Kings Cross Station, London
Train From London to Edinburgh
From London to Edinburgh, I had around six hours of signs given to me, in order to allow dad to communicate further. Altogether, I counted 86 signs about dad and what he had to tell people, on the train from London to Edinburgh. My guides and I, worked in the way that we regularly did. Mathew had said, that it was my guides helping, to get the message through, from my father. Once I became aware of spirit in this way, it overshadowed everything else in my life. As I got used to dealing with this, I felt sure that I would calm down. But the contact with my deceased father, while at The Arthur Findlay College, had resulted in a dramatic shift in perception.
During the train trip, I felt imprisoned somehow, as if I was walking inside a huge glass bubble, that was moved, as I moved. I was on a permanent high, protected and dominated. There were now only brief moments of wistfulness, even lostness. But every time, I may have felt alone, the next great wave of intoxication rolled over me, drawing me under its spiritual sensuality. All the while, I felt on the edge of exhaustion, as if I was being drained somehow. I was unable to escape my situation, but less and less I wanted to, as I came to rely upon him/them. I liked this new way of being, that I had entered into, that at times challanged, or extended the normal boundaries, of time and space, allowing me to see things, that I would normally be blinded to. I wanted more of their world and less of my own, ... come what may.
The stops petered out, the further we got out of the city of London. Once the train hit an even high speed, I saw a series of people, move through the carriage, passing me in the isle, with each possessing similar physical characteristics, to the lecturers at the college, plus several students. That's weird, I thought, How do they do that? I mean, set things up like that? How could each of these people, possess similar traits, to the lecturers at the college, I had just been to? It was weird, I shook my head, constantly amazed, by the many instances, that could occur within this reality, that synchronised so perfectly, with their own. What purpose they were to serve, if any at all, was far from my mind. I was simply fascinated by, what appeared to involve, minor alteration of time, space and the physical world, by a non-local consciousness.

Train Line Somewhere From London To Glasgow.
At one point, as I looked down, into the small backyards, of houses, bordering the countryside of Scotland, I saw a girl, suddenly step up, onto a wooden chair. There was a noose hanging in front of her. She was faced inwards, to a backyard shed, that had been opened and corrupted by the weather. She was going to hang herself by the neck. My eyes widened behind the window. My mouth dropped in horror, as I thought of what I could do, to try and stop her. But there was nothing I could do. What could I do? I did not know the country and the stops in between. There were too many houses, many the same, I could not remember. I can't believe it. That little girl, is going to hang herself, in her own backyard. I looked into the carriage, but there was no conductor. There was no one to call. Then, as quickly as the girl had come into view, she became an image, that moved into my past, as we sped on to Edinburgh.
During the trip, many signs were to present themselves, in rapid succession, without me looking for them. They came that fast, that all I could do, was scrawl them in a tiny notepad, hoping that I wouldn't lose the pages, or the meaning. Moments before boarding the train, I had been thinking about pursuing studies in mediumship, when I saw the words, 'Feed Your Ambitions plus 2 more', followed by, 'Give It Some Heart.' Once on the train, I saw a huge cross structure, from the window, that had been mentioned by a psychic at the college. I then saw the words 'Shine and Enjoy' and 'Link To Me', as seen from between the train seats, on a man's laptop, who was sitting in front of me. There was also my father's name, 'Gary' followed by the words, 'Actually died. Thereafter' heard from a conversation, while getting off the train.
I continued to find it extraordinary, how my own guides and now these 'others', were able to utilise the environment, in order to create an endless series of synchronistic occurences. I marvelled at their consciousness and how the Mediumship and Awareness Course at The Arthur Findlay College, had allowed yet more interaction between us. I never felt alone. I was wrapped up in a bubble of extraordinary reality and incidents, that occurred around me, continued to reflect the effortless communication, that manifested as thoughts, that were seamlessly and continually affirmed in the physical world. Everything spiritual was becoming physical, a wavering, overlaying, comingling, tapestry of synchronicity, that provoked reponse and interaction. While I was not one to play with an oujia board, it was as if whatever I now sensed, had become a giant oujia board, allowing perpetual contact.
It was all part of the swoon, erotic and mesmerising, even when barely conscious. Whatever my life had become, kept me hungering for more. More knowledge, more legends, more mysteries, more answers, more truths. I wanted the truth and I had this never ending feeling, of being lead towards it, towards greater and greater truths. I was far from human society, which suited me, yet I was not of their world and this troubled me. It was like I was being held and captivated, leaning from a balcony, in a palace that they had built. A palace suited to my every need and desire and tailored to my own psychology. A palace of dreams and longing, built for me.

Edinburgh Waverley Station, Edinburgh. |