Coral Hull: Testimony: Mackenzie Knight: Enchantment: Iona Dream: White Flowers & Coloured Stones

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I desperately needed to immerse myself in beauty and purity. I was struggling inside to express who I really was. I looked to nature for this cleansing. I looked to the white flowers on Iona.

The baby pink and white flowers delicately powdered with golden pollen against a baby blue late afternoon sky that was edging into a gentle mauve against the backdrop of the ocean.

I got completely lost in those flowers for a time. They were expressing something that was screaming out inside me.

Later I expressed myself amongst the coloured stones of an isolated beach. I spent several joyous hours becoming lost amongst the stones, until only beauty and colour filled my senses.

I needed the purity of beautiful things. I wanted to be alone on this island and to let the wind send me to sleep.

I wanted to dream of white flowers that trailed into dusk like a bridal viel and of coloured stones smashed by eons of waves. I wanted to dream, in the company of the island's cows, of the blowing sand through the grasses and of birds.

This website is part of my personal testimony and has been guided by The Holy Spirit and written in Jesus' name.

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