Carpark And Entrance To The Reception Area At The Arthur Findlay College In Stanstead, England.
On The Way To The College
After spending a couple of days in London, returning to the art gallery, visiting the museum and riding 'The Eye', in order to get a view of the entire city, I found myself struggling through the crowds, on a busy tube platform. I was on my way to study 'Mediumship and Awareness', at The Arthur Findlay College, at Stanstead. I hadn't thought anything much about the course beforehand. I had originally booked it, because it fitted in with my other travel, and I was curious about mediumship.
While I had daily contact with my guides and experienced the 'supernatural', on a regular and ongoing basis, I did not consider myself to be 'medium'. I had never really ventured into the world of mediumship and had little prior knowledge of it. The only mediums I knew, were John Edwards and Derek Akorah, from watching them on the television, in Australia. Also, I was unsure about it, because 'the dead' always seemed to say the same things. That being, that they identified themselves, with a few family details and they reassured their loved ones, that they were okay. But they never said anything about what it was like to be dead. They just did not act and respond, how I expected that they would. Surely anyone who who had died, would express intense and complex thoughts and emotions, about their 'afterlife' experiences, as well as have amazing information to share, about what awaited us all, on 'the other side'.
As I made my way through the crowds, of King's Cross station, in London, I 'happened' to glance down at a girl walking towards me. She was carrying a black bag with a cat on it. Then, at the exact moment that I saw the words on the bag, came the menacing internal voice ... 'HELLO KITTY'. My stomach tightened. This was the way that my guides communicated, but it was not them. Whoever this was, I was not comfortable with it. The reason being, that 'Kitty' (as with Sophie, Cynthia and Veronica), was one of the more vulnerable adolescent selves, operating within the 'voyager' system. Kitty was not only vulnerable, she was a predator magnet, and whoever this was, knew about her and our internal multiplicity. |
Hollywood Actress Scarlett O'Hara.
I thought that it might be him (Mackenzie), again, since the 'tone of the thought' was the same. But perhaps it was just a lingering affect, of having been in close proximity to him in Edinburgh. This was London. He was back in Edinburgh. I boarded The Tube at King's Cross Station. Once inside the crowded cabin, I positioned myself by the door with my suitcase, so that I was pressed against a small open window. Moments later, I heard two loud raps on the ceiling overhead. Ha, I smiled to myself. My guides were here to reassure me. The train came to a stop inside the tunnel.

Representation Only, Of Standard Advertisement 'Demonically Enhanced', To Scare Me While In The Tunnel.
Then a second train whooshed by the window and scared the Hell out of me. "You bastard," I said out loud. Then I turned to my left and on the tunnel wall, exactly where the train had came to a stop, was an advertisement. There, a photo of a man, who looked vicious and psychotic, filled in the entire window. It was like he was staring straight at me. Right, someone is definitely trying to scare me. So I chose to ignore it. After that, I made my way to the college, without any further incidents.
Arriving At The College First Impressions
Arriving at the reception area, of The Arthur Findlay College, was both fascinating and mysterious. I was immediately drawn to this peaceful somber place. The college atmosphere was old and intense, filled with secret knowledge. The receptionists, who had been aloof over the email, were nicer in person. There was a certain sense of decency about the place, as if some meant to do well, but it was overshadowed by something ominous and creepy. My curiosity about its unseen inhabitants, shifted between concern and acceptance. I was feeling relaxed, so I took rest inbetween the shadows of the trees, with no real thoughts, aside from the fact, that I had finally arrived here, with the old building looming up before me, like a growing awareness.

