From Earliest Conscious Memory I Knew That This World Was All Wrong And That I Did Not Belong Here.
Synchronicity As A Form of Communication
You might find yourself saying, "Oh, but that's a spam email." "Oh, but that's just an advertisement." "Oh, but they are just personalised number plates." And lastly, "Oh, but that's just a coincidence!" Fallen angels/ demons utilise all of these things. But it is the way in which they are utilised, the way in which the things (objects), are placed together in ongoing sequences, or the placing of two unrelated objects beside each other, in order to create a 'meaningful coincidence', is what I am refering to.
It is not the objects in themselves, but the timing of the events and the obvious responsiveness of the consciousness behind those events, that is important. The 'synchronistic occurances', will nearly always respond to a thought that I am having, or to a situation that is occurring in my daily life. We have to go beyond the object being utilised, and into the fallen angels and/ or demons very limited capacity to manipulate time, space, matter and to affect human consciousness, in regards to these so called 'meaningful coincidences'. While The Dragon was 'delighted' in my ability to attribute meaning to objects, and to notice patterns, which made their job easier, it was not just about my own consciousness. I did not create the scenarios. Nor did I strive to interpret them. The events came easily and often, affecting myself and whoever I was with at the time. Are these coincidences happening to you?

God Continued To Allow The Email Harrassment To Occur, As I Disengaged From The Dragon.
The manipulation of my external physical environment, in conjunction with my consciousness began in 2005, with 3 lots of triple digits [666]. It slowly developed into greetings, messages, observations and teachings by The Dragon. Repetition was important. The object of fallen angels, is firstly, to take our focus off Jesus Christ and to place onto the physical. Secondly, it is to have us rely on externalised signs, created by them, rather than to have faith in Jesus, regardless of what appears to be happening around us. Satan's forces teach us to rely on our senses, rather than our faith and to trust in our own resources, rather than God's will or plans for our lives.
If you are not a Christian, then one of Satan's jobs, is to make sure that you never become one, while his demonic forces remain hidden to you, at least while you are alive, in order to claim your spirit as trophy in Hell. It's mass murder by deception.
As for the 'meaningful synchronicities', they are nothing more than cleverly designed lures and snares, instigated to capture your attention, in order to excite your imagination and then lead you to nowhere. The more likely you are, to involve yourself, in following these breadcrumbs of inserted thought, coupled with external physical events, into the dark forest of the demonic, the more likely you are, to end up at the witch's residence. Just as the witch in Hansel and Gretal lusted after the flesh of those two children, so too, would Satan's forces devour you right now, if not for God's ongoing intervention. The difference being, is that they hunger for the destruction of your spirit and nothing excites them more, than a weak Christian.

As A New Ager I Loved All That Was Good In The World. So How Did I Explain My Black Heart?
Each time one focuses on outside influences with an empty mind, being in those mental states which are induced by practices such as yoga, trance and meditation, they are weakening their will, thereby allowing something else to gain access to their thoughts. The more passive and receptive we are, the more these synchronicities will occur. Demons need our permission to assist us in our self destruction and our interest in the unfolding of such events, grants them this permission. Either way it's a serious demonic snare, that ultimately leads the destruction of the human spirit.
In stark comparison, God's gift to us through the crucifixion and ressurection of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, has left us with the gift of The Holy Spirit that will dwell within us. God leaves us with The Holy Scriptures and allows us the choice to through many trials and tribulations to believe in Him through faith. Unlike the signs and mesmerisms of the demonic, The Holy Scriptures are truthful, practical and offer empowerment through the worship and reliance upon our creator. This strengthening of our imperfect nature into God's perfect will can only be done through Jesus Christ.
Multiplicity of Consciousness
In 2003, I awoke from a dream that had been my life to find out that I was not alone. I was sharing the psyche and physical body with between 20-40 different selves. Unlike Sibyl, whose psyche was filled with children, the psyche that I belonged to was characterised by a series of damaged babies and a plethora of much loved non-humans. This caused my first interest in otherworldly beings, and the closest that I could come, in describing these 'others', with whom I shared both psyche and body, were angels and faeries. It was more than just autistic persona, split personality or dissociation or any other layered affect. Many of us had grown up together within the body and were fully developed automous beings with large amounts of missing time.
In Satan's clinical terms, I would be considered a multiple personality or as someone suffering from MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder). But I prefer to refer to myself as a multiple, or, someone who shares the psyche and physical body with other selves. The system formed too early for integration and once we gained awareness as a system, we became highly protective of it. To date, there has been no intergration.

