Mackenzie saw himself as having claws and as being in pursuit of me.
Playing Cards With Devil
Fri, 11th Sept, 2009. It was late Friday afternoon. I had just came out of my weekly massage with Mickfit. I had been talking to him about my situation. It had helped me to talk and he was open minded, finally commenting, "I'm pleased that it's you and not me!" I said to Mick before I left, "I want to contact the tour company. I don't think I'll use the photos. I know what it's like to be a freak." I was concerned that the tourists were harrassing Mackenzie and upsetting him unnecessarily. Having been born with autism, I knew how it felt to be treated like an outsider, like you weren't fully human ... In my mind I equated Mackenzie's situation with my own. Of course, Mackenzie did not have autism. He more reminded me of all the creatures of the movies, The Elephant Man, or Edward Scissorhands or The Hunchback of Notradame.
But he was more than that. He was an other worldly being. Perhaps even the last of his kind. I drove away from Mick's in a relaxed but concerned state of mind. However this was soon short lived. For as I drove back towards Nightcliff from Malak, I noticed the number plates on the cars surrounding my own. It was like playing cat and mouse in the traffic. At the same time I could not help but be fascinated by it.

Another Email Sent To My Address From My Address With The Incorrect Date.
First of all I noticed that cars with [911] began to surround me on the road. I was tired of being stalked and having the environment around me manipulated in this negative way. He was an unwanted presence in my life. I suddenly became very upset. I thought, If you want to kill me, then why don't you just kill me then. Get it over with. I paused, on the verge of tears. I thought, all I am is a toy to you. Then a car drove by with the plate [BIG TOY]. He was saying that he was my 'BIG TOY' because I was playing with him too. So he was my 'big toy' and I was his 'little toy'.
But I didn't want to play ... This was all well out of my league. Also, I was sulking because for the past 4 years or so, I had slowly built up this communication, with whom I thought were my own guides, and I had never been attacked and stalked like this before. I felt as if something sacred had been desecrated and that the garden of Eden had been entered and I had lost my innocence in this world. Human society was evil, but I was unable to see the angelic spirit world as being evil. But Mackenzie just seemed to barge into my life and my communication with my own guides and then walk right over the top of everything, ... while they had now gone strangely silent.

While I still felt sorry for him, I was tired and I feeling defeated. He could do things I couldn't do. He kept things from me. When I walked into the Darwin GPO there was two books side by side right near the service area where I would see them. The titles were 'MR. STRONG' and 'LITTLE MISS NAUGHTY'. This was followed by a sign on the bus next to me 'You are Being Watched', that coincided with a song that came on the radio: "Come a little closer. I can feel you watching." He was wearing me down with his bright-eyed and focused limitless energy, that was now focused on me. How dare he communicate with me! Get away from me, I thought back at him, just get away.
I Was Shown Two Keys ...

I decided to drop into the Nightcliff Post Office on the way home. While standing at the counter inside, I saw a white key hanging in front of me. It had a card deck on it. I picked it up. I focused in on the ace of spades. It was the same card that I had been given at Greyfriars Kirkyard, while visiting with Black Hart Tours - the death card. I was then told to go behind the cardboard flap in front of me on the Australia Post counter and to select a second key. I lifted the cardboard and there was a single blue key with white print on it. It said: I HAVEN'T LOST YET. Then I saw flickering flashes of white light. It felt like one reality overlaying another, as though their world were somehow breaking into this one, and that it all had to do with consciousness. When the other world impinged, this one became distant. While I remained aware of this reality, I was also tuned into another reality, that I could perceive simultaneously. I was distressed after viewing the second key. But then I looked to my left and saw:

I laughed out loud in the post office. Hah! That's right, I thought, Return To Sender. So he had a sender?! I came out of the Post Office and as I unlocked the door of my 4WD I got inside, considering what to do next, I felt this pulling inside to go down to the beach alone. I felt that it was a dangerous thing to do, but that I would do it regardless. It seemed so easy just to go with this feeling, ... to go with the flow.
As I closed the car door and looked up, everything appeared to suddenly fade out around me, so that I was focused on my windscreen. At that moment a bus pulled up in front of my car and stopped, displaying its message like a cinema screen for my private viewing. Along the entire length of the side of the bus, was a non-smoking advertisement and in large black letters the following words appeared to glare at me:

