Stansted Mountfitchet Station.
Inside The Train Carriage
It is difficult to explain my feelings after leaving The Arthur Findlay College. I now felt lighter, as if I had been cured of CFIDS [Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome]. I was in this world, but no longer of it. I was sensing other things. All my senses were in overdrive. I was reading my environment, in ongoing sequences of synchronicities, that guided, instructed and communicated. I felt disorientated, yet estatic, as if I was part of some greater secret knowledge. It was both exciting and exhausting. Whatever it was, I felt safe. It was like a huge bubble surrounded me and I walked inside a glass dome. I was being watched over, held, protected, contained.

Nothing of this world could touch me. I was cocooned by a consciousness greater than my own. It felt like I was in a permanent state between sleeping and waking, never fast asleep and never wide awake. It felt good to be protected, by a force of mind, greater than my own. I felt parented. In addition to this, I was on a 'spiritual high', from the contact with my deceased father, through the mediumship of Helen, while at the college and I wanted to maintain the link, or a 'bridge', as he had put it.

Once on the train to London, I had time to reflect on the week spent at The Arthur Findlay College. There was definitely something unnerving about that place. So many in need and what could we do for them? Yet I had left the college on some kind of high and I carried on with this heightened sense of awareness and a force of will, that seemed to now prop me up, even while exhausted. I felt like a nervous wreck, and yet I was unable to give up my interaction with the spirits, even for a moment. Their reality now seemed overlaid upon my own. More importantly, I wanted to maintain the link with my deceased father. I still couldn't believe that I'd actually found him. It was one of the most amazing things, that had ever happened to me. I left the college and continued my life, as if in a dream. All I could feel was the 'other world', its energy and its knowledge, still hidden from me. I knew the woods were scary, but I wanted to wander farther and farther in and I didn't mind being haunted.

I Knew That These Woods Were Scary, But I Didn't Mind Being Haunted At All.
On the the train from Stanstead to London, I felt sure that I was going to see my father materialise, in that he was actually going to appear before me on the train. It was more about sensing him close by, than wishful thinking. It did not feel desperate. It felt like this was the situation, that was occurring and that I was fully preoccupied, with dealing with it. I felt myself going into a trance state and I saw dad's squarish forehead appear in a reflection, but nothing more came of it. Just then the train carriage began to fill with the smell of cooking: toasted white bread, frying onion, tomato and steak. It was the smell of the meal, dad most often cooked for himself, during my childhood at Rose Street and while he lived at Brewarrina.
I rushed to each window to look for any restaurant or pub that might be cooking, so that the scent had wafted up into the train carriage. But there wasn't any that I could see. It was just past two o'clock in the afternoon. No one would be cooking at that time of day. The smell as thick and strong and seemed to be focused around me. It lasted about 5 minutes before it disappated. I then looked through a glass window into the next carriage and I saw a man who was asleep. The moment I focused on his face, his eyes immediately opened and he stared at me. This set of eyes had opened on top of his sleeping eyes. Then his 'new' eyes began to open and shut rapidly in succession, on his closed lids, as if he had two sets of eyes. So it looked as if he was opening and closing his eyes, while he was still asleep. Far out, I thought amazed. That was weird. What next? I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next.
King's Cross Station, London
Once I got off the train at Kings Cross Station in London, I had to catch a train back to Glasgow, where I was going to join up with Jamie George and the Sacred Scotland Highlands Tour. Furthermore, I knew that the group was going to pass through Edinburgh. It felt weird, as if someone or something, was waiting for me back in Edinburgh. I didn't fancy the thought of going anywhere near the city again. At the same time, there was still this underlying attraction to it. I pushed any thoughts of that aside. I was not looking forward, to the tour, passing through it, the next day.
Then at King's Cross Station, I walked up to a few railway staff, wheeling my suitcase behind me and asking them, where the platform was, for the Glasgow via Edinburgh train. Then a man standing amongst them, took one look at me and without saying anything, he suddenly took my suitcase from out of my hands and wheeling it behind him, he simply left his post and walked me all the way to that exact platform, including back outdoors, onto a busy London Street, where he walked straight in front of oncoming traffic, holding up a bus with his hand. I sensed something holy had come to assist, so I followed, knowing that an angel was working through him.

Kings Cross Station, London.
I was standing in front of the timetable, waiting to see what station, that the train from London to Edinburgh, departed from. For some reason, I had sense to look to my right. In the distance, standing against a wall, I noticed a long haired man. He was wearing a black t-shirt with the Batman logo on it, black against yellow. Amongst hundreds of people on the station, I saw that he had focused on me and had craned his head in a peculiar way, to keep staring at me and he was smiling. I would not have been obvious to the man at that distance, amongst hundreds of people, to see me in the distance out of the corner of my eye. This can only indicate that he had already been staring at me. I sensed extreme danger and my heart began to pound, as the train station became silent in my mind. He was not human. I thought, that guy is possessed by a demon. But I didn't think of it, anymore than that, since while I had refered to 'demons' occasionally, I didn't believe, that they actually existed.
I looked a second and third time, hardly moving my head, and he was not only staring straight at me with this distorted murderous smile on his face, his eyes were now bulging and then he began to move his head down the side of someone's body who stood in front of him, blocking his direct vision of me. So there was the illusion of his head, still staring at me and smiling at me, in the most exaggerated predatory way imaginable, crawling down the front of that person's body, while cocked to the side.
I then looked in front of me and towards the train stations and ahead of me, to the left, was a triangle with a black raven inside. Above the triangle was a six. I then had the railway police pass in front of me. I thought of dad with him being a railway detective. It then dawned on me, that this scenario, included the images, that had come through, in the reading with Helen, the bat's wings and the raven, coupled with the indicators, which were the triangle and the number six, plus the police. I quickly deduced, that this was some kind of warning. I then saw a can of Fosters (beer), that reminded me of what dad drank. I then noted the man looking at me again. If dad had warned me, then the man would have been psychotic and a pervert. Therefore, I could only deduce, that dad had be prewarning me, of the situation during a reading.
As a result, I placed a psychic protection barrier around myself and remained aware of my surroundings. Then, while getting onto the train, I saw a lightning rune symbol, followed by i~power (I POWER). This run of the single lightning bolt, had always been my personal rune symbol and so this also held special significance for me. I was pleased to be leaving the hectic station and to be boarding the train to Edinburgh.

King's Cross Station, London. |