I Was Asleep In A Demonic Dream Amongst The Walking Dead. Jesus Sent His Holy Angels To Wake Me Up.
My testimony for Jesus Christ follows a series of supernatural events, that begin in Edinburgh, Scotland and that continue over a period of six months, from June 2009 until October 2009, including the events that followed shortly afterwards and then, throughout 2010 on an ex-mango farm in Eva Valley, Northern Territory, Australia.
After being stalked and attacked by two demon knights in 2009, I cried out to the Jesus of my childhood, accepting him as my Lord and Saviour, whereupon, I was saved by ministering and fighting angels of God, who led me to The Holy Bible.
It's so tempting too wander into a forest of dreams, full of the mysterious beauty of promise and bathed in an otherworldly light. I was deeply involved in the New Age Movement. I was deliriously happy. I was said to be leading an enchanted life. There were paths of never ending knowledge leading me deeper and deeper in.
My consciousness was elevated. I was embued with power. There were 'beings of light' to guide my every step. I was beholden to some sacred knowledge, the mysteries of the universe were opening up before me. My thinking was expanding and evolving. I was psychic, a medium, a channeler, a passive receiver and a blind interpretor of messages from an invisible world. How was I to know, that it was a deception, a lie, the snare of a soul hunter, who wrapped me so tightly in is cocoon of seduction, that I never noticed the metamorphosis that was occuring from the inside out, that now led me to Hell and eternal death. |
Dew-Drenched Furze by John Everett Millais, 1890.
But I was restless and anxious. I wanted answers to my questions. I wanted more from these 'beings of light' that they were prepared to give. I knew that the answer lay somewhere in the darkness. So I made my way to Edinburgh Scotland, where I was lured into Greyfriars Kirkyard, thereby coming into contact with something I had no concept of, who described himself as a knight, but who actually a demon.
There is a moment on the path that leads into a deep forest, where you begin to wake up. But by then, the darkness has grown so thick around you, that it's too late to find your way back. The root of death is eating you, from the inside out.

I Was Asleep In A Demonic Dream Amongst The Walking Dead. Jesus Sent His Holy Angels To Wake Me Up.
The demon who goes by the name of Mackenzie Knight, followed me back to Darwin, Australia from Edinburgh, Scotland. The Dragon was angry. Fighting in the spirit broke out around me and I began to be stalked and attacked. It was all turning negative and I didn't know what to do about it. I was still fast asleep in a demonic dream among the walking dead. I knew that the demon from Greyfriars Kirkyard, known as 'The Mackenzie Poltergiest' had followed me back to Australia. But I did not know that he was a demon. I viewed him as some kind of local ghost.
I knew that whatever spiritual relationship I had been involved in with my 'guides' was turning bad. But I didn't know that there was a fallen angel in my life as well. I didn't know that God himself had set our relationship up to fail. I only knew that I was in too deep and I didn't see any hope of rescue. I felt unable to defend myself against these 'spiritual forces' that entered into a shark like frenzie all around me.
When I look back on why everything has unfolded in the way that it did, I think that I was so deep in with the world and the devil, that it took something truly shockinhg, to wake me up out of the deception, or enchantment that I was under.
There is no one to turn to when being stalked by a fallen angel. There is no earthly army that can save you. Jesus Christ was my only hope. He was my only way out. I grabbed the life rope that he threw me with both hands and I held on for grim life.
Once I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour, I underwent a period of diabolical attack by a fallen angel [The Dragon] and demonic powers that were under his command. I did not understand what was going on at the time. I only knew that I was in terror of my life.
I made mistakes, such as taking on The Dragon in my own strength. Unbeknowns to me at the time, God had placed me in a situation of supervised diabolical attack.
The Dragon, of course, was relucant to let me go, after all the hard work that he had put into me over the years and therefore he took full of advantage of God allowing him his spiteful and dreadful access to my life. The Dragon used his time to stalk me, to mock me, to humiliate me and to slander me to God, while still trying to claim my soul as his property. He even tried to win me back, but it was far, far too late for that. |
I Felt Like The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Who Had Gone Too Far And Gotten In Too Deep. I Was Overwhelmed.
A veil was lifted from my eyes and everything simply fell away from me. My life was a lie. The only way I remained standing, was with Jesus firmly upholding me. I would not have survived what I did, without God's direct intervention and ongoing protection and guidance of his holy angel, sent to protect and minister to me.
The world of 'love and light' had come crashing down around me. I was now living in a Biblical reality. I had woken up from the dream of Satan's worldly deception, into the eternal truth, that is Jesus Christ. I was a child of The Most High God.
During 2010, while on the ex-mango farm in Eva Valley, in the Northern Territory of Australia, God [The Father] began to very slowly deal with me, in regards to my relationship with Him and what was to be expected of me, as a bride and servant to His only begotten son, The Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. God had known that I would end up in this wilderness before my birth and He knew exactly what to do.

The First Year That The Eva Valley Property Gave Up It's Mango Harvest, Some Of The Fruit Bore A Cross.
My first year on the ex-mango farm includes a period of seperating from the darkness and The Dragon and asking my first questions about Christianity and being answered by a holy angel of God, who guarded me against The Dragon and his demons, who are the deceivers of humankind. I was awe struck that real Biblical fallen angels and demons exist, that Jesus Christ is alive and very present to those who believe in him and that God, is not some new age force of loving universal consciousness, but that He is a spirit, to be worshipped in spirit and in truth, He's the God of The Holy Bible and that The Holy Bible is the Word of the living God. But The Dragon of my dreams was still hanging around and he wasn't going to give up on his prize without a fight. God allowed him to sift me like wheat and the next so many years out at Eva Valley, were going to be the hardest years of my life.
"God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."[John 4:24, The Holy Bible, KJV].

Twin Peaks - Falling (Julee Cruise). |