In my mind I heard the words, ... KEEP GOING AND YOU WILL DIE ... which is how I remembered this advertisement. This stopped me in my tracks. It was like angels had just shouted at me. I froze in the car. I was told there would be danger to my left. I leaned over and locked the door as a violent alcoholic who had been stalking me for several years, moved within inches of where I sat. Then I kind of paniced. It was becoming too much for me. I just ... didn't know what to do. Everywhere I went, everything I did, he was there ... waiting for me ... as a cat. I backed out of the parking space, and as I was driving out of the parking lot, I turned to my left and noted a sticker on the back of a rear window: 'GOD BLESS THE FREAKS'. Oh no, I thought, he had been listening to what I had said to Mick and he was angry. I could feel it. It had an intelligent sarcastic tone to it. God Bless The Freaks ... He was refering to what I had said to Mick and what I had said, or the 'blessing' I had given, back at Greyfriars Kirkyard. I felt bad. I hadn't thought he would be listening in. I had obviously insulted him. It seemed I couldn't do anything without making him angry.

The Dragon Sent Another Email To Me, With The Subject Line Addressed to Mackenzie.

"Royal Palace Group" and "Group Of Freaks." The Royal Palace is in The Royal Mile at Edinburgh.
It's A Talking Cat - Meow Do You Do?
I went to The Greek Club that my friend Marie and her husband Andrew ran. Once inside, I looked up and saw a large material hanging with the word HELLAS sewn into it. It was positioned directly above the entrance to the club. I immediately focused on the word HELL. When I looked down to a table in front of me, I saw a copy of the NT NEWS and there he was again, featuring on the front page ... as a talking cat.

Aside from the talking cat, there were numerous references on the same page:

The word 'knight' was there twice. [UPDATE: 2011: The reference to Bella Mack refered to himself and myself in partnership. Bella is the main character from Twilight whose heart is torn between two demon lovers. In 2011 I had two cars pass in front of me. The first one had [BELLA] on the plate and the second one had [CAT].

'Mischief's vocabulary' was a direct reference to a conversation we (as a multiple) had with our mother on the phone only days before. These words were spoken in a similar start stop fashion as there was a teenager or child [from the system] in shock, and squeaky voiced about the situation that we were in with regards to Mackenzie. He was refering to me as 'Mischief'. These were how the words were said on the phone.
A Voice That Stood Above All The Others
Once I had seen the headlines, I could barely speak to Marie, except to whine a few words, "I can't get away ... everywhere I go, he does this, ... I am tired of this shit." Marie could only look on. Her facial expression said, "Coral, ... you are losing it."
It was true. I was tired. I had paniced. I had gone to her for a bit of support. But what could she do? No one could do anything. It seemed like the faster I moved, the more I seemed to enter into an ever increasing and ever strengthening web of his communication. The synchronicities were multiplying and occurring within seconds of each other. It used to be great when my guides/ angels were involved. But I had no inclination to play hunter and prey in a reality labyrinth run by a giant tarantula. It was like being in The Matrix and perpetually turning down a series of prearranged dead end streets, with a message from him, waiting for me, at the end of each one.
But this was another voice, an older more established voice that operated in my life. I had suspected that there was more than one involved, but it was something that I just couldn't face in the moment. So I chose to blame Mackenzie for everything that was happening. It was like the very reality that we operated in, was designed by his mind, and that he pre-empted everything. I was exhausted. He never slept. He was wearing me down. I just didn't get it. I didn't get him and I didn't get this situation.
Then, as I glanced at the corner of the newspsaper, I saw the words 'still only', while

inside my mind, I heard one overiding thought that stood out above all the others:
Be still? This wasn't him. This was another one. Okay, I thought, I'll do it. So instead of going down to the beach, where my mother had been afraid that I would be found dead, after making contact with UFOs, I went back to the unit. I turned off the radio where they had been contacting me through the songs, either by changing my perception of them or hypnotising the DJ. I blocked or deleted all email address that he was using to contact me. I turned the computer off. And then I sat on my bed and I simply stopped moving. I started to breathe and the feelings of panic and of being tempted to go down to the beach subsided. There was no movement. There was no synchronicities. There was no contact. Wow, I thought, see, they needed movement for the communication to take place. They needed me to keep moving and focusing and interacting with the physical world. But if I stopped doing that, if I just remained still, like this, then they couldn't contact me. I suddenly felt secure, as if the idea had been my own, and that I had simply been guided in order to draw this conclusion.

YouTube Clip: Be Still and Know, Steven Curtis Chapman, Speechless.
[UPDATE 2010. When I was told to 'BE STILL' I thought that I was being told to stop moving, it in order to end to the synchronistic communication. I found the words almost a year later, in The Holy Bible. It was then, I realised what they had meant.] |