Claude Monet - Water Lillies And Japanese Bridge, 1899.
Mathew's Display of Trance Mediumship
Towards the end of the course, the class was treated to a personal performance, of trance mediumship by Mathew. As students, we were asked to simply observe what occurred. Firstly, I noticed that when Mathew went into the trance state, that there was a build up of energy around his body, particularly his head and shoulder area, that looked like thicker air moving around him. This also occured during his coming out of the trance. I also noted a white aura, around Mathew's head and shoulders.
Once Mathew had put himself under, into a deep meditative state, that he refered to as a 'trance state', he began to speak as several different people and while he insisted, that he was merely acting as a 'trance medium', there was no indication, that any of these selves, were from the spirit world. While they refered to it, their messages were of general spiritual philosophy, that had been repeated by spiritual people for centuries. There was nothing new or 'other worldly' in this information. There were no suprises and no new knowledge. There was, however, an obvious overlapping in consciousness and these overlaps, or co-conscious moments, were evidenced in both voice change and facial expressions, where one self appeared, to be overshadowed by another self, so that it was a combined effort of activity and passivity. It was basic multiplicity, operating through a series of co-conscious selves.
This rough sketch that I drew, while observing Mathew, is indicative of a system of multiple consciousness, that makes up the system of 'Mathew', with the primary consciousness being; 'Mathew the Tutor' existing in this reality, to be regularly toppled by 'The Cockney Comedian'. The comedian was slower and more forlorn, when Mathew was in a trance state. I believe that this was due to the influence of 'The Sage' self, who both slowed and deepened the vocal response. Mathew's daytime cockney self, that regularly fronted up, during his classes, much to the delight of the students and other lecturers, was more co-conscious with 'Mathew The Tutor'.

The Tutor, Cockney Comedian, Sage And Chinese Man, Made Up The Multiple System Of Mathew.
In clinical terms, Mathew would be considered to have MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) with delusional episodes, that involved of him completely disassociating and believing that his other selves were from the spirit world. That is the world of psychology. In the world of spiritualism, Mathew is a trance medium, who, through deep states of altered consciousness and a growing 'unfoldment' of his soul, was able to call in these spirits, that then spoke through him, as they were invited to do so.
While it was obvious to me, that the self of Mathew, who is the teacher of our classes, overshadowed 'the cockney', while in trance, Mathew claimed to remember, only snippets of what was said. Either way, I concluded that Mathew was genuine in his encounter and in exploring his own 'unfoldment' and in sharing this with his students. The consciousness of Mathew. included co-existence within one psychic space and the utilising of the physical body, for the purposes of communication and interaction in the world. I was a medium and a multiple like Mathew. I could speak as 12 people simultaneously, while fully conscious and channel between 40-50 selves.
No Wonder They Hate You Here
In a way, I wished that I had never opened myself up, to the world of the dead. All I felt, was a plethora of lost and disembodied selves, existing in a vacume. I was deeply disturbed by this experience. It was a far cry from peaceful. Where were all these dead people and why weren't they talking about heaven and about being in paradise and being looked after? Why were they so needy, clinging and grabbing at me and touching my skin? In the end, I was placed with an older female student. The moment she sat down, she laughed, saying, ... No wonder they hate you here.

Area Where The Students Sat Outside On Breaks Inbetween Classes At The Arthur Findlay College.
Hate me? I said, "What do you mean?" Well, ... look at you. You've got it all, haven't you. I said, "No, I haven't. I haven't got anything. I explained to her, that I was not a good medium, in that I only really channelled angels and faeries and that I still wasn't sure about dead people. She then went on to tell me, all the various goings on, at the college. She told me how the lecturers had favourites and held prejudice against certain students, how the students slept around and various examples of jealousy and competitiveness. This was disheartening, especially since I cared about these people very much. I didn't want to hear it. I related to the people here, but it was overshadowed, by feelings of sadness, that slowly encroached, like a swamp.
The Pink Stone Reading
I looked out at some white roses. in the college grounds. from my seat, immediately following a lecture in one of the furnished rooms. Suddenly, I felt an impulse to do a reading, for a student named Anne. At that very moment, she approached me and stood in front of me. I took a liking to her, even though I knew nothing of her and neither she of me. I asked her if it would be okay, to simply go with what was coming at me and she agreed. It was like she already knew it was going to happen. "Okay, ... let's just go with it." Then I took her by the hand and we went wherever I was directed to go and I said whatever I was directed to say. The feeling was of losing myself and of flowing along with whatever was coming into my mind. We went to the store and bought her a yellow stone. Everywhere we stood in the garden, or walked and whatever I was saying to her, seemed to manifest in front of us. It could have been a name on a plaque, a flower, a dead mouse, a cloud passing beneath the sun, or someone would walk by and say something. It was the perfect synchronisation, of the inner workings of the mind and the external world, coming into play, in order that I might deliver the messages to her. Whether these messages were right or wrong, accurate or inaccurate, hits or misses, I'll never know. The feeling was, of being perfectly in tune, with a universal force, greater than oneself and I liked it.
Later that day, Anne gave me a card which was very sweet of her. Featured on this card was a photo of Stonehenge, which had been charged with some kind of false alien energy. That is not me, I thought. At least, I didn't want it to be me. Anne had given me this card innocently, but there was a truth to it, that I found disturbing.

I Was Suprised To Be Seen In This Way, But I Knew That Anne, Had Meant Well By It.
I remembered Stonehenge, brought into existence, by the peaceful living grey green presence, of the huge slabs of stone and the continuing mystery, behind its true purpose. Instead, this image represented a heightened, fake, energised Stonehenge. Furthermore, I wasn't an old soul. I did not believe in reincarnation and nor had I any experience, of having been alive before. If I had been alive before this, I would have remembered it. I wondered whose energy, this card belonged to, since from within myself, there was some dim recognition of it, but the owner of these thoughts, was turning away into mist. It was all at once, too deep to access, before it was gone.

An Insipid And Unnatural Pink Stone Henge. So Exactly Whose Energy, Was Anne Picking Up On? |