Something Was Approaching Me In The Spirit And I Was Being Told To 'Get Some Help'.
I woke up still a bit dazed by the whole experience at The Arthur Findlay College. I intended to call my mother later in the day to tell her that I had found dad and pop. I felt emotionally overwhelmed and that I had succeeded in finding them both alive after death. While nanny hadn't come through while I was at the college, I couldn't wait to let the family know that they were all still alive, as a way of reassuring them. Finding my father again and making that connection with him through Helen, was one of the greatest things that had ever happened in my life. I was to keep going.
I went out in order to pick up a few vegan items from The Healthfood Shop. On the way I fell into a relaxed trance state, that involved knowledge given to me by my guides (angels) and beyond. The next morning I purchased a cheap digital camera. I will include what I saw here, what messages came to me and my response to them.

I notice the word 'BLACK' plus the arrow, and while I did not think further on it, I guess the obvious question would be, what was 'Black' selling at his store?

I walked down the street towards the mall. I arrived at the healthfood shop but it was closed for the next half an hour. I saw some seats behind two phone boxes and went and sat down. Once seated I was confronted with another male in a poster looking down at me, just like I had been when I caught the train to from London to The Arthur Findlay College. But this time his name was included 'Mackenzie.' I also saw the word 'Best'. So he was 'best'. Right, I thought. ... I think he may actually be stalking me. Okay, then I am not moving from this seat. I am going to sit here until the healthfood shop opens in half an hour. I looked back at the image and wondered what I should do. Obviously Mackenzie wasn't a poltergeist as people had suspected, but was indeed the spirit of the deceased lawyer George Mackenzie. Poltergeists did not stalk people like this, that being, in using a series of synchronicities and signs to communicate. In fact, only my guides had ever communicated with me in this way.

I cannot tell you how, but I knew there was contact with a spirit at this point. The image seemed to indicate a troublesome personality but one that needed attention? Why was he hurting all those people back in Greyfriars Kirkyard? Had they ever tried to communicate directly with him? Had anyone ever tried to understand him, rather than seeking a cheap thrill on a ghost tour? What could be done about the situation?
As I sat thinking about whether or not to contact Black Hart Tours. Then a council worker driving a monstrous street sweeper drove straight in front of me. The noise startled me as it seemed extra loud. As he cleaned, two small brown birds hopped in front of this sweeper and were almost swallowed by its huge rotating bristle jaws.
I again thought of all the brown birds I was being shown. Right, if that's meant to scare me, then it's not working. I looked around from where I sat, expecting that if I turned in a circle, that there would be more signs. That sound had been made louder to scare me. I needed to find out what was going on here and what to do about it.

As I looked to my left I saw 666. My guides.

Then I saw a 777. Right, my guides are definitely here.

Then I saw this poster of a school girl and I didn't like it. While it seemed to make a reference to the way in which my guides were teaching me 'BACK TO SCHOOL'. Over the years there had been jokes that they were my teachers and that I was attending "ANGEL UNIVERSITY", so that when I died, I would become 'an angel', in order to assist GOD. But this image wasn't one that I was familiar with, and so I dismissed it.

Then I turned around while sitting on the seat to look behind me. I saw a sign 'THE GOOD STUFF IS STILL INSIDE!' This was reassurring, because I felt that something was now perhaps missing inside, and I no longer seemed to feel any real sense of spiritual worth. It actually felt like I had lost something. But what did this mean? Was something bad going to happen and for some reason I had to remember this?

The next sign featured Tiger Woods. (My online name was Fairy Wood). He seemed to be in pain. It was the same kind of pain that I'd felt coming from inside The Black Mausoleum at Greyfriars Kirkyard back in Edinburgh. And there was 999 - one of my warning numbers, along with 911 and 000. And 'transformers' - what did that mean? Also, Fallout 3, (Harry Potter symbol) and: ... WON'T BE BEATEN ON THE TRADE IN?

Next, the Evening Times headline of 'FEDERER PROVES HE'S THE DADDY', a man playing with string? Was I being strung along in some way? I thought puppet/ and puppeteer. I had actually immediately read this headline as, 'FREDDY PROVES HE'S THE DADDY'. Were he and my father the same? Was he pretending to be my father? It was like I was being mocked, by being shown that, which I was too blind to see.

The next sign was ahead of me to my right of where I was sitting. I knew straight away that it was from my guides. They were the big shape and I was the small shape. And then there was this other big shape approaching. My God, I thought, what is this? My guides were angels. I felt apprehensive. Was he as big as them?

I went into the healthfood shop. On my way back to the motel room there were more signs. Firstly, this bus. The sign was the shining one of an adult leading a child. Beneath that was the number 444 - this was a number that my guides did not use.

'Boots.' Right, I thought, that was actually 'Boots' from The South Bridge Vaults back in Edinburgh. He was the psychopathic male whom I had sensed following us through the dimly lit tunnels. He was well known by all the Mercat tour guides. ... that's odd.

Then, 'Blacks.' Black again. Was this Mackenzie again? Was he trying to scare me? |