View Of Lawn Area And Shady Trees At The Arthur Findlay College.
There was a minor hitch, when it came to checking in. I was given a tiny room, at the top of a windy corridor. The room was so claustrophobic, I was unable to spend more than a few minutes in there. I turned up weeping at the reception, not knowing what to do. I did not know why, but I did not want to go into that room again, not even to collect my suitcase. The room had spooked me so much so, that I was ready to leave the course, before it began. It was good that I spoke up, because as it turned out, the woman who ended up staying in that room, found a large black spider in her bed.
Reception were very understanding and changed my room right away. Once checked in, I went up the stairs and down a few corridors. Then I opened the door, to a huge and airy corner room, on the other side of the building, that looked out over a shady carpark and garden below. This room had three beds and I was overwhelmed, that they could have been so kind, as to have placed me there. I immediately offered to share with other students, but they insisted I have it all to myself. When looking out the window, I noticed a wall whose ends met at a point, in front of some hedges.
I dumped my luggage onto the corner bed and then I opened the window, with a view out into that space. From there I wandered around the hallways of the college and got lost. Fortunately for me, I was quickly spotted by a woman named Mandy. She and her group reserved a seat for me at their table. I was suprised that they would want me there, since I was not particularly sociable nowadays, having only really interacted with my 'guides', for the past seven years or so. They were my company.
Once at the table, I was introduced to a dear woman named Winnie, an old favourite of the college, being in her nineties. This caring group of people looked after her. On a psychic level, the dining room, with its lecturers seated together in the far corner, reminded me a bit of the Harry Potter Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Several other students enroled in the course, were to make this same observation.
The classes began almost immediately. We were quickly sorted into our 'groups', and over the next couple of days, we attended a church type service, where the college mediums contacted 'the dead' from on stage. When they had first entered the church, we sang 'When the Saints Go Marching In.' It felt strange to be calling these college tutors 'Saints', as I equated that with Saint Francis. |
Spiritualist Church Service Area at The Arthur Findlay College.
The service was nice, but it lacked any kind of religious substance. It seemed to be set up entirely to contact the dead. I was amazed by the accuracy of the 'on stage' mediums, and the people who ran the service, obviously meant well. Furthermore, I was a guest at the college and so I felt that I needed to remain open minded here, and therefore, it was appropriate to sing along. I'd been invited into their Church. It's just that I had never been to a church, without Jesus and it felt odd and empty.
Two Tales of Little Brown Birds
When I finally got back to my room, it was very late that night. It was completely dark and I was now sorry, that I had left the blinds and windows open. The outside air felt like it was creeping into my room, from the darkness of the grounds outside. I sensed something there, spirits, and there was more than one, and I believed that they sensed me in return. It was with a sincere sense of dread, that I forced myself to move slowly closer towards the huge old windows, in order to close them and it wasn't long, before I noticed, that the two paintings in my room, were of small brown birds. I immediately thought of Mackenzie and his killing of a brown bird. I thought, why am I being reminded of this here? |
Representation Only, Of The Owl Drawing Hanging On The Wall In My Dormatory Room.
Each place I went and each room I stayed in, began to display multiple signs and synchronicities and this room was no exception. The brown bird paintings, were directly in front of me. Behind me were two paintings of owls guarding their young. I immediately compared the two varieties of birds and got the message, that I had a choice, in that I could be like the little brown birds, or like the owls. In otherwords, I could die at the hands of Mackenzie, or I could be wise and protect my younger selves. I was suprised that this was still an issue with my guides, and the mixing of images, assisted me in understanding, what was occuring in the unseen world.
Later, when I went outside, Mandy walked up to me and started talking, about the way in which she ran her bed and breakfast in Polperro. This seemed odd, since there was no lead in to the conversation and she hadn't raised this before. It was like I had come in midway through a discussion, with someone else. She turned and walked off, without bringing the conversation to its conclusion. Then she stopped and turned back towards me, smiling and saying, "Ah, that's what I had to tell you ..." And I found myself thinking as if in reply, yes, this is what you had to tell me. Mandy then said, "A very strange thing happened to me once ..." She then told me a story' where a fish had fallen from the sky, onto her and her friend, as if from nowhere. She said that she had been sitting in her bedroom, when she had heard a drop. When she turned, there had been a small brown bird, laying dead next to her, on the bed.
Mandy thought that it was strange, but then assumed that the dog must have killed it and brought it inside. I looked at her nodding, "You had to tell me about the brown bird." This point about me being like the 'brown bird', was starting to come up, all the time. I knew that it was a warning of some kind, that related to my interaction with Mackenzie. Would I end up like the little brown bird, if I went near him again?

A Card of Polperro Sent To Me By Mandy, Who Was One Of The Students, Studying At The College.
I didn't intend on going back to Edinburgh, so it seemed odd, that the warnings were coming, while I was at a college outside London. Yet the next day, I was discussing this with another student and I mentioned that I had started to feel like going back to Edinburgh. I spoke to few of the students about my experiences there, the black fog that I had seen and various warnings, I had received at the college. A disabled Irish woman named Sharon, pulled me up straight away. She said, "This consciously sounds like a place, where you don't need to go. You might want to start asking yourself, what the attraction actually is?" Admittedly, I did find myself thinking about my experience at Greyfriars on and off throughout the week, as if there was something unresolved regarding it and perhaps even some underlying attraction, that I didn't like to admit. I had no idea, why I would be thinking about Edinburgh at all.
As I stepped outside, a sensor light turned off, leaving me in complete darkness. Oh, great timing. I was nervous. A few moments later, I looked up and noticed a cloud formation in a clear dusk blue sky, that was shaped like five claw marks of a giant cat. I remembered reading that Mackenzie scratched people, who went on the Black Hart Tours. This was well documented in the book, The Mackenzie Poltergiest by Jan Henderson. During the college course, there was so much going through my mind, that any thoughts of Mackenzie, were brief. However, each time I went back to my room at night and looked at painting, of the little brown birds, I felt apprehensive.
Sharon later told everyone, how a medium told her, that she was flying higher than the angels. I said, “No human can fly higher than angels.” While I thought that she was definitely angelic, this was beyond me. How could she think, that she was closer to God, than the angels and higher than them, in her abilities? In fact, God was not even mentioned, so in reality, Sharon was flying higher than all that existed in the universe, even God. While I was saddened to hear this, I did not stop to question my own interactions with angels or faeries, or my own new age beliefs, that we were all going to be 'co-creators' alongside God, as part of a universal evolutionary process.

The Sitting Area at The Arthur Findlay College In Stanstead, England. |