The Dragon Both Disguised And Revealed Himself, As An Angel Of Light, In Order To Win My Trust.
While I had accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, I was still acting as a medium, who was able to be accessed and communicated with, through mental telepathy, in conjunction with external objects. The photos of these book covers, were taken in rapid succession, on a bookstand, outside the newsagency in Casuarina Square. They were taken in a trance state over a period of about 5-10 minutes. I would then come out of the trance and walk off, forgetting what I had done and having no idea of/ or interest, in what I had photographed, that is until later, after transfering them to my computer. This is an example of how my guides [aka The Dragon] and I worked together. Here, I have presented them in chronological order and exactly as they appeared on the stand.

The Dragon and a representation of myself in his mind. As a child I was programmed with the ballet Swan Lake. I had a ballerina I used to watch in as jewel box and a white mouse. The word 'Angel' in the name 'Angelina' is no accident. The Dragon saw himself as the mind behind my performance. He loved to place me beside him, so that it appeared that we were coupled, as a pair. He also constantly defined who we were as individuals. He slandered me and disguised himself, taking on multiple identities - such as dark characters out of art and literature and then finally a hawk/ eagle. He then mimicked Mackenzie, after Mackenzie had returned to Edinburgh.

'Big Cats' and 'Dancers'. Self Explanatory. The Dragon's reference to Mackenzie Knight and Boots (who I now believe to be friends of his) who both represented as having the heads of large predatory cats - lion, tiger, puma, cat. I am an artist.

[Update 2014: 'Asking For The Moon', 'Chasing The Devil' and 'Dark Warrior Rising.' These are in reference to The Dragon [in his 'orb' or 'moon' form on the book cover], Mackenzie and myself. The Dragon saw me as asking for him, but then chasing Mackenzie and he then refers to Mackenzie's status as a fighting demon ie; a knight or a warrior. The Dragon was in a jealous rage over my interaction with Mackenzie and was basically accusing me of two timing.]

'Worthless' and 'The Inspirational Story of One Woman's Triumph Over Tragedy.' The Dragon was typically sardonic in his approach, as this was meant to be a reference to my own life. But he had created the tragedy and my fake triumph over it.
[Update 2014: There can be no triumph over Satan and the world unless through Jesus Christ. "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33, The Holy Bible, KJV]

'I Saw You. Darkly Different. A Past Filled With Secrets. A Future Filled With Fear. A Woman In A White Dress With An Eagle.' This is a good example of a multi-layered message, in that it was never just the most obvious thing to appear in the photograph, but also things on the periphery that worked in with the primary object.

'Abducted' and 'Mischief'. Here I was given the opportunity to select what applied to my situation. This happened occasionally, but not often, since I asked that my guides [The Dragon and his demons] be specific, so that nothing was left up to my imagination. In regards to this message, The Dragon was to refer to me as 'Mischief' at a later date. There were also several attempted abductions.

'NEVER SEEN AGAIN. It was love at first sight -- until she mysteriously disappeared. A ruthless lawyer [George Mackenzie]. Jeanne [Genie] and King [Demonic hierarchy].' This is how he had my mind working in regards to his intrusion into my thinking and the asssociations made between things.

'The Sleeping Doll.' The Dragon refered to me as his 'pet doll' amongst other things.

'Chris' [Christopher The Black Magician was one of the identities The Dragon took on when I was a child] and 'THE SECRET FRIEND' and '999' [Number for Fallen Angels in our vocabulary] and 'Let There Be Murder' [part of my programming that never came to fruition] and 999 [UFOs/ Fallen Angel].

'WRITTEN IN BONE' and 'Even the dead tell tales ...' and '999' [Number for Fallen Angels in our vocabulary]. The same book title that was photographed in Glasgow when I was channelling there.

'Wives and Daughters'. My mother and I were the two people under the most demonic attack, while at Rose Street in Liverpool, where we were visted by the shadow man. My father was already under oppression/ possession. The Dragon had tried to refer to himself as 'Harry' on and off, but I ignored it, so he changed tactics.

Maritta [Mari/Mary] and Wolff [Wolf]. Two more identities, used multiple times by The Dragon, to describe himself and myself in relationship to him. Plus '999' [Number for Fallen Angels in our vocabulary].

