The Dragon Was A Wordsmith And He Mimicked The Holy Spirit. But He Was Still A Creature, A Creation Of God.
The Dragon was a wordsmith, amongst other things and he mimicked The Holy Spirit. He was as manipulative, as he was deceptive. But he was still a creature, a creation of God. Love was 'worship' in the spirit world and I now knew that there was nothing to 'worship' in him. The Dragon had given me his poison in a golden cup, but it was only for awhile that I drank, while God allowed me to taste the world and to form an emotional attachment to it. The Dragon had used my unguarded heart, in order to write many different forms of love poetry to himself. I found this unpublished piece of writing, that I had channeled from The Dragon, in my notes:
I found my beloved God in the darkest of places,
brothels, slaughterhouses, road kill and cemeteries,
the sunsets where each tree followed by shadow
had its own signature, a long life of thirst and flood,
finally swept into eternity, where, I know he wept
and the mind of the creator, is continually at work.
The sculptor of every cell, in webs of synchronicities,
the almighty was at work in atheists, sorcerers,
and the liars. Every holy holy of the slater, the lice
and blowfly, as heaven waited patiently by them,
to give every criminal and sufferer their freedom.
Come to him, to where he can touch your being,
or remain lost forever. We are all given the choice,
where the sun is divine, and the river sacred
and the rock the foundation, the tree revered
and the moon astonished, in a celebration of rain.
In my own lifetime, the sparrows sang gloriously
and all that had been destroyed was restored again.
God is the unseen dignity of the natural world.
He moves amongst us, the saviour of every heart
and he reaches into the suffering places, so that
one morning, one second, one moment away,
they are each beyond suffering. The sheep skull,
it was a beautiful stone in my hand, the heart
left by my beloved, once he reclaimed the lamb.
There are greater things than heaven, on earth.
This is all that he wanted me to know in my labour
and he is with me, he is with me, a witness to this.
He came to earth, he was killed, he rose in victory.
Our hearts all at once, both saved and shattered.
There is still love, in the darker signatures of God.
The Dragon was a natural wordsmith and the more under his influence I became, the more he carefully revealed himself, through my writing and particularly through my artwork. This piece of channeled writing is not 'good poetry'. It is simply a private note, between himself and myself, an example of Satan's 'new age', taking a turn into the darker woods of the faeries.
If you are involved in the new age movement, your spiritual eyes will grow slowly accustomed to a spiritual twilight, so that which was once dark, now looks like dawn, where darkness becomes the new light, that I refer to as the 'bright dark'. There is a different God [Zeus/ Satan] and a differet Jesus [Apollo/ Apollyon] operating on non-existent pages, just outside of the authority and truth to be found in The Holy Bible. They will seduce you with the promise of knowledge, while feeding your senses with half truths imbued with lies, as they bind your soul to the dying earth, where you will perish in Hell, alongside others who are perishing.

Satan's Legions And Their Followers, Voiceless At Last, Tragically Outside Of God's Will, Finally Consigned To Hell. |