Early Artistic Representation Of My/ Our Multiplicity Alongside Demonic Spirit Orbs.
Speaking as a multiple, "It was in deep distress and dismay in 2009, on becoming a born again Christian, that a majority of 'selves', either fled or were expelled from the psyche. They being the non-human entities known as demons. In 2010, we were to find out that we had been developed, in response to trauma, inflicted upon the psyche by these interdimensional beings [fallen angels and/ or demons] as a baby. The resultant trauma, left as a series of severely traumatised babies, as stepping stones into the haunted psyche, that we came to call home. By 2012, the multiplicity had been reduced by 50%, but a number of demons were still knocking at the door.
These days the door is kept closed and if it is to be answered, it will be answered by The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. There is no longer any room in this psyche for the adversary or for invading non-human entities. While still multiple and each self working through their deprogramming, we are now all fully human. In order to simplify the text when introducing new information and complex interaction between myself and the entities, I have found it best to restrict my speaking to first person narrative, that being, as if there is only one person involved, at any given time.
Early Programming by Interdimensional Beings
Whenever fallen angels and/ or demons are involved, there is always more than just one. Once the system was able to correctly deal with the knowledge, The Holy Spirit revealed to us that we had been created and programmed by The Dragon, who inflicted severe and ongoing trauma upon the psyche, in accordance with the distress we experienced, within our immediate environment. Our multiplicity was trauma based and also involved a degree of programming [in this case it was MK Ultra], allowing The Dragon and his demons, to make better use of us as individuals, for Satan's purposes later on. As a system, we were subjected to grooming and/ or training, with each self able to be triggered The Dragon, in order to fulfil whatever task was required of us at the time and that was just the basic programming.

Email from The Dragon In Spam Form, Sent From My Own Email Address, But From Another Computer.
As individuals we are alot more complex than that, each operating at certain degrees of co-consciousness and memory and skill sharing with other individuals within the same system of consciousness. The adversary had specific plans in mind for me (us).
This is not to say that the programs (many in contradiction to each other) would not be influenced by God. But it was a matter of calling into being each self, in order that at some stage, during the lifetime of this physical body, that we fulfill our intended purposes. Considering that most within this system are shy teens and children, these programs lay beneath the selves, who shared both body and psyche, hidden from each other until the awakening, once the body had reached its late thirties." This is an example of speaking as a multiple, over writing as one person.

The Dragon Mocked Me With This Advertisement, In A Note Handed To Me By A Chemist.
After thinking to myself that it had always been my choice, The Dragon mocked me with this advertisement, in a note handed to me by a chemist, featuring a hybrid baby and a one-eyed (dagual) baby. While The Dragon believes that it is still his choice to program human beings, especially 'selected' infants into multiples via psychic trauma and subsequent splitting, to then be used for his purposes later in life, what he seems to be forgetting, that he is only the landlord of this world, and not God Almighty the creator, and that his short lease on Earth, is about to expire.
Furthermore, he does not seem to account for is direct interference in his plans by the The Holy Spirit. It sometimes leads me to wonder if The Dragon has forgotten that the crucifixion and ressurection of Jesus Christ ever happened to begin with, so that his ownership over those who choose to accept this gift, is null and void.
Satan would not only have you forget Jesus throughout your life, so that you die unsaved, whereby you are immediately counter claimed by demons within his own perishing kingdom, but he would have you believe that he does not exist, and nor has he ever existed. While you may have forgotten God, given over to the delusion of this world, your creator has not forgotten you, having lovingly counted every hair on your head as valuable to Him, and the free gift of redemption, the invitation to be saved by grace, through His only begotten son Jesus Christ, exists while you live.
Ending Generational Ties
My family on the Scottish side, were involved in Scottish freemasonry and the clan of the Mackays were associated with the Sinclairs, who apparently had involvement with the KnightS Templar. I have little interest in delving any deeper into this than I already have, only to say that the demons who owned and influenced my family for how ever many generations ... well, it stops right here, once and forever after this.
Aside and apart from ancestral or bloodline claims, that still seem to be being made by Satan and his fallen angels, it only takes one family member to begin dabbling in the occult via mediumship, psychic readings, tarot cards, meditation, yoga and the likes, in order to allow demons rights into that family. Therefore any involvment in the occult is at a high cost to both the living and then, especially to any unsaved deceased. I have heard of demons working through mediums, who predict that a family member will have a serious accident or die, weeks later. When this happens, can you guess who, or rather what invisible forces, may have been involved in making sure that it happened as predicted? Fallen angels wait like vultures, ready claim the spirits of the unsaved, upon physical death. It is no wonder that a loving and righteous God, under no circumstances, desires that we place ourselves into bondage to the adversary, who was a liar and a murderer from the beginning, through dabbling in occult practices, designed by Satan's fallen angels/ demons to begin with.

Fallen Angels Wait Like Vultures, Ready Claim The Spirits Of The Unsaved, Upon Physical Death. |