The following words are an example of a way that Mackenzie Knight was represented to me. While it was meant to draw me deeper into his web of deception, by evoking my sympathy and attachment to him, sometimes 'they' had underestimated me, and so these little mistakes also helped me to start to understand how different we were, how many worlds [or dimensions] apart we lived, and even an adolescent thought from somewhere in the system on how I would never be with a 'man' like this, since in our group mind, there was no distinction between the physical and spiritual world.
As otherworldly as my thinking had become under the possessing spirits, these small insights were enough to start to pull me up out of the enchantment that I was under, where my life was no longer my own, but a magical dream with the false promise of unlimited knowledge and potential, menaced and stalked every moment by them. I had never wanted negative interaction and was disappointed that our relationship had taken a turn for the worst. Furthermore, that any continuing interaction with Mack & Co. meant that my soul was always being pulled in two directions, towards the darkness and the light, which was the very first sign of being slowly torn apart.

The description [above] was delivered as a website that was placed amongst 'My Favourites' on my computer, and which was then deleted, once I had read it. The website also had the text of a viagara spam email embedded into it, which was one of their 'calling cards', as I had been receiving this spam since 2005 with various communications in the subject line. [Update 2013: These are actually lyrics from a 'death metal' band. What amazed me about Mackenzie and Co. [The Dragon] is that they not only knew all the lyrics to popular songs, but that they could possess the people who worked within music industry at whim, they could affect electronics and they very likely had worked through the artists who wrote and performed this music. It was their music and their industry, not ours. These were complex and malicious intelligent interdimensional beings of many deceptions and self representations.]
In my journal I wrote the following:
... Mackenzie presents himself as GOD, Lion, Apollyon, Abbadon, Samael, Adonis, the Black Knight and in human form, where he expressed his suprise that someone like him would even be interested in me. Mackenzie is the magician, the copycat, the chameleon, and the grand impersonator, emotionally reactive, malevolent, a thief of destiny and destroyer of human souls. Even while he poured his heart out, he was always one step ahead of himself, operating as a dynamic multiple consciousness. I couldn't help but feel him always testing me out, reading my thoughts, watching my response, calculating my every move, action. And when he wasn't there I assumed he would be off tormenting someone else. My guides have described him as being on a CONQUEST, that for him involved conflict, war, winner and loser. He admitted to being an expert in human psychology, having studied human beings for a 'very' long time ...
... We can seek to understand the psychology of the 'enemy' predator, but with a demon or a psychopath, we can only go so far, until their pattern of interaction, with fear and malice as the foundation, becomes repetitive and predictable. God Love is the force that evolves the universe. Psychopathy is an absence of God Love. Even when highly evolved, ancient, intelligent, powerful and magical, without God, the only path can be one of de-evolution, chaos and destruction. Will we become enchanted, mesmerised and distracted by the many Fairy Land routes that all lead to the one destination? As society becomes saturated with these forces and people give their minds and souls over to them, danger, torment and imprisonment will seem more and more like home to them, and Satan a father they are returning to, and waiting for them, his offering: eons of non-development, a soul imprisoned, despised, disrepected, tortured, controlled, a life lost and being torn apart for an eternity ..."
Footnote: 29/09/09: As I wrote this piece, I received pin pricks to most of my body and crawling along my skin and beneath my hair on my scalp. I aso heard the low gutteral growling of an animal that sounded cross between a very large cat and a dog out on the verandah. These are Djinn illusions - a combination of black magic and poltergiest phenomenon designed to create fear which is then fed upon and utilised. Mackenzie Knight wants to abduct my consciousness (soul) after murdering my body.
Short cuts, deep wounds, I came here to meet my doom. Dead words, bleed soon, now I see my doom is you. I beg and pray that life can hear what death does say. Still they crawl, still I scream, a thousand words canīt make those stabwounds heal. A shorter cut, a deeper wound, so letīs twist the knife to make it all through. Like the knife in my back, stabbing me but I keep the track, I wonder if these stabwounds ever heal, down, like the knife in my back, stabbing me but I canīt be wrecked, I wonder if these stabwounds ever heal. |
I was shown the above image, that was meant to represent the situation, that Mackenzie Knight was in. In this image he was a man, even though he had presented as having the head of as large predatory cat. I do not know who sent me this image. It may have been The Dragon or it may have been Mackenzie Knight himself. Often it was too hard to tell who was doing what. In this image The Dragon [serpent] had a strangle hold on Mackenzie, where the light from above, seemed painful to him. |