Orbs and headstone at Greyfriars Kirkyard. This longer shaped light may be an orb that has blurred due to movement. I include it because it is opaque and the other orb behind it has not blurred. But it does not feel like Mackenzie Knight. When I look at his projections, I get a sense of being watched by 'the light' from everywhere at once. I don't get that with these spirit orbs. |

Mackenzie Knight's light projection appearing on top of a large green orb that is coming out of the ground in the Covenanters' Prison. It feels like he wanted my attention drawn to this orb. One of the tour guides for Black Hart Tours, who is also a Medium, told me that they were getting alot of orbs coming out of the ground showing up in photos. When I asked him why he thought that was, he said that it may have been the aniversary or birthday of someone who was buried beneath, remembering that thousands of people are buried beneath this graveyard. I am not sure about how many are buried in the Covenanters' Prison in Greyfriars, which is where this was taken. |

Mackenzie Knight's light projection alongside a few floating orbs, appearing to watch people on the late night Black Hart Tour, as they are about to enter The Black Mausoleum inside the Covenanters' Prison. My camera flash is lighting up the grass. Aside from that it is now dark. |

Mackenzie Knight's light projection appearing to watch me, amongst numerous orbs, as I left Greyfriars Kirkyard after the second late night Black Hart tour. I did not notice this until I was back in Australia, and read that demons are experts at light projections. If enlarged there are a few 'faces' in this photo and a light rod, appears to be hanging in one of the house windows. |
This photo is an enlargement of orb with 'face' in the middle. The next photo is of the 'light rod' in the window. There may be an explaination for 'the rod', so I've included the enlarged version. |

This website is part of my personal testimony and has been guided by The Holy Spirit and written in Jesus' name. |