Approaching Edinburgh Waverly Station, Edinburgh.
On Edinburgh Station
As the train got closer to Edinburgh station, I began to feel the magnetic pull of the consciousness there, and a desire to go back into it. I thought, God, there is is again. I was determined not to get drawn in. The synchronicities began to change, from contact with my father, to words that were matching what was occuring between myselves and this consciousness, that seemed to be enforcing itself over my own. I knew that it was associated with 'Mackenzie of Greyfriars', because if I thought about leaving the train station, that was exactly where I wanted to go. I prayed that nothing 'weird' would happen and that I could just board the train to Glasgow.
The acute sense of presence, experienced on Edinburgh station, appeared to be creating a sense of reality around me, enforcing its will on the physical world. It was a black hole of consciousness, mesmerising and drawing everything, that did not have a firm foundation, into itself. I felt observed and about to be overpowered. My heart began to race. The wind blew along the cobbled grey streets. I wanted to get away from this place, as soon as possible. I was being drawn like a magnet, towards this awareness, that was larger and more powerful than my own. It was like a huge set of unblinking eyes were focused on me. I'd never come across anything like it before. But it felt like my curiosity, as to what this might be, was being used to draw me in.

Edinburgh Waverly Station, Edinburgh.
I sensed something dark and creepy, at Edinburgh Station and I was pleased to be getting on the train, to Glasgow. I was still confused regarding this place, both attracted to and repelled by it, as if I was being pulled in two directions. It was a dark rainy summer night, shop windows lit up, street lights aswirl in incoming fog, the screech of trains, arriving and departing and shining lights, reflected in the moisture of the old stone. It was a beautiful city, an intense and tragic place, so many secrets and so many questions. There was a 'presence' that had grown more powerful, the closer I got to the city. It was definitely related to Greyfriars kirkyard. It was large, meancing and all consuming, with a mind wide awake and focused on me and I knew it was best, that I left this city, as quick as I could. I didn't feel safe.
The Train From Edinburgh To Glasgow
Once on the train, I felt both relieved and disappointed, to be on the way to Glasgow. I looked out onto the darkening track, as we suddenly passed the sign: 'VOYAGER STOP'. It felt like a shout that rang through my mind. "VOYAGER! STOP!" I heard the words "Come Back, Voyager!" Voyager, was the name of our system of multiple consciousness. Somebody here knew that name and we were being told to stop, ie; not to leave Edinburgh. I/we had been indecisive, in regards to whether we would stay in Edinburgh or Glasgow. However, a decision had been made, to go straight to Glasgow, to complete the train journey all in one haul and to avoid any negativity associated with The Mackenzie Poltergiest in Edinburgh. Yet we could not shake the feeling that it was children, the many spirit children associated with Edinburgh, that existed both outside our body and psyche, who were calling us back.

Representation Of The Two Crosses, That I Saw In The Sky, Between Edinburgh and Glasgow.
As the train approached Glasgow station, I looked out into the evening sky, where a giant dark cloud was before the sun. The sky was a dark mauve, indicating the build up of a thunderstorm. The late afternoon sun, was still behind it, lighting the blanket of mauve cloud, to light mauve. In a gap in the clouds, that let light through, it looked like dad's face. But we passed a few trees and the image was gone. A second hole had opened up, along a flat mauve background, showing a fish that looked like Cod or Breame. This image then faded. We passed under a bridge and the cloudscape, was then further obscured by trees and structures. Once the sky was visible again, it had opened up at a number of points from the top, so that an intense white and golden light came pouring through. Beneath this downpour of light were two crosses hanging in the sky slightly to the right. I wished that my mother, was sitting next to me, on the train to view this. There was running writing to the left of the crosses that looked like the word 'glory'. The meaning that I got from this, was that the face was of dad, the fish was associated with his fishing, the crosses were dad and pop's and the light pouring down upon them was a blessing. I interpreted this, as the divinity of existence and that everything in the spirit was good and holy.

Glasgow Station, Glasgow. |