Map Showing The Expansiveness And Complexity Of The South Bridge Vaults, Edinburgh, Scotland.
On my last day in Edinburgh, I decided to completely overdose myself on ghost tours to see what would happen. I booked myself in on a historical underground tour of The South Bridge Vaults and another Paranormal Investigative Tour with Mercat Tours. I also decided to try a different company, and so I booked in with The Mary King's Close Underground City Tours later in the day. I did some last minute shopping and come across more signs from Mackenzie, which I photographed. He presented himself as a red lion. Perhaps this had to do with his royalty or knighthood.
While waiting for another tour to start outside St. Giles Cathedral, I had a brief chat with Ian, the guide from Black Hart Tours. Ian told me that he and his partner were often given gifts by spirits. His partner had an eagle's feather float down out of the sky that held great significance. He then produceed a coin that he let me hold with a lighthouse stamped on it. I said, "They are saying that you are the lighthouse." He smiled putting it back in his pocket. I said nothing, but I sensed a great sadness within him, like he was still searching. |
Mackenzie Appeared To See Himself As Both A Knight And A Red Lion.
Then, as I looked down at his black boots, I saw that he was standing on a piece of string, with several pearly beads on it. "Ah," I squeaked in delight, "that's for me!" I bent down and picked it up. It was another dowser, like the one I had lost at the Callandish standing stones on the Isle of Lewis. I said, "these are my favourite beads!" Ian left soon after to run a tour, and then I joined the group that was to take me back into The South Bridge Vaults. I felt sad knowing I would not see him again.
My time in Scotland was coming to a close. I only had one day left and there was so much I wanted to know. It felt like all the answers to my questions were both right there in front of me, and yet out of my reach simultaneously. It was all bound up in finding my deceased loved ones, including my two dogs, and in maintaining 'the link' with my father that had been established at The Arthur Findlay College. I wanted to make sure that I maintaned that link with him. Dad was still alive. No one died.
So, I thought, why should we not maintain our relationship with them after the death of the physical body? While I lived in this world I sensed another world. It was a world of consciousness. I had known this for a long time and had finally worried my mother when I said to her before leaving Australia, "If they come for me then I am going with them." She asked, "And where do you think you're going?" I replied, "to the fourth dimension." She warned, "don't go hanging around down on the beach waiting for UFOs or they will come, knowing you, and you will end up dead!" But it was more than my longing to leave this world. The more intense and dangerous it became, the closer I felt to knowing the truth, and I wanted the truth at any cost.

The first ghost tour went according to plan, in thart I was able to reacquaint myself with the environment. While nothing much happened on this tour, I did note that there were orbs following the group.

At times it seemed like we were being observed and followed by a larger invisible presence.

The shadow and light play was different in these vaults from anywhere I had known, as though the air was thick with presence and it was all shifting somehow ...

Often I knew where the orbs were. They seemed to be observing the group. I could feel them thinking.

There were more orbs in Greyfriars Kirkyard than in The South Bridge Vaults.

Was their appearance due to the environment or the receptivity of the participants?

While in The South Bridge Vaults the orbs seemed to seek interaction and then lost interest when the psychic investigative group did not respond.

I also noticed that the orbs appeared to be alot shier in the vaults, and that there were not as many of them.

Perhaps they relied on our energy level or consciousness in order to manifest.

I felt a sense of disappointment from them in the vaults, so I spoke to them with my thoughts. I am really sorry that we couldn't give you what you needed here.

Two orbs appeared in the larger vault, moving above the tour group.

The larger blue rainbow coloured orb moved over a man's shoulder, suddenly coming towards me.

I sensed a mother and two children by this chunk of rock. When I took the photo there were three orbs looking on.

Normally they are invisible. But they can still be sensed as presence.

Orbs are conscious beings. When they are around, it feels the same as someone standing behind me.

Towards the end of the tour, we went to a certain area and the guide asked everyone to step into a small vault.

Suddenly a feeling a terror came over me. It was as if there was some kind of inhuman monster in there. I felt that many people had been crammed in there, just as the group of people on the tour now were, and had been burned to death. They were being incinerated while still alive. I refused to go in.

Then when everyone came out the guide mentioned that it was one of the more sinister locations in the vaults.

Then he allowed us fifteen minutes of free time to walk around and where we would taking photos, using EVP which had been handed out to participants. Once everyone has gone, I stepped straight into the centre of the vault.

Then I closed my eyes and relaxed my breathing as I went into a trance.

The moment I did this, some force suddenly gripped my body and began pounding at me, I was unable to move until the guide came back, saying that the fifteen minutes was up.

But what was fifteen minutes to them, only seemed like a couple of minutes to me. Where had that time gone?

An orb hovered above a blonde woman's head. What was it doing there?

I felt a need to take a photo of a certain wall. I took several shots but they weren't what I wanted. Then I simply swung my left arm upside-down down and backwards and snapped the photo, whereupon a white face appeared woth one eye appeared, as if etched into the wall. I showed this to the other tour members and the guide who asked me to send the tour company a copy.

During that time I had been pounded from the inside. My muscles had gone into violent stitches as if I was being jabbed. I was jabbed in the lower stomach, legs, arms, chest, lower back and head.

As the guide ended the tour, a woman came into the vault where I had been assaulted. She said, "I had something jab my stomach and around here." She pointed to her kidneys." I could barely move. I felt like throwing up. I did not know how I was going to make it out of the vaults. "Yeah," I agreed. "I know what you mean. I just got bashed up." At the souvenir shop, they asked me if I was going to be okay. "Yeah," I said, "I think I just overdid it on these tours."

I struggled up the damp stone stairs and staggered out onto the street, holding onto wall and rail to stop myself toppling over. I thought, am I going to survive this? followed by, well, I asked for it. I knew that place had negative energy and I went in there and opened myself up to it. The thought of going on the Mary King's Close Underground City Tour now overwhelmed me. But I was determined to still go, and so I forced myself up the road in the rain.

At the entrance on the street I looked down and saw what looked like two legas walking made of candle wax and three orbs made of gum. Very funny, I thought. Since in this representation, a brick was flattening the rest of my body.

'THRESHOLD SICKS' I was at the threshold of another world and I felt sick. Often 'signs' given to me by them would state the obvious. It seemed more a means of getting my attention and training my mind to focus on external stimuli than imparting any great wisdom or knowledge.

'World's best dad on board.' A reference to my father?

Next there was a pamphlet showing a child (meant to represent myself) and Mackenzie (as the father or the adult) and a shape like a cat's paw with 3 claw marks in between the two of us.
The Mary King's Close Underground City Tours were efficient and polished, a boldly unapologetic commercial enterprise, designed to draw in the maximum amount of tourists. I found the tour boring. It was over commercialised and lacked the rawness and spontaniety of the less showy vault tours. There was less spiritual presence. Yet this suited me as I attempted to recover from the assault in The South Bridge Vaults.
Again the word 'MAGNET'. A magnetic 'power' or energy force between two objects. One object having a hold over another, a drawing of another to oneself. There was a feeling of inevitability about it, like a steel nail being drawn to a magnet. We were being drawn to each other like magnets.
During the Mary King's Close Underground City Tour, there was one section of the tour where the guide mentioned a particularly nasty ghost that had made an appearance. She was correct. I could sense a spiteful rage coming from within this one section. |
I was unable to get a close look, since the tour was jam-packed and there no time for lingering after people had moved on. Nevertheless, I managed to quickly pop my head into the room as everyone was leaving. I sensed the spirit of what appeared to be an elderly man. He knew that I was there, because I felt his glaring hatred aimed directly at me. Again, I didn't see any reason for all this obvious outright animosity.

After the tour I went and sat outside beneath a large umbrella that covered a kiosk table. Tiny orbs seemed to gather about my feet wherever I walked.

In the rain staring ar the lights reflected on the pavement and hoping for the rain to ease, before I walked back down Candle Makers Row to my motel room. Suddenly something pushed down the umbrella above me, whereupon and I was violently dumped upon with a wall of water that had been accumulating in the pocket of the umbrella. It was the elderly man. Nice one, I thought, Why were all the spirits in Edinburgh attacking me? I hadn't done anything to them ... |