipulation of the physical world. [Update: 2011: They may have been refering to themselves as being involved with genetic engineering.] They were the engineers.

'DISCOVERY CENTRE.' I was on the verge of discovering something that was hidden or considered a mystery. I wanted to know the truth. They offered the promise of truth.

Linking to the spirit world, such as in clairvoyance, channelling and mediumship. The interlinked circles were also on a necklace that I had purchased in Glastonbury while on this trip. For me this symbol of two linked circles with a green stone filling in the linked section, represented linking to the fairy world of my pagan ancestry.

He presented as a knight. Mackenzie Knight.

He kept showing me that he was a lion or a knight. These symbols were associated with the colour red.

He constantly showed me the letter G. They only thing I could think of was my deceased father (Gary) whose name started with G. The number 12 was significant to me. Jesus had twelve disciples. Also in the year 2012 my birthday would fall in 12/12/12. [Update: 2010: I found out that the letter G was a symbol associated with free masonary and my ancestry in Scotland, through our clan, the Mackays.]

The print on the balloon said, 'Monsters Vs Aliens'.

'One of our guides will meet you here 15 minutes before your tour begins.' I was being told that the ghost tours in Edinburgh were guided by large dark spirits.

And that spirit orbs were involved.

A claw.

Claw marks.

'Paradise' and 'HUNTER SQUARE'. He was a hunter. Paradise was above him.

In this photo I note four red claw marks by an unsuspecting pigeon. [Update: 2011: I do not know what the blue and skin coloured shape is behind the pigeon. Looks like a strange head coming out of a blue frilled shirt.]

'WE ARE ASTRONOMERS.' There was more than one of them. They wanted me to see them as having knowledge of the stars.

Mackenzie seemed to see our interaction as game of strategies. It was a game that only he wanted to play. I didn't understand his way of thinking. I didn't want to play games with him. He was delighted by my multiplicity of consciousness. He was later to make two comments regarding my being multiple, where he refered to it as "the complex psychology of the modern woman" and where he commented "Ahh, you are seeing me through the eyes of a child." He seemed to see me as a kind of challenge.

I felt both fascinated by him and concerned for him. I looked for any vulnerability, perhaps as a way to get closer to him. But he always remained a step ahead of me, just out of reach of my probing. Yet he would not leave me alone. It was maddening.

However, any thoughts were quickly forgotten. I seemed to be living entirely in the moment, so that contradictory thoughts or experiences, passed each other like ships in the night, narrowly avoiding collision, and without the benefit of warning lights.

Anywhere I went he was there. It was unavoidable. I couldn't do anything without some kind communication taking place. He was constantly on my mind and objects were used to reflect his messages back at me in 'signs', that I photographed without thinking. It was like he was directing my every move, as well as the environment around me. Everything was coming under his way of being. It was all about his will.

One Night In Bangkok - Murray Head [Update 2013: This was The Dragon.]

This website is part of my personal testimony and has been guided by The Holy Spirit and written in Jesus' name.

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