'CRYSTAL'. Multiple name and the name my mother was going to give me, until The Dragon influenced her to give me an oceanic name. People I do not even know [under the influence of The Dragon] will often refer to me as Crystal, rather than Coral.

'Tiger's Child. The story of a gifted, troubled child and the teacher who refused to give up on her.' Self explanatory and to me this is sardonic. I was born with autism and The Dragon [here posing as a predatory cat again], helped me to develop my creative skills. I have been refered to as a 'genius' on a number occasions, which is simply someone who is under the influence of a genie, jinn or a demon.

'They Really Are Watching You. PARANOIA'. I was warned by The Dragon on my way to have lunch with Kristin. 'YOU ARE BEING WATCHED.'

'THE FOREST OF SOULS.' A reference to one of my inner worlds which I have drawn and painted a number of times. Carla is a pseudonymn for the self of Sophie in our multiple system, who appears in a poem titled 'Carla Comes Home', which is about her relationship with Christopher The Black Magician [aka The Dragon].

'THE GOD SQUAD. The Best Selling Story Of Oe Child's Tiumph Over Adversity.' Self Explanatory and sardonic. [Update 2013: The God Squad is The Dragon bagging God's holy angels, who were ent to protect me and to minister The Holy Bible to me when I first got saved, whom he absolutely depised.]

'FLIGHT OF THE EAGLE.' [The Dragon adopted the identity of a hawk/ eagle in 2009. I am not sure why this is but I believe that it had to do with him posing as the god Hermes. [Update 2014: The eagle is an aspect of his cherubim nature.]

'WARRIOR. DARK AGE. SURRENDER YOUR DREAMS. TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN. YOU BELONG TO ME'. The Dragon was into sun worship and the Greek god Apollo. He also posed as 'The Phantom of the Opera' and the line, 'You belong to me' is from the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical of the same name. The Dragon had claimed ownership over me before my birth and subjected me to programming as a baby onwards, as part of his grooming process. The Dragon's plans were initially thwarted, when Jesus made himself known to me as a child and a connection was established between us.

'Grace','& Shadows' and 'Dark Angels.' Grace was Sophie's childhood name in our multiple system of consciousness. She was a self who was groomed by The Dragon to be his bride and later named Sophie [Sophia/ Persephone], as part of her program to be sacrificed to The Dragon and taken to Hell by him, as a trophy. [Update 2014: The Dragon must have known that this was not to be because Jesus says, "And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." [John 10:28, The Holy Bible, KJV]. Perhaps this applies to Dragons as well.
These programs are very hard to find and break, since they are designed to be hidden from whoever is conscious at the time, including the self who has been developed with that program in mind. A multiple system is similar to a single consciousness, but because there are multiple selves sharing one psychic plarform and one physical body, it would be considered complex by most standards.

'Ratcatcher' and 'You don't send a gentleman to catch vermin. You send Hawkwood.' The Dragon [posing as a hawk/ eagle] had a fight with Mackenzie Knight, whom he refered to as a 'black rat' and an 'old rodent'. They were fighting over me. When Mackenzie and Boots returned to Edinburgh, The Dragon then adopted Mackenzie's 'The Cat Man' persona and added it to his repertoire of false identities.

'The Dark Horse' and 'SCARLET VICE' [Scarlet is a self in our system of multiple consciousness] and 'OUT THERE' and an image shadow woman [matches the picture of a shadow man that we have stored on the pc as part of our search for the truth].

'NIGHT WARS' and 'Seducing Mr Darcy'. The 'Mr Darcy' or 'Heathcliff' persona, was one of the characters from literature that The Dragon used to represent who he was in human form.
[Update 2013: I look at this sequence of channelled photos, under the influence of The Dragon and write the captions over 3 years after they were taken. At the time of photographing, I was in a trance state, which allowed The Dragon access to my mind, so that he could direct my thinking. It occurred with my photography, when we worked together in the Australian outback, under the guise of 'art'. I was slowly turned from a channelling artist, an automaton, to be switched on by a mind greater than my own, but only with permission and only after plugging into him.] |