"I Am The Way, The Truth, And The Life: No Man Cometh Unto The Father, But By Me." John 14.6 KJV
I've been working on my testimony in 'the valley of the shadow of death' [Eva Valley, NT], for over 4 years now. It is currently still in the process of being compiled, from hundreds of pages of notebooks, photographs, emails, artwork and memory, often being from 5 or more years past, when the events actually took place. Extracting the information, has been both time consuming and laborious. Writing from memory and being obediant to God, while under spiritual attack 24/7, has been extraordinarily challenging. In fact, writing my testimony has been the hardest project that I've ever undertaken, since I've been up against spiritual forces, who would have it otherwise.
Yet the ongoing assistance from Father and His Holy angels, has outweighed the attacks at every turn. When one turns to Jesus Christ, they are afforded spiritual gifts. My gifts have been the gifts of discernment and knowledge, probably because under The Dragon, these were the very things, that I was clearly lacking! But with these gifts comes responsibility and I have found this both a blessing and a burden.
For those who know my poetry, I have always been more concerned with content and truth, rather than technique and schools of creative thought. Therefore, while this testimony is structured in loose chronological order for coherency, it is more concerned with detailing a series of situations, than a plot restricted to a storyboard or timeline. It is for this reason that I have found that the discontinuous narrative, is best suited, for what I wish to achieve, in relation to the external events and internal struggles, that I experienced during this period. I would like to see each section as being it's own piece of art, a window into another place and time, that opens as the reader looks through it and then closes as the reader moves past it.
Being both autistic and artistic, I see the world around me in a very visual way. God has allowed me to use a variety of artwork and images, to better express what occurred, often leading me to eactly what I need to use at the time. Also, while the testimony has been written in hindsight, that is, after being saved, I place myself in the same mindset, to show my thinking, feelings and development as the actual events took place. The Dragon was also akin to leading me to various images, but with a completely different and diabolical purpose in mind, that being, to discredit God, to misrepresent Jesus, to disfigure God's holy angels and to lead me into sin.

"Father, You Are My Refuge And Strength, A Very Present Help In My Time Of Trouble!"
While accuracy is important to me, as it was when I was exploring the paranormal and writing the book, Walking With The Angels: The RSPK Journals, there will be times during this testimony, where the chronological timing is slightly out, small details inaccurate and / or details may be repeated, but in slightly different ways.
Sometimes I may come across notes written a number of times, [anything up to 8 times], where the details vary slightly, due to the multiplicity and the perception it affords and so it becomes a matter of finding the closest to what actually occurred, by considering all of the versions, that are often very similar and may be the same, except for a few details here and there, and then praying to God for rememberance.
Also I may take certain liberties such as introducing The Dragon, very early in the testimony, for the sake of coherency, when the reality was, that it took God and His Holy angels around 3.5 years, to reveal the fact, that I had been involved with a fallen angel, a cherubim, a dragon, a leviathan and this is written about in some detail, during the section titled, 'Revelation'. The slow revealing of my situation, occurred as I was able to mentally and emotionally cope with it. For someone who did not believe in Satan, did not know what a demon was, had never read The Holy Bible, and who thought that Jesus was the perfect human, there have been many occasions, during my development as a Christian, where I have been simply overwhelmned and unable to cope with the truth, at least for short periods of time.

Father Has Been Dealing With Me As A Multiple. He Knows What Is Best For Me/Us.
The creation of my multiplicity [MPD] and MK ULTRA programming by The Dragon, is not the focus of this testimony, but when necessary, to describe a situation accurately, or as it occurred, it may be referred to, since it is part of who I am/ we are. Both The Dragon and his demons and God Almighty and His Holy angels, have acknowledged the multiplicity and have interacted with, and dealt with individual 'selves', within the system of consciousness, on a psychic level, during dreams and visions and while fully conscious in the physical. The multiplicity, originally created by The Dragon, it is also important to my development, as a follower of Jesus Christ.
Father has taken me into the wilderness and has sent His holy angels to minister The Holy Bible to me and to protect me against Satan's forces. They have also assisted me through various tests, trials, tribulations and afflictions that God has allowed me to go through, as a back up or support group. This is particularly noticeable, if and when I grieve The Holy Spirit, in my times of weakness, of which there have been many ... It remains important at this time, that I have very little contact with 'the world', while I recover from my experiences and reestablish my relationship with Jesus Christ. This testimony, including the words that I write here, is a work in progress and I will update this brief Introduction as more thoughts come to mind.
In being shown the truth by God Almighty and in telling the truth that I have now been shown, God is glorified and the words of His only begotten son, Jesus Christ are carried by my body of death and corruption, as an eternal light of hope and salvation, into an ever darkening world, a world that is perishing. The only other purpose in writing this testimony, is to save lives, not in this present and perishing world ... but for all eternity. May God Almighty open your eyes to the truth, as my own eyes, have now been opened. [Mackenzie Knight, Coral Hull, 2014].

I Think She's A Lost Cause, Boss. Why Not Try The One Over There? That One Doesn't Know Jesus! |