The above photo shows a spirit in orb form within the black fog of Mackenzie Knight as he moves around inside George Mackenzie's Tomb. I was concerned in regards to this situation. |

Mackenzie changes his form and I notice that a second orb in spirit form is in the photograph. |

There was no shortage of spirit orbs in Greyfriars Kirkyard. The entire city of Edinburgh was infested with demonic activity. Not understanding this at the time, I still sensed something wrong, because I prayed to God to keep me safe, so that I would not die in this city. I was not Christian. I had not read The Holy Bible. But I had the oddest feeling that I was at the borders of Hell. It seemed interdimensional, as well as physical, as if I could somehow just step through. |

Mackenzie Knight's light projection alongside a few floating orbs, appearing to watch people on the late night Black Hart Tour, as they are about to enter The Black Mausoleum inside the Covenanters' Prison. My camera flash is lighting up the grass. Aside from that it is now dark. |

Mackenzie Knight's light projection appearing over the top of a green orb that is coming out of the ground in the Covenanters' Prison. It feels like he wanted my attention drawn to this orb. One of the tour guides for Black Hart Tours, who was also a medium, told me that they were getting alot of orbs coming out of the ground showing up in photos. When I asked him why he thought that was, he said that it may have been the aniversary or birthday of someone who was buried beneath, remembering that thousands of people are buried beneath this graveyard. I am not sure about how many are buried in the Covenanters' Prison, in Greyfriars, which is where this was taken. |

The demonic spirit orbs seemed to attach themselves to people on the tour group run by Black Hart Tours, so that they moved with the group. It seemed like they were vampiric in nature, attaching themselves to the energy or aura of the person. A demon was later to describe me as 'being saved' in the following way via an email that he sent to me, "...revived the milked cow." Again, this would suggest that these demonic spirit orbs are, in fact, a form of energy vampire. |

Two spirit orbs that followed the tour group looking on. When the group moved they followed. When the group stopped so did they, as though they were in conversation with one another. |

The spirit orbs then followed the tour group, as they moved on, through Greyfriars Kirkyard. |

The above shows light play from a camera flash on what I think is the gate to The Covenenters' Prison or an entrance to a tomb. There are circular shapes caused by the light. However, I also believe that there are two tiny spirit orbs in this photo as well, due to their outline and texture. |

Mackenzie Knight's light projection appearing to watch me, amongst numerous orbs, as I left Greyfriars Kirkyard after the second late night Black Hart tour. I did not notice this until I was back in Australia, and read that demons are experts at light projections. If enlarged there are a few 'faces' in this photo and a light rod appears to be hanging in one of the house windows. It might have been a floodlight, but I cannot remember a light being on the wall of these buildings, and there is no light reflected onto the wall beneath this light. Furthermore, this same light projection can be seen in other photos taken on the same night where there are not any lights. |

This large ochre orb followed me from Greyfriars Kirkyard up the street as I headed towards the motel. I don't like the idea that this may have been floating around above my head while I slept. But many orbs, in fact thousands of orbs, were to follow me after my experience in Greyfriars Kirkyard and I was later refered to, by a demon, as ... 'The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest.' |

This website is part of my personal testimony and has been guided by The Holy Spirit and written in Jesus